AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency
101,124 news found

AirportsAirports. Brussels-Zaventem, yesterday took place the recording evidence in presence of one of the bomber
Paris, France - Today the news that Mohamed Abrini, main suspect in the attacks, has carried out the reconstruction of 22nd March facts working with authorities
Yesterday took place the recording evidence to reconstruct the dynamics of the attacks at Brussels-Zaventem Airport on 22nd of March (see AVIONEWS) in the presence of Mohamed Abrini, the main suspect in... more

AirportsEgyptAir aircraft (3). First French investigations targeted "Charles de Gaulle" Airport workers
Paris, France - Even if there are not defined tracks, concerns for airports security it's rising after yesterday's facts
French authorities have started to investigate the possible causes of the A-320/232 EgyptAir aircraft accident, including that of an explosive device placed on board on the flight from Paris to Cairo departing... more

IndustryALA acquires UK based STAG Group
Naples, Italy - Roberto Scaramella, CEO: "It is a key step for our international growth"
ALA (Advanced Logistics for Aerospace), Italian specialist in distribution, logistics and service provision for the aerospace industry, today announced it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire the... more

Finance and economyFraport AGM 2016: good figures for fiscal year 2015
Frankfurt, Germany - Good traffic growth in Frankfurt
At the Annual General Meeting (AGM) held today at the Jahrhunderthalle Frankfurt, Fraport AG’s executive board chairman Stefan Schulte explained to shareholders the progress achieved during fiscal year 2... more

AirportsAirplanes. Catania airport: Munich, new destination from next May 31
Catania, Italy - The route for the new base of the airline in Germany is added to those to Amsterdam and Paris
Transavia increases in Catania with the launch of the new flight to Munich from next May 31. The link is added to the connections to Paris and Amsterdam, and is included in the airline's expansion strategy... more

AirlinesUkraine International Airlines launches flights between Ivano-Frankivsk and Venice
Rome, Italy - They will be served by an Embraer 190 in two cabin classes
June 16, 2016, Ukraine International Airlines will launch non-stop scheduled services between Ivano-Frankivsk and Venice. Therefore, the carrier will offer passengers to reach four destinations from the... more

IndustrySaab unveiled Gripen E airplane
Linkoping, Sweden - Five Nations currently operate Gripen
Defence and security company Saab unveils Gripen E, next generation fighter airplane. Over previous versions of the aircraft, E has a significantly improved avionics system. The capability to carry more... more

Press releaseWHO. Zika virus expected to spread in Europe in late Spring and Summer: overall risk low to moderate
Copenhagen, Denmark - The Organization will convene a regional consultation in Portugal on 22–24 June 2016 to examine the conclusions
The overall risk of a Zika virus outbreak across the WHO (World Health Organization) European Region is low to moderate during late spring and summer, according to a new risk assessment published today... more

Finance and economyAirplanes and results. Italian ENAV: 1Q2016 revenue and Ebitda growth driven by recovery of air traffic
Rome, Italy - Interim Management Report for the quarter ended March 31, 2016 approved by the BoD
ENAV SpA (Italian Air Navigation Service Provider) ’s Board of Directors, held today under the chairmanship of Franco Ferdinando Falco Beccalli, approved the Interim Management Report for the quarter e... more

AccidentsPlanes. Egyptair (9) organizes a crisis unit for the parents of the victims
Paris, France - Flights for Paris to Cairo and support for the families in Egypt
Egyptair launches a crisis unit for the parents of the victims that lost their lives in the accident of today that involved an A-320 aircraft with 66 people on board. Consternation dominates these persons... more

AccidentsAircraft. The route of EgyptAir MS804 flight before disappearing (8) -VIDEO
Paris, France - In "Flightradar 24" tracking can be seen all the stages before its vanishing from radar systems
The website "Flightradar 24" provides a global monitoring service on flights departing and arriving and provides real-time information on thousands of aircraft worldwide. Below the video that traces... more

AccidentsCommercial aircraft EgyptAir A-320 disappeared (5) the Egyptian government confirms the crash into the sea
Paris, France - "Found MS804 flight wreckage near Karpathos Island", Hollande said: "We can't exclude terrorist attack"
Just now the news of A-320 EgyptAir flight MS804 wreckage finding after its disappearance (see AVIONEWS), the news was released to the media in a flash: "Found flight MS804 wreckage near Karpathos island".... more

AccidentsCommercial aircraft EgyptAir disappeared (2). On the expert Troadec behalf probable hypothesis are: bomb explosion, suicide bomber or missile
Paris, France - Cairo authorities are working close to Paris'. The Egyptian foreign affairs minister comments: "We cant' exclude anything"
The Egyptian foreign ministry said the government is working closely with the French authorities to carry out a more thorough investigation after the disappearance of the aircraft EgyptAir MS804. The prime... more

AccidentsAirbus on Egyptair flight MS 804 loss of aircraft (3)
Toulouse, France - The A-320 airplane had accumulated approximately 48,000 flight hours
Airbus regrets to confirm that an A-320 operated by Egyptair was lost at around 02:30 am (Egypt local time) today over the Mediterranean sea. The aircraft was operating a scheduled service, Flight MS 804... more

Press releaseAirplanes and protests. Ryanair calls on EU to finally take action for closing Europe's skies
Milan, Italy - By the French ATC strike, yet again
"Ryanair, European airline, called on yesterday the European Commission to take action to prevent the skies over Europe being closed yet again by French ATC unions striking tomorrow, the 5th French strike... more

AirlinesAircraft and carriers. A restyling of Alitalia staff uniforms: from the Fontana sisters to Ettore Bilotta
Rome, Italy - On the 18th of May was presented the new dress collection of the Italian airline
During the event of yesterday 18th of May in Rome at "Rome Life Hotel", "Alitalia our joy to excellence", where President Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Vice-President James Hogan, the Chief Executive Officer... more

AccidentsEgyptAir aircraft accident (7): Egypt opens an investigation
Paris, France - Egyptian authorities did not reject the terrorist attack hypothesis
A few minutes ago that the attorney general of Egypt called for a public investigation for the disappearance of the A-320 airplane, MS804 flight of EgyptAir (see AVIONEWS). The Egyptian authorities have... more

AccidentsEgyptAir informs about airplane diseappeared on Paris-Cairo route (4)
Cairo, Egypt - The airline denies misleading information published by websites and on the social media channels
EGYPTAIR denies all misleading information published by news websites and on the social media channels regarding the reasons of the disappearance of its flight MS804 and the company confirms that the reason... more

Military aviationAircraft and defense. Sri Lanka won't purchase Chinese-Pakistani JF-17
Sri Jayawardenapura, Sri Lanka - Postponed the decision about the agreement because of India's government pressures
The problem of making Sri Lanka a strong nation in South Asia is a delicate task that the current president Sirisena seems to want to deal with an iron fist. In order to militarily enforce a country small... more

Military aviationLybia need aircraft and helicopters to fight the jihadist advance
Tripoli, Lybia - USA could lift the permanet ban on arms sale that weigh on Tripoli
World powers could decide to arm the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA), which has requested military aicraft supply to fight the jihadist advance on its territory. United States would be willing... more

Civil aviationAirplanes and strikes: today 15% of the flights cancelled at Paris-Orly
Paris, France - Due to the protest of the entire public service
The French civil aviation General Direction (DGAC) unveiled that strike announcements have been filed for that concerning the entire public service in the context of the national day of protest by interprofessional... more

AccidentsCommercial aircraft EgyptAir A-320 disappeared from radar systems on its route Paris-Cairo
Paris, France - The airplane was flying at 37.000 feet when vanished with 56 passengers and 10 cabin crew members on board
Last night the EgyptAir flight MS804 has vanished from radar systems on the route from Paris to Cairo, carrying on board 66 people from France, Egypt, Great Britain, Belgium, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia,... more

AccidentsEgyptAir accident airplane (6): it started to veer suddenly right before vanishing
Paris, France - A-320 turned 90 degrees to the left and then veered 360 to the right
The Greek Defense Minister reported earlier today that the disappeared EgyptAir aircraft (see AVIONEWS) before falling has "Suddenly" started to veer to the right and to the left and then vanished from... more

AirlinesAircraft and airlines. Alitalia presented the results of the industrial relaunch plan
Rome, Italy - During the meeting of yesterday18th of May new targets for 2017 have been launched
"Alitalia our joy to excellence" is the event that took place yesterday, 18th of May, in Rome in order to present the results and the future targets of the industrial relaunch plan of the Italian airline,... more

Military aviationMilitary aircraft. British Typhoon intercept russian airplanes near Estonian borders
London, UK - A IL-20 Coot-A and two Su-27 Flanker fighter jets were identified as they flew across the northwest of the Baltic country
A Coot-A and two Su-27 Flanker were intercepted by the British Royal Air Force (RAF) as they flew near the northwestern border of Estonia. Only Tuesday the British air force had identified five Muscovites... more

DefenseDrone aircraft. NATO keeps running military training along Russia borders
Moscow, Russia - The Kremlin responds with new defense arms: combat vehicle equipped with mini-drones
NATO is continuing its military training along Russia borders, but the Kremlin responds by deploying new weapons on the territory. United States, Germany and the United Kingdom from the beginning of May... more

Civil aviationCivil airplanes. Russia will have new Irkut MC-21
Moscow, Russia - The commercial medium-range, twin-engined aircraft will be presented by the producer on June 8th
It could be ready a new line of Irkut MC-21: the medium-range commercial aircraft will be presented by the manufacturer Irkutsk Aviation Plant on 8th of June. Irkut is a Russian aeronautic corporation... more

Fair and showsHelicopters. "HeliRussia 2016" will take place from May 19 to 21
Moscow, Russia - Russia has more than tripled its production during last 10 years
9th International Helicopter Industry Exhibition "HeliRussia 2016" will be held in IEC “Crocus Expo” (Moscow, Russia) from May 19 to 21. It is the largest European and the only Russian exhibition tha... more

Military aviationMilitary aircraft. The naval model of an Indian fighter jet has completed its flight tests successfully
New Delhi, India - The Tejas prototype built by Hindustian Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has passed 33 flight tests
Hindustian Aeronautics Limited (Hal), an aerospace Indian corporation held by the government and controlled by the minister of defense, based in Bangalore, has completed successfully a Tejas LCA (Light... more

AirportsAirports. Saudi Arabia is going to privatize 11 airports within 2020
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - The news comes from Saudi Arabia civil aviation, that announces an expense of 10 billion dollars to realize the project
Saudi Arabia is planning to privatize 11 airports by 2020: yesterday came the news given by a general authority executive of Saudi Arabia civil aviation (Gaca). The international airport "King Khalid"... more

CuriositiesAirplanes. The biggest European airport is located in Spain
Teruel, Spain - Many B-747s store in Teruel waiting to fly again
Teruel, a small city of Aragona, in Spain, hosts the biggest industrial airport in the world. Here different planes, mainly B-747s are waiting to take off again. Some of these need maintenance, other... more

AirportsBerlin Airports: growing passenger numbers
Berlin, Germany - More than nine million passengers in the first four months
In April 2016 a total of 2,604,218 passengers took off and landed at the Berlin airports Schönefeld and Tegel; 8.2 per cent more than in April the previous year. 900,342 passengers were recorded in Schönefeld (... more

HelicoptersAirbus Helicopters highlights its EMS capabilities at "HeliRussia 2016"
Marignane, France - The industry will showcase H-135 in Emergency Medical Services configuration and H-160 mock-up on the company’s booth
Airbus Helicopters will participate in the international helicopter industry exhibition "HeliRussia 2016" held in Moscow on May 19-21. In February 2016 the industry and Ural Works of Civil Aviation (UWCA)... more

IndustryFAA approves Embraer's Sorocaba service center in Brazil
São José dos Campos, Brazil - It followed the recent certification granted by the EASA
The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certified Embraer Executive Jets’ service center in Sorocaba, Brazil, today for maintenance of the company’s complete business jet portfolio. The approval fol... more

OccurrencesAirplanes. Increasing aiming of laser pointers at aircraft
Cape Town, South Africa - This year the Civil Aviation Authority of South Africa has received 105 reports
Since the beginning of the year South African Civil Aviation Authority has received 105 reports of laser aimings against aircraft, most of which occurred in Durban and Cape Town and at the week-end in... more

AirportsHamad International Airport achieves record passenger numbers in 1Q2016
Doha, Qatar - Qatar’s airport served a total of 30.9 million passengers in 2015 achieving a 17% year-on year increase in passenger figures
Hamad International Airport (HIA) has served a record 8.8 million passengers during the first quarter of 2016, making it the busiest quarter for the airport since its opening in May 2014. This represents... more

SecurityAirplanes. Ryanair flight headed to Manchester evacuated at Oslo, two passengers arrested
Oslo, Norway - Authorities assumed they had had suspicious behaviours
Ryanair flights departing from Moss-Rygge Airport of Oslo in Norway and headed to Manchester, was evacuated yesterday by the police of the county of Østfold because of two suspicious passengers who were... more

IndustryVitrociset wins prize at the "Sofex 2016" event in Jordan
Rome, Italy - It was awarded for the "Integrated Combat Training System", the new solution for the training of armed forces
Vitrociset, an Italian company, active in the integration of complex systems, in security, training and logistical support in areas such as defence, national security, space and transport, has won an award... more

Science and technologyMalta International Airport chooses company for IT operations management
Rome, Italy - Agreement paves way forward to a future-proof airport
Malta International Airport has entered into a strategic partnership with global air transport IT specialist SITA which is geared towards boosting the airport’s operational excellence and putting it a... more

ConferencesItaly. Catania Airport: workshop by WHO
Catania, Italy - Held at the meeting room of the "Norma" area
The two day international seminar of the European Office of the World Health Organization (WHO) "Interregional Workshop for Tuberculosis Control and Care among Refugees and Migrant Populations” held a... more

AirlinesAirplanes. Emirates adds a further link between Dubai and Bangkok from next July 1st
Dubai, UAE - The route will be served by a B-777/300ER aircraft
Emirates today announced its seventh daily service between Dubai and Bangkok starting from 1 July. The additional service, which will be operated by a B-777/300ER aircraft, will help meet growing passenger... more

Military aviationAircraft and defense. First interference mission carried out by Royal Air Force (UK) in Libya
Sirte, Libya - Yesterday the city of Sirte was was obscured for 40 minutes by a "Jamming strike" of British Rive
Yesterday the city of Sirte, Libyan stronghold of the self-styled Islamic State, was obscured for 40 minutes by a "Jamming strike" of British Rivet equipped with VHF and UHF transmitters that have disturbed... more

AirlinesEmirates to launch third daily flight to Cape Town, South Africa
Dubai, UAE - From next July 4
Emirates announced that it will introduce a third daily service between Dubai and Cape Town from 4th July 2016, operated by a B-777/300ER airplane. The new service will supplement the two current daily... more

AirportsLiverpool Airport gears up for mass exodus of LFC fans to Basel
Liverpool, UK - In the occasion of the Europa League Final next Wednesday
Management and staff at Liverpool "John Lennon Airport" (LJLA) are gearing up for what is likely to be the Airport’s busiest day of the year next Wednesday as around 2,700 Liverpool fans fly out to Basel a... more

AirportsHamburg Airport: three new routes to France
Hamburg, Germany - Maiden flights to Marseille, Lyon and Bordeaux served by ASL Airlines France
The French airline ASL Airlines France is launching three new routes between Hamburg and France. The airline today celebrated the maiden flights on its new services to the major French cities Marseilles... more

AirportsAirplanes and environment. Aci Europe and post COP21: more airports than ever working to reduce their CO2 and impact on climate change
Brussels, Belgium - The full results for year 7 of the programme will be released in Athens in June during Annual assembly
ACI EUROPE and Post-COP21, more airports than ever working to reduce their CO2 and impact on climate change. The highlights are: · 157 airports worldwide are currently certified at one of the... more

IndustryAirplanes. CALC new Toulouse office further supports Group’s global strategy
Hong Kong, China - Last year the lessor set up its office in Dublin
China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Limited, one of the largest independent aircraft operating lessors in China, announced the opening of its new office in Toulouse. Located at Cap Constellation in Blagnac,... more

IndustryAirplanes. US Naval Test Pilots School to use Leonardo-Finmeccanica E-Scan radar
Edimburgh, UK - It will equip C-26 aircraft
Leonardo-Finmeccanica has secured a contract which will see it provide the Vixen 500E AESA radar for the United States Naval Test Pilot School (USNTPS) in Patuxent River, Maryland. The contract, signed... more

CargoCathay Pacific and Lufthansa Cargo enter joint business agreement
Frankfurt, Germany - Numerous benefits to customers from joint network between Hong Kong and Europe
More direct connections, greater flexibility and time savings combined with service enhancements: these are just some of the benefits customers will enjoy thanks to the cooperation between the cargo division... more

Finance and economyAutogrill: the BoD approves the interim management report to 31 MArch 2016
Milan, Italy - The period saw good revenue growth in airports, the most important channel for the Group
Meeting yesterday, the Board of Directors of Autogrill SpA examined and approved the consolidated results at 31 March 2016 Results for 1st quarter 2016 - Consolidated revenues: € 962m vs € 893.5m in... more