1,934 news found

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy Easter to everybody
Rome, Italy - The agency will regularly open next Tuesday, April 22, 2014
AVIONEWS informs subscribers, readers, and social network fans that the Agency will be closed next April 21, in the occasion of the Easter Monday. The normal diffusion of the news will start again next... more

MiscellaneousEurofighter launches "Amateur photo competition 2014"
Hallbergmoos, Germany - The competion will run until the end next September
Europe’s Amateur aviation photographers from around the world will soon have the chance to get ‘up close and personal’ with the world’s most advanced multi-role fast-jet fighter as part of a unique prize p... more

MiscellaneousFinmeccanica and Italian MiBACT sealed an agreement for technologies and services for Pompei
Rome, Italy - Through its companies, Selex ES and Telespazio
The Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism (MiBACT) and Finmeccanica have sealed an agreement whereby the Group will donate innovative technologies and services for monitoring and protecting... more

MiscellaneousIndia report: Public Interest Litigation filed into Sindhuratna tragedy
New Delhi, India - Two officials lost their lives and seven persons were injured in the accident on the submarine
A Public Interest Litigation (PIL) was filed during the past hours in the Indian Supreme Court, asking for a Court-monitored probe into the tragedy of the INS Sindhuratna, and a compensation of 10 million... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes everybody a Happy Epiphany
Rome, Italy - The Agency will open next Tuesday, on January 7, 2014
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers, readers, reporters and fans of Facebook that the Agency will be closed next Monday, in the occasion of the Epiphany. The diffusion of the news will start again... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes everybody a Happy New Year
Rome, Italy - The Agency will regularly open next Thursday, January 2, 2014
AVIONEWS wishes a Happy New Year to its subscribers, readers, reporters and Facebook fan. The Agency will regularly open next Thursday, January 2, 2014 with the normal publication of the news. The... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes everybody a Merry Christmas
Rome, Italy - The Agency will open next Monday December 30, after a short break
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers, readers, reporters and Facebook fans that it will be closed on Friday 27, in the occasion of the Christmas holidays. The Agency will regularly reopen on Monday... more

MiscellaneousAlso Israel wants its "Air Force One" aircraft
Tel Aviv, Israel - The airplane would be at the Prime Minister's and the President's disposal
The Israeli government approved the creation of a committee which will have to assess the possible purchase of an aircraft tyo be used for the flights of the Prime Minister and the President of the Middle-Eastern... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS celebrates the All Saints' Day
Rome, Italy - The Agency will open again next Monday, on November 4, 2013
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers, readers and fan of Facebook, that it will be closed tomorrow, on Friday November 1, in the occasion of the All Saint's Day. The Agency will start again the... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy Feast of the Assumption to everybody
Rome, Italy - The agency, after a non-working week, will open on Monday August 19
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers, readers and Facebook fans that it will be closed for four days next week, in the occasion of the mid-August holiday. The Agency will regularly open on Monday... more

MiscellaneousEASA: technical publication of Part-21 and Air Ops consolidated rules
Cologne, Germany - Part-Ora to come soon; ADR rules planned in early 2014
Part-21 (35 pages) consolidated rules have been published in the Technical Publications format and can now be purchased from the EU Bookshop on the Technical Publications webpage at http://easa.europa.eu/technical-publications... more

MiscellaneousWWF: a tax on aircraft tickets in order to protect climate
Zurich, Switzerland - Switzerland has been requested to take this measure
WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature), the main world organization which defends nature and animal life, in a yesterday note officially requested Switzerland to introduce a tax on aircraft tickets in order... more

MiscellaneousEADS donates EUR 500,000 for flood victims in Germany
Munich, Germany - The company is transferring the money to the local Red Cross
The European aerospace group EADS is donating € 500,000 to the victims of the catastrophic floods in Germany. The company is transferring the money to the German Red Cross, which will organise how it i... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a happy International Workers' Day
Rome, Italy - The editorial office will be on holiday
AVIONEWS communicates that tomorrow, due to the holiday for the International Workers' Day, the editorial office will be closed. Of course, in case of particular and unexpected events, the Agency will... more

MiscellaneousEads and Airbus: donation to earthquake hit Ya’an city in South western China
Toulouse, France - Also Eurocopter also contributes to disaster relief operations by its helicopters
Airbus and its parent company EADS have donated a total of RMB 4 million (about US$ 647,200) to the earthquake hit area of Ya’an, Sichuan province, in south west of China via the National Development a... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy Easter to everybody
Rome, Italy - The Agency will open again next Tuesday April 2
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers, readers and Facebook fans that will close for the week-end in the occasion of the Easter period. The Agency will restart the regular diffusion of the news next... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy New Year to everyone
Rome, Italy - The Agency will open again next January 2, 2013
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers, readers and fans of Facebook that it will be closed next Monday December 31, for a short break of the year-end. The agency will regularly open next January... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes everyone a merry Christmas
Rome, Italy - The agency will reopen on Thursday 27 December
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers, readers and Facebook fans that on Monday 24 December it will not be operational because of the Christmas holidays. After the break, the agency will reopen on Thursday... more

MiscellaneousFinmeccanica to be the technology partner at "EXPO 2015" for the Safe City & Main Operation Center platform
Milan, Italy - It will provide innovative solutions to guarantee integrated security and surveillance for the event
The Finmeccanica Group will be the technology partner of "Expo 2015", the Universal Exhibition to be held in Milan from 1st May to 31st October 2015, for the Safe City & Main Operation Center platform. The... more

MiscellaneousTo the sky and back: Felix Baumgartner's heroic deeds (VIDEO)
Roswell, USA - "Sometimes you have to go up really high to realise how small you are"
"Trust me, when you stand up there on the top of the world, you become so humble. It's not about breaking records anymore. It's not about getting scientific data. It's all about coming back home": that... more

MiscellaneousTreaty on Open Skies: Russian aircraft to fly over the United States
Moscow, Russia - For the same reason, British inspectors will fly over Russia
A group of Russian inspectors will carry out some observation flights in the airspace of the United States on board of a Tu-154 MLK-1, on the basis of the Treaty on Open Skies: Moscow's Ministry of Defense... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a pleasant mid-August holiday to everyone
Rome, Italy - The agency, after a one-week break, will reopen on Monday 20 August
AVIONEWS communicates to its readers, subscribers and Facebook fans that it will be closed for holidays during the next week. The Agency will restart to publish its news on Monday 20 August. The... more

Miscellaneous25 July 2012: twelfth anniversary of the Concorde aircraft crash
Rome, Italy - The accident marked the beginning of the end for the supersonic airplane
Twelve years ago, at 4:45 pm, the Air France Flight 4590 crashed in Gonesse, little French town close to Paris-Roissy airport, from where the plane took off a few minutes before. It was the beginning of... more

MiscellaneousNeedle sandwiches on Delta Air Lines aircraft: responsible search goes on
Amsterdam, Netherlands - The police reduces the number of suspects
The affair of the needles placed into six turkey sandwiches served on board of some Delta Air Lines aircraft departing from Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport (AVIONEWS) could have a responsible soon: the Dutch... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS celebrates tomorrow the bank holiday of Rome's patrons Saints Peter and Paul
Rome, Italy - The agency will open again next Monday, July 2
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers, readers and Facebook fans that tomorrow, on Friday June 29, 2012 we will be closed in occasion of the Saint Peter and Paul public holiday. The agency will open... more

MiscellaneousTomorrow, 2 June, is the Italian Republic Day
Rome, Italy - Celebrations will be more moderate than usual as a form of respect to the Emilia earthquake casualties
Tomorrow, 2 June, the Italian Republic day will be celebrated. It is an occasion celebrated for the first time in 1948: two years before, on 2 June 1946, the referendum made to decide the form of government... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS celebrates Italian public holiday
Rome, Italy - Happy holiday to everyone
Tomorrow is a public holiday in Italy and the AVIONEWS newsdesk will take a well-earned break. Happy holiday to all of our Italian readers. We'll back with full news coverage on Thursday 26 Apr... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy Easter to everybody
Rome, Italy - The Agency will open again next Tuesday, April 10, 2012
AVIONEWS wishes a Happy Easter and Easter Monday (heralding of peace, serenity and harmony) to its readers, subscribers and Facebook fans. The Agency will open again next Tuesday, on April 10, 2012. Have... more

MiscellaneousContract notice: s-Hertogenbosch ( Netherlands): aerial photography services
's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands - Provincie Noord-brabant
TI Title NL-'s-Hertogenbosch: aerial photography services ND Document number 101928-2012 PD Publication date 30/03/2012 OJ OJ S 63 TW Place 'S-HERTOGENBOSCH AU Authority name Provincie Noord-brabant OL Original... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS returns to normality
Rome, Italy - After technical problems linked to the weather
The editorial office informs that after the technical failure linked to the abundant snowfalls of these days, that have prevented the publication of news last Friday February 10, 2012, the problem has... more

MiscellaneousRumors and aircraft: from Colognola noise pollution to next Sabelli resignation
Bergamo, Italy - Short press from Italian aviation
In Bergamo, in front of a super exposition to nuisance due to Bergamo-Orio's airport, ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Administration) started again countermeasures to safeguard the small city of Colognola,... more

MiscellaneousBankruptcy of the airline Avianova to be discussed next 27 January at the Moscow Arbitration court
Moscow, Russia - Flights suspended since last October
Last 12 January, the agency that controls the Russian Air Force cancelled the certificate of the Russian carrier Avianova, low-cost airline based in Sheremetyevo Airport (formerly Moscow-Vnukovo airport),... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS: technical problems
Rome, Italy - News publication will start as soon as possible
AVIONEWS communicates that due to technical problems, it was not possible to publish our news as usual, causing some delays. News will be published as soon as the problem is solved. The Agency apologises... more

MiscellaneousTechnical problems for AVIONEWS
Rome, Italy - News publication will start as soon as possible
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers and followers that due to independent and unforeseen events, today's news' publications will be available later than usual. Normal publication will start as... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy Epiphany to everybody (VIDEO)
Rome, Italy - The Agency, after a long week-end and the conclusion of the holiday period, will open again next Monday
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers, readers and recent fans of Facebook that will be closed tomorrow, on Friday 6, on the occasion of the Epiphany. The Agency, after the long week-end and at the... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy New Year to everybody
Rome, Italy - The Agency will regularly open next Monday, on January 2, 2012
AVIONEWS wishes a Happy new Year to its subscribers, readers and new Facebook fans. The Agency, after a short week-end between 2011 and 2012, will regularly open next Monday, January 2, with the normal... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy Christmas to all
Rome, Italy - The news agency will be operational next Tuesday after the long festive week-end
AVIONEWS informs its subscribers, followers and the several new Facebook fans that the news agency will be closed for the long festive weekend. The Agency will be regularly operational as from next... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a happy long week-end for the Immaculate Conception
Rome, Italy - The news agency will reopen next Monday, 12 December
AVIONEWS would like to advise its subscribers and followers that it will be closed on Friday, 9 December following tomorrow's celebration of the immaculate Conception. The news agency will reopen next... more

MiscellaneousItalian Navy crew members at the J24 World Championships in Argentina
Rome, Italy - From 11 till 19 November
The J24 crew of the Italian Navy has flown to Argentina to participate in the World Championship to be held between 11 and 19 November. The team will compete on board the "La Superba", and will represent... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a Happy All Saints’ Day to everybody
Rome, Italy - The agency, after a short break, will begin again the normal activity on Wednesday November 2nd
AVIONEWS communicates to its subscribers and readers that will be closed next Monday, October 31 on the occasion of the All Saints Day on Tuesday, November 1st. The agency will start again the normal... more

MiscellaneousFloodings in Rome: AVIONEWS in difficulty
Rome, Italy - We are doing our best to re-connect
AVIONEWS informs its readers and subscribers that because of a violent storm that struck Rome last night until morning, causing flooding and landslides, today's publication of news will be very difficult.... more

MiscellaneousIATA organises paid internships all over the world
Montreal, Canada - Monetary compensation provided
IATA -International Air Transport Association- has organised a paid internship open to students from all over the world who will apply through the corporate website www.iata.org; internships are open to... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a mid August period to everybody
Rome, Italy - The Agency after a week of break will open regularly on Monday 22
AVIONEWS communicates to its readers and subscribers that will be closed, for the Summer holiday, from August 16 to 19. The Agency will regularly open on Monday 22 with the normal diffusion of the news. The... more

MiscellaneousAruba: another block in which also AVIONEWS has been involved
Rome, Italy - It's the second of the year, after that one caused by a fire at the end of April
Aruba, one of the main Italian providers, has had a new block -which has impeded the normal publication of our news, making seize up the websites of a number of companies, including AVIONEWS. The situation... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS celebrates tomorrow Rome's patrons, St. Peter and St. Paul
Rome, Italy - The news agency, after one day of break, will reopen regularly on Thursday, June 30
AVIONEWS unveils to its subscribers and readers that tomorrow, on Wednesday, June 29, on the occasion of the Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, Rome's patrons, will remain closed for a short break. The... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS wishes a good Italian Republic's Day
Rome, Italy - The news agency will regularly re-open on June, 3rd
AVIONEWS informs its subscribers and readers that today, Thursday June 2nd, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Italian Republic, the news agency will remain closed for a short break. Tomorrow... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS blocked by a technical failure
Rome, Italy - The regular publication of the news will come back as soon as possible
We apologize to our subscribers and readers, but due to a technical failure, not depending by AVIONEWS, we can't provide the regular publishing service of the news today. The spread will resume as soon... more

MiscellaneousAVIONEWS celebrated its 11 years of activity
Rome, Italy - The news agency began last Saturday its second year of the second decade of life
Eleven years have gone since the foundation of AVIONEWS, rich in facts and news that signed positively or negatively the first two five-year periods of the new century. Some of these, now that time has... more

MiscellaneousFire in Aruba blocks hundred of thousands of sites, including AVIONEWS
Arezzo , Italy - Links being restored
A fire starting in the room where there are mounted the uninterruptible power paralyzed much of the network: thousands of websites have gone haywire, including AVIONEWS, due to overheating that broke out... more

MiscellaneousEC accused of having provided misleading information during the crisis of the air traffic in last April
Bruxelles, Belgium - A statement had implied that there would be an automatic refund in case of baggage delay
The European Commission (EC) was accused by the European Ombudsman Nikiforos Diamondouros, to have provided incorrect information when last year, in April, the volcanic ash cloud has led to a crisis the... more