Government acts
1,424 news found
Government actsAirplanes. Italian parliamentary act on Ryanair case, verification of EASA actions and rest cadences of flying staff
Rome, Italy - Presented by the Honourable Basilio Catanoso (FI)
"The Italian Honourable Basilio Catanoso (FI) has presented a parliamentary act addressed to the Prime Minister, to the Infrastructure and Transports Minister, to the Foreign Affairs and International... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on workability by helicopters abroad outside of the certified heliports/airports
Rome, Italy - By honourable Basilio Catanoso (PdL)
"The Italian honourable Basilio Catanoso(PdL) asked to the Infrastructure and Transport minister, to know, granted that: the Italian aircraft company Hoverfly received in the first days in September... more
Government actsAirplane and helicopter accidents: heavy sanctions for aircraft operators
Rome, Italy - The government is prepared to wait a few days after the deadline
Further in-depth examinations on the law which sets the sanctions for who omits to report accidents or incidents in civil aviation have been required. Several operators of the airport sector have sent... more
Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on State aid in the aircraft cargo sector
Strasbourg, France - By Mario Mauro (PPE)
"Question for written answer P-005785/2012 to the Commission Rule 117 Mario Mauro (PPE) Subject: State aid in the aircraft cargo sector The ‘private investor in a market economy’ principle ori... more
Government actsAlitalia, Tatarella: to intervene for the reclamation of MD-80 abandoned in Rome-Ciampino
Rome, Italy - The European Honourable (Futuro e Libertà) Salvatore Tatarella has presented a Parliamentary question
"Question for written answer E-002891/2012 to the Commission Rule 117 Salvatore Tatarella (PPE) Subject: Use of asbestos in aviation and reclamation of old airplanes Asbestos is a mineral... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question about Finmeccanica order for radar and helicopters to Panama and presumed maxi-bribe
Rome, Italy - By Senator Elio Lannutti (IdV)
"To the Italian Foreign Affairs, considering that on January 23, 2012, the President of Panama Republic, Ricardo Martinelli, has published on internet a letter signed by Massimo Pugnali, Finmeccanica manager,... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on Finmeccanica's operating management level reorganization
Rome, Italy - By Senator Elio Lannutti (IdV)
"To the Italian Economy and Finance Minister, considering that: according to that results to the interpellant, a heavy reorganization is ongoing into the Group of the societies controlled by Finmeccanica,... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question about displacement of the NATO-NCISS of Latina in Portugal
Rome, Italy - By Honourable Americo Porfidia (Misto)
"To the Defense Minister. To know, considering that: it was in 1952 when it was installed the territorial air defense center coming from Latina Scalo airport. During the years the center has been transformed... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary inquiry on many assignments operated by Antonio Mastrapasqua
Rome, Italy - Presented by MP Antonio Borghesi (IdV)
"To the Prime Minister, to Minister of Labour and Social Politics. - To Know - granted that: with the suppression and absorption of INPDAP by INPS the president Antonio Mastrapasqua starts to operate... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question about US tactical nuclear bombs deployed in Italy and in Europe
Rome, Italy - By Senator Elio Lannutti (IdV)
"The Italian Senator Elio Lannutti (IdV) has presented a parliamentary question addressed to the Defense ministry to ask to know: if results to Government which are reasons for which matter of presence... more
Government actsItalian parliamentary question on 5th freedom rights to Singapore Airlines on the Milan-Malpensa/New York route
Rome, Italy - By Senator Luigi Vimercati (PD)
"The Italian Senator Luigi Vimercati (PD) asks to the Infrastructures and Transports and Foreign Affairs Ministers, considering that: following to the de-hubbing of Malpensa served by Alitalia in March... more
Government actsItalian parliamentary question on Air Alps' crisis
Rome, Italy - By Honourable Gianluca Benamati (PD)
"To the Infrastructures and Transports Minister. To know, considering that: Air Alps is a regional airline based in Innsbruck, Austria; this carrier operates also in Italy and links airports like... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on Alitalia-CAI economic recovery and on merger with Air France
Rome, Italy - Presented by honourable Pierfelice Zazzera (IdV)
"Addressed to the Minister of Economic Development. - To know - given that: as reported by the press, the competition and market authority has started an investigation to ascertain the market effects... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on Guarguaglini's severance pay
Rome, Italy - Presented by honourable Emanuele Fiano (PD)
"Addressed to the Minister of Economic Development. - To know - given that: In recent days several prominent newspapers reported the news that the former CEO of Finmeccanica, Guarguaglini, should perceive... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on the survivors of the An-24 plane crash in Verona 1995
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Laura Froner (PD)
"Addressed to the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport. - To know - given that: on December 13, 1995 an Antonov 24 aircraft owned by the Romanian company Romavia, chartered to Business Jet Srl of... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary motion on Fifth Freedom rights of Singapore Airlines on Malpensa-New York flights
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Marco Giovanni Reguzzoni (Lega Nord Padania)
"Addressed to the Chamber of Deputies, Given that: Singapore Airlines has requested to operate the Milan-Malpensa/New York connection, this would allow the carrier, (arriving in Italy and proceeding... more
Government actsItalian parliamentary question on the 5 million Euros severance pay given to Guarguaglini (ex-Finmeccanica)
Rome, Italy - Presented by Senator Elio Lannutti (IDV)
"Addressed to the Minister of Economy and Finance - Given that: on 1 December 2011, Pier Francesco Guarguaglini, who had been at the top management of the first Italian company in the defense sector,... more
Government actsItalian parliamentary question on the list of journalists that Finmeccanica would have "Involved"
Rome, Italy - Presented by Senator Elio Lannutti (IDV)
"Addressed to the President of the Council of Ministers and Ministers of Economy and Finance and Justice - Considering that from press releases, a network of favors and corruption at the center of... more
Government actsMotion on the Defense appropriations and the blocking of the F-35 JSF aircraft programme
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Augusto Di Stanislao (IDV)
"addressed to the Chamber, Given that: the problem of the Italian military spending, becomes more significant if placed in the context of the of the international financial crisis which triggered... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary interpellation on the freezing of the payment of the severance pay to Guarguaglini (ex-Finmeccanica) and on salaries and compensation to public participated companies
Rome, Italy - Presented by Senator Marco Perduca (PD)
"Addressed to the Minister of Economy and Finance - Given that on several occasions, members of the Government announced that by virtue of the sacrifices demanded by the current economic scenario, waste... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on Guarguaglini's (ex-Finmeccanica) severance pay and financial compensation to the Board of Directors
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Maurizio Turco (PD)
"Addressed to the President of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Economy and Finance. - To know - given that: following the severance pay given to the resigning Finmeccanica President, Pierfrancesco... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on removal of Marina Grossi from Selex Sistemi Integrati (Finmeccanica)
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Antonio Di Pietro (IDV)
"Addressed to the Minister of Economy and Finance. - To know - given that: on November 19, 2011, the Public Prosecutor of Rome ordered three arrest warrants in an investigation concerning the assignment... more
Government actsInterpellation of initiatives that the government should take on Finmeccanica's management
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Antonio Razzi (PT)
"The undersigned requests to ask the Minister of Economy and Finance, to know - given that: recent press articles on business and bribes in relation to companies of the Finmeccanica Group which appeared... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on Alenia's restructuring plan, potential investigations, big deficit and commissioning of top management decisions
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Elio Lannutti (IdV)
"Addressed to the the Minister of Economy and Finance - Given that Alenia Aeronautica, of which Amedeo Caporaletti is President, is a subsidiary of Finmeccanica, the group controlled by the addressed... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question regarding the sale or removal of Finmeccanica companies in Liguria
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Michele Scandroglio (PdL)
"Addressed to the Minister of Economic Development. - To know - given that: the press has informed about the serious financial crisis that has hit Finmeccanica, mainly due to the significant losses... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on the degrading of Catania's airport to second level
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Basilio Catanoso (PdL)
"Addressed to the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, the Minister of Economy and Finance. - To know - given that: the airport of Catania is of vital importance for civic and economic development... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on military spending and the acquisition of F-35 aircraft
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Augusto Di Stanislao (IdV)
"Addressed to the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. - To know - given that: with only two Decree-Law issued between July and September (Decree-Law No. 78 ratified by Law No.111 of... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on Israeli F-16 aircraft activities in Decimomannu (Sardinia)
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Augusto Di Stanislao (IDV)
"Addressed to the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Health. - To know - given that: On November 14, 2011, '' published an article entitled 'Italia, la base delle vergogna'. The news... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on Finmeccanica Group contracts signed with Panama, the gift of Italian patrol boats, the links between Pozzessere and Minister Mulino
Rome, Italy - Presented by Senator Elio Lannutti (IDV)
"Addressed to the Ministers of Economy and Finance and Defence - Given that: In June 2010 the President of the Italian Council of Ministers Silvio Berlusconi and President of the Republic of Panama... more
Government actsItalian parliamentary question on NATO air-ground missiles that disappeared from Libya, a threat for aircraft and helicopters
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Emanuele Fiano (PD)
Addressed to "The Minister of Defense. - To know - given that: according to press reports, around 10.000 NATO air-ground missiles have disappeared from from a store in Libya; as reported by the German... more
Government actsItalian parliamentary question on the Navy's operations in Libya in support of ENI
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Maurizio Turco (PD)
"Addressed to the Minister of Defense. - To know - given that: last 20 October, on the website of the Ministry of Defence, a statement entitled 'Libia, la Marina militare in supporto all' Eni' (Libya,... more
Government actsItalian parliamentary motion regarding the "Sale" of the industrial heritage Alenia (Finmeccanica) and the transfer of its sites to the North
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Antonio Di Pietro (IDV)
"The Chamber, given that: Alenia Aeronautica, a subsidiary of Finmeccanica SpA, is the largest Italian company in the aeronautical field and the most advanced structure in its market sector worldwide; the... more
Government actsItalian motion about ASI, Space exploration and Cosmic project
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Mauro Pili (PDL)
"The Chamber, Given that: the new Italian technologies for human space exploration represent a particularly innovative system for the country which could be an interesting development opportunity... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question regarding the involvement of Italian Armed Forces with Gheddafi's death
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Maurizio Turco (PD)
"Addressed to the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Foreign Affairs. - To know - given that: on 22 October 2011, the newspaper 'Il Resto del Carlino' published an article entitled 'Raid contro Gheddafi:... more
Government actsItalian parliamentary investigation related to industrial plans of Selex Elsag (Finmeccanica Group)
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Antonio di Pietro (IDV)
"Addressed to the minister of economic development, the minister of economy and finance. - To know - given that: Selex Elsag SpA is an Italian company leader in defense electronics and telecommunications,... more
Government actsItalian parliamentary question on Alenia' s new restructuring plan and the transfer of employees from the Roman site to North Italy
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Vincenzo Maria Vita (PD)
"Addressed to the ministers of Economy and Finance, Economic Development and Labour and Social Policy - To know, given that: according to press reports, the new plan of Alenia Aeronautica SpA, a company... more
Government actsItalian parliamentary question on the industrial restructuring plan of Alenia-Finmeccanica and branches situated in Tessera, Rome and Casoria
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Basilio Catanoso Genoese (PdL)
"Addressed to the president of the Council of Ministers, the minister of economy and finance. - To know - given that: as reported by AVIONEWS-WAPA, aviation news agency, it seems that the Alenia-Finmeccanica... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question on the elimination of Alenia's production sites situated in Campania and Lazio
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourale Francesco Barbato (IdV)
"The undersigned ask the minister of Economic Development - considering that: as reported by national press, Alenia Aeronautica SpA, part of the Italian company Finmeccanica, last 16 September announced... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary question: can CONSOB confirm the suspension of Avio SpA listing process; clarifications on Safran's interest
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Maurizio Fugatti (Lega nord Padania)
"Addressed to the ministers of economy and finance. - Given that: Avio SpA, controlled by Cinven Fund (81 percent) and owned by Finmeccanica (14 percent) is an important and historic Italian company,... more
Government actsItalian Parliamentary resolution to intervene about Finmeccanica for revision Alenia Aeronautica's new plan
Rome, Italy - By the Honourable Andrea Lulli (PD)
"The X Commission of the Italian Chamber of Deputies commits the Government: to intervene on Finmeccanica (Alenia is an industry of the Group) because its plan is reviewed considering the dramatic... more
Government actsItalian parliamentary question on "Closure of the Alenia Roman branches"
Rome, Italy - Presented by honourable Barbara Saltamartini (PdL)
"Addressed to the minister of economy and finance, the minister of infrastructure and transports, the minister of economic development. - To know - given that: on major national newspapers dated September... more
Government actsItalian parliamentary question on Lavitola's use of statal flights and his role in diplomatic missions of Frattini and Berlusconi
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Leoluca Orlando (IdV)
"Addressed to the president of the council of ministers. - To know - given that: thanks to the comparison of photos, the presence of Valter Lavitola (former editor of 'L'Avanti') and that of a large... more
Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on Alenia Aeronautica, transfer Pomigliano's employees and disbursement community funds
Brussels, Belgium - By Crescenzio Rivellini (PPE)
"Question for written answer E-008693/2011 to the Commission Rule 117 Crescenzio Rivellini (PPE) Subject: Alenia Aeronautica On 16 September 2011, a plan to merge Alenia-Aeronautica with Alenia-Aermacchi... more
Government actsItalian parliamentary question on the reorganisation of Finmeccanica and closure of Alenia sites situated in Venice, Rome and Casoria
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Andrea Martella (PD)
"Addressed to the minister of economy and finance, the minister of economic development. - To know - given that: the directors of Alenia Aeronautica has presented recently presented a reorganisation... more
Government actsItalian parliamentary question on Safran's interest in purchasing Avio SpA
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Maurizio Fugatti (Lega nord-Padania)
"The Minister of Economic Development. - To know - given that: Avio SpA, controlled by the Cinven Fund (81 percent) and owned by Finmeccanica (14 percent) is an important and historic Italian company,... more
Government actsItalian question on Finmeccanica consultancy activities
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Andrea Lulli (PD)
"The minister of economy and finance. - To know - given that: Finmeccanica is the first Italian industrial group in the technology industry and among the top ten global players in aerospace, defense... more
Government actsItalian question of supervisory actions implemented after opening inquiries related to the name Finmeccanica
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Maurizio Turco (PD)
"The minister of economy and finance. - To know - given that: on the website 'Rai News' - address as of September 14, 2011 appears a report entitled... more
Government actsItalian question on the stay of troops, aircraft and US helicopters in Afghanistan until 2024
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Augusto Di Stanislao (IDV)
"To the minister of defense. - To know - given that: recent media reports revealed the news that US troops will not withdraw from Afghanistan in 2014 as stated and confirmed by all institutional entities... more
Government actsItalian question on the relationship between Lavitola, Finmeccanica and Admiral Picchio, and on Italy's donated ships and patrol boats to Panama
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Emanuele Fiano (PD)
"To the president of the Council of Ministers, the Minister of Defense. - To know - given that: the newspaper 'La Repubblica' of September 12, 2011 wrote that it would seem that the fugitive Valter... more
Government actsItalian interpellation on the new restructuring plan of the Alenia Group (Finmeccanica) and employment in Campania
Rome, Italy - Presented by Honourable Eugenio Mazzarella (PD)
"The undersigned ask the president of the Council of Ministers, Minister of Economic Development, to know - given that: Finmeccanica is committed to reach production goals by restructuring the new... more