Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseItalian FILT-CGIL about Meridiana. Unions will go on strike if the company will perform more unilateral actions
Rome, Italy - After the decision to make over the business unit of the carrier to Eurofly
"'A viable and strategical industrial plan that looks beyond the crisis, strongly backed with investments by the shareholder, the involvement of the Meridiana group in a system of international alliances... more

Press releaseItalian FILT-CGIL. Alitalia: cabin crew strike on February 5
Rome, Italy - For four hours, from 10 am to 2 pm
"A new strike of Alitalia's cabin crew has been announced for Friday, February 5, 2010, from 10 am to 2 pm. The protest, initially scheduled on 25 November and later on 9 December, had been postponed by... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC asks to quickly unlock airport investment funds
Rome, Italy - President Riggio to the presidents of the regions of Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sardinia and Sicily
"Italian ENAC (Civil Aviation Authority) president Vito Riggio announced that he had written a letter to the presidents of the regions with which the Authority had signed the agreements on airport investments,... more

Press releaseAlitalia and Aeroflot sign a Memorandum of Understanding
Rome, Italy - At present two carriers offer code-share jointly operated daily flights between Moscow and Rome, Milan, Venice and Turin
"The 3rd of December 2009, Rome – Alitalia and Aeroflot have signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the two companies, within the framework of the official Russian – Italian intergovernmental sum... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: the vice-director of the Authority, Salvatore Sciacchitano, confirmed first vice-President of the Eurocontrol's Council
Rome, Italy - The confirmation arrives few days from the introduction of the second package of the "Single European Sky"
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) informs that the general vice-manager, Salvatore Sciacchitano, has been confirmed first vice-president of the Provisional Council of Eurocontrol, the European Organisation... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: satisfaction for agreement between Flightcare and unions for truce until January 10
Rome, Italy - Responsibility act to avoid hardships to travellers during the imminent Winter holidays
"The ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) expresses satisfaction for truce reached yesterday between company and Flightcare workers, society that offers ground assistance services to some carriers that... more

Press releaseNew cross-border training center for the Italian Air Force
Berne, Switzerland - Agreement inked with the Swiss air force
"On Thursday the Italian and Swiss Air Forces have signed an agreement concerning a common cross-border training air center (CBA, Cross-Border Area). The new CBA neighbours the current training centers... more

Press releaseItaly: ENAC orders workers back to work after Fiumicino inefficiencies due to Flightcare employees' assemblies
Rome, Italy - President Riggio expressed his concern for the regularity of air transport during the upcoming winter holidays
"The Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) announced that, due to the interrupted discussions between trade unions and the Flightcare company, which manages ground handling services on behalf of certain... more

Press releaseThe mayors of Ciampino and Marino complained against the Italian Transports Minister
Rome, Italy - For omissions or abuse of official acts
"The mayors of the municipalities of Ciampino, Walter Enrico Perandini, and Marino, Adriano Palozzi, instructed by Professor Carlo Taormina - two statutory bodies - to file criminal complaint, signed by... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica presented today its sustainability report 2008
Rome, Italy - Guarguaglini: "We go on in the current direction"
"Finmeccanica has presented today its second sustainability report, an information tool capable to measure, through suitable indicators, the economical, social and environmental performance of the Group... more

Press releaseAlitalia, trade unions announce strike for December 9
Rome, Italy - "The minister's decision is against the right to protest"
A joint press release by the Italian trade unions FIT-CISL, UIL Transport, UGL Transport and ANPAV criticized Transports and Infrastructure Minister Matteoli's decision to delay the strike of Alitalia-CAI... more

Press releaseItalian ENAV: ten flight controllers in Germany
Rome, Italy - They will support the German colleagues
"Ten air traffic controllers of the ENAV (Italian Society for the Flight Assistance), have begun activity at the ACC in Karlsruhe (Germany) to support the German operating line for the management of air... more

Press releaseMeridie SpA: Board of Directors approves the intermediate management report of the first quarter
Naples, Italy - Closed on 30th Septermber 2009
The Board of Directors of Meridie approved on Friday the quarterly report closed in September 30, 2009. The salient data are: · Results of the first quarter of the exercise 2009-2010 (vs first... more

Press releaseTap Portugal prized by "World Travel Awards"
Rome, Italy - As a world airline leader for South-America
"Tap Portugal, airline member of Star Alliance, is awarded 'World Travel Awards' prize as an air world Leader for South America. The prize was given to Luiz Mór, CEO of Tap Portugal, during the gala... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: remains licence of air transport of the ai company Vallée remains suspended
Rome, Italy - Decided by the Authority a week ago
"The Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) explains that up until now the suspension of the licence for air transport exercise of the Air Vallée SpA carrier, suspended last November 5th, remains valid. Yesterday... more

Press releaseTechno Sky Assembly nominates new CDA
Rome, Italy - Testa president, Iozzino reconfirmed CEO, and Garbini advisor
"The Techno Sky Srl assemly, gathered yesterday in Rome, has appointed Fabrizio Franco Testa as president of the society. The new Board also includes Antonio Iozzino, reconfirmed CEO, and Massimo Garbini... more

Press releaseSaponaro reports the Alitalia agreement with Air France Klm Cargo
Milan, Italy - According to the regional consultant of Lombardy, the agreement will bring a hundred job losses
The regional consultant of the Verdi in Regional Council of Lombardy denounces the agreement which will be taking place between Air France-Klm Cargo and Alitalia as from coming November 16. On the basis... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: exercise in Palermo airport on the night between 12 and 13 November
Rome, Italy - Named "Airex 09"
"The ENAC (Italian civil aviation Authority) unveiled that during the night between 12 and 13 November, at the 'Falcone e Borsellino' airport in Palermo, an exercise, named 'Airex 09', will take place... more

Press releaseAssaeroporti: new system for Italian airports
Rome, Italy - From words to investment plans
"In six months the Italian airports have become 'System': a troubled journey initiated on the 19th May, with the parliamentary hearing by the Assaeroporti president, Fabrizio Palenzona, in front of the... more

Press releaseAmnesty International about twenty years from the fall of Wall, today: Governments to act on human rights
Rome, Italy - In the aftermath of the September 11 air attacks, Europe was host to secret prisons run by the US CIA
"Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin wall, European governments must act urgently to tackle human rights abuses against migrants, asylum seekers, detainees and minorities, Amnesty International said.... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC yesterday suspended the license to Air Vallée SpA
Rome, Italy - Due to financial and operational problems
"The Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) announced that it has suspended the license to the carrier Air Vallée SpA. This measure, starting from November 5 and valid until a new decision is taken,... more

Press releaseAVIO: €13 million contract for propulsion of SMALL-GEO satellites
Rivalta di Torino, Italy - Signed a contract with the OHB-System Company in Bremen
"Avio has signed a €13 million contract with the OHB-System Company in Bremen, Germany, to develop and produce the propulsion unit of the launch platform for SMALL-GEO satellites (geostationary satellites f... more

Press releaseThe president of the Republic of Italy has summoned the Supreme Council of Defense for November 11
Rome, Italy - The news reported in a note issued by the Presidency of the Republic
"The President of the Republic of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano, has summoned the Supreme Council of Defense at the Quirinale palace on Wednesday, November 11, 2009, at 10:30 am local time. The agenda includes... more

Press releaseThird-quarter 2009 business results of the Austrian Airlines Group
Vienna, Austria - Economic crisis negatively impacts earnings
"The crisis of the international aviation industry has left its imprint on the earnings figures of the Austrian Airlines Group in 2009. In the first three quarters of the year, Austrian Airlines posted... more

Press releaseItalian Enac at the ICAO forum on civil-military cooperation in the management of air traffic
Rome, Italy - From last October 19-21 in Montreal
“From last October the 19th to the 21st, in Montreal, the ICAO headquarters, the International Civil Aviation Organisation, the first global forum on civil-military cooperation within the air traffic m... more

Press release"Single European Sky": Eurocontrol selects SITA
Rome, Italy - As its Network Service Provider
"EUROCONTROL, the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation, today announced SITA as its Network Service Provider for the 'Pan European Network Service' (PENS) which will allow Air Navigation... more

Press releaseMeridie SpA: reached agreement on the union contact for the new organization of work Atitech SpA
Naples, Italy - It's a further step forward towards the successful conclusion of the joint offer to purchase 100% of the society
"Meridie SpA via its subsidiary company Manutenzioni Aereonautiche Srl – informs that it has reached agreement on the union contact for the new organisation of work ?titech Sp?, a wholly owned subsidiary o... more

Press releaseMeridie SpA: Alitalia Servizi asks for a defer on the bid to buy 100% of Atitech SpA shares
Naples, Italy - Deferred to next Tuesday, October 27
"Regarding the bid presented on the 29th of July 2009 and the subsequent financial agreement defined on the 14th of October 2009 by Meridie SpA - through their controlled company Manutenzioni Aereonautiche... more

Press releaseFinancial integration offered to Myair/Krali Star Airways
Montebelluna, Italy - This goes for the payment of wages in arrears
We are here publishing a press-release from the Ioppolo Consulting, regarding, which has interrupted its service on the 23rd July 2009, due to economic difficulties. "We here communicate that... more

Press releaseSpace: the French Secretary of State Pierre Lellouche visits the Roman space center of Thales Alenia Space Italia
Rome, Italy - Thales Alenia Space and Telespazio are central hubs in European space technology
During his official visit in Italy, the French minister for European Affairs, Pierre Lellouche, visited the Roman space center of Thales Alenia Space (a joint-venture where Thales Alenia Space controls... more

Press releaseItalian SdL: national and general strike fixed for next Friday
Rome, Italy - All sectors in detail
"The general and national strike fixed for next Friday, on October 23, by Italian unions (RDB, COBAS, SDL Intercategory) will be for 24 hours and in the following manner, sector by sector: Public administration:... more

Press releaseAnpac-Eca about seven actions in favour of an air crew fatigue
Rome, Italy - An action plan to ask a political effort
"ECA and ETF organised the 2nd European Action Day to raise public awareness of the potential dangers of inadequate legal protection against the effects of Pilot and Cabin Crew fatigue. Pilots and cabin... more

Press releaseAlitalia: final acts of the financial audit signed
Rome, Italy - The deal is now pending authorities' validation
"The extraordinary commissioner, Augusto Fantozzi, and the CEO of Alitalia-CAI SpA, Rocco Sabelli, yesterday announced that they signed the final acts of the scheduled financial audit, which led to the... more

Press releaseItalian SDL signed with reserve the agreement about Atitech's situation
Rome, Italy - The union waits the end of the negotiation in society's site, for the final opinion about the arrangement
"SDL (Italian intercategory workers union) has signed with reserve the agreement achieved in Palazzo Chigi about Atitech situation, considering the result of the negotiation that is continuing in society's... more

Press releaseAlitalia's contribution for Atitech's relaunch
Rome, Italy - Participation to the capital and reliance of heavy maintenance services
"The agreement reached last Tuesday at Palazzo Chigi among Government, industries and unions has seen confirmed the Alitalia-CAI (Compagnia aerea italiana) contribution to fix conditions for Atitech's... more

Press releaseAeroporti di Roma: “Airports contributing to Italy economic growth”
Rome, Italy - Fabrizio Palenzona, Chairman of AdR
"Introduction: For airports all over the world, and in particular for European airports, their capacity to deliver high quality services to passengers is directly related to their capacity to constantly... more

Press releaseAdR commitment in Rome Airport system development
Rome, Italy - A goal that is also a big challenge to modernise the Country
"A goal that is also a big challenge to modernise Italy: implementing a project to upgrade Fiumicino to the standards of the most advanced airports in the world (55 million passengers in 2020, 100 million... more

Press releaseDefined agreement for acquisition of Atitech SpA's 100%
Naples, Italy - By Meridie SpA, Alitalia and Finmeccanica jointly
"Meridie SpA (MeMI), investment company dedicated to the enterprises in Central-South of Italy -through the Manutenzoni Aereonautiche Srl company- communicates that has been defined an agreement finalized... more

Press releaseItalian SDL: strike by Alitalia-CAI's employees, for next Sunday, has been confirmed
Rome, Italy - The strike has been reduced to four hours, from 12am to 4pm
"Sdl (Italian workers union) confirms strike fixed for next October 11 by all Alitalia/CAI (Compagnia aerea italiana) staff. The union, according to the indication received by the Guarantee Commission,... more

Press releaseFlight crews' operational fatigue: Italian ENAC president wants the "Moebus Study"
Rome, Italy - To discuss it in an upcoming meeting of the board of directors
"Referring to yesterday's protest carried out in several airports of the European Union by pilots and flight assistants' trade unions, the president of the Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC), Vito... more

Press releaseGreat satisfaction by Italian ENAV for launch of EGNOS, the European satellite system
Rome, Italy - The declaration by the Flight Assistance Society's CEO, Guido Pugliesi
"The ENAV SpA's CEO, Guido Pugliesi, following to the declarations by honourable Antonio Tajani (Vice-president of European Commission for Transports) about EGNOS (European satellite system), expresses... more

Press releaseItaly, SDL: Alitalia-CAI personnel strike on October 11
Rome, Italy - For 24 hours
"The SDL trade union, following our suspension of the previously announced strike on last September 18, as stated in the letter we sent on September 14, considered the results of the meetings with the... more

Press releaseAlitalia opens the new VIP lounge "Le Navi" at Fiumicino airport
Rome, Italy - This morning at Terminal C
"Alitalia presented today the 'Le navi' lounge room by the Terminal C of Rome-Fiumicino airport, completely renewed to host customers from the 'Freccia Alata" VIP club, Magnifica and Business class passengers,... more

Press releaseAlitalia on Benedict XVI's trip to Czech Republic
Rome, Italy - The Airbus A-320 aircraft will take off tomorrow morning from Rome-Ciampino airport and will land two hours later in Prague
"It will be Alitalia to carry His Holiness Benedict XVI in its journey to Czech Republic that will begin tomorrow, September 26. The flight will be performed with a new Airbus A-320 aircraft which entered... more

Press releaseItalian SACAL: its president of Lamezia's airport announces the arrival of a new airline
Lamezia Terme, Italy - Besides new air links with the Lombardy
"The participation yesterday of the President of Sacal, Eugenio Ripepe at the fifth edition of 'Calabria Festival', versatile and fun cultural event, with exhibitions, music, theater, wine tasting, held... more

Press release"Clipper's Day International 2009": meeting for civil aviation keen
Milan, Italy - The sixth edition next September 13 and 20
"Clipper, with support of SEA (Milan's airports management society), for sixth year in a row, gathers in Malpensa the numerous fans of civil aviation coming from abroad. Over 200 guests, divided in... more

Press releaseSkyEurope's bankruptcy: Italian Confconsumatori asks to the Foreign Affair Ministry to come back the Italians
Parma, Italy - Following to the consequent cancellation of all flights
"Following to the SkyEurope's bankruptcy and consequent flights cancellations, many Italian citizens are abroad and can't return back. The only assistance is by the Italian Embassy. For such reasons... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC's President about baggages' inefficiencies in Fiumicino's airport
Rome, Italy - Riggio asked a meeting with Transport Minister, Altero Matteoli, and confirms that one on half of September
"With reference to the matter about baggages' inefficiencies in Rome-Fiumicino's airport and to eventual adoption for suspension actions and withdrawal of licences to Flightcare and Alitalia-CAI, Compagnia... more

Press releaseItalian ANSV: Agency's experts designed in two different technical inquiries
Rome, Italy - One regarding crash in Thailandia to an ATR-72/500 airplane and other concerning Hudson's one
"ANSV (Italian Air Safety Board) communicates to have proposed an its own investigator, as expert, into the technical inquiry started by the competent Thai investigative Authority about the crash to an... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: the active societies on Fiumicino called at half September
Rome, Italy - The report by Authority's Operations Director will be presented during the meeting
"The ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) President, Vito Riggio, unveiled to have already called for next September 16 the accountable manager of the subjects operating at Rome-Fiumicino's airport,... more