Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseItalian ENAC: in Venice activated the first passive body scanner at body energy detecting
Rome, Italy - The Authority starts phase two of its project
"After Rome-Fiumicino and Milan-Malpensa, from today ENAC (Italian authority for civil aviation) starts body scanner's experimentation at the Venice's Airport too, for flights to Usa and other sensible... more

Press releaseAir transport: confirmed today strikes by Alitalia and Meridiana fly
Rome, Italy - From 12 to 4:00pm
"The strikes in the air transport of today are confirmed from 12 to 4:00pm by Alitalia-Cai (Compagnia aerea italiana) pilots and flight assistants adherent to Filt Cgil and IPA, ANPAC associations and... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC about strike in the air sector next Monday
Rome, Italy - To contact airlines for information about flights schedule
"According to the strike into air transport field planned for next Monday, March 22, 2010 and that will interest handling staff (ground services assistance) and personnel of Alitalia, AirOne and Meridiana... more

Press releaseReduced to 4 hours Alitalia-Meridiana fly's strike on the 22th of March
Rome, Italy - From noon to 4:00 pm
"Reduced to 4 hours, from 12:00 to 4:00 pm, Alitalia-Cai (Compagnia aerea italiana) pilots' and Meridiana flight personnel's strike, initially planned for the whole day. The labor unions and professional... more

Press releaseMeridiana fly assigned handling on Rome-Fiumicino to Aviapartner
Rome, Italy - The Belgian multinational, already Meridiana's partner, will manage all services of the new airline for a total of around 70 flights per week
Aviapartner, the handling airport society, has been chosen by Meridiana fly SpA for Rome-Fiumicino's airport. Aviapartner, that offered its own handling services to the carrier on the Rome's airport since... more

Press releaseStrike in Italy: on March 22 stopped Alitalia and Meridiana fly airplanes, and handling officers
Rome, Italy - Next Monday for 24 hours
"A 24 hour stop by Alitalia-Cai (Compagnia aerea italiana) pilots and flight assistants next Monday, on March 22. The protest has been announced by IPA, ANPAC, AVIA, Filt Cgil, after that for four hours... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: Rome-Ciampino's airport closed for three hours on Sunday
Rome, Italy - For war bomb disposal
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) unveils that next Sunday, on March 14, the Rome-Ciampino's airport will be closed for three hours, from 10:00am to 1:00pm for activities linked to the disposal... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: delegation visits EASA
Rome, Italy - New competence for European Agency and presentation of the new Authority's organization
"Today, on Wednesday March 10, Vito Riggio, president of ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) and its general manager, Alessio Quaranta have gone to EASA's headquarters (European Aviation Safety Agency)... more

Press releaseAir Transport: strike in the next Friday
Rome, Italy - Italian CGIL union: from 10am to 2:00pm; the protest also in other sectors
"Italian CGIL union announces a general strike fixed for next Friday, on March 12 about work, revenue, immigration, also in the transports sector. Pilots, flight assistants and ground staff of all carriers... more

Press releaseAir transport safety. Italian Enac: body scanner experimentation started yesterday
Rome, Italy - The ministers Matteoli and Fazio were present at first machine's activation at Fiumicinio's airport
"Yesterday experimental phase of project providing body scanners to airport serving flights constantly to Usa and the so-called sensible destinations. The first machine was introduced and activated... more

Press releaseMeridiana: workers hope for an opening of negotiations
Olbia, Italy - The employees are gathered in a permanent assembly
"The Meridiana Fly-Meridiana Maintenance workers with this press-release want to confirm their effort and sense of responsibility into the implementation of current unification procedure, and their appreciation... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC about identification documents equivalence
Rome, Italy - Ryanair confirms respect of taken agreement and the admission also of ministerial cards
"In reference to 7th January agreement in area Cisa - Inter ministerial committee for air transportation and airport security - where Ryanair accepted to recognize its own passengers the card model AT/BT... more

Press releaseENAC-ICAO: workshop about language requirements for pilots and flight controllers
Rome, Italy - Major English knowledge to avoid misunderstanding
Today from 9:30am at Casa dell'Aviatore of the Italian Air Force, in Rome, a three day workshop started, organized by ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) and by ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization)... more

Press releaseMeridiana Fly's birth and ANPAV reacts
Olbia, Italy - A meeting with all workers today for the new airline
"The night between February 27 and 28 Meridiana and Eurofly have dead and Meridiana Fly has born. An operation that not satisfies us and mainly banks, that have decided to not fund the business plan. ANPAV... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: starting experimentation of first body scanner in Fiumicino next Thursday
Rome, Italy - In front of the Italian Ministers Maroni, Matteoli and Fazio together with Authority's leadership
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) informs that next March 4, at Terminal 5 in Rome-Fiumicino's airport at 11:30am, in concordance with the program fixed by CISA (Interministerial safety in air transport... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: new Authority's organigram
Rome, Italy - The reduction of the number of managements and the separation of the regulation activity from that implementation of rules among the newness
"The Board of Directors of ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Organization) in the meeting of yesterday has decided the new organigram of the Authority with the relative roles based on the new organization that... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC approved emendation at flying license release and renew regulation
.Rome , Italy - Rules shaped on Icao Country standard
"During yesterday meeting of Enac (Italian Board for Civil Aviation) management, was approved emendation at technical rules about pilot license release and renew, shaping Italy position on European regulation,... more

Press releaseBad weather: DGAC suggests flights' reduction on Orly and Paris-Roissy
Paris, France - Tomorrow in which are predicted perturbations on all France
DGAC, French civil aviation general authority, has asked carriers to reduce flights tomorrow on February 23 with the following recommendation: Annulment of 50% of flights on Orly's airport cancellation... more

Press releaseAlitalia and Meridiana-Eurofly strikes confirmed for next Tuesday by Filt Cgil
Rome, Italy - The first one by pilots and flight assistants, and the second one by all workers of Group, included Eurofly
"The strike by Alitalia's pilots and flight assistants has been confirmed for next Tuesday, February 16 from 10 to 2:00pm announced by Filt Cgil and IPA, AVIA and ANPAC. The protest has been declared for... more

Press releaseAlitalia presented three year plan for development on Milan's airports
Milan, Italy - The flights by Smart Carrier AirOne will take off from end of March
"The Alitalia Group presented yesterday a three year plan for development of its offer on Milan's airports that predicts strengthening of premium offer by Alitalia from Linate's airport, a new intercontinental... more

Press releaseeasyJet greets the Alitalia/AirOne's arrival in Malpensa
Milan, Italy - With reference to the presentation of the new AirOne's relaunch plan, announced for today
With reference to the presentation of the new relaunch plan by AirOne, announced for today, on February 11, 2010, François Bacchetta, Regional General Manager easyJet, declares: "easyJet warmly desires... more

Press releaseENAC and IAC, agreement for Superjet 100
Rome, Italy - It will introduce the airplane into the European market
"ENAC, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority, and IAC, Interstate Aviation Committee, the Russian civil aviation Board, have signed, last Friday, a MoU that will facilitate the introduction in Europe of... more

Press releaseAlitalia: strike re-fixed on February 16
Rome, Italy - For four hours
Filt Cgil: "The strike by Alitalia's flight crew has been re-fixed for Tuesday on February 16 from 10am to 2:00pm. The protest, initially announced on November 25 and then on December 5 and February... more

Press releaseItalian ANPAV: Meridiana's strike postponed
Olbia, Italy - "Abuse of authority"
"We inform you that in the evening of last February 2 the Italian Transports minister has diffused the postponement of strikes fixed into the air transport for tomorrow, on February 5. The postponement... more

Press releaseItalian Filt Cgil about postponement of Alitalia's strike on Friday
Rome, Italy - Franco Nasso, the general secretary: "It's abuse of authority by Matteoli"
"'Still a severe and unjustified act by minister of Transports'. Franco Nasso, Filt Cgil's general secretary, affirms that following to the order by the same Ministry that has postponed the strike fixed... more

Press releaseItalian ANPAV: next February 5 strike by Meridiana's flight assistants
Olbia, Italy - After months of meeting without results with the airline
"After months of meeting without results with the airline, ANPAV, represented by the major flight assistants of Meridiana Group, has decided the immediate restarting of unions' initiatives to support the... more

Press releaseItalian Adiconsum asks data to the Government about public money disbursed to the low-cost
Rome, Italy - "That the funds forecast for body-scanner are invested into the improvement of services to passengers and tourists"
"Pietro Giordano, national secretary of Adiconsum, declared 'It's not possible to continue with monopolies on air transport that don't allow a real competition on price and services in favour to the customers,... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: its president Riggio starts compensation request to Michael O'Leary (Ryanair)
Rome, Italy - To protect respectability and dignity of his person and of the Authority
"With reference to the declarations released by the Ryanair's CEO, Michael O'Leary, last January 26 in Milan during a press-conference, Vito Riggio, President of ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority),... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC. Riggio: "O'Leary not deserves any answer"
Rome, Italy - Curt answer by the authority's President to the declarations by Ryanair's CEO
"'The words by O'Leary don't deserve any answer. I had already judged him: the hodiernal affirmations confirm that opinion'. Curt the answer by ENAC's President (Italian Civil Aviation Authority), Vito... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC on body-scanner: CISA decided the starting of experimentation
Rome, Italy - It will begin at half of February on millimetric waves and on that to infrared rays
"CISA (Interministerial Committee for air transport safety and airports), gathered yesterday afternoon, at ENAC's headquarters (Italian Civil Aviation Authority), under the presidency by Vito Riggio, as... more

Press releaseFILT CGIL-AVIA: Alitalia strike on February 5 confirmed
Rome, Italy - By pilots and flight attendants
"'Pilots and flight attendants' strike on February 5 has been confirmed', Italian trade unions FILT and AVIA said in a statement. They protest against "Alitalia's decision to proceed in discussing about... more

Press releaseAmnesty International on Haiti: protection of human rights must accompany relief efforts
Rome, Italy - The Organization called on the United Nations to put in place measures
Amnesty International (AI) called on the United Nations to put in place measures for the protection of human rights and the most vulnerable among the survivors of Tuesday's devastating earthquake. AI... more

Press releaseAviapartner handler of Czech Airlines in Malpensa
Rome, Italy - From next February 16
Aviapartner, airport handling society chosen by CSA (Czech Airlines), Czech Republic's flag carrier, for links to Milan-Malpensa. The society will interest, from next February 16, for services to passengers,... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC issues a temporary licence for air transport to Air Vallée
Rome, Italy - It was suspended last November 5, 2009
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) informs that has been issued last January 12, 2010 a temporary licence for air transport to Air Vallée SpA, following to the presentation of a financial reorganization... more

Press releaseItalian Transports Ministry, ENAC and GESAC signed agreement for EUR 3 million in favour to Atitech
Naples, Italy - Destined to reorganization, requalification and adaptation of the facility
Last Saturday, during the inauguration's ceremony of the new Terminal in Naples' airport in front of the undersecretary of the Premiership, Gianni Letta and Transports Minister Altero Matteoli, the ENAC's... more

Press releaseDGAC: hardships for snow at Paris-Orly's airport
Paris, France - The French Direction générale de l’Aviation civile unveiled it
A heavy snowfall has upset the normal activity at Paris-Orly's airport during this morning. The air station has been closed at 10:15am. The snowfall is ended at late morning, but the weather forecast announce... more

Press releaseThe agreement reached with Italian ENAC, Ryanair restores domestic flights in Italy
Rome, Italy - Allowed to embark to all passengers with passport or national Id card
"Ryanair, the Irish airline, today 7th January announced that it would restore all its Italian domestic flights – without interruption – from January 23rd next, as Ryanair and ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Aut... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: Riggio convokes Ryanair and CISA next January 7
Rome, Italy - Because the airline continues in an obstinate and ostensible manner to put uncertain the respect and rigidity of security controls by the Italian Authorities
"For the carrier continues, in a wilful and alleged manner, to put uncertain the respect and rigidity of security controls by the Italian Authorities, thing that creates baseless alarms and denigrates... more

Press releaseMovimento consumatori distrusts Ryanair to suspend some flights
Rome, Italy - And for passengers' right to use all ID
"Ryanair threatens to suspend the domestic routes from ten Italian bases as of January 23 because the ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority)'s orders oblige it to accept identification forms for passengers... more

Press releaseItalian Filt Cgil. Mauro Rossi about Ryanair: respect rules of the Italian Country also on work
Rome, Italy - The national secretary of the union is not surprised about the airline's behaviour
"'The procedures with which Ryanair is trying to impose its conditions even to the Italian Authority doesn't astonish me'. The national secretary of the Italian Filt Cgil union, Mauro Rossi declared it,... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: call for bids for modernization works at Pantelleria's airport on the European official gazette
Rome, Italy - It will be published shortly on the Italian one
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) informs that the call for bids has been published last Saturday December 26, 2009 on the European official gazette regarding an additional part of modernization... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC arranges controls on all flights towards USA
Rome, Italy - As requested by TSA, after recent events
"The ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority)'s President, Vito Riggio, also as a President of the CISA (Interministerial Committee for Air and airport Safety), in agreement with the law enforcements, has... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC sanctions easyJet
Rome, Italy - For EUR 110,000
"The ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) unveils that its airport management in Rome-Fiumicino has disbursed, last Thursday, three administrative sanctions (for a total of EUR 110,000) to easyJet,... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC about Linate airport (2): updated bulletin
Rome, Italy - Cancelled 15 arriving and 17 departing flights
"ENAC's (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) airport management of Milan-Linate airport stated that from today at 12 pm the weather situation is quickly getting better, a factor that is leading to recover... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC about bad weather emergency: improving situation into the North airports
Rome, Italy - Apart from the Linate's with specific update through reports
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority), with reference to the limitations occurred in the last days in various airports in the North of the Country due to bad weather conditions, unveils that the situation... more

Press releaseENAC on bad weather in northern Italy: the situation at Milan-Linate airport
Rome, Italy - Update bulletins issued every two hours by the airport's management
"Concerning the persisting critical situation at Milan-Linate airport due to an exceptional snowfall and to bad weather in general, ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority), while ensuring that it will... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: convention with Finmeccanica for EUR 8 million fund by the Authority
Rome, Italy - In favour of the Mid Air Collision Avoidance System program
"Today, at the General direction of ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) has been signed the convention ENAC-Finmeccanica in which is fixed a financial contribution by ENAC for EUR 8 million in favour... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: Authority's airport management guard sector to keep down hardships linked to the bad weather conditions
Rome, Italy - Activated the snow emergency management plans in all airports in the centre and north interested by snowy precipitations
"In consideration of the bad weather conditions that from the last days are interesting Europe and that have caused hardships into the transports also in Italy, ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority)... more

Press releaseAlitalia and Etihad sign Memorandum of Understanding
Rome, Italy - To operate a code-share agreement from April
"Alitalia and Etihad Airways today exchanged a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that confirms the airlines’ intention to operate a code-share agreement from the start of the Northern Summer season in A... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: Lazio administrative court rejected Ryanair's appeal against the authority's regulation about identity documents' equivalence
Rome, Italy - The Irish airline must accept documents according to the Italian law
"The Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC) said that the Lazio administrative court (TAR), section 3T, yesterday rejected Ryanair's appeal against ENAC's regulation concerning the equivalence of the... more