AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency
101,119 news found

AirportsAircraft. Strike today for air transport, airports and satellite activities. Alitalia cancelled 40% of its flights
Rome, Italy - The airline activated a plan to reschedule all involved passengers
Planes have been grounded and rescheduled today for the 24-hour general strike (00:01am-11:59pm) of workers from air transport, airports and satellite activities that was established by the Italian union... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Italian ANPAC on Alitalia's plan: "Pilots and flight assistants on strike next April 5"
Rome, Italy - "The airline will not have future without sharing of important changes"
ANPAC, the Italian national professional civil aviation association, in a press release unveiled that: "Alitalia plan presented is weightless industrially towards flying staff. Without the sharing... more

AirlinesPlanes Alitalia. 2037 dismissals and cut in salaries. The business plan of Alitalia challenges unions
Rome, Italy - Details of the plan have been reported: unions announce a strike
The rumors of the last months on the new business plan of Alitalia were confirmed on last Friday at the meeting of the management of the airline with the unions. The managers want to fire 2037 employees... more

Latest newsENAV: Roberto Scaramella is the new President. Roberta Neri confirmed as CEO
Rome, Italy - In the context of the new appointments at Italian partly state-owned companies
After the change of CEO at Leonardo (ex-Finmeccanica) Group with Alessandro Profumo in the place of Mauro Moretti (see AVIONEWS), new arrangements also for Enav SpA, the Italian national company for air... more

Latest newsIt is confirmed: Alessandro Profumo is the new CEO of Leonardo (ex-Finmeccanica). Moretti era is ended
Rome, Italy - Gianni De Gennaro is reappointed President
As this AVIONEWS agency anticipated, the appointment of CEO of Leonardo (ex-Finmeccanica) goes to Alessandro Profumo. Profumo takes the place of Mauro Moretti (appointed in May 2014), who took office under... more

DefenseAircraft and US politics. A Boeing's top manager chosen as US Defense vice-secretary
Washington, Usa - Trump selects Patrick Shanahan and reinforces the partnership with the military industry
A Boeing's manager has been chosen by the US President Donald Trump to fulfill the role as US Defense deputy secretary. The decision has been announced yesterday and will have to to be approved by Senate.... more

HelicoptersBoeing-US Army: contract for 268 AH-64E Apache helicopters
Mesa, Usa - First “E” model multi-year agreement
Boeing and the US government recently signed a five-year, $3.4 billion contract through which the Army, and a customer outside the US, will acquire the latest Apache attack helicopter at a significant... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Ball (Alitalia CEO) meets trade unions staff and said: "Headcount reductions ‘painful but necessary’
Rome, Italy - 500 new crew members, new long haul aircraft and routes from 2019
Alitalia's Chief Executive Officer Cramer Ball today presented to the airline’s trade unions and staff the details of the 2017-2021 business plan approved by the company's board of directors on Wednesday 1... more

AirlinesARI purchases six B-737/700 aged aircraft from Xiamen Airlines
Hong Kong, China - Laying a practical foundation for the asset management of mid-to-late- life fleet
Aircraft Recycling International Limited (“ARI”, the “Company”), a member company of CALC (“China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Limited”), the first full value-chain aircraft solutions provider in Asia, to... more

AirlinesAirplanes and pilots. Lufthansa-VC union: reached agreement until 2022
Frankfurt, Germany - Agreeement on all, and opened career prospects for pilots and trainees
Lufthansa and Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) reach comprehensive agreement on a deal to last until 2022 - Long duration and balance-sheet reduction through changes to pension liability - In return, Lufthansa... more

DefenseMess on the skies of Syria. Arrow-3 missile intercepts Syrian rocket, it is the first time it has been used
Damascus, Syria - Damascus says that it shot down an Israeli plane last night, Tel Aviv denies
There is big confusion in these hours on the skies of Syria. According to a local website the Syrian Army said that it shot down an Israeli fighter plane which was operating in its airspace last night,... more

UAS-DronesAircraft. Miami Airport director testifies before US Senate Committee on UAS
Miami, Usa - MIA was the only airport represented among the hearing witnesses
Miami-Dade Aviation Department (MDAD) Director Emilio T. González testified before the US Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on March 15 in Washington DC, as the only airport representative... more

Civil aviationNBAA: president's ATC-Privatization budget bad news for small and mid-size towns
Washington, Usa - Comments strongly opposing the Trump administration's budget
National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) President and CEO Ed Bolen yesterday issued comments strongly opposing the Trump administration’s budget, which appears to endorse privatizing the nation’s air... more

PeopleAirplanes and roles. New Head of Saab market area Asia Pacific
Linkoping, Sweden - It is Dean Rosenfield form next January 1, 2018
Defence and security company Saab has appointed Dean Rosenfield as new head of Market Area Asia Pacific from 1 January 2018. He is today the Managing Director of Saab Australia. In his present role, Dean... more

AirlinesAirplanes and strikes. Alitalia was forced to cancel almost 40% of its flights on 20 March
Rome, Italy - It pledges to minimise inconvenience due to air traffic controllers and air transport sector protests
Alitalia was forced to cancel almost 40% of its flights, both domestic and international, due to industrial action made by some unions of the Italian air traffic controllers that have confirmed on 20 March... more

IndustryAirbus to cooperate with France’s Parquet National Financier in preliminary investigation
Amsterdam, Holland - Into allegation of fraud, bribery and corruption in the civil aviation business of the Group
Airbus announced on 7 August 2016 that the United Kingdom Serious Fraud Office (SFO) had opened an investigation into allegations of fraud, bribery and corruption in the civil aviation business of Airbus... more

Finance and economyAirplanes and finance. Lufthansa Group: 2016 again with good result
Frankfurt, Germany - And forecast for 2017
Lufthansa Group unveiled the financial results 2016 and forecast for 2017. Financial results 2016 • Adjusted EBIT of EUR 1.75 billion including strike cost of EUR 100 million in line with the g... more

UAS-DronesAircraft. Italian ENAV proceeds with selection of industrial partner for drones traffic management
Rome, Italy - For the creation of a NewCo. The final choice is scheduled in the second half of the year
Enav SpA’s (Italian Flight Assistance Company) Board of Directors, held yesterday under the chairmanship of Ferdinando Franco Falco Beccalli, has decided to proceed with the final selection of an industrial p... more

IndustryLeonardo (ex-Finmeccanica): Moretti exits, the banker Profumo enters
Rome, Italy - Turnover in the position of CEO of the Group
According to latest well-informed sources the position of Chief Executive Officer of Leonardo (ex-Finmeccanica), that Mauro Moretti should soon leave vacant being close to retirement, should be hold by... more

CuriositiesWashington’s Airports welcome passengers with pink lights
Washington, Usa - In the occasion of National Cherry Blossom Festival
Washington’s Airports are decked out in pink to usher in the blooms that will replace snowy scenes, marking the opening of the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, DC. Travelers arriving f... more

Finance and economyAircraft and finance. Italian ENAV: the BoD approves the preliminary results at December 31, 2016
Rome, Italy - Highest net profit to date, leading quality of service
The BoD of Enav approves the preliminary results. The highlights: • En-route and terminal traffic grew 1.5% and 3.2% respectively in terms of service units YoY • Consolidated revenue at 865... more

HelicoptersNew light multipurpose helicopter in the future of Russian Helicopters
Moscow, Russia - For corporate commercial and private use, the manufacturer aims to European and US markets
The Russian company Russian Helicopters informed yesterday that it is developing a light multipurpose aircraft that should get into production in the years 2020-2021. According to what the General Manager... more

UAS-DronesIATA accepts transport Canada's new safety rules for drone aircraft
Montreal, Canada - Around airports and other high risk areas
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) accepted the announcement by Canada’s Minister of Transport, the Honorable Marc Garneau, to implement an Interim Order restricting the use of recreational d... more

AirlinesBusiness plan Alitalia (3): a lot of work to do, Delrio says after the meeting at the Mise. Not a word on redundancies
Rome, Italy - He does not judge the business plan presented by the airline. A press release is awaited
At the end of today's meeting with the management of Alitalia the Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport Graziano Delrio said "We have a lot of work to do", without answering the questions about... more

IndustryEmbraer Legacy 450 airplane sets speed records between California and Hawaii with AirSprint
Melborune-Florida, Usa - According to the NAA (National Aeronautic Association)
Embraer’s Legacy 450 mid-light business jet set speed records on its recent flights between California and Hawaii, according to the National Aeronautic Association (NAA). The Hawaii trip was a first f... more

AerospaceCosmonauts wanted: Roscomos to select 8 candidates to be sent to the Moon
Moscow, Russia - The competition for the selection was announced on Tuesday by the Russian State Corporation for Space Activities
The Roscosmos State Corporation for Space Activities announced on Tuesday the details of the competition for the selection of new cosmonauts -between six and eight- that will take part in the future space... more

HelicoptersHelicopters. Inaer Aviation Italia changes its name into Babcock Mission Critical Services Italia
Milan, Italy - With effect from 1st March; the final step of the process started in 2014
Inaer Aviation Italia, reference company in the emergency and rescue helicopter services, in the off-shore transportation and fire rescue activity, changes its name into Babcock Mission Critical Services... more

ReportPlanes and denials. Trump's executive order on entries into the United States is blocked again
Washington, USA - Judge in Hawaii suspends the ban nationwide, believing it is discriminatory
The executive order which was signed on March 6 by the US President Donald Trump has been temporarily suspended just before it became effective. Because of the disputes and the problems in airports that... more

Finance and economyAircraft and transport (2). Alitalia business plan 2017-2021; four pillars for the relaunch
Rome, Italy - Fleet reduced by 20 narrow-body airplanes
Alitalia Board approved 2017-2021 business plan. The highlights: · €1 billion cost reductions by 2019 · Revenue to increase 30 per cent by 2019 · Profitability by 2019 · Fleet reduced by 20 na... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Alitalia Board meeting; approved its business plan that will be presented today to the Government
Rome, Italy - Luigi Gubitosi was inducted as a new director of the BoD and he replaces Roberto Colaninno
The Board of Directors of Alitalia met yesterday in Rome under the Chairmanship of Luca Cordero di Montezemolo and approved the airline’s 2017-2021 business plan, presented by CEO Cramer Ball and validated b... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport in Italy. Strikes fixed in the next days
Rome, Italy - Five protests planned: for next Monday 20 (four) and another one on March 27
The Italian Transport Ministry unveiled the strikes in the air transport predicted in the next days. - 20/03/2017 Cub union general strike by workers in the air, airport and satellite activities of... more

PeopleAirplanes and people: Luigi Pascale dead, "founding father" of P-68, up to modern P-92 and P-2012 -3 VIDEO
Capua, Italy - The news reported yesterday on industry's website
The Tecnam website reported yesterday that: TECNAM Aircraft, sadly announced yesterday that prof. Luigi Pascale its Founder, President, Chief Preliminary Design Officer died unexpectedly on March 14,... more

AirportsBest airports of 2017 unveiled at "World Airport Awards" (4)
Amsterdam, Holland - The other different lists in various categories
Singapore Changi Airport has been named as the "World’s Best Airport" by air travellers for the fifth consecutive year, at the 2017 Skytrax World Airport Awards at Passenger Terminal EXPO in Amsterdam o... more

Finance and economyLeonardo BoD proposes the distribution of dividend after six years -SPECIALS by AVIONEWS
Milan, Italy - It examined and approved the draft of Group consolidated and financial statements at 31 December 2016
Leonardo's Board of Directors examined and approved the draft of Group consolidated and financial statements at 31 December 2016. Highlights - Outstanding commercial performance with New Orders for... more

Press releaseLeonardo: clarification statement about criminal proceeding some employees of the former Finmeccanica (2)
Rome, Italy - "It refers to conducts concerning past management and, in particular, up to May 2014"
With reference to the criminal proceeding involving some employees of the former Finmeccanica for alleged conduct of undue appropriation of company funds as well as some Directors of the former Luxembourg... more

AirlinesPlanes and companies. BoD Alitalia: Montezemolo will leave the presidency
Rome, Italy - Luigi Gubitosi should enter the Board of Directors, aiming at the top
Very soon Luca Cordero di Montezemolo might leave his role of President of Alitalia to stay anyway in the BoD of the airline. His intention would have been shown already in November, but the difficult... more

Airports"Skytrax Awards 2017" (3). Budapest Airport “Best Airport in the Region”
Budapest, Hungary - For the fourth time in a row
Budapest Airport has been awarded the Skytrax title for “Best Airport in the Region” for the fourth time in a row –the first time in the history of the awards that an Eastern European airport has kept... more

Airports"Skytrax Awards 2017" (2). Hamburg winner of the "Best Regional Airport Europe" category
Hamburg, Germany - For the third time, after victories in 2011 and 2012
Hamburg Airport wins the "Skytrax World Award" in the “Best Regional Airport Europe” category for the third time, following victories in 2011 and 2012. Once again, Hamburg’s leading position amongst Europ... more

Airports"Skytrax Awards". HIA (Qatar's airport) wins "Best Middle East Airport"
Doha, Qatar - For third consecutive year
Hamad International Airport (HIA) was ranked Sixth Best Airport in the World by the 2017 Skytrax World Airport Awards, moving up four places from last year. At the ceremony that took place during the Passenger... more

ReportPlanes and industry. 82 notifications to people under investigation: Italian Financial Police controls the account books of Finmeccanica
Rome, Italy - The behaviour of managers and employees who are accused to misappropriate money and dodge taxes is under investigation
82 people -managers and employees of Finmeccanica- would have misappropriated resources of the company between 2008 and 2014: this is what the Financial Police (Guardia di Finanza, GdF) of Rome (Italy)... more

CargoAirplanes. IATA cargo handling manual will help promote standardization of the sector globally
Abu Dhabi, UAE - The launch during the "World Cargo Symposium" in Abu Dhabi
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced, during the "World Cargo Symposium" in Abu Dhabi, the launch of the IATA Cargo Handling Manual (ICHM) to help airlines and cargo handlers work... more

IndustryEmbraer lands in the Silicon Valley, with sights on disruptive innovation
San Francisco, Usa - Operations will begin this month
Embraer announced yesterday that it is forming innovation teams in Silicon Valley and in Boston, in the United States. The objective is to explore business opportunities in the future of air transportation,... more

AirlinesEmirates touched down in Newark via Athens
Newark, Usa - Its 12th US gateway and only year-round daily service between US and Greece
Emirates commenced in the last days daily passenger service between Newark Liberty International Airport and Dubai International Airport, via Athens International Airport. A VIP delegation and contingent... more

ReportThe plane of discord. Diplomatic relations between Turkey and Holland become more and more fiery
Istanbul, Turkey - The reaction of Turkish President Erdogan does not stop, after that two of his ministers who wanted to attend electoral meetings in Rotterdam were drived back
We do not know if Dutch authority imagined such a serious diplomatic reaction when on last Saturday denied landing in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) to the plane of the Turkish Foreign Affair Minister Mevlut... more

SecurityAirplanes and security. Brisbane Airport leades with smart biometrics from check-in to boarding
Brisbane, Australia - With SITA technology; Smarth Path for a smooth secure journey
Brisbane Airport, in partnership with SITA and Air New Zealand, has launched an Australian first trial of facial recognition technology that is set to transform the future of travel. The new Smart Path... more

Weather forecastsBad weather hits the US East Coast: grounded planes in New York and Boston
New York, USA - More than 4000 flights cancelled for the "Stella" storm
The "Stella" storm reached the US East Coast as it was announced, with snow and wind that forced planes to ground at many airports, including those in New York and Boston. In anticipation of the bad weather... more

Civil aviationJAA TO elected to join the 2017-2019 ICAO Trainair Plus Steering Committee
Hoofddorp, The Netherlands - With 49 votes
The Joint Aviation Authorities Training Organisation (JAA TO) has been elected as a Member of the ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS Steering Committee (TPSC) for the period from 2017 to 2019. The election was amongst... more

AirportsFBB (Berlin Airports) releases studies
Berlin, Germany - From Roland Berger and NACO
The former Executive of Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH commissioned the business consultant Roland Berger and Netherlands Airport Consultants (NACO), in mid-2016, to undertake an independent risk assessment... more

CargoAircraft and events. Iata urges air cargo modernization
Abu Dhabi, UAE - The call was made at the "11th World Cargo Symposium", which opened in Abu Dhabi today
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called on the air cargo industry to accelerate modernization and focus on delivering high quality service. The call was made at the "11th World Cargo... more

IndustryCDB Aviation Lease Finance announced order for 30 B-737 MAX 8 airplanes
Dublin, Ireland - Both sides eye new height in the partnership
Boeing and CDB Aviation Lease Finance (CDB Aviation) announced an order yesterday for 30 B-737 MAX 8 airplanes. The order, valued at $3.3 billion at current list prices, was previously unidentified on... more