Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseMergers: Commission approves merger between British Airways and Iberia
Brussels, Belgium - European Commission full press release text on the decision
The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed merger between British Airways of the UK and Iberia of Spain, both active in air passenger and cargo transport and related... more

Press releaseAntitrust: British, American and Iberia commitments ensure competition (3)
Brussels, Belgium - The carrier's pledge on transatlantic passenger air transport markets made legally binding
La Commissione europea ha assunto impegni giuridicamente vincolanti offerti da British Airways (BA) , American Airlines (AA) e Iberia (IB), tre membri della compagnia aerea dell'alleanza oneworld. Tali... more

Press releaseAir transport: Italian Aduc on all inclusive travels
Rome, Italy - Handbook from the Association for the rights of users and consumers
"Travel and vacations in sight for the Summer. The tours are comfortable, just a signature, and everything is in place or nearly so. We have prepared a list of tips for travelers who rely on agencies: *... more

Press releaseItalian Adiconsum: ten commandments for tourist-consumer's rights
Rome, Italy - Beware of scams and frauds
"The economic crisis is slow to move and the fall in expenses is a clear indicator. In this scenario, socio-economic families and individuals self-arrange their own holiday, choosing from the various opportunities... more

Press releaseTwo air accidents: observations by Italian ANSV on PA-28/140 and F-260D model airplanes
Rome, Italy - Code I-CVDA and registration I-ISAM
Air crash to PA-28/140 plane, code I-CVDA: observations ANSV to Factor model nr 6/2010 of Enac The observation by ANSV (Italian Air Safety Board) to Factor model nr 6/2010 of last May 6, with which... more

Press releaseTransports: EC launches campaign to inform passengers about their rights
Brussels, Belgium - In 23 languages
Passengers will enjoy easier access to information about their rights when travelling by rail or air (by airplanes)thanks to a Europe-wide publicity campaign in 23 languages launched by the European Commission... more

Press releaseSea: no State aid to Sea Handling
Milan, Italy - A statement on Ue commission opening inquiry
With reference to the news published by news agencies on the opening of the European Union investigation into possible aid to Sea Handling, Sea SpA (Milan airports management company) write: Since 2006... more

Press releaseGeneral strike in Italy tomorrow: airports will stop for four hours
Rome, Italy - The protest in all sectors against the effects of the government financial manoeuvre
"Tomorrow, June 25, there will be the general strike announced by the Italian Cigl 'Against the government manoeuvre'. Filt informs that 'The government manoeuvre will have important effects on the public... more

Press releaseSkyTeam celebrates tenth anniversary
New York, Usa - Alliance more than triples membership and doubles flights in first decade
The CEOs and Chairmen of SkyTeam (ST) last Tuesday gathered in New York to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the alliance. Since its founding in 2000, ST has more than tripled its membership, doubled... more

Press releaseItalian ANSV about event occurred to an A-330/202 airplane, code EI-DIP, Boston-Rome flight
Rome, Italy - Accredited an Agency's investigator in the NTSB's inquiry
"ANSV (Italian Air Safety Board) has provided, as allowed by the international regulation in this matter, to designate an its accredited delegate, according to the formal signalling by US investigative... more

Press releaseItalian ENAV: new Techno Sky board of directors appointed
Rome, Italy - Antonio Iozzino, Massimo Garbini, and Antonio Serafini are part of it
The board of directors of Enav SpA (Italian Flight Assistance Company) met last Saturday, under the presidency by captain Luigi Martini. It nominated Antonio Iozzino as chairman, Massimo Garbini as CEO,... more

Press releaseStrikes by Italian FILT CGIL: aircraft, trains, buses and ferries stopped on June 25th
Rome, Italy - Pilots, flight and ground attendants in the airport stopped for four hours, from 10am to 2pm
"During the general strike organized by CGIL (one of the larger Italian labour unions) all the transports are going to be stopped on Friday June 25th. The manifestation was organized 'To protest versus... more

Press releaseItalian ADUC: air travel and lost luggage. What to do
Rome, Italy - The maximum refund for immaterial damage is of Euro 1134
"For a lost or damaged luggage, the maximum sum air company has to pay is of Euro 1134; passengers can't ask more except if it made agreements with company before. The European Court stated it referring... more

Press releaseStrikes in Italy: 24 hour stop by Alitalia postponed on July 19
Rome, Italy - The protest was previously fixed for June 18
"The 24 hour strike by pilots and flight assistants of Alitalia/CAI-AirOne Group, fixed for June 18, has been postponed on July 19". Italian unions FILT-CGIL and IPA, ANPAC and AVIA unveiled it "Considering... more

Press release66th IATA AGM: Italian ENAC favourable to financial aids for air transport
Rome, Italy - Riggio, with volcano ensured 100% safety
"On the occasion of works of the 66th IATA (International Air Transport Association) AGM (Annual General Meeting) ongoing in Berlin (June 6-8), in front of general director of the Assocation, Giovanni... more

Press releaseAir transport in Italy: next Monday Assohandler's strike revoked
Rome, Italy - Ground staff 's contract renewal
"Renewed the ground staff's contract for air transport and airports' activity in the handler sector in Italy. On the basis of the agreement signed in the night by union Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: 130 million passengers passed through Italian airports in 2009
Rome, Italy - The traffic data of all air stations on the Authority's website
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) informs that the traffic data of all Italian airports in 2009 have been published on its own website ( The national air stations have received... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: its Vice-Director, Schiacchitano, is ECAC's Executive Secretary
Rome, Italy - Appointed unanimously by the Assembly
"The President and General Director of ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority), Vito Riggio and Alessio Quaranta, respectively, express satisfaction for the assignment of Authority's General Vice-Director,... more

Press releaseMaxi fine. Ryanair dismisses latest claims by ENAC
Rome, Italy - Charging the sanction
We receive and for obligation of report publish: "Ryanair yesterday dismissed the latest false claims by ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) who have again failed to answer the following questions: 1)... more

Press releaseMaxi-fine to Ryanair: "ENAC confirms legitimacy"
Rome, Italy - "The carrier has acknowledged that it violated the EC Regulation 261/2004"
ENAC, Italian Civil Aviation Authority answers with an official note to the press release issued yesterday by Irish low-cost carrier regarding the EUR 3 million fine, inflicted last Saturday by the same... more

Press releaseAlitalia crew staff's strike on 18th of June
Rome, Italy - For a 24 hour stop
"Called again for Friday 18th June the 24-hour Alitalia-Cai (Italian Air Company) pilots' and crew personnel's strike. To plan this claim, following the 14th May strike postponement by ministerial... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: Ryanair fined for 178 violations for failed assistance to passengers
Rome, Italy - During the crisis for volcanic ash in Iceland
"ENAC, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority, communicates that, at the end of the inquiries carried out, has inflicted fines for about EUR 3 million to Irish airline Ryanair, having violated in 178 cases... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: today Pantelleria main runway reopens
Rome, Italy - Requalification works finished in record time
"ENAC (Italian Authority for Civil Aviation) informs that from today 14th of May, 7:00am, was reopened to the air traffic the Pantelleria main runway. The requalification works, made at pelagìa island's... more

Press releaseFixed for 7th of June airport handler workers' strike postponed by Matteoli
Rome, Italy - Lasting 8 hours
"Planned for 7th of June the 8-hour strike, from 10am to 6pm, for handling personnel of all the national airports. The claim was called again by Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti and Ugltrasporti 'Following... more

Press releaseAir crash in Tripoli: mourning message by the minister Frattini
Rome, Italy - Sent to the Libyan counterpart Musa Kusa
After the air crash happened this morning at Tripoli's international airport, the Minister of Foreign Franco Frattini has addressed the following message to the Libyan counterpart Musa Kusa, asking to... more

Press releaseAir transport in Italy: Matteoli postpones the Friday's Assohandlers-Alitalia strike
Rome, Italy - Among the reasons also the volcanic cloud emergency
"By its own ordinance, Italian Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Altero Matteoli, enacting the article 8 of 146/90 law and following modifies, has postponed to other date the strike called by the... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC begins investigation about episode happened on Ryanair aircraft board
Rome, Italy - To the detriment of an Italian passenger
"As regarding the new reported by some newspapers about a mistreatment by a flight officer on a Ryanair's Barcelona-Rome flight to the detriment of an hill Italian passenger, the ENAC's (Italian Authority... more

Press releaseAshes. ENAC: no restrictions to Italian air space
Rome, Italy - Possible closing promptly communicated just by the Authority
"As referring to the news casted by media today, ENAC (Italian Authority for Civil Aviation) let know that, on the base of continuous monitoring the Authority is doing together with other European Aviation... more

Press releaseItalian Aduc-volcano emergency: Ryanair denies assistance to aircraft passengers; denunciation at Antitrust
Florence, Italy - Association's invitation to "Reflect well before buying company's ticket in future"
We have received and we publish: "Today we provide denouncing Ryanair to qualified authorities. We had some recommendations by the Madrid airport - where is blocked also an Aduc's (consumers' and users'... more

Press releaseIBAR-Assaereo on volcanic ashes still on air
Rome, Italy - IBAR asks the collaboration by institutions
We receive and publish "IBAR Italian Board Airline Representatives) and Assaereo (Italian association for airlines and operators of the air transport) ask to the Transports Minister a meeting to valuate... more

Press releaseAlitalia strike called for Friday 14th
Rome, Italy - After the Goverment intervention, which has postponed the claim initially planned for yesterday
"'It's planned again for 14th of May the pilots' and flight crew's strike working in Alitalia-Cai (Italian Air Company) group'. Filt Cgil's natioanal segretary, Mauro Rossi, has announced following the... more

Press releaseHovercraft for US Navy: Boeing and Fincantieri MMC reinforce team in view of the call for bids
Trieste, Italy - For 80 units and USD 4 bn as overall worth
Marinette Marine Corporation (MMC), Fincantieri’s US subsidiary, and Boeing have announced that Oceaneering International are to enter the team set up a year ago with a view to competing for the imminent t... more

Press releaseAir transport: Italian Minister Matteoli postponed strike fixed for next Monday
Rome, Italy - Regular flights; the protest deferred to other date
"With own order, the Italian Transports Minister, Altero Matteoli, according to the article 8 of law 146/90 and successive changes, has deferred to other date the strike announced by different unions in... more

Press releaseAlitalia: unions to ministry, rightful strike on 3rd of May
Rome, Italy - The 24 hour claim for pilot and flight personnel
"The strike is fully rightful and respects the Authority's orientation and resolution about the joint of claims in just one day'. That is written to the Ministry of Transportation, by Filt, Cgil and the... more

Press releaseEutelsat Communications: award honours Giuliano Berretta, chairman of the Board
Paris, France - "The Arthur C. Clarke" 2010
The Washington D.C.-based Arthur C. Clarke Foundation has honoured Giuliano Berretta, Chairman of the Board of Eutelsat Communications, as the 2010 winner of the “Arthur C. Clarke Lifetime Achievement A... more

Press releaseAir Partner: a team of crisis for volcano's emergency
Milan, Italy - In service for all day
Air Partner, world society in supplying commercial airplanes and private jets, has established a team of crisis in service round the clock through which the individual travellers or groups, blocked in... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: gradual re-opening of air traffic from today
Rome, Italy - Inland flights take off again
"ENAC (Italian Authority for Civil Aviation) informs that from 8:00 am of today on April 20 has been gradually reopened the whole Italian air space, starting with national flights on the north-south direction... more

Press releaseItalian Enac: new northern Italy air space urgent closing from today to tomorrow morning
Rome, Italy - Because of a worsening registered during the night
Because of a worsening registered during the night communicated by the MetOffice report ( on the ashes' movement erupted by Icelandic volcano... more

Press releaseCivil Aviation: memorandum of cooperation signed between Italian ENAC and Albanian ENA
Rome, Italy - Last Friday in Tirane
A memorandum of cooperation between ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) and ENA (Albanian civil aviation Board) has been signed in Tirane last Friday. The agreement has been underwritten by Alessio... more

Press releaseEruption. Italian Adiconsum about airports and routes blocked: the passengers' rights
Rome, Italy - The association remembers what is due to and what not
"The cloud of ash produced by the eruption in the south of Iceland, is causing the chaos in many airports and blocked of the routes. Adiconsum (Italian association of customers' right and environment),... more

Press releaseHelicopters: AgustaWestland Launches AW-139 HUMS Web Services Technology
Vergiate, Italy - This allows easier and more efficient maintenance activities on the helicopter's transmission components
AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, in a new effort aimed at further enhancing its global customer support services, is pleased to announce today the introduction of the brand new AW139 HUMS (Health... more

Press releaseItaly: postponed on May 14 handling personnel's strike
Rome, Italy - Lasting 8 hours
"Re-planned on the 14th of May the all Italian airports' handling 8-hour strike. 'The decision was taken - said together Italian unions Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Uiltrasporti and Ugltrasporti - after the board... more

Press releaseUSA's Congress weighs up the proposed sale of 36 engines for CH-47 helicopters
Washington, Usa - Notice of possible supply of American military equipment to Canada
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Canada of 36 T55-GA-714A engines and associated equipment, parts, and logistical support for an estimated... more

Press releaseMeridiana: the Board will propose Massimo Chieli as new counsellor to the assembly
Olbia, Italy - Destined to the CEO's role
"The Meridiana SpA's Board of Directors, gathered today in Olbia under the presidency by Franco Trivi, has approved the list of candidates as administration councellors to propose to the member's assembly... more

Press releaseItalian AMI: the "Tigri" in Herat come back in Italy
Rome, Italy - The stay period in Afghanistan by Task Group ended last Wednesday March 31
The Task Group "Tigre" -rotary wing component by Joint Air Task Force of Regional Command West, the ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) Command by Italian led on "Sassari" Brigate- has equipped... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC's delegation at ICAO's conference on safety in air sector
Rome, Italy - From March 29 to yesterday in Montreal
"The third edition of the High Level Safety Conference has taken place from March 29 to April 1st in Montreal at the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization, the UN Board that regroups the authorities... more

Press releaseNew black-list on airlines banned into the European airspace
Brussels, Belgium - The thirteenth update adopted yesterday
"The European Commission has adopted yesterday the thirteenth update of the Community’s list of airlines banned in the European Union to include all air carriers of two additional countries: Sudan and t... more

Press releaseAlitalia's flight crew strike on next May 3rd
Rome, Italy - New claim this time for 24 hours
"New strike on Monday 3rd of May, this time for 24 hours, called by Alitalia-Cai's (Italian Air Company) group pilots and flight crew. To call this new stop after those of 4 hours on last 16th of February... more

Press releaseItalian ENAV: "Self Briefing", innovative system for information and document before flight
Rome, Italy - Access via web
"Access via web to all information and documentation before flight necessary for its planning: this is the Self Briefing: an innovative system realized by ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance Society) for airlines,... more

Press releaseAir transport in Italy. Strike on April 16: stop for airport's handling personnel
Rome, Italy - It will last for 24 hours
"New strike on Friday 16th of April for all the Italian airports' handling personnel. After 22th of March 4-hour strike this time strike called by FILT CGIL, FIT CISL, UIL Transport, UGL Transport unions... more