Military aviation
3,236 news found

Military aviationRussian Air Force: new 30 Yak-130 aircraft supply
Moscow, Russia - Airplanes will be addressed to aerospace division by 2018
It should be 30 the airplanes incoming for Russian Air Force: it has been signed a supply contract for new advanced trainers “Yakovlev Yak-130”. The Ministry of Defence enters with "Irkut Corporation" tha... more

Military aviationAirplanes and helicopters. Greek practises itself to air readiness and combat against the Turkish danger
Athens, Greece - Ongoing drills. Stop to the incessant violations of the air space by the fighters of Ankara
After the nth invasion of its air space by the Turkish fighter aircraft denounced by Athens, Greece decided to answer with a drill campaign addressed to the verification of own air readiness and combat.... more

Military aviationMIG-31BM broke record of longest non-stop flight, never reached by an interceptor fighter airplane
Moscow, Russia - In flight for seven hours and four minutes it covered a distance of almost 8,000 km
A MIG-31BM, supersonic interceptor airplane broke the record for the longest non-stop flight, never reached by a fighter of the same category. The Moscow's press unveiled it last Friday and reported the... more

Military aviationUSA clinch to the UNSCR resolution to halt Iran’s acquisition plan for the Russian Su-30 jet aircraft
Rome, Italy - It is likely that the United States will use its veto power in the UN Security Council
The spokesperson of the American Department of State for Political Affairs Thomas Shannon, said that the US are likely to halt Iran purchase of the Russian planes Su-30. The news circulated in the soviet... more

Military aviationAirplanes and defense: Antonov finalized the assembly of its An-132 -2 VIDEO
Rome, Italy - The aircraft will be used for military transportation
Ukrainian Antonov, one of the main producers of planes, unveiled its An-132, the first jet for military transportation built in collaboration with the Saudi KACST, King Abdulaziz City Science and Technology.... more

Military aviationRussian Defence Ministry signs a deal for 30 Su-30SM jet aircraft
Moscow, Russia - Following the successful Russian air campaigns in Syria, also the Byelorussian and Iran governments are looking at the jet fighter
Russian Defense Vice-Minister Yuri Borisov finalized a three year contract with Irkut for the purchase of 30 jet fighters Su-30SM to be delivered at the end of 2018. The amount of the deal is yet unknown... more

Military aviationBelgium becomes relevant again: it will resume aircraft attacks against Daesh with the coalition forces
Brussels, Belgium - A debate in Parliament and then the Government will decide if extend the mandate of fighters
"In the context of the agreement with The Netherlands, we resume mission of our F-16 airplanes. We would make a debate in Parliament and the Government will decide if expand the mandate of the F-16s",... more

Military aviationFinmeccanica. Moretti on Eurofighter airplanes to Kuwait: "We are at the last steps of the discussion"
Milan, Italy - Object: the order for 28 Typhoon fighters
Parts of one of the rare interviews given by the Finmeccanica Group's CEO, Mauro Moretti, read yesterday on the "Milano Finanza", after approval by BoD of the financial statements at December 31, 2015.... more

Military aviationPossible anomalies in the logistics management of the AMX aircraft maintenance
Rome, Italy - Italian Air Force started internal checks
The Italian Air Force (AMI) has been informed by GE AVIO company of the existence of some procedural irregularities in the management of the maintenance activities of the same industry, regarding the turbojet... more

Military aviationItalian Eurofighter Typhoon airplanes make "Red flag" debut
Hallbergmoos, Germany - From 4th, 36th and 37th Fighter Wings in Grosseto
Italian Air Force Eurofighter Typhoons have this week made their first appearance at one of the world’s best-known military exercises. Exercise "Red Flag", at the Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, is a... more

Military aviationDefence. Bulgaria evaluated yesterday on new military aircraft purchase: Gripen, Eurofighter and F-16 the possible choices
Sofia, Bulgaria - Allocation also for a new patroller for the Navy
Nikolay Nenchev, the Bulgarian Defence Minister, during a conference with the press announced last Monday that the Nation would have examined its program for the purchase of a new multirole military airplane.... more

Military aviationThe signing for Eurofighter aircraft to Kuwait next week?
Kuwait City, Kuwait - The Kuwaiti Defence Minister affirmed it to the "Kuwait News" TV. Pinotti will be present?
The question mark is compulsory. But probably we are at the final phase, and finally after long negotiations, complex -(also by the recent stop by Kuwaiti Audit Bureau), postponements (the signing was... more

Military aviationEurofighter Typhoon airplane: Storm Shadow and Meteor missile trials continue
Hallbergmoos, Germany - As part of a programme of improvements
Further trials of the Storm Shadow deep strike missile and Meteor Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air missile have been successfully completed as part of a programme of improvements which will further enhance... more

Military aviationAirplanes. And the signing for the Eurofighter airplanes to Kuwait?
Rome, Italy - All is quiet, but the signing was announced for January 31... And in the meantime we risk that the substantial contract is concluded with USA....
"", the on-line press agency, reported last February 6 the declaration by a Finmeccanica's spokesperson. According to it the multimillionaire deal for 28 units of the Eurofighter Typhoon... more

Military aviationAirplanes-helicopters. Near signature for 28 Typhoons to Kuwait? Finmeccanica in ferment...
Rome, Italy - Good news also from Poland, where it's rumoured that cancellation of the tender won by Airbus Helicopters. And perhaps from Qatar...
According to "Askanews" sources the Italian Defence Minister, Roberta Pinotti, would have been invited to attend the signing contract for the supply of 28 Eurofighter Typhoon (multirole advanced fighter)... more

Military aviationThe Russian-Indian MTA transport airplane: program's freeze confirmed
Moscow, Russia - The two partners have different purposes and aims, according to the analysts
The project for the joint Russian-Indian realization of the military transport aircraft MTA (Multi-purpose Transport Aircraft) has been freezed, said Sergej Velmozhkin, DG of the Russian Ilyushin Aviation... more

Military aviationItalian Air Force receives the first F-35 airplane assembled in Italy
Rome, Italy - The delivery ceremony of the JSF took place yesterday at the base of the AMI in Cameri
The delivery ceremony of the first Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) aircraft entirely built in Italy took place yesterday, December 3, at the Italian Air Force (AMI) base in Cameri, near Novara. Military and... more

Military aviationAirplanes and ISIS. Mogherini: "Road map defined". Moscow-Ankara agreement on fighter fly over above Turkish-Syrian border area
Florence, Italy - The flights by military airplanes by both Countries on the boundary skies suspended. Appeal by the moderate Arabic world: call IS, Daesh
The High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Federica Mogherini, declared that the recent shooting down of the Russian SU-24 military airplane by the fighters of the Ankara... more

Military aviationBeijing signs for 24 SU-35 fighter airplanes with Moscow
Moscow, Russia - Worth USD 2 bn, according to the Russian "Kommersant" published
According to the Russian "Kommersant" daily published in these hours, China officially becomes the first buyer foreign Country of the Sukhoi SU-35 airplane, designation of two different upgrades of the... more

Military aviationA-400M airplane: Berlin presents the damage bill to Airbus
Berlin, Germany - EUR 13 million according to "Der Spiegel", the German tabloid, plus the free resolution of all problems to the aircraft
"Der Spiegel", the German newspaper, in its Sunday edition published a report according to it the European consortium Airbus is compelled to refund the German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) with a sum fixed... more

Military aviationEurofighter Typhoon airplane strengthens capability in service
Hallbergmoos, Germany - Central to this last month’s capability enhancement work on the aircraft has been flight testing for the P2E Programme
As Eurofighter Typhoon engages in significant global deployments delivering high levels of effectiveness and reliability, speaking at the "Dubai Air Show", the Programme’s Capability Manager, Paul Smith, a... more

Military aviationFirst Storm Shadow missile succesfully released from a Eurofighter Typhoon airplane
Hallbergmoos, Germany - The trials also verified the interface of the missile with the weapon system for pre-launch checks
A Eurofighter Typhoon Instrumented Production Aircraft (IPA) has successfully completed a release of the MBDA Storm Shadow, conventionally armed, stealthy, long-range stand-off precision missile. This... more

Military aviationUAV aircraft (2). Here how much Italy asked to equip its Reaper drones: cost USD 129,6 million -VIDEO-
Washington, USA - The press release by the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency
The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Italy for weaponization of MQ-9 UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, at remote control, or UAS) and associated equipment,... more

Military aviationUAV airplanes. Italian MQ9s Reaper could now fly armed
Rome, Italy - Until now only those of UK were equipped of armament
Italy had requested already since 2012 to USA to acquire the armament for its UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, at remote control) MQ-9 Reaper aircraft. The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) notified... more

Military aviationWhat will happen if Canada pulls out from the F-35 aircraft program?
Rome, Italy - Analysts debate the question of the most expensive fighter plane program in history, and if Ottawa pulls out, the price will rise
Canada’s mid-October elections, which witnessed the victory of the Liberal Party, have forced a moment of reflection. Mainly in light of the end of the Labour power lasted nine years, period in which C... more

Military aviationIndia opens the door for women to pilot fighter and combat planes?
New Delhi, India - Suspicions that the development is illusory
Women will now be permitted to pilot IAF (Indian Air Force) fighter planes, announced Indian defence minister Manohar Parrikar several weeks ago. The announcement contradicts the conviction hitherto espoused... more

Military aviationLM successfully completed the maiden flight of the Viper, the advanced version of the F-16 airplane
Fort Worth, Usa - A breakthrough thanks to the APG-83 SABR AESA advanced radar system
Lockheed Martin unveiled in these days to have successfully completed the maiden flight of the F-16V airplane, the latest version of the plane, the most advanced on the market today. The flight marks the... more

Military aviationFinnish defence authorizes launch that will replace the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fighter aircraft
Helsinki, Finland - After the report of a study group, the complete succession within the Armed Forces will happen in 2030
As anticipated last June 11 by the Finnish MoD (Ministry of Defence), that had published the report made by a work group, the minister Jussi Niinistöh authorized in these hours the defence forces of Finland... more

Military aviationAirplanes and photo. Wings for first Spanish Air Force A-400M arrive in Seville
Seville, Spain - By ship from the UK and then by Beluga airplane
The wings for the first A-400M new generation airlifter for the Spanish Air Force have arrived at the Final Assembly Line (FAL) in San Pablo, Seville. These first large elements of the aircraft, known... more

Military aviationJ-31 airplane, the Chinese fighter, ready for export?
Beijing, China - The very latest news unveiled it
AVIC, Aviation Industry Corp. of China, the Chinese State company operative in the air sector production, space and defence, would be ready to export J-31, the fifth generation combat jet. Sources close... more

Military aviationAirplanes and photo: a RAAF A-330MRTT refuels a F-35 fighter
Seville, Spain - Thanks to the use of the Airborne Refuelling Boom System (ARBS)
An A-330 Multi Role Tanker Transport (A-330 MRTT) aircraft of the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) has successfully refuelled a F-35A Joint Strike Fighter of the US Air Force. During a four-hour sortie... more

Military aviationAVIONEWS publish preview. Eurofighter airplane: maxi-order from Kuwait? Today the signature at Palazzo Chigi...
Rome, Italy - An agreement for 28 fighters for EUR 7,7 billion worth, whom Finmeccanica, prime-contractor, will cash in 37%
A news that, if confirmed the rumours of latest information, could mean a great breath of fresh air for the European Eurofighter Consortium, seen difficulties to sell its Typhoon, swing role and interceptor... more

Military aviationGripen NG aircraft: contract for 36 units to Brazil enters the next steps -two VIDEOS
Stockholm, Sweden - The agreement of associated cooperation also provides transfer technology. Deliveries between 2019 and 2024
When Brazil and Saab signed Gripen NG's contract in October 2014, it was announced that the agreement would have entered into force once certain conditions were met. Today the Swedish industry has announced... more

Military aviationSofia closed air space to Russian aircraft towards Syria
Sofia, Bulgaria - It seems upon request by USA, that have made pressure also on Athens
According to the foreign press, the Sofia's government satisfied yesterday the request by USA to deny the permission asked from Russia during the week-end, to fly over its air space for the military aircraft... more

Military aviationEgypt receives its first three Rafale fighter aircraft (VIDEO, from France to Cairo)
Saint-Cloud, France - The pilots already trained in France, in service today
The official ceremony marking the acceptance by the Arab Republic of Egypt of its first three Rafales was held yesterday at the Dassault Aviation flight test center in Istres, under the patronage of Ehab... more

Military aviationThe future of the military helicopters at "DSEI", "Defence & Security Equipment International 2015"
London, UK - The requirement for faster, versatile platforms is a pressing issue for militaries around the world is the theme of only one of the strategic conferences, on the margin of it
The future of rotorcraft, and especially the requirement for faster, versatile platforms is a pressing issue for militaries around the world, many of which will be at "Defence & Security Equipment International"... more

Military aviationReport by RUSI exhort to "New investments" on the Eurofighter aircraft programme ("Specials" by AVIONEWS)
Hallbergmoos, Germany - The CEO of the consortium, Alberto Gutierrez, read that in it
Eurofighter’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has welcomed as "Positive and encouraging" a new report by the UK’s Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI) launched today in... more

Military aviationAirbus Defence and Space set to resume A400M deliveries
Paris, France - Lifting of restrictions permits all aircraft to fly subject to completion of checks
Airbus Defence and Space is about to recommence deliveries of Airbus A-400M aircraft following the lifting of all remaining flight restrictions on new production aircraft by Spanish regulator DGAM yesterday. As... more

Military aviationAircraft and araments. United Kingdom: Raytheon and MBDA in the running for the missiles of F-35B (VIDEO)
London, United Kingdom - The choice set for 2018 is between SDBII and "Spear Cap 3"
The choice for the missiles with the RAF (Royal Air Force) will equip its own F-35B aircraft, will not be taken until at least 2018: to make this known the British Ministry of Defense spokesman. The possible... more

Military aviationMilitary aircraft. Gaza: new Israeli raids against terrorist positions in the strip (VIDEO)
Tel Aviv , Israel - The attack in response to the rocket firing towards Israel
Israeli aircraft raids hit during the early hours of today, May 27, 2015, "Four terrorist infrastructure" (cit.) Located in the Gaza Strip, told a military spokesman from the Tel Aviv army. The attack... more

Military aviationMilitary aircraft. Egypt: soon the arrival of 46 MiG-29 from Russia (VIDEO)
Moscow, Russia - Strengthening the cooperation between Cairo and Moscow in the military
Citing a source from the Russian Aircraft Corporation MiG, the "Sputnik" agency has announced that in the near future Russia will deliver to Egypt 46 MiG-29 military aircraft, for an estimated value of... more

Military aviationAircraft and drills. Morocco: "African Lion 2015" began (VIDEO)
Agadir , Morocco - The maneuvers involving the US, Morocco, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Senegal and Tunisia
Started a few days ago at Tifnit and Agadir, in Morocco, the "African Lion 2015" drills. The largest joint military exercises after the NATO ones, involving about 3 thousand men from the United States,... more

Military aviationAircraft and defence. France: increase in the military spending to a total of EUR 3,8 billion
Paris, France - Among the purchases by the French army, the C-130 "Hercules" airplane and the "Tigers" attack helicopters
Increase in military spending set by the French authorities on May 20, 2015, as reported in parliament by the Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian: EUR 1,5 billion added to the already allocated funds in... more

Military aviationCargo aircraft. Spain: first test flight for the A-400M after the last week incident (VIDEO)
Madrid, Spain - Britain, Germany and Turkey have suspended flights of the Airbus model until will be excluded technical reasons for the disaster
The European consortium Airbus has done on May 12, 2015 a flight test for the A-400M military transport aircraft: this is the first test following the accident last Sunday in Spain, which caused the death... more

Military aviationRussia: the Army stationed in the Rostov region and the Republic of Crimea will receive 40 military aircraft (VIDEO)
Moscow, Russia - Station troops in the south of Russia have already received new models
The Russian Army has announced that very soon the forces located in the south of the Country, specifically in Rostov and in the newly formed Republic of Crimea (ex-Ukraine), will receive 40 new models... more

Military aviationMilitary aircraft. Yemen: F-16 shot down in Morocco. Tomorrow will start a humanitarian truce (VIDEO)
Sanaa, Yemen - The stop to the fighting proposed by Saudi Arabia and accepted by the rebels will last for five days
An F-16 aircraft from the Moroccan Aviation taking part in the Saudi coalition airstrikes against the Houti rebels in Yemen, crashed yesterday afternoon, on May 10, 2015. To communicate this the pan-Arab... more

Military aviationThe "Tigers" of the 9th Wing of Italian AMI on the Turkey's skies for the "Tiger Meet 2015" exercise
Konya, Turkey - It will end next Friday
The 21st "Tiger" Group of the 9th Wing of Grazzanise (Caserta) deployed from last May 4 in Turkey under the command of the Maj. Pil. Alessandro Fabian to participate at the operating exercise named "Tiger... more

Military aviationDassault accomplishes sale of 24 Rafale fighter aircraft to Qatar (VIDEO)
Doha, Qatar - The agreement signed today in front of the Emir and the French President Hollande
Dassault Aviation had announced last Thursday the conclusion of the negotiations with Qatar Emirate for the purchase of 24 units of the Rafale fighter airplanes destined to the fleet of the Emirate Air... more

Military aviationMilitary aircraft. USA: DSCA approves the "Growler" and "Super Hornets" sale to Australia (VIDEO)
Washington, USA - The value of the order is approximately USD 1,5 billion
The US Agency for International Cooperation in the fields of security and defense (DSCA) authorized the sale of the F/A-18E/F "Super Hornet" and EA-18G "Growler" military aircraft to the Royal Australian... more

Military aviationUAV aircraft. That satellite system for the war of drone in Sigonella, that keeps the lid on
Rome, Italy - An interesting report by "L'Espresso" among the turns of a project of next realization
Sigonella (Sicily, Italy) and Ramstein (Germany), technological core of the war of drone. This would be the American project that will permit through a satellite communication system to conduct attacks... more