Government acts
1,439 news found

Government actsFrance imposes public service obligations on scheduled air services between Pointe-à-Pitre le Raizet and Saint-Barthélémy
Rome, Italy - The communication publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union of 22 July 2003
"Official Journal of the European Union C 172 of 22 July 2003, page 17. Imposition by France of public service obligations on scheduled air services between Pointe-à-Pitre and Saint-Barthélémy (2003/C 17... more

Government actsFrance imposes public service obligations on scheduled air services between Pointe-à-Pitre le Raizet and La Désirade, Les Saintes and Marie-Galante
Rome, Italy - The communication publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union of 22 July 2003
"Official Journal of the European Union C 172 of 22 July 2003, page 16. Imposition by France of public service obligations on scheduled air services between Pointe-à-Pitre on the one hand and La Désirade, l... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Community criteria for the development of regional air transport" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer given by the EU Commissioner for Transport, Loyola De Palacio
Answer given by Mrs de Palacio on behalf of the European Commission (6 February 2003). "Ever since the three Regulations comprising the third air transport liberalisation package (Regulations (EEC) No... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Community criteria for the development of regional air transport"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Salvador Garriga Polledo (Christian-Democrats)
Official Journal of the European Union C 161E of 10 July 2003, page 159. Written question E-3875/02 by Salvador Garriga Polledo (PPE-DE) to the European Commission (10 January 2003). Subject: Community... more

Government actsThe European Parliament and the EU Council adopt a directive on occurrence reporting in civil aviation
Rome, Italy - The text publicated on the Official Journal of 4 July 2003 (extract)
Official Journal of the European Union L 167 of 4 July 2003, page 23. Directive 2003/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2003 on occurrence reporting in civil aviation. (1)... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Disruption of environmental policy by rock-bottom short-hop air fares within the EU by a non-European airline" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer of European Commissioner for Transport, Loyola De Palacio
Answer given by Ms de Palacio on behalf of the European Commission (17 February 2003). "The Commission had not been aware of the commercial practices of the company in question on the Paris-Amsterdam... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Disruption of environmental policy by rock-bottom short-hop air fares within the EU by a non-European airline"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Erik Meijer (European United Left)
Official Journal of the European Union 161 E of 10 July 2003, page 113. Written question E-3618/02 by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the European Commission (16 December 2002). Subject: Disruption of environmental... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Court of Justice judgment concerning bilateral aviation agreements concluded by EU Member States with other states" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer of European Commissioner for Transport, Loyola De Palacio
Answer given by Mrs de Palacio on behalf of the European Commission (13 February 2003). "1. The -judgement of the Court of Justice of 5 November 2002 has confirmed that the so-called nationality clauses... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Court of Justice judgment concerning bilateral aviation agreements concluded by EU Member States with other states"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Erik Meijer (European United Left)
Official Journal of the European Union 161 E of 10 July 2003, page 98. Written question E-3511/02 by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the European Commission (10 December 2002). Subject: Court of Justice judgment... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Environmental Impact Assessment for Frankfurt airport" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer given by the EU Commissioner for the Environment, Margot Wallström
Answer given by Mrs Wallström on behalf of the European Commission (17 January 2003). "The Honourable Member contests the lack of application of Directive 85/337/EEC of 27 June 1985 on the assessment... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Environmental Impact Assessment for Frankfurt airport"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Hiltrud Breyer (Green Party)
Official Journal of the European Union C 161E of 10 July 2003, page 83. Written question E-3322/02 by Hiltrud Breyer (Verts/ALE) to the European Commission (25 November 2002). Subject: Environmental... more

Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by Spain
Official Journal of the European Union C 156 of 4 July 2003, page 4. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licenses pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No 2407/92... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Identity checks at Malpensa airport (Italy)" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer of the EU Commissioner for Justice and Home Affairs, António Vitorino
Supplementary answer by Mr Vitorino on behalf of the European Commission (29 January 2003). "Article 2(1) of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement, which has been incorporated into European... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Identity checks at Malpensa airport (Italy)"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Luciano Caveri (Liberal, Democrat and Reform Party)
Official Journal of the European Union C 161 E of 10 July 2003, page 15. Written question P-2119/02 by Luciano Caveri (ELDR) to the European Commission (11 July 2002). Subject: Identity checks at Malpensa... more

Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers (2)
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by Sweden
Official Journal of the European Union C 156 of 4 July 2003, page 10. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No... more

Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by Finland
Official Journal of the European Union C 156 of 4 July 2003, page 5. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No 2407/92... more

Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers (2)
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by Ireland
Official Journal of the European Union C 156 of 4 July 2003, page 9. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No 2407/92... more

Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by Spain
Official Journal of the European Union C 156 of 4 July 2003, page 4. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licenses pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No 2407/92... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Busquin: EU should be ‘true space power’" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer given by the EU Commissioner for the Research, Philippe Busquin
Answer given by Mr Busquin on behalf of the European Commission (24 January 2003). "The Commission takes note of the important questions raised by the Honourable Member. Indeed, the Commission is finalising... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Busquin: EU should be ‘true space power’"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Alexander Radwan (Christian Democrats)
Official Journal of the European Union C155E of 3 july 2003, page 180. Written question E-3679/02 by Alexander Radwan (PPE-DE) to the Europea Commission (19 December 2002). Subject: Busquin: EU should... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Proposed airport on the North Kent marshes, UK"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Caroline Lucas (Green Party)
Official Journal of the European Union C155E of 3 July 2003, page 163. Written question P-3516/02 by Caroline Lucas (Verts/ALE) to the European Commission (3 December 2002). Subject: Proposed airport... more

Government actsParliamentary question" Competition in the airline industry"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Robert Goebbels (European Socialists)
Official Journal of the European Union C155E of 3 july 2003, page 53. Written question E-2793/02 by Robert Goebbels (PSE) to the European Commission (4 October 2002). Subject: Competition in the airline... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Competition in the airline industry" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer given by the EU Commissioner for the competition policy, Mario Monti
Answer given by Mr Monti on behalf of the European Commission (12 November 2002). "Code-sharing and other related forms of airline co-operation (such as alliances) have been increasingly adopted by many... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Proposed airport on the North Kent marshes, UK" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer given by the EU Commissioner for the Environment, Margot Wallström
Answer given by Mrs Wallström on behalf of the European Commission (16 January 2003). "The Commission is aware that the United Kingdom is considering the construction of a new international airport at... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Impact on the Natura 2000 network of extending San Sebastián airport"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by María Sornosa Martínez (European socialists)
Official Journal of the European Union C155E of 3 July 2003, page 151. Written question E-3417/02 by María Sornosa Martínez (PSE) and Bárbara Dührkop Dührkop (PSE) to the European Commission (2 Dece... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Impact on the Natura 2000 network of extending San Sebastián airport" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer given by the EU Commissioner for the Environment, Margot Wallström
Answer given by Mrs Wallström on behalf of the European Commission (27 January 2003). "In response to the Honourable Member’s written question, the Commission has approached the Spanish authorities wi... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Impact of building an airport at Cliffe" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer of the European Commissioner for the Environment, Margot Wallström
Answer given by Mrs Wallström on behalf of the European Commission (11 December 2002). "The Commission is aware that the United Kingdom is considering the construction of a new international airport... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Impact of building an airport at Cliffe"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Daniel Hannan (Christian Democrats)
Official Journal of the European Union C 155E of 3 July 2003, page 123. Written question P-3270/02 by Daniel Hannan (PPE-DE) to the European Commission (12 November 2002). Subject: Impact of building... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Airline price transparency" (2)
Rome, Italy - The answer of the European Commissioner for Transport, Loyola De Palacio
Official Journal of the European Union C 155E of 3 July 2003, page 113. Answer given by Mrs de Palacio on behalf of the Commission (18 December 2002). "Under Council Regulation (EEC) No 2409/92 of 23... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Airline price transparency"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Paul Rübig (christian democrats)
Written question E-3212/02 by Paul Rübig (PPE-DE) to the European Commission (12 November 2002). Subject: Airline price transparency. "Airlines often run flyer, poster or other campaigns advertising... more

Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers
Rome, Italy -The decisions taken by Austria
Official Journal of the European Union C 156 of 4 July 2003, page 3. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No 2407/92... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Identity checks on air passengers" (2)
Rome, Italy - The reply of the European Council
Text of the reply (4 March 2003): "The Council does not comment on the compatibility with Community legislation of the internal arrangements made by the Member States in relation to checks on travellers. The... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Identity checks on air passengers"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Bruno Gollnisch (non-attached)
Official Journal of the European Union 155E of 3 july 2003, page 34. Written question P-2586/02 by Bruno Gollnisch (NI) to the European Council (10 September 2002). Subject: Identity checks on air passengers. "Passengers... more

Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers (2)
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by Germany (2)
"Expiry of licence. Category A: Operating licences without the restriction of Article 5(7)(a) of Regulation (EEC) No 2407/92 Name of air carrier: Sky Team Luftfahrtunternehmen GmbH Address of air carrier:... more

Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by Germany
Official Journal of the European Union C 156 of 4 july 2003, page 2. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No 2407/92... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Risk of cosmic radiations in the field of aviation"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Christopher Huhne (Liberal-Democrats)
Written question E-1801/03 by Christopher Huhne (ELDR) to the European Commission (19 May 2003). Subject: Cosmic radiation. "In 1996, the EU agreed a directive (96/29/Euratom) on basic safety standards... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Items in the Community budget intended for fire-fighting aviation equipment in Spain"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by María Sornosa Martínez (PSE)
Written question E-1915/03 by María Sornosa Martínez (PSE) to the European Commission (27 May 2003). Subject: Items in the Community budget intended for fire-fighting in Spain and their actual final u... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Transfer to airforce of Ekab (National First Aid Centre) air rescue operations"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Alexandros Alavanos (European United Left)
Written question E-1822/03 by Alexandros Alavanos (GUE/NGL) to the European Commission (20 May 2003). Subject: Transfer to airforce of Ekab (National First Aid Centre) air rescue operations. "In 2000,... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Award of service contracts in Spain to non-Community helicopter companies"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by María Sornosa Martínez (European Socialists)
Written question E-1912/03 by María Sornosa Martínez (PSE) to the European Commission (27 May 2003). Subject: Award of service contracts in Spain to non-Community helicopter companies. "The Spanish G... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "International air transport"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Emmanouil Bakopoulos (European United Left)
Written question E-1888/03 by Emmanouil Bakopoulos (GUE/NGL) to the European Commission (23 May 2003). Subject: International air transport. "A report in an Athens newspaper claims that Commissioner... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Conflicting information concerning financial returns from, and the impact on the environment and health of, the expansion of Sofia airport"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Erik Meijer (European United Left)
Written question E-1862/03 by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) to the European Commission (22 May 2003). Subject: Conflicting information concerning financial returns from, and the impact on the environment and... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Protecting slots for regional air routes"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Brian Simpson (PSE)
Written question E-1857/03 by Brian Simpson (PSE) to the European Commission (22 May 2003). Subject: Protecting slots for regional air routes. "Could the European Commission clarify the position in... more

Government actsWritten question: "Air passenger health"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Christopher Huhne (Liberal-Democrats)
Written question E-1802/03 by Christopher Huhne (ELDR) to the European Commission (19 May 2003). Subject: Air passenger health. "Will the Commission give the figures for the number of deaths in the... more

Government actsWritten question: "Death of 62 Spanish soldiers in an accident in Turkey on their return from Afghanistan"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Camilo Nogueira Román (green party)
Written question E-1947/03 by Camilo Nogueira Román (Verts/ALE) to the Council (28 May 2003). Subject: Death of 62 Spanish soldiers in an accident in Turkey on their return from Afghanistan. "According... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Flying ultralight aircraft"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN)
Written question E-1971/03 by Cristiana Muscardini (UEN) to the European Commission (3 June 2003). Subject: Flying ultralight aircraft. "Pleasure and sports flights on board ultralight aircraft are... more

Government actsPublicated on the Official Journal of the European Union the operating licences of air carriers
Rome, Italy - The decisions taken by Norway
Official Journal of the European Union C 149 of 26 June 2003, page 15. Publication of decisions by Member States to grant or revoke operating licences pursuant to Article 13(4) of Regulation (EEC) No... more

Government actsThe Council of the European Union adopts a resolution on the development of an overall European space policy
Rome, Italy - The text publicated on the Official Journal of 26 June 2003
Official Journal of the European Union C 149 of 26 June 2003, page 10. Council resolution of 13 May 2003 on the development of an overall European space policy (2003/C 149/05). The Council of the European... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Contravention of international legal rules by Turkey and danger of causing a serious accident to a passenger aeroplane in Greek airspace"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the European Parliament by Christos Zacharakis (European People's Party)
Parliamentary questions. Oral question H-0389/03 for question time at the part-session in July 2003 (pursuant to rule 43 of the rules of procedure)by Christos Zacharakis to the European Commission. Subject:... more

Government actsGermany has decided to terminate the public service obligation in respect of scheduled air services between Erfurt and Brussels
Rome, Italy - The communication publicated on the Official Journal of the European Union of 18 June 2003
Official Journal of the European Union C 142 of 18 June 2003, page 7. Termination of the public service obligation in respect of scheduled air services between Erfurt and Brussels (2003/C 142/03). Germany... more

Government actsParliamentary question: "Problem of funding Galileo"
Rome, Italy - Presented to the EU Council by Ioannis Marinos (christian democrats)
Oral question H-0309/03 for question time at the part-session in June 2003 (pursuant to rule 43 of the rules of procedure) by Ioannis Marinos (christian democrats) to the Council. Subject: Problem of... more