Civil aviation
11,322 news found

Civil aviationFAA AD on General Electric Aircraft Engines CT7 series turboprop engines
Washington, Usa - To prevent separation of PGB left-hand and right-hand idler gears, which could result in uncontained PGB failure and internal bulkhead damage, possibly prohibiting the auxiliary feathering system from fully feathering the propeller on
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 99-NE-48-AD; Amendment 39-13090; AD 2003-06-03] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Robert E. Rust airplanes
Washington, Usa - Models DeHavilland DH.C1 Chipmunk 21, 22, and 22A
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2000-CE-66-AD; Amendment 39-13082; AD 2003-05-06] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Air Tractor Inc, airplanes
Washington, Usa - Models AT-300, AT- 301, AT-302, AT-400, and AT-400A
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2003-CE-09-AD; Amendment 39-13088; AD 2003-06-01] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Bell Helicopter Textron Canada model 407 helicopters
Usa - To detect an incorrectly installed swashplate drive link cup washer, which could limit the travel of the swashplate outer ring and lead to failure of the stud portion of the swashplate drive link, and subsequent loss of control of helicopter
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-SW-54-AD; Amendment 39-13087; AD 2003-05-11] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on General Electric Company CF34-3A1, -3B, and -3B1 turbofan engines
Washington, Usa - To prevent B-sump scavenge screen blockage due to coking, which could result in ignition of B-sump oil in the secondary air system, fan drive shaft separation, and uncontained engine failure
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-NE-21-AD; Amendment 39-13086; AD 2003-05-10] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Dassault model Falcon 2000 and Mystere-Falcon 900 series airplanes
Washington, Usa - To ensure that the correct wires are installed on the fire control panel so that the flight crew is able to activate the fire extinguishers in the event of a fire
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2003-NM-53-AD; Amendment 39-13085; AD 2003-05-09] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Robert E. Rust airplanes
Washington, Usa - Models DeHavilland DH.C1 Chipmunk 21, 22, and 22A
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2000-CE-63-AD; Amendment 39-13081; AD 2003-05-05] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas model DC-9/81, DC-9-82, DC-9/83, DC-9/87, and MD-88 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent damage to the upper wing skin surface and its structure, due to prolonged short-circuit electrical arcing of the anti-ice system
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-216-AD; Amendment 39-12912; AD 2002-21-06] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Dornier model 328-100 and -300 series airplanes
Usa - To prevent the loss of data recorded on the flight data recorder (FDR) and cockpit voice recorder (CVR), which, in the event of accident, could result in the inability to retrieve data from the FDR and CVR during the accident investigation,
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-218-AD; Amendment 39-13084; AD 2003-05-08] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Bell Helicopter Textron Canada model 407 helicopters
Washington, Usa - To prevent separation of the tailboom and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-SW-53-AD; Amendment 39-13079; AD 2003-05-03] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Pratt & Whitney JT8D-1, -1A, -1B, -7, - 7A, -7B, -9, -9A, -11, -15, -15A, -17, -17A, -17R, and -17AR turbofan engines
Washington, Usa - To prevent first and second stage fan section separation from the low pressure compressor (LPC), resulting in turbine rotor overspeed, uncontained engine failure, and damage to the airplane
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NE-27-AD; Amendment 39-13083; AD 2003-05-07] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Lindstrand Balloons Ltd fuel hoses
Washington, Usa - Installed on the aircraft and balloons
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-CE-50-AD; Amendment 39-13078; AD 2003-05-02] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd. & Co KG, model Tay 611-8, 620-15, 650-15, and 651-54 turbofan engines
Washington, Usa - To prevent a dual-engine flameout due to fuel exhaustion which could lead to forced landing and possible damage to the airplane
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NE-37-AD; Amendment 39-13080; AD 2003-05-04] RIN... more

Civil aviationAirport screeners have seized 4.8 millions of prohibited items
Washington, Usa - Transportation Security Administration is working to inform passengers at the airport
Despite reminders that potential weapons aren't allowed in airliner cabins, people are still trying to bring tens of thousands of knives, deozen of guns and thousand of box cutters on board planes every... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Wytwornia Sprzetu Komunikacyjnego (WSK) PZL-Rzeszow S.A. Franklin Engines
Washington, Usa - To prevent reduction or loss of engine power or external fuel leaks
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NE-20-AD; Amendment 39-13077; AD 2003-05-01] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 747-200B and -200F series airplanes powered by Pratt & Whitney JT9D-70 series engines
Washington, Usa - To find and fix heat damage of the pylon skin and internal structure of the nacelle struts, which could result in cracking or fracture of the struts, and consequent reduced structural integrity and possible separation of the strut
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-23-AD; Amendment 39-13059; AD 2003-04-11] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Fokker model F-28 Mark 1000, 2000, 3000, and 4000 series airplanes
Washington, Usa - To detect and correct heat damage to the fuselage skin panels caused by the leakage of hot air from one of the bleed air ducts inside the stub wing, and consequent reduced structural integrity of the engine support structure
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-NM-334-AD; Amendment 39-13057; AD 2003-04-09] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Dowty Aerospace Propellers, models R354, R375, R389, and R390 propellers
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the hub due to loose hub through bolts
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2000-NE-18-AD; Amendment 39-13074; AD 2003-04-25] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Raytheon Aircraft Company airplanes
Washington, Usa - Model 1900D
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-CE-32-AD; Amendment 39-13075; AD 2003-04-26] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Bombardier model CL-600-2C10 series airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent a significant latent failure in the rudder travel limiter (RTL), which could lead to a critical loss of RTL function under certain conditions, and consequent loss of controllability of the airplane or structural damage
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-93-AD; Amendment 39-13076; AD 2003-04-27] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Fokker model F-28 Mark 0070 and 0100 series airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent excessive deformation of the floor structure to the extent that flight and engine control cables might jam
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-NM-289-AD; Amendment 39-13068; AD 2003-04-19] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Limited model 427 helicopters
Washington, Usa - To prevent a main rotor blade from striking an auxiliary fin, loss of an upper tuning weight, impact with a tail or main rotor blade, and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-SW-43-AD; Amendment 39-13061; AD 2003-04-12] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Bell Helicopter Textron Canada model 427 helicopters
Washington, Usa -To prevent restricted flow of hydraulic fluid to the flight control hydraulic actuators resulting in loss of hydraulic control, excessive stiffness in the flight controls, and a subsequent forced landing of the helicopter
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-SW-19-AD; Amendment 39-13063; AD 2003-04-14] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Raytheon model DH-125, HS-125, and BH-125 series airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent separation of the cylinder head lugs, which could prevent the main landing gear (MLG) from extending and result in a partial gear-up landing
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-15-AD; Amendment 39-13069; AD 2003-04-20] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Agusta SpA model A-109E helicopters
Washington, Usa - To prevent fatigue failure of the T/R blade and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-SW-55-AD; Amendment 39-13060; AD 2002-25-51] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas model MD-90-30 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the MLG brake and consequent loss of braking capability, which could result in the airplane overrunning the runway during take-off or landing
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-NM-212-AD; Amendment 39-13067; AD 2003-04-18] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Hartzell Propeller Inc. model HC-B3TN-5 propellers
Washington, Usa - To prevent propeller blade separation, damage to the airplane, and possible loss of the airplane
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-NE-44-AD; Amendment 39-13072; AD 2003-04-23] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Hartzell Propeller Inc. model HD-E6C-3B/E13890K propellers
Washington, Usa - To prevent below-limit flight idle propeller blade angles that, if not corrected, could result in degraded aircraft performance and control
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2000-NE-60-AD; Amendment 39-13071; AD 2003-04-22] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Bombardier model CL-600-2B19 series airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent the inability of a passenger to open and dispose of the overwing emergency exit door during an emergency evacuation due to incorrect placards
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-100-AD; Amendment 39-13070; AD 2003-04-21] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas model MD-90-30 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent damage to certain wires due to contact between the wires and the adjacent structure, which could result in electrical arcing and consequent smoke and fire in the cabin
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-NM-389-AD; Amendment 39-13058; AD 2003-04-10] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas model 717-200 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To find and fix cracking of the support fitting assemblies of the main spoiler actuator, which could result in damage of adjacent structure such as the rear spar or upper skin panel, and consequent reduced structural integrity of plane
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-353-AD; Amendment 39-13073; AD 2003-04-24] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Eurocopter France model SA-341G and SA-342J helicopters
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the hoist emergency load jettison switch, resulting in an inability of the pilot to cut the rescue hoist cable in the event of cable entanglement or other emergency and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-SW-47-AD; Amendment 39-13062; AD 2003-04-13] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation model S-76A, B, and C helicopters
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the rotor brake disc (RBD), damage to the rotor blades and nearby hydraulic and fuel lines, and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2003-SW-06-AD; Amendment 39-13064; AD 2003-04-15] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Various Aircraft equipped with Honeywell Primus II RNZ-850/-851 Integrated Navigation Units
Washington, Usa - To ensure that the flightcrew has an accurate glideslope deviation indication
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2003-NM-41-AD; Amendment 39-13054; AD 2003-04-06] RIN... more

Civil aviationQatari Airways in Al Queda aim
Beirut, Syria- Syrian minister denies the presence of a bomb on Doha-London flight
Two days ago, Ali Hammud, Minister of Syrian National Affairs said that no bomb has been found on the Qatar air landed at Damascus airport. This refutation has become necessary after that Qatar ambassador... more

Civil aviationMore distance between Air force one and civil airplanes
Washington, Usa- Licenses suspended or revoked for less than 10.000 feet approach to Air force one
The Faa (Federal Aviation Administration), ordered to the civil pilots to move away from the Air force one, presidential airplane, after that the antiterrorism alarm level has been raised from the yellow... more

Civil aviationDeal between UE and Usa about private details
London, Great Britain - Stop to the privacy to prevent terroristic attacks
European Commission and America made a deal that will involve all British airlines. Passengers flying to the Us from Britain will have personal information, including credit card details, handed over... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Apex Aircraft airplanes
Washington, USA - Model CAP 10B
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-CE-04-AD; Amendment 39-13050; AD 2003-04-02] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on British Aerospace airplanes
Washington, USA - Model HP137 Jetstream Mk.1, Jetstream Series 200, Jetstream Series 3101, and Jetstream model 3201
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-CE-14-AD; Amendment 39-13055; AD 2003-04-07] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Robinson Helicopter Company model R-22 helicopters
Washington, USA - To detect corrosion of a tail rotor pitch control bearing (bearing) and to prevent bearing failure and loss of directional control of the helicopter
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-SW-44-AD; Amendment 39-13052; AD 2003-04-04] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Robinson Helicopter Company model R-44 helicopters
Washington, USA - To detect corrosion of a tail rotor pitch control bearing (bearing) and to prevent bearing failure and subsequent loss of directional control of the helicopter
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-SW-45-AD; Amendment 39-13053; AD 2003-04-05] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Piaggio Aero Industries SpA airplanes
Washington, USA - Model P-180
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-CE-47-AD; Amendment 39-13056; AD 2003-04-08] RIN... more

Civil aviationThe man arrested at Gatwick will be questioned today
London, UK - Also the Londonian airspace is under fighters' control
Surely the highest alert level has been reached yesterday at Gatwick airport, when a man has been found in possession of a grenade and for precaution all the part north of the terminal has been evacuated.... more

Civil aviationMore arrests around Heathrow Airport because of terrorism alarm
London, UK - It's always high the tension in the capital
It continues the vicelike grip of the Londonian antiterroristic nucleus around Heathrow airport and this morning other four persons have been arrested in Langley, in the Berkshire and will be questioned... more

Civil aviationIt was thought to shut Heathrow down
London, UK - High level of alert in almost the biggest English airports
According to some declarations released yesterday by the British Home Secretary, David Blunkett, it had been considered also the hypothesis to close the airport of Heathrow for the fears of a terroristic... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Hartzell Propeller Inc., model HD-E6C- 3B/E13890K propellers installed on Fairchild Dornier GmbH 328-100 series airplanes
Washington, USA - To prevent fatigue failure of Hartzell D-5108- hubs, which may result in loss of airplane control
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2000-NE-45-AD; Amendment 39-13049; AD 2003-04-01] RIN... more

Civil aviationFighters, assault helicopters and anti-aircraft vehicles to defend American cities
Washington, Usa - The airports are always the most tangible targets
Because of an elevation of the threat level in the Usa, from yellow to orange, that is from high risk to elevated, it is begun the strengthening of the defense around targets under risk, in the first place... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA (Embraer) model EMB-135 and -145 series airplanes
Washington, USA - To prevent reversal of the pilot's pitch trim command for the horizontal stabilizer, which could result in reduced controllability of the airplane
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-326-AD; Amendment 39-13048; AD 2003-03-23] RIN... more

Civil aviationHeavy security measures in Germany for the visit of the Russian President, Vladimir Putin
Berlin, Germany - The visit is previewed for Sunday and it will last two days
The German Government is on the way to organize heavy security measures to protect the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, during his official visit to Berlin, from Sunday and will last until Monday. The... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 747 series airplanes
Washington, USA - To find and fix possible fatigue cracking of the fuselage skin concealed under certain repair doublers, which could result in rapid decompression of the airplane
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-316-AD; Amendment 39-13044; AD 2003-03-19] RIN... more