2,003 news found

CuriositiesWar plane recovery: the pilot has got a name, he was an ace of the Luftwaffe
Udine, Italy - Shot down by American fighters on January 30th, 1944
After the rescue of the Messerschmitt BF-109, occured the last October 20th, in the city of Concordia Saggitaria (Venice), also the remains of the German pilot shot down by US fighters on January 30th,... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... <b>S as "Stealth"<b>
Rome, Italy - A combination of tactical, technical and technological devices
Stealth is a technology belonging to the sub-discipline of electronic countermeasures which covers a range of techniques used with aircraft, ships and missiles, in order to make them less visible (ideally... more

CuriositiesAir France strike: the Holy Father remains without gift
Rome, Italy - Lost in Paris, in the suitcase of the Paraguay's President
Nicanor Duarte Frutos, the President of Paraguay put up a bad show, but not for his will. He went in Rome via Paris with his delegation of 16 people (included his wife) in an official travel, which also... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... <b>G as GCA<b>
Rome, Italy - Usage of the term GCA by pilotos is discourage
GSA - Ground Controlled Approach, a radar approach system operated from the ground by air traffic control personnel transmitting instruction to the pilot by radio. The approach may be conducted with... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... <b>T as "TAB"</b>
Rome, Italy - It helps the pilot in first operations
TAB, a small, movable control hinged to the trailing edge of one of an airplane's primary flight control surface. Tabs can be used to help the pilot move the primary control surface, or they can be... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... <b>H as "Hub"</b>
Rome, Italy - A success development model
The Spoke-Hub distribution paradigm (or model or network) in which all routes moves along spokes, passing through a central hub, arranged similarly to a bicycle wheel. The "Hub-spoke" model is most frequently... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs...<b>H as "HSI"</b>
Rome, Italy - Electronic flight and navigation instrument
HSI (Horizontal Situational Indicator), an electronic flight and navigation instrument that shows the pilot the proper changes to make in directional flight. An HSI shows the pilot the relationship... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... <b>O as "Orthopter"</b>
Rome, Italy - Today only experimental
Orthopter, heavier-than-air craft that is propelled by the flapping of wings. Heavier-than-air craft is a non-buoyant aircraft that requires a source of power to hold it aloft and to propel it. The... more

CuriositiesSkydiving centre for Muslims
Tehran, Iran - Also women can experience the jump
At the Payam International Airport, 60 kilometres from the capital Tehran, PAAviation (Paravaran Asseman Aviation), a company which has been operating for over 35 years in the aviation sector in Iran and... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... <b>S as "Slot"</b>
Rome, Italy - Assoclearance is in charge for the slots management of Italian airports
CEE Regulation n°95/93 of the Counsil on January 18th, 1993, on common rules for the allocation of slots at Community airports, defines "Slot" as a time-slotted queueing model where each time slot can... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... <b>M as Missile (cruise missile)</b>
Rome, Italy - For long range and low altitude missions
A Cruise Missile is an unmanned self-propelled guided vehicle that sustains flight through aerodynamic lift (see AVIONEWS) for most of its flight path and whose primary mission is to carry an ordnance... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... <b>B as "Balloon"</b>
Rome, Italy - "Fast as the wind, lighter than air"
The "Montgolfier" is a balloon that uses hot air to create the lifting force. It is the simplest of the flying machines with the exception of the hang-glider and paraglider. The envelope is in the shape... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... <b>A as Aerodyne</b>
Rome, Italy - The heavier-than-air craft
Aerodyne are the heavier-than-air craft. They must find some way to push air or gas downwards, so that a reaction occurs (by Newton's laws of motion) to push the aircraft upwards. This dynamic movement... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... <b>A as Aerostat</b>
Rome, Italy - The lighter-than-air craft
"Suspended in the sky, magically soaring, weightless, timeless" Aerostats, fast as the wind, lighter than air: generally called "Lighter-than-air craft", are the aircraft that get a buoyancy according... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs...
Rome, Italy - A as "Aircraft"
Aircraft, is defined any weight-carrying device designed to be supported by the air. The "14 Code of the Federal Regulations (CFR), Part I "Aeronautics and Space" - "Definitions and Abbreviations" defines... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs...
Rome, Italy - A as "Aeronautics"
"The meaning of a word can always accept new ideas, as long as these are excluded from the sense of other words, representing the meaning something of essentially negative and differential (Ferdinand De... more

CuriositieseasyJet crews draw their own uniforms
London, United Kingdom - The models chosen by contest
Estetic democracy, or just another trick to save some money on behalf of one of Europe's major no-frills airline? Maybe both things. Instead of entrusting with the design of the uniforms of their crews... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on October 17th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
"Today a year of It happened today... column closes down, and so ends the daily rendez-vous with the history of humanity seen through our eyes. Writing a column is a constant, rigorous engagement,... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on October 16th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Civil Aviation: 1910 - First Channel crossing by airship. Report: 1934 - Chinese Communists begin the Long March; it ended a year and four days later, by which time Mao... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on October 15th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Airports: 1939 - The New York Municipal Airport (later renamed "Fiorello 1945 - La Guardia" airport) is dedicated. Report: 1945 - World War II: The former premier of... more

CuriositiesIt happened on October 14th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1933 - Nazi Germany withdraws from The League of Nations. Military Aviation: 1943 - U.S. 8th Air Force loses 60 B-17 Flying Fortresses fighter-bombs during an... more

CuriositiesIt happened on October 13th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Military Aviation: 1914 - World War I: Zeppelin LZ-29 airship bombs Calais and Paris. During the return it was shot down by enemy fire and destroyed after a forced landing... more

CuriositiesIt happened on October 12th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1915 - World War I: British nurse Edith Cavell is executed by a German firing squad for helping allied soldiers escape from Belgium. Report: 1933 - The United... more

CuriositiesDubai: a hotel you can only reach by helicopter...
Dubai, UAE - ...or by sea: a seven stars to cost "Only" 500 million dollars
Undeniable: Dubai can boast resorts and hotels of extraordinary beauty and elegance, with exceptional design and terribly high prices (see the exclusive sail-shaped Buri al-Arab hotel in the sea, or the... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on October 11th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Defense: 1939 - Manhattan Project: Franklin D. Roosevelt receives letter from Einstein about atom bomb. Aerospace: 1958 - Pioneer program: NASA launches the lunar probe... more

Curiosities"Flying Kitchen" arrives, the flying gourmand
Arslesford, United Kingdom - New TV-show of European cuisine
A characteristic Soviet-made Antonov AN-2 airplane will be the setting for the last idea in the realm of cuisine TV-shows: its name is "Flying Kitchen", and at the moment they are shooting the pilot episode.... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on October 10th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1911 - Wuchang Uprising leads to the demise of Qing Dynasty, the last Imperial court in China, and the founding of the Republic of China. Incidents: 1933 - United... more

CuriositiesIt happened today...on October 9
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1000 - Leif Ericson discovers Vinland and becomes the first known European to walk in North America. Report: War of 1812: In a naval engagement on Lake Erie,... more

Curiosities"Spice Force One", when style talks "Luxury"
London, United Kingdom - Little whims
They have always loved people talking about them, and for their imminent return they are planning everything in details, and as the Spice-style requires, all in luxury. The greatest names of fashion... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on October 8th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1912 - First Balkan War begins: Montenegro declares war against Turkey. Military Aviation: 1932 - The Indian Air Force is established. Report: 1939 - World... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on October 7th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1879 - Germany and Austria-Hungary sign the "Twofold Covenant" and create the Dual Alliance. Report: 1886 - Spain abolishes slavery in Cuba. Civil Aviation:... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on October 6th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1908 - Austria annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina. Report: 1928 - Chiang Kai-Shek becomes Chairman of the Republic of China. Report: 1939 - Last Polish army is... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on October 5th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Civil Aviation: 1905 - Wilbur Wright pilots Wright Flyer III aircraft carrying out a flight of 24 miles in 39 minutes, a world record that stood until 1908. Civil Aviation:... more

CuriositiesScorpions and tarantulas flying on the Pacific
Manila, Philippines - Better than "Snakes on a Plane"
If you think that certain things can happen only in the movies, now check this out: a customs officer at the airport of Manila, in the Philippines, risked to remain seriously injured for inspectioning... more

CuriositiesMuslim passengers: "Could you turn the plane towards Mecca, please?"
Istanbul , Turkey - It happened on some THY-flights
It is known that sometimes passengers on scheduled flights have particular requests, but this one... According to Turkish information organs, the Dispatchers Association declared that recently flight crews... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on October 4th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Aerospace: 1957 - Launch of Sputnik I, the first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth. Defense: 1977 - US President Jimmy Carter proposes to the Soviet Government... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on October 3rd
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Science: 1837 - Samuel Morse patents its code. Report: 1929 - The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes is renamed to Kingdom of Yugoslavia, "Land of the South Slavs".... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on October 2nd
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1924 - The "Geneva Protocol" is adopted as a means to strengthen the League of Nations. Report: 1935 - Italy invades Abyssinia (Ethiopia). Report: 1941 - World... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on October 1st
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1928 - The Soviet Union introduces its First Five-Year Plan. Report: 1936 - Francisco Franco is named head of the Nationalist government of Spain. Military... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on September 30th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1944 - Yugoslav National Army of liberation, led by Tito, sets free Belgrade. Military Aviation: 1949 - The Berlin Airlift ends. Defense: 1954 - The U.S. Navy... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on September 29th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1918 - The Hindenburg Line is broken by Allied forces during World War I. Bulgaria signed an armistice. Report: 1938 - Britain, France, Germany and Italy sign... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on September 28th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1867 - Toronto becomes the capital of Ontario. Report: 1939 - Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union agree on a division of Poland after their invasion during World... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on September 27th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1787 - The United States Constitution is delivered to the states for ratification. Report: 1821 - Mexico gains its independence from Spain. Report: 1928 - The... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on September 26th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries Report: 1950 - United Nations troops recapture Seoul from the North Koreans. Defense: 1950 - Indonesia admitted to the United Nations. Defense: 1960 - Cuban leader... more

CuriositiesOAG (4): Barcelona-Madrid on the top of the world's busiest routes
Rome, Italy - Amsterdam-London/Heathrow is the busiest international route in Europe
The route between Barcelona and Madrid has retained top spot on the list of "World`s busiest routes" with the highest number of flight operations with 971 per week, closely followed by Sao Paulo Congonhas/Rio... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on September 25th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Military Aviation: 1955 - The Royal Jordanian Air Force is founded. Incidents: 1978 - A PSA Boeing 727/214 aircraft, flight 182, collides in mid-air with a CESSNA 172... more

CuriositiesAvailable right now on eBay a former US missile base
Washington, USA - Until 23 years ago it was a military secret
Are you looking for a particular gift? Available right now on eBay since last week the former Larsen Air Force Base, near Moses lake, in the State of Washington: a base that until 23 years ago was a military... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on September 23rd
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Aerospace: 1846 - Discovery of Neptune by French astronomer Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier and British astronomer John Couch Adams. Curiosities: 1932 - The Kingdom of Hejaz... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on September 24th
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Airlines: 1946 - Cathay Pacific Airways is founded in Hong Kong Report: 1948 - The Honda Motor Company is founded. Report: 1973 - Guinea-Bissau declares its independence... more

CuriositiesIt happened today... on September 22nd
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Science: 1949 - Soviet Union explodes its first nuke. Defense: 1960 - The Sudanese Republic is renamed Mali after the withdrawal of Senegal from the Mali Federation. Defense:... more