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Civil aviation

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Civil aviationFAA AD on Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (Embraer) model EMB-135 and -145 series airplanes

Usa - To detect and correct oxidation of the pitot-true air temperature (TAT) relay, which could result in increased resistance and overheating of the relay and consequent smoke in the cockpit; and to detect and correct oxidation of the full authority di

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-336-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-319, A-320, and A-321 series airplanes

Usa - To prevent jamming of the locking pin of the passenger door, which could result in inability to open the passenger door and delay of evacuation in an emergency, resulting in possible injury to passengers or crew

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-NM-120-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 767-200, -300, and -300F series airplanes

Washington, Usa - To prevent loss of the fuse pin of the aft pitch load fitting of the diagonal brace, which could result in increased loads in the wing-to-strut joints and consequent separation of the strut and engine from the wing

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-152-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-300 B2 and B4 series airplanes; and A-300 B4-600, B4-600R, C4-605R Variant F, and F4-600R series airplanes

Washington, Usa - To find and fix cracking of the lower outboard flange of gantry No. 4, which could result in reduced structural integrity of the fuselage, and consequent rapid decompression of the airplane

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2003-NM-248-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 737-600, 737-700, 737-800, 757-200, and 757-300 series airplanes

Washington, Usa - To prevent a short circuit in a video distribution unit (VDU) connector and consequent arcing and damage to wiring within the connector, which could result in damage to adjacent systems or structure and possible smoke or fire in the air

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-NM-374-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Eurocopter Deutschland model MBB-BK-117 A-1, A-3, A-4, B-1, B-2, and C-1 helicopters

Washington, Usa - To prevent cracking, separation of the bearing cage, failure of a bearing, failure of the TR transmission or INT gearbox, and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2003-SW-21-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on BAE Systems (Operations) Limited model BAe 146 and Avro 146-RJ series airplanes

Washington, Usa - To detect and correct corrosion and cracking of the inner webs and flanges at frames 15, 18, 41, and 43, which could result in reduced structural integrity of the airplane

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-144-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas MD-90-30 airplanes

Washington, Usa - To prevent internal overheating and arcing of circuit breakers and airplane wiring due to long-term use and breakdown of internal components of the circuit breakers, which could result in smoke and fire in the flight compartment and mai

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-103-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 737-100, -200, -200C, -300, -400, and -500 series airplanes

Washington, Usa - To prevent rupture of the potable water tank during flight of the airplane, which could result in structural damage to the airplane and its inability to sustain flight loads

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2000-NM-422-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas model MD-90-30 airplanes

Washington, Usa - To ensure that the lanyards on the pressure relief door for the thrust reverser have adequate strength so that the door will not detach from the thrust reverser in the event that an engine bleed air duct bursts, which could result in th

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2003-NM-169-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 737-100, -200, -200C, -300, -400, and -500 series airplanes

Washington, Usa - To detect and correct loose bolts common to the flange of the rudder front spar and main thrust hinge and actuator assembly, as well as the auxiliary actuator support fitting, which could cause the rudder actuator to separate from the r

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2003-NM-243-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Dassault model Falcon 900 EX and Mystere-Falcon 900 series airplanes

Washington, Usa - To prevent distortion of the fire extinguishing discharge nozzle as a result of the nozzle not being secure, which could result in poor diffusion of the fire extinguishing agent in the event of a fire in the baggage compartment

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-NM-269-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 747-100, 747-100B, 747-100B SUD, 747-200B, 747-200C, 747-200F, 747-300, 747-400, 747SR, and 747SP series airplanes

Washington, Usa - To prevent bolts from breaking in the latch fittings of the cargo doors, which could reduce the capability of the door latch to keep the door closed, and result in loss of a cargo door and consequent rapid depressurization of the plane

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-NM-180-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-319/113 and -114 series airplanes; and model A-320/111, -211, and -212 series airplanes

Washington, Usa - To prevent jamming of a thrust reverser door during operation or inadvertent deployment of a thrust reverser door in-flight, which could result in reduced controllability of the airplane

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-61-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas model DC-10-10, DC- 10-10F, DC-10-15, DC-10-30, DC-10-30F, DC-10-30F, DC-10-40, and DC-10-40F airplanes

Washington, Usa - To prevent chafing of the external ground power feeder cables against the adjacent structure, which could result in arcing and fire

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-08-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-300 B4-600 series airplanes, model A-300 B4-600R series airplanes, model A-300 C4-605R variant F airplanes, and model A-300 F4-605R airplanes

Washington, Usa - To prevent short circuits between 115 Volts Alternating Current (VAC) wiring and certain fuel system electrical wire runs with subsequent overheating of the cadensicon sensor thermistor or fuel level sensor, which could be great enough

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-119-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Bombardier model DHC-8-102, -103, -106, -201, -202, -301, -311, and -315 airplanes

Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the engine rear mount struts on the left and right engine nacelles, which could result in reduced structural integrity of the nacelle and engine support structure

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-NM-266-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-300 B4-622R and A-300 F4- 622R airplanes, and model A-310/324 and -325 series airplanes

Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the oil pressure indicator and low-oil- pressure warning in the event of an engine fire, which could result in an unannounced shutdown of the engine

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-137-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-319 and A-320 series airplanes equipped with elevator and aileron computer (ELAC) L80 standard

Washington, Usa - To prevent activation of the high angle-of-attack protection during final approach for landing, which could result in loss of the ability to flare properly during landings

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-57-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 777-200 and 777-300 series airplanes

Washington, Usa - To prevent leakage of hydraulic fluid into the strut aft dry bay, where high temperatures associated with the adjacent primary exhaust nozzle may ignite the fluid, resulting in an uncontrolled fire in the strut aft dry bay

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-NM-295-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Eurocopter France model AS-332C, C1, L, L1, AS-350B, BA, B1, B2, B3 and D, and AS-355E, F, F1, F2 and N helicopters

Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the hoist pyrotechnic squib electrical control unit, lack of adequate current to activate the hoist pyrotechnic squib, an inability of the pilot to cut the rescue hoist cable in the event of cable entanglement or

Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2003-SW-15-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas model MD-11 airplanes

Usa - To prevent chafing damage to the wire assembly, and consequent arcing and smoke and fire in the electrical power center (EPC), and to prevent damage to the wire assembly terminal lugs and overheating of the power feeder cables on the No. 3 and No.

Airworthiness Directives Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2003-NM-68-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas model DC-9-81 (MD-81), DC-9-82 (MD-82), DC-9-83 (MD-83), DC-9-87 (MD-87), and MD-88 airplanes

Washington, Usa - To prevent smoke and fire in various areas of the airplane due to heat damage and/or electrical arcing of improperly installed wiring

Airworthiness Directives Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2000-NM-150-AD; Amendment... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas model DC-10-10, DC- 10-10F, DC-10-15, DC-10-30, DC-10-30F, DC-10-30F, DC-10-40, DC-10-40F, MD-10-10F, MD-10-30F, MD-11, and MD-11F airplanes

Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the rudder pedal arm assembly, which, under certain conditions, could result in reduced controllability of the airplane

Airworthiness Directives Federal Register Information Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-NM-207-AD; Amendment... more