Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseAeroporti di Roma: "Net 6000" system remains in service. Italian ENAC considers our requests as legitimate
Rome, Italy - AdR will continue to provide the service with great responsibility until the State Attorney takes a decision
"Aeroporti di Roma, while noting that the Italian Civil Aviation Authority has considered legitimate the measure that defined the 1.87 Euros charge per baggage as regards to the use of the baggage handling... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC specifies in detail the amounts paid to Aeroporti di Roma by the companies that use the "Net 6000" system
Rome, Italy - Involve only SkyTeam alliance member airlines
Following the press release issued yesterday, January 9, on the communication received from Aeroporti di Roma regarding the partial payment by companies that use the baggage "Net 6000" handling system... more

Press releaseAeroporti di Roma informed Italian ENAC that Fiumicino's "Net 6000" costs have been partially paid: service guaranteed till 12 January
Rome, Italy - The Authority hopes that reason prevails in order to safeguard passengers' interests
The Italian Civil Aviation Authority announced that the airport management company Aeroporti di Roma (AdR) informed the Authority that the companies that use the baggage-handling system of Rome-Fiumicino,... more

Press releaseState aid: EC orders Hungary to recover funds given to the air carrier Malév
Brussels, Belgium - Considered illegal following checks
The European Commission found that financing granted to Hungarian flag carrier Malév between 2007 and 2010 in the context of its privatisation and renationalisation constitutes illegal state aid, as Malév w... more

Press releaseRome-Fiumicino's airport: 120,000 passengers expected next Sunday, January 8
Rome, Italy - A day of most criticality
The airport has exceeded this period of the year, always characterized from criticalities for transport by aircraft. For the end of the holidays (January 6, 7 and 8) the traffic predictions indicate for... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC about "NET 6000" luggages plant in Rome-Fiumicino: the Authority confirms that airlines have to to pay the service
Rome, Italy - And takes note of respect of the ordinance by Aeroporti di Roma
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) takes note of the respect by Aeroporti di Roma (AdR) of the order of ENAC with which has been asked to the management society to not suspend the functioning of... more

Press releaseAeroporti di Roma: "Net 6000" system remains active
Rome, Italy - Following Italian ENAC's order
Aeroporti di Roma (Rome's airports management society) today announced that it will respect the order issued by ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) stating that the handling of baggage in transit system... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC warns Aeroporti di Roma (AdR) not to suspend the baggage handling service "Net 6000" at Rome-Fiumicino
Rome, Italy - Following what was anticipated during the meeting held last 23 December
"Following the meeting convened by ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) last 23 December regarding the announcement by the airport management company Aeroporti di Roma (AdR) that it wanted to suspend... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: meeting on closure of the "NET 6000" in Rome-Fiumicino
Rome, Italy - It took place at the Authority's headquarters with the participation by airlines and airports associations, Alitalia and AdR
"A meeting convoked by ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) took place this morning, on December 23, regarding the announced closure by AdR (Aeroporti di Roma, Rome's airports management society) of... more

Press releaseItalian ADUC: travelling to countries considered at risk
Rome, Italy - Tourists' rights. Egypt's problems could be the reason for cancellations
"The problems of Egypt, a country that attracts a lot of tourists, remind us of locations at risk and cancelled trips. To cancel a tour package is costly as it involves penalties which increase as the... more

Press releaseAeroporti di Roma precised: passengers' luggage is handled solely by airlines
Rome, Italy - The management company does not offer any handling services
"The 'Leonardo da Vinci' is the first Italian airport that since Summer 2000, made ??operational the liberalization of ground handling service, pursuant to Legislative Decree No.18 of January 13, 1999.... more

Press releaseCourt of Justice of the EU: the directive including aviation activities in the EU’s emissions trading scheme is valid
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - Application infringes neither the principles of customary international law at issue nor the "Open Skies" agreement
"In 2003, the EU decided to set up a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading, as a central element of European policy to combat climate change. Initially, the EU emissions trading scheme did... more

Press releaseItalian Assaeroporti comments the closure of "Net 6000": "Irresponsible is the fact that the service rendered to the passengers is not being paid for"
Rome, Italy - "Airlines must adapt themselves to ENAC's decisions"
We receive and publish, by reserving the same space for any replies: "Assaeroporti can not understand how IBAR, the association representing the airlines that operate in Italy, could define the position... more

Press releaseItalian Assaereo comments the closure of the baggage handling system of the Rome-Fiumicino airport
Rome, Italy - "In the middle of the festive season and the obvious increase of passenger traffic"
We receive and publish, and leave the same space for any replies: "Assaereo, the Italian Association of air transport carriers and operators of Confindustria, takes note of the inconvenient action taken... more

Press releaseIBAR argues the "Irresponsible" decision taken by Aeroporti di Roma
Rome, Italy - Regarding the blocking of the baggage handling system leading to handling delays
We received and publish, by reserving the same space for any replies: "As from January 1, AdR -Aeroporti di Roma- will block the new baggage handling facility opened in 2010 in Fiumicino, thereby returning... more

Press releaseAmnesty International: arms suppliers urged to halt transfers to the Egyptian army
Rome, Italy - The SCAF has promised to carry out investigations into these cases, but no results have so far been made public
"Global arms suppliers must halt the transfer of small arms, ammunition and other repressive equipment to the Egyptian military and security forces, Amnesty International (AI) said today after the army... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC comments "Net 6000" halt: meeting held with Alitalia, major user of the system
Rome, Italy - The Authority announced that it has recently convened the airline to discuss this problem
"With reference to the announcement of Aeroporti di Roma (Roman airport management company) regarding the halting of the 'Net 6000' baggage handling system starting from 1 January 2012, ENAC (National... more

Press releaseAeroporti di Roma: "Net 6000" service will cease because of the refusal to pay for it by airlines
Rome, Italy - The old luggage handling system will be restored
We receive and publish the following this press release and we reserve the same space for any replies: "AdR (Aeroporti di Roma) the management company of the airport, announced that as from midnight of... more

Press releaseItalian ADUC comments flight delays. Passengers' rights
Rome, Italy - A list with the various options
"Flight delays, hated by travellers travellers and something which ruins the planning of our activities especially in this moment when tourists go on holiday. It is useless to have a perfect timing when... more

Press releaseAntitrust: EC confirms unannounced inspections for suspected cartel TAP-Brussels Airlines
Brussels, Belgium - In Europe the cartels are illegal and there is fear about effects on customers
"The European Commission can confirm that on 13th December 2011 Commission officials undertook unannounced inspections at the premises of Brussels Airlines and TAP Portugal in Belgium and Portugal. Earlier... more

Press releaseItalian ADUC comments air transport overbooking: passengers' rights
Rome, Italy - Some recommendations in view of the upcoming holiday season
"'Sorry but no more seats are available'. This could be the phrase that a passenger, equipped with a regular ticket and confirmed reservation, could hear when leaving for the desired Christmas holidays... more

Press releaseItaly. Unione Piloti: strike during the first 4 hours, today 16 December by Meridiana Fly
Rome, Italy - The company's future still uncertain and nebulous
We received from "Unione Piloti" (Pilots Trade-union) and we reserve the same space for any replies: "For 10 years, Meridiana Fly has enjoyed all the social safety nets available. Four solidarity contracts... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica. Selex: conferred on Chairman Giuseppe Veredice the powers necessary to manage the company
Rome, Italy - The Shareholders’ Meeting therefore increased the number of the company’s Directors of the Board to nine
The Shareholders’ Meeting of SELEX Sistemi Integrati SpA, which met under the chairmanship of Giuseppe Veredice, acknowledged the resignation tendered by the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating O... more

Press releaseEurocopter Romania delivers a new EC-135 helicopter to Romania's Ministry of Health
Bucharest, Romania - The helicopter will be used for emergency medical missions
A ceremony was held in Bucharest today for the delivery by Eurocopter Romania, a subsidiary of Eurocopter - the world’s leading civil and parapublic helicopter manufacturer - of an EC135 helicopter to R... more

Press releaseBoeing riceve certificazione per il nuovo B-747/8 Intercontinental
Washington, USA - Apre la strada alla consegna del nuovo aereo dall'inizio del prossimo anno
Boeing ha ricevuto la certificazione per il nuovo B-747/8 Intercontinental dall'agenzia del dipartimento dei trasporti statunitense -Us Federal Aviation Administration (Faa). Tale certificazione apre la... more

Press releaseInaugurated the world class training center for Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft
Moscow, Russia - Inaugurated today 15 December 2011
The opening ceremony of the Training center for the flight and technical staff of customers and operators of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ-100) aircraft was held today in Zhukovsky. The ceremony was attended... more

Press releaseEtihad Airways inaugura oggi nuovo volo Abu Dhabi-Chengdu
Ghendu, Cina - La tratta sarà servita da quattro voli settimanali, andata e ritorno non-stop
Etihad Airways, la compagnia aerea nazionale degli Emirati Arabi Uniti, ha inaugurato oggi i voli tra il suo hub di Abu Dhabi e Chengdu, la capitale della provincia del Sichuan, in Cina sud-occidentale,... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: General Director Quaranta become international referent for Italy with regards to air transport safety
Rome, Italy - Appointed by Minister Corrado Passera
The Italian Civil Aviation Authority announced that Alessio Quaranta, general manager of ENAC, has been appointed as Accountable Executive for the Italian "State Safety Programme" by the Minister of Economic... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: started the consultation with the users regarding the programme planned with Aeroporti di Roma
Rome, Italy - Held at "Leonardo da Vinci" airport of Fiumicino
"The National Civil Aviation authority announced that today, the public consultation was held with the users' committee of Rome-Fiumicino and Rome-Ciampino at the 'Leonardo da Vinci' airport of Fiumicino,... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC regarding Tuscan airport pole
Rome, Italy - The analysis highlights the importance of the potential development of the airport of Pisa as well as the critical situation of the airport of Florence
"With reference to the recent press articles about airports in Tuscany, the Italian Civil Aviation Authority ENAC shows that the study on the airport system infrastructure, developed and commissioned by... more

Press releaseB-787 Dreamliner airplane touches down in Africa
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - First stop of the African part of six-month Dream tour
Boeing's 787 Dreamliner touched down in Ethiopia's capital yesterday to kick off the Africa portion of Boeing's 787 Dream Tour – a six-month worldwide tour featuring the Dreamliner. This is the first t... more

Press releaseItalian ADUC comments flights by aircraft. Is it the end of the low-cost?
Florence, Italy - The Irish company Ryanair announced a series of extra charges
We received from ADUC and so we are publishing the following, by reserving the same space for any replies: "The Irish low-cost company Ryanair, announced a series of price increases for the transport of... more

Press releaseAeroporti di Roma (2): forecasted investments valued more than 12.1 billion Euros (until 2044)
Rome, Italy - 2.5 billion Euros in the first ten years
"Aeroporti di Roma SpA (AdR) today announced the 2012-2044 development plan, which aims to serve as a fund at the service of the 'Country system' and support the expansion of the hub's infrastructure,... more

Press releaseIATA. Eurozone crisis biggest risk to profits
Geneva, Switzerland - Regional differences widen
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced revisions to its industry outlook. For 2011, profitability remains weak but unchanged at 6.9 billion dollars for a net margin of 1.2%. Looking... more

Press releaseItalian ENAV signs agreement to resume Libyan airspace
Tripoli, Libya - Positive reaction from the local Minister of Transport
The Libyan Minister of Transport, Yussef Al-Whishi, has received today in Tripoli, in the presence of the Italian ambassador, Giuseppe Buccino Grimaldi, and sole administrator of ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance... more

Press releaseItalian PM Monti: yesterday's Board Meeting. Among other measures, a tax on luxury goods (airplanes, helicopters, cars and yachts)
Rome, Italy - Anticipated to yesterday; presented to the House of Parliament and the Senate in the afternoon
"The Council of Ministers met yesterday at 4:30pm at Palazzo Chigi, under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, Mario Monti. Secretary to the Under-Secretary of State for the presidency, Antonio Catricalà. The... more

Press releaseTransport by aircraft: Antitrust starts investigation on Alitalia-CAI in accordance with October 27, 2008 law
Rome, Italy - Apart from Fiumicino-Linate route, another 17 destinations will be analysed. The process must be concluded by 29 February 2012
"The authority that guarantees competition law, during its meeting held on November 30, 2011, chaired by the new President Giovanni Pitruzzella, gave start -applying law enforcement October 27, 2008 No... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica: the Board of Directors meeting yesterday. Orsi, already CEO, is also President
Rome, Italy - Guarguaglini has been Chairman and CEO from 2002 to 2011
"The Board of Directors of Finmeccanica, meeting yesterday to review the delegated powers and the granting of powers in accordance with the resolution of 4 May 2011, resolved to grant all powers relating... more

Press releaseItalian Farnesina: summoned the charge d'affaires of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Rome, Mehdi Akouchekian
Rome, Italy - This morning to the National Foreign Ministry
The Italian Government expressed to the Iranian charge d'affaires its strong condemnation for the serious and utterly unacceptable act of violence which occurred against the structures of the British Embassy... more

Press releaseEC: "Better Airports" package launched
Brussels, Belgium - It consists of a policy summary document and three legislative measures
The European Commission today announced a comprehensive package of measures to help increase the capacity of Europe's airports, reduce delays and improve the quality of services offered to passengers.... more

Press releaseSkyscanner comments UK's strike: recommendations for aircraft travellers
Rome, Italy - It is suggested to contact airlines directly
UK public workers strike, starting yesterday evening and ending tonight at 11.50pm, involved also personnel of the Border Control Agency employed in all the country's airports. Skyscanner ( more

Press releaseSJI: A-320 aircraft family FFS available at its training center in Venice
Venice, Italy - The installation will last around 30 days
A Full Flight Simulator (FFS) for training on A-320 family aircraft has been put in place in Venice (Italy) at the SuperJet International’s (SJI) Training Center. The A-320 FFS is an EASA (JAR-FSTD A... more

Press releaseAmerican Airlines begins legal process in USA
Fort Worth, Usa - Normal business operations continue worldwide
"American Airlines, Inc. announced that its parent company, AMR Corporation, and certain United States-based subsidiaries yesterday voluntarily filed for Chapter 11 reorganization under United States law.... more

Press releaseSkyTeam invites customers to share airport tips
Amsterdam, Holland - Customers share over 800 tips on Facebook
"SkyTeam, the global airline alliance, makes use of the holiday season to celebrate the success of its SkyTips campaign. Customers worldwide are invited to share their airport travel tips on Facebook for... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica's board meeting scheduled for 1 December
Rome, Italy - According to the company's statement
"Finmeccanica announced that the Board of Directors has been convened for 1 December 2011 at 4:30pm, at the Registered office in Rome, Piazza Monte Grappa 4, and will follow the below agenda: - Revision... more

Press releaseENAC: the general manager of the Agency, Quaranta, nominated for ECAC
Rome, Italy - Focal Point for the Training within the coordination committee
"The National Civil Aviation Agency (ENAC) announced that Alessio Quaranta, general manager of ENAC, from September a member of the Coordination Committee of ECAC, European Civil Aviation Conference, was... more

Press releaseItalian Economy and Finance Ministry: Massimo Garbini new sole Managing Director ENAV
Rome, Italy - For the three-year period 2011-2013
"Yesterday, the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance announced that following the dismissal of the entire Board of Directors of ENAV (National Flight Assistance Society) due to the resignation of the... more

Press releaseIATA: building partnerships for innovation in African Aviation
Marrakech, Morocco - To the challenges in the region: security, environmental sustanability and infrastructure
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has called for a renewed focus on aviation safety to help Africa reap the benefits of aviation connectivity. The organization also called for a strong... more

Press releaseDefense of Pugliesi (Italian ENAV): subject to "Heavy contrasts" with Print Sistem of Di Lernia
Rome, Italy - The company has been discharged from ENAV's suppliers register
On Saturday, November 19, we received a statement from ENAV SpA (Italian Flight Assistance Society), and hereby we publish the announcement: "With regard to the issue of arrest notified to the CEO of ENAV,... more

Press releaseAlitalia accompanies His Holiness Benedict XVI in the apostolic visit to Cotonou in Benin, Africa
Rome, Italy - A visit that started today until Sunday
Alitalia will accompany His Holiness Benedict XVI in the apostolic visit to Cotonou in Benin, Africa, starting from today until November 20. Flights from Rome-Fiumicino airport to Cotonou and vice-versa... more