2,003 news found

CuriositiesApril fool: what a fantasy! (2)
Rome, Italy - The most famous French couple has not been spared
It could not miss a joke dedicated to the presidential French couple, already aimed by tabloids from all the world. In according to the English press, last visit of the couple in the UK has impressed... more

CuriositiesApril Fool: what a fantasy!
Sydney, Australia - The curiousest ones come from Australia and Brazil
April, 1st, April fool: the day when to create the most original and incredible jokes. Some examples come from Australia, where the Virgin's owner, Sir Richard Branson, has publicized very low fares for... more

CuriositiesBrown denies "Blair and Royal Force One"
London, United Kingdom - The new Prime Minister cuts State and Crown travel costs
The ex-premier Tony Blair had chosen for this plan as the cheaper and safer way than the airplane hire for the official travels: the Tony Blair's ambitious project to buy two aircraft for the "Small" amount... more

CuriositiesA computer programmer loses his flight due to his laptop computer
San Josè, USA - Too exacerbate security checks?
It could be due to the ignorance of a security checks ray-x scanner operator, if Michael Nygard, an expert in computer programming lost his flight departing from San Josè airport because his last-generation... more

CuriositiesIndian air carriers look after the figure of their hostesses and stewards
New Delhi, India - Grounded over forty overweight flight attendants
Hostesses and stewards grounded and forced to diet. This is the new policy of three of the major Indian air carriers, Indian Airlines, Alliance Air and Air India, in reply to the strong competition coming... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... F as "Fluid Two Formation"
Rome, Italy - The aircraft are at the same altitude and lined up side by side
In the "Fluid Two Formation" the two airplanes are at the same altitude and lined up side by side. The distance between the two aircraft changes from 4,000 ft to 6,000 ft. The main advantage is the... more

CuriositiesAeronautical terminology in dribs and drabs... F as "Fighting Wing Formation"
Rome, Italy - It allows the wingman to control the leader's movements without hampering him
The Fighting Wing Formation is often used by the pilots. The wingman is positioned at 6:00 in a cone between 20° and 60° regards to the leader, as if it were carrying out a dogfight along with him. The d... more

CuriositiesNorth Korea: bogus aircraft made by a plough
Pyongyang , North Korea - At a small distance far from a real military airport
Near the 38th parallel which divides North Korea from South Korea, there is a strange thing: from a satellite view you can see, in the neighboring (at only 1 nautical mile of distance from runway head)... more

CuriositiesGaming tables on the A-380?
Toulouse, France - Maybe from 2012 the biggest flying casinos
Still unknown the names of the probable, future buyers who, exploiting the large spaces of the A-380 (the biggest plane in the world) have thought of ordering them with an internal configuration really... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... C as "Close formation"
Rome, Italy - It can only be performed in good weather conditions
The first example we are going to analyze is the Close formation, typical of acrobatic squads, which is only used is particular cases by combat airplanes. If not used in perfect agreement and good weather... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... W as "Wedge Two Ship Formation"
Rome, Italy - The most used by pilots
The Wedge Two Ship Formation is made up of two airplanes at the same level with the wingman in a rear position compared to the leader, at an angle varying between 30° and 60°. This is the pilots most u... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... F as "Formation"
Rome, Italy - The mutual support for the airplanes in it
The Formation of airplanes has as a target the mutual support for the units which are part of it, so to keep the situation under control during all the flight phases. A good formation can significantly... more

CuriositiesSkyEurope brings love 40.000 feet high in unique project
Rome, Italy - We will create a world record in kissing in the skies
"Thousands of couples flying SkyEurope Airlines are expected to create a world record in the amount of kisses ten kilometers above the ground in European airspace on 14 February 2008. Moreover each... more

CuriositiesA "Mustang" for Piquet's son
Monte Carlo, Principality of Monaco - When the junior emulates the senior
Nelson Piquet junior, son of the Formula One French champion who won three championships, aspires at the honours of the sport news and the podium. Maybe he inherited from his father, in addition to the... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... S as "Scramble"
Rome, Italy - The immediate takeoff on alert
Scramble is the traditional term for the order assigned to fighter planes pilots to take off and proceed to a destination in response to an alert to either investigate a sighting or intercept an enemy.... more

CuriositiesLeonardo's "Intuition"
Rome, Italy - Among his drawings the study for a flying machine that drew on aerodynamic principles still valid today
The first idea of a machine capable to fly was produced, as known, by Leonardo. The great inventor had namely understood some notions, later turned out to be exact, about flying, probably by observing... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... A as "Autorotation"
Rome, Italy - It is the equivalent of a glide with engine off in an airplane
We can call autorotation the emergency descent of a helicopter during an engine failure, simulated or real. During the descent the main rotor turns due to the vertical air flow through the rotor disc,... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... "Short Glossary" (2)
Rome, Italy - Used in the aeronautical sector
FLIR - Forward looking infrared G-LOC G - induced loss of consciousness GP - General Purpose GPS - Global positioning system HDG - Heading HUD - Head up display HYD - Hydraulic system ILS... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... "Short Glossary"
Rome, Italy - Used in the aeronautical sector
A/A - Air to Air AACQ - Automatic acquisition mode AB - Afterburner ABES - Amended Budget Estimate Submission ACLS - Automatic carrier landing system ACM - Air combat manoeuvring ACU - Avionics... more

CuriositiesAeronautical terminology in dribs and drabs... R as "Radio communications" (3)
Rome, Italy - The main Brevity Code communications used by Western military pilots
- Package: a series of airplane groups geographically isolated; - Padlocked: the pilot cannot avert his attention from an airplane without risking to lose visual contact (Tally / Visual); - Pince:... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... R as "Radio communications" (2)
Rome, Italy - The main Brevity code communications used by Western military pilots
- Gadget: radar or other transmitter on board - Gate: fly as fast as possible by using the afterburner or the maximum power allowed; - Genie: the transmitter is using the ECM; - Guns: use of the cannon... more

CuriositiesAeronautical terminology in dribs and drabs... R as "Radio communications"
Rome, Italy - The main Brevity Code communications used by Western military pilots
- ABORT: the mission or attack has been cancelled; - ACTIVE (system) ACTIVE (direction): the specified emitter is giving off radiations in a indicated position and given direction; - ALPHA CHECK: request... more

CuriositiesThai hostesses against the soap opera "Angels War"
Bangkok, Thailand - "We are not as they depict us"
In Thailand there is an open clash between the flight attendants union of Thai Airways and the producer of the soap opera "Songkram Nang Fah" ("Angels War"), which in the last two weeks was shown on the... more

CuriositiesTexas UFOs, the US Air Force: "There were our F-16s flying that night"
Washington, USA - But people say: "It was not a plane"
In the case of the sighting of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) in the environs of Stephenville, Texas, the US Air Force has admitted now that on the night of January 8 there was an exercise of F-16s... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... S as "SEAD"
Rome, Italy - Suppression of Enemy Air Defence
The SEAD mission provides for the attack and destruction of the ground enemy air defences, both set and moving (radar, SAM, anti-aircraft artillery). This is carried out by ground attack aircraft and... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... A as "AW-101"
Rome, Italy - The new name of EH-101
Starting from June 2007 AgustaWestland, helicopter producer, has renamed the EH-101 helicopter as "AW-101". The helicopter was developed as a joint-venture between Westland Aircraft in the UK and Agusta... more

CuriositiesUK, commander of crash-landed 777 airplane pilloried by tabloids
London, United Kingdom - "He attended sex parties"
The British tabloids never had respect for the privacy of nobody, not even for the royal family's. Imagine if they could ever have pity for the common mortals, such as airplane pilots. The last prominent... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... P as "Point Intercept"
Rome, Italy - Against the airplanes identified as "Bandit"s
The main purpose of the Point Intercept mission is to intercept enemy targets in flight from a ground control. Usually, after the localization of a suspect airplanes by the radar site, a pair of interceptors... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... C as "CAS"
Rome, Italy - Close Air Support
The Close Air Support (CAS) is a type of mission carried out by ground attack airplanes or fighter-bombers to which is requested to attack the enemy ground forces that threaten the allies. The mission... more

CuriositiesHillary Clinton turns herself to hostess to win White House race
Reno, USA - For entertaining the journalists on board of her campaign aircraft
Hillary Clinton, first woman to run for the US Presidency, has a unique weapon on her side: the coquetry that only a woman can resort to. So there she is, travelling on board of her electoral campaign... more

CuriositiesUnidentified flying object sighted in Texas
Washington, USA - "More large, silent, fast and lower in height that an airplane"
Dozens of people, among which a pilot, a police officer and various shop owners, report to have sighted in the last days an unidentified flying object (UFO), in the thereabouts of the town of Stephenville,... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... C as "CAP" (2)
Rome, Italy - The types of Combat Air Patrols
Numerous types of Combat Air Patrols have been employed by US military forces since World War II. BARCAP: "Barrier Combat Air Patrol", in fleet terms, a mission flown between the battle group and the... more

CuriositiesFlying over crocodiles in Australia
Kakadu National Park, Australia - The Australian entertainment spreads its wings in Bamurru Plains
Australia reinvents the concept of entertainment for your holidays. The rich safari camp Bamurru Plains promises strong emotions, and maybe more. Starting from its location, in the enchanting Australian... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... C as "CAP"
Rome, Italy - Combat Air Patrol
A Combat Air Patrol (CAP) is an air patrol aimed at a specific area, the critical area of a combat zone, or an air defense area, for the purpose of intercepting and destroying enemy aircraft before they... more

CuriositiesThe Germans' party flights
Frankfurt, Germany - Everybody to Palma de Mallorca for the week-end
The Germans are a hard-working people who, justly, like to party in their spare time. One of the possibilities they're having in the last years, are the party flights organized by various low-fares carriers... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... B as "BAI"
Rome, Italy - The Battlefield Air Interdiction
BAI - Battlefield Air Interdiction is an Air Force task within the framework of the AI mission. The AI attacks conducted against hostile land forces that are not in close proximity to friendly forces are... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... "F as Fighter (aircraft)"
Rome, Italy - Multi-role, interceptor, nightfighter, air-superiority, attack and all-weather
Multi-role fighter Nowadays fighter aircraft do not carry out only one task, but are able to carry out many of them: this because unit cost and maintenance costs are so high that such an expense would... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... A as "Airship"
Rome, Italy - There are three types
It is called an airship any balloon whose direction can be controlled through aerodynamic surface and/or aerodynamical thrust. There are three different types of airship: Rigid airships The rigid... more

CuriositiesUK: flying lessons at RAF for Prince William
Cranwell, United Kingdom - Following the prints of uncle Andrew
He must be following the prints of his uncle Andrew, Duke of York (who is a helicopter pilot): William, Prince of Wales, already officer and second in line of succession to the throne of England after... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... G as "Ground Speed"
Rome, Italy - It can also be detected by GPS
The Ground speed (GS) is the speed of an aircraft relative to the ground and it is variable in use of the wind. It is different from the IAS - Indicated Air Speed. To make the Ground Speed concept clear,... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... D as "Dive"
Rome, Italy - The manoeuvre opposed to the steep climb
The Dive is the manoeuvre opposed to the steep climb, in which the nose of the aircraft is pointed vertically down to ground. During the dive is developed a negative gravity acceleration as bigger as... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... T as "Thrust"
Rome, Italy - In an aircraft it is proportional to the mass of the air multiplied by the average speed of the airstream
The Thrust is a reaction force described quantitatively by Newton's Second and Third Laws. When a system expels or accelerates mass in one direction the accelerated mass will cause a proportional yet opposite... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... V as "Variometric speed"
Rome, Italy - Expressed in feet per minute
In aeronautics, Variometric speed represents the vertical speed of an aircraft, or the altitude variation in time. Generally, it is expressed in feet per minute (fpm) or metres per second (mps) and... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... P as "Power stall"
Rome, Italy - Due to an excessive incidence grade
Power stall is the situation in which the pilot of an airplane provokes the stall of its wings despite the relatively high speed given by the engine under power. The cause is an excessive incidence... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... S as "Steep climb"
Rome, Italy - The manoeuvre that allows to climb
The Steep climb is a manoeuvre that allows the aircraft to climb. The steep climb is carried out by pulling the control stick. The control acts on the horizontal tail plans of the aircraft - the stabilizers... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... G as "Ground effect"
Rome, Italy - A sort of air cushion that allows to fly parallel to the ground
Aircraft may be affected by a number of Ground effects, aerodynamic effects due to a flying body's proximity to the ground. One of the most important of these effects is the Wing In Ground effect, which... more

CuriositiesClipper: in Malpensa, New Year’s Day in flight with Livingston
Varese, Italy - An A-321/200 airplane will overfly the Alps and Lombardy
"Clipper (Italian association friends of aviation), based in Ferno (Varese), together with Club Frecce Tricolori 81st of Ghemme, in collaboration with the airline Livingston, of SEA - Airports of Milan... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... H as "Hovering"
Rome, Italy - Sustained flight at null speed and even altitude
Hovering is a manoeuvre carried out by an aircraft, usually a helicopter, and it consists in remaining floating, suspended, or fluttering in the air. On the radar screen, the route makes up a simple... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... <b>S as "Spin"<b>
Rome, Italy - It provokes a very unpleasant sensation that also can verge on panic
In aviation, a Spin is an aggravated stall resulting in rotation wherein the aircraft follows a downward corkscrew path. Spins can be entered unintentionally or intentionally, from any flight attitude... more

CuriositiesAeronautic terminology in dribs and drabs... <b>S as "Stall"<b>
Rome, Italy - A flight phase very used by the acrobatic pilots
In aerodynamics, a stall is a sudden reduction in the lift forces generated by an airfoil. This most usually occurs when the critical angle of attack for the airfoil exceeded, about 14 to 16 degree. Because... more