AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency
101,154 news found

Civil aviationFAA ad on Raytheon Aircrafts plane
AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE Aircraft Certification Service Washington, DC U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration The following Airworthiness Directive issued by the Federal... more

AirlinesFrench airlines, state help authorized by European Commission
EURm 54 funding for air transport crisis
European Commission authorized a 54,9 EURm public help that french government had settled in favour of the local airlines. Of course the biggest share of that amount will go to Air France. Fundings... more

Science and technologyMadagascar, air traffic stopped by political demonstrations
One thousand passengers blocked in the capital
The general strike organized by the Ravalomanana supporters has paralyzed Antananarivo and blocked into airport one thousand domestic and international passengers. Only an Air Madagascar flight took... more

Science and technologyDAT and Virgin Express merging
The renewed Sabena from the union of the two carriers
Airholding company, the firm that acquired DAT, the regional carrier belonging to bankrupted Sabena group, expressed itself in favour of the merging with Virgin Express, according to information reported... more

AccidentsEcuador: all dead the 92 people aboard
Authorities exclude sabotage and hijack
No one alive: this is the tragic bulletin of the Tame flight 120 crashed sunday morning near Cumbal Volcano in Colombia. Officially the news was given by the authorities, who at the same time deny any... more

DefenseRussia: new warplanes
Russian Ministry of defence will choose before the end of April 2002
Before the end of the first quarter 2002, Defence Ministry will select the contractor to create the ultimate multifunctional generation of Russian Airforce warplane. "Two are the major projects been... more

AirlinesThe new helvetic carrier named Swiss
The secret unveiled by daily newspaper Blick
A journalist on duty in the swiss daily newspaper (german speaking) Blick, scored a goal photographing in a Zurich hangar an aircraft of the bankrupted carrier Swissair; according to the newspaper information. The... more

IndustryNorthrop Grumman awarded a over 41 USDm contract
Northrop Grumman Corp., San Diego, Calif., is being awarded a $41,500,000 modified 'Other Transaction' which definitizes engineering and manufacturing development efforts in support of the Global Hawk... more

HelicoptersUK MoD approves future Lynx funding
It is built by AgustaWestland
The Ministry of Defence has announced that it has given the go-ahead to the Assessment Phase for the UK’s Battlefield Light Utility Helicopter (BLUH) requirement. AgustaWestland’s Future Lynx has bee... more

IndustryUnited Technologies awarded a over 406 USDm contract
United Technologies Corp., East Hartford, Conn., is being awarded a $406,271,347 contract modification to provide for 26 low-rate initial production (Lot 2) F119-PW-100 engines applicable to the F-22... more

IndustrySmiths Aerospace awarded a near 6 USDm contract
Smiths Aerospace Actuation Systems, Yakima, Wash., is being awarded a $5,740,490 requirements contract for 473 holdback bars and 131 adapter/fitting assemblies used on F/A-18 aircraft and 150 holdback... more

AirlinesBoeing flies to Japan
American Japanese partnership for the Sonic Cruiser
Boeing will be supported by a group of Japanese industries for what concern research and materials development in the construction of its new aircraft, the Sonic Cruiser. "For the first time" stated Lori... more

Industryraytheon company awarded a over 16 usdm contract
Raytheon Company, Sudbury, Mass., is being awarded a $16,243,187 cost-plus-fixed-fee contract for the design, development, fabrication, and testing of an Affordable Ground Based Radar (AGBR) Advanced... more

IndustryLockheed Martin warded a over 248 USDm contracts
Lockheed Martin Missile and Space, Sunnyvale, Calif., is being awarded a $248,522,592 modification to previously awarded cost-plus-incentive-fee, cost-plus-fixed-fee contract (N00030-01-C-0100) to provide... more

AirlinesCrisis at Lot (Swissair group)
EURm 180,64 net losses
Lot, the polish air carrier, closed 2001 with EURm 180,64 net losses. Despite the positive closure in 2000, with a EURm 7,97 net profit, last year polish airline saw a 0,4% fall in the global turnover... more

AccidentsWheel brakes of the Dornier ditched at Genoa weren't sold by Panaviation
Enac vice director makes a statement
On the twin turboprop Dornier 328 involved in an accident on Genoa airport there were no spare parts coming from Panaviation warehouses, declared today Enac vice director Salvatore Sciacchitano. The manager... more

Science and technologyFrankfurt Airport is "Europe's most efficient and Important Air Cargo Hub"
Fraport Ag awarded in London
AirCargo News, the leading trade magazine of the international airfreight industry, with about 100000 readers world wide, awarded Fraport Ag (managing agent of the german cargo hub in Frankfurt) as "Europe's... more

AirlinesAir France resumes flights to Madagascar
Operation had been suspended due to local strikes
Air France, always ready to intervene in the french-speaking African market, has already resumed flights for the malagasy capital. All the carriers serving Tananarive have been compelled to stop operations... more

AirlinesThai will decide on A380 within this year
The aircraft is the only existing alternative to Boeing 747
Thai Airways must decide if to purchase or not the wide bodied aircraft A380 and the decision will be taken within year 2002. It has been said yesterday by the Airbus director general for France, specifying... more

Civil aviationPassenger with a revolver boards at Tel Aviv
Man declared he was unaware of the weapon
An israeli passenger inexplicably boarded a plane bound to New York with a gun in his luggage. The event happened at Ben Gurion airport. The passenger asserts he was unaware of the weapon. It is not... more

IndustryBrazilians are winners in the Bombardier-Embraer dispute
WTO confirms low rate loans are illegal
WTO declared Bombardier aerospace industry substantially guilty in the commercial war against the brazilian firm Embraer. WTO asked therefore Canada to eliminate low rate loans granted to Bombardier,... more

Science and technologyFrom Bologna new flights to Roumania
Details in a press conference to be held at Bologna
Tomorrow with a press conference to be held in the premises of the Bologna airport handling agent, the new Tarom services between Roumania and Bologna will be revealed. (um/ru) more

Finance and economyBin Laden's bill
Us economy to pay USDb 640
According to DRI-WEFA, a consulting firm of Eddystone (Pennsylvania), last September 11th terrorist attack will cost USDb 640. The study, published yesterday, puts into account social consequences in... more

AirportsCroatian award to an italian helicopter pilot
Joint ceremony at Podrute
On date January 7th 1992 a white-painted italian helicopter, serving under the flag of European Community, was shot down by a serbian fighter. Ten years later the Croatian Republic gave the "Croatian... more

AirlinesJAL-JAS merger
3000 job cuts
The merger beetween the Japan Airlines, the biggest japanese airline, and the Japan Air System, third carrier in Japan, will produce a strong personnel reduction, as confirmed by the companies spokesmen... more

HelicoptersUS helicopter crashes in Afghanistan
14 soldiers injured
A Boeing Vertol CH-47 Chinook twin engined helicopter crashed during a landing attempt near Khost, a town in the eastern part of the country. On board there were 24 army men of the famous 101 Airborne... more

IndustryAlso Czech Republic enters in Airbus
Letov will cooperate in A380 production
Letov factory (LLV, i.e. Letov Letecka Vyroba) will participate in the production of Airbus 380, the new wide body aircraft projected by Airbus Consortium. The Czech firm will furnish parts destined to... more

AccidentsEcuador: a Boeing 727 disappear near colombian borders
Rescue operations stopped for the night
83 passengers and 9 crew members were aboard of the three-jet plane belonging to Tame, the ecuadorian military airline, which apparently crashed yesterday morning on the mountains beetween Colombia and... more

Sport aviationWorld Gliding Championship in Rieti
Fai confirms: meeting in Italy
From July 2nd to August 2nd 2003, Rieti will host the World Gliding Championship. As stated on a local newspaper, the city is getting ready for this important international meeting,thanks to the financial... more

AccidentsAir accident in Angola
An Antonov An-12 crashed yesterday morning
Thirty deads and about thirty injured passengers are probably the tragic consequences of the Antonov A-12 crash last sunday. According to what the angolan military spokesman stated, the aircraft, a four-engined... more

AccidentsHelicopter crash in Tchecenia: Moscow denies separatist shooting-down
No certanties on the causes of the accident yet
"No trace of a surface-air missile attack has been found in the surroundings of the tragedy" states Nikolai Britvine, russian responsible for North Caucasian region. "We must be patient until official... more

Science and technologyMadagascar stops the flights
General national strike decided by the opposition reaches air transportation
After surface transportation, water and electricity distribution, general strike inside Malagasy republic expands to both domestic and international flights since this morning. Agitation, and public demonstration... more

AirlinesBritsh airways shares fall
-3,3 at the London Stock Exchange
After the decision to quit the alliance with American Airlines, last friday British Airways shares lost 4,5% of their former value, and this morning another 3,3%. Due to the situation, analysts foresee... more

DefenseThe new polish fighter
"Agreement towards final signature" states Varsaw
Next renewal of polish fighter fleet "seems to be near to an end", said Mr Smajdzinsky, Defense ministry of the Warsaw government. At this step, three are the main competitors remaining: Us Lockeed Martin,... more

AirlinesAmerican Airlines and British Airways to divorce
Us Dot asked for a 16 slots renounciation at London Heathrow
North atlantic alliance beetween American Airlines and British Airways will not take place. Before the very start, the companies quit foreseen agreements because of the too constraining antitrust conditions.... more

Science and technologyAviano military terminal improves its runways
Second "restyling" in three years
The 2700 meters long runway of the biggest air base in Italy, recently used for military purposes in the Balkan operations,needs a new restructuring after last intervention dated 1999. Three years ago... more

Science and technologyTorino-Caselle airport upgraded
Italian airport admitted in Category"3B"
The italian national body for flights' assistance (Enav), upgraded Torino-Caselle in 3B Category. This improved position, enables the airport to fully operate within 75 mt of horizontal visibility. Sagat,... more

AccidentsHelicopter-crash in Tchecenia
14 casualties confirmed
As the the russian Ministry of Interior confirms this morning the final number of deads to be fourteen; therefore yesterday's crash near Chelkovskaia, a village north east from Grozny, becomes the worst... more

Science and technologyWalt Disney will help passengers waiting for flight
How to entertain passengers in the airports
The waiting time in the airports, due to the increased security measures,has inspired airport managers to copy what Walt Disney Productions does in order to reduce inconveniences to customers waiting at... more

AirlinesRyanair, ambitious goals
The carrier promises to overcome Lufthansa in six years
The irish low-cost carrier Ryanair declare that within six years the competitor Lufthansa will be surpassed. This is the statement of the owner Michael O'Leary to german daily newspaper Handelsblatt,... more

Airlinesiberia announces over 2500 jobs cut
Losses of 75% in 2001
According to an Iberia Spanish airline spokesman, net incomes in 2001 fallen of 75% respect year 2000, to near 50 EURm, against financial analysts expectations of at least 70 EURm. This led airline to... more

AerospaceBerlusconi says Italy believes in Galileo
An interview to Italian Premier
Italian Premier Berlusconi, in replying to questions put by the french network Europe 1, reiterated the italian fidelity to Europe, adding that just in these days the government ordered two french transport... more

AccidentsManama, Boeing 737 emergency landing
A passenger with knife tries to enter cockpit
A CSA Boeing 737 has made an emergency landing on Manama airport. The event happened saturday, but it has been revealed only today. The plane was flying from Dubai to Prague when an arab passenger tried... more

IndustryA400M, opposition party protesting
The troublesome story of Airbus military transport not yet concluded
German tories, contrary to the purchase of 73 Airbus A400M aircraft for financial reasons only, will appeal against the decision taken by the german parliament. The problem remains therefore rather serious... more

Civil aviationAccording to flight assistant association some airlines allow no sufficient time to perform controls on board
Flight attendants at a number of airlines are issuing a security alert for air carriers that are requiring flight attendants to conduct new exhaustive security searches in addition to current pre-flight... more

Civil aviationAlarm for a suspected bomb on a KLM flight
Four hours of controls at Boston-Logan airport
An intercontinental KLM flight bound to Amsterdam has been stopped at Boston by an anonymous man , informing via phone that on board there was a bomb. Indeed, the flight number reported via phone belonged... more

AirlinesEuropean airlines lose five million passengers following Sept. 11 attacks
European airlines lost 5 million passengers last year as a result of the US terror attacks, according to the Association of European Airlines. The association says traffic was down 2% early in... more

AccidentsSpanish Police helicopter crashes near Madrid
Accident seems due to meteorological conditions over the area
A spanish police helicopter crashed today at 11.05' LT in the southerly borough of Getafe, Madrid. The helicopter took off from Sevilla, bound to Madrid, where overhaul had to be made. Firemen suppose... more

Industryturbomeca opens new Canadian subsidiary
It is the 11th in the World
Turbomeca announced the setting up of its subsidiary in Canada, Turbomeca Canada Inc., at the international trade area of Montreal Airport in Mirabel (Quebec). This will be the 11th subsidiary in... more

AirlinesLimited losses for AEA carriers
In year 2001 passenger traffic decreased by 5%
AEA, the association of european airlines, declared that passenger traffic decreased by 5% if compared to year 2000. The intraeuropean traffic decreased by 0,4%, while before the well known September... more