AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency
101,154 news found

Science and technologyNtsb sent a worrying note
New York, Usa - Sharp manoeuvres must be avoided
Ntsb has sent a warning to pilots, inviting them to avoid sharp manoeuvres causing severe stress on the vertical stabilizers. The recommendation is compulsory also in case of hijacking or other extreme... more

HelicoptersCHC wins North Sea contract
It takes delivery of new Super Puma Mk II
St. Jonh's, NF - CHC Helicopter Corporation announced today that its wholly owned subsidiary CHC Scotia, of Aberdeen, Scotland, has been awarded a 30-month contract by Kerr-McGee North Sea (U.K.) Limited.... more

AerospaceEsa is looking for 14 volunteers
Rome, Italy - In the test candidates will spend three months lying
European Space Agency needs 14 volunteers ready to remain lying for three months, in order to simulate the physical changes occurring to the astronauts during a space flight. The candidates' characteristics... more

Latest newsNew look for the Us Air force
Washington, Usa - September 11th on the fuselage
"Spirit of September 11th", "Let's roll" and other similar phrases are to be written on some of the Us Airforce aircraft fuselage. In remembrance of last September tragedy, american military aviation... more

HelicoptersIAF Apaches attack palestinians
Gaza, Palestine - Hit Security Forces headquarters
In retaliation to Bersheeba attack, this morning two israeli Apache helicopters attacked palestinian targets,according to witnesses, launching five missiles. The headquarters of the palestinian security... more

AccidentsThree Swedish police helicopters destroyed in a hangar by fire
Also a small airplane has been destroyed
In the night on February 7th a huge fire broke out in the Swedish National Police helicopter hangar at Tullinge Airport, Stockholm. There were three helicopters and a small plane recovered inside, that... more

Civil aviationOlympic Games, some alarms
Salt Lake City, Usa - three private aircraft intercepted and escorted
Since the early beginning of the winter games, there have been three cases of airspace violation, fortunately concluded without consequences. Friday F-16 patrolling the so-called "olympic ring" intercepted... more

PeopleSecurity tests in London
London, UK - Weapons and explosives boarded on Manchester-London flight
During a secret security operation test, guns and explosives were boarded on a BA Boeing 737 at the international airport of Manchester. British Airways itself spread the news. One of the man in charge... more

HelicoptersEurocopter protests for a contract awarded
The Irish contract has been awarded to Sikorsky
The French/German helicopter manufacturer Eurocopter wants reasons from the Irish Minister for Defence as to why its tender to supply helicopters to the State was rejected, and why the contract was awarded... more

IndustryBae Systems awarded a over 8 USDm contract
BAE Systems, Mojave, Calif., is being awarded an $8,763,894 contract modification to provide for 12 QF-4 full scale aerial targets. At this time, the total amount of funds has been obligated. This work... more

AirlinesAir France to help Air Afrique
Paris, France - Rescue in change of control
Air France could finance 50% of the bankrupted Air Afrique rescue plan, in change of its control. As stated by the French daily newspaper, Le Monde, Air France, owner of a 11,8% Air Afrique capital share,... more

Latest newsPoland to reduce its fighters acquisition
Warsav, Poland - 4 new warplanes instead of 16 "second hand" ones
According to what stated by the Polish Defence Ministry, Jerzy Szmajdzinsky, Poland will reduce from 60 to 48 the number of fighters Warsav government is going to buy. Three are the main competitors remaining... more

IndustryAirbus thinks to a B-52 substitute
Munich, Germany - A statement of Airbus president
Airbus president Noel Forgeard declared to the german weekly magazine Focus that the consortium is thinking to project a B-52 competitor. Indeed, the eight engined bomber B-52, that is the Boeing "Stratofortress",... more

Civil aviationBomb alarm on a Delta Airlines aircraft
New York, Usa - Incident occurred at Hartsfield airport
Bomb alarm has alerted a Delta Airlines crew ready to take from Hartsfield airport to Atlanta. The aircraft, once evacuated, has been taken to a safety area of the airport where security men, after a... more

Civil aviationNew systems for passenger identification
London, UK - Optical scanners for eye recognition
Heathrow will be the first airport in the country to trial the new revolutionary eye recognition equipment, that could speed up the airport controls. The passengers will avoid the boring passport control... more

AirlinesAir Afrique to collapse
Abidjan, Ivory Coast - Bankruptcy to be declared
After long-time-enduring agony, Air Afrique is close to the end. An extraordinary management meeting last thursday in Abidjan, decided to declare bankruptcy. Final decision has been taken after several... more

Science and technologyOrly, another example of the slot war
Paris, France - Low-cost carriers protesting
According to an information coming from a daily newspaper, some low-cost carriers operating to/from Orly have been excluded from the re-distribution of the slots left vacant by the french carrier Air Lib. The... more

People2000 more policeman on chinese flights
Now armed only with batons
China is to step up airline security by putting 2000 police on commercial passenger flights but will not say if they are to be armed. The state newspaper, China Daily, said the decision had been taken... more

AccidentsAntonov 12 crash, black box found
Kiev, Ukraina - The plane was used by a private ukrainian airline
The eight crew members died in the accident occurred wednesday evening are all ukrainian citizens. According to information disclosed by the local foreign affairs ministry, a group of ukrainian technicians... more

Civil aviationEMERGENCY FAA AD on Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation propellers
EMERGENCY AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE Aircraft Certification Service Washington, DC U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration DATE: February 7, 2002 2002-03-51 Send... more

AirlinesPreussag close to Sabena charter division
Hannover, Germany - German tourist operator wants Sobelair
European largest tourist operator, the German Preussag, as confirmed from the company spokesman himself, is not far from the acquisition of the Sabena charter division, the Sobelair. Even though it is... more

AccidentsSouth african tourist plane crashed
Johannesburg, South Africa - The aircraft fell during thunderstorm
A singe-engined Cessna 210 private plane crashed yesterday east of Johannesburg, near Vereeniging, killing the three men onboard, that is one pilot and two passengers. The accident happened around 6 p.m.... more

Finance and economyUs economy to recover
New York, Usa - Unemployment benefits: 15000 reduction within last week
Positive signals for the tormented Us economy, as Labour department confirmed yesterday a 15000 decresae in the number of unemployment benefits request within last week. Economic performance seems finally... more

HelicoptersThe Mull of Kintyre crash, pilots not guilty
London, UK - New inquiry of the House of Lords
On June 2nd, 1994 a RAF Chinook helicopter left Aldergrove airbase bound to Fort George, near Inverness but crashed on the Mull of Kintyre with 25 anti-terrorism experts, belonging to SAS and MI5, aboard. The... more

IndustryScaroni denied to be interested in Finmeccanica leadership
Paolo Scaroni, who press news yet considered the new Finmeccanica President and CEO, substituting Alberto Lina, denied interest to become the Italian Group top manager, affirming that "he never will accept... more

Science and technologyA call center on Casablanca airport
Rabat, Morocco - According to a press release of the moroccan office for airports
The moroccan authority taking care of airports announced yesterday that a Call Center has been created on the Casablanca airport. Passengers may apply to the center to obtain information concerning air... more

IndustryContract for 22 Tomahawk missiles retrofitting
Tucson, US - Raytheon awarded by UK order
Raytheon Systems has been awarded a USDm 29 contract for the remanufacture of 22 Tomahawk missiles to the Block III reconfiguration. The missiles have been ordered by the government of the United Kingdom,... more

AirportsGuidelines on post-deployment health evaluation
Washington, US - A booklet prepared jointly by DOD and Veteran Affairs
The state of health of Veterans, servicemen and their families will be improved and better monitored by a clinical practice guideline on post-deployment health evaluation, prepared by the health affairs... more

Science and technologyWho controls controllers? At Denver airport, several guards under investigation
They was watching TV instead of patrol airport areas
Denver, Colorado - Several police officers have been put under investigation as an hidden camera revealed they have spent hours -- in one case half of the officer's shift -- in a break room at the Denver... more

IndustryCanada, US sign agreement on JSF
Washington, US - It is the most important US defence project
Canada and US signed yesterday a memorandum of understanding that commits Canada to the participation in the JSF system development and demonstration phase. The signed agreement will span the next 10... more

Civil aviationPhilippine police arrested suspect passenger
Manila, Philippines - The man was carrying 104 passports
Azmin bin Salle was arrested at Manila international airport while he was trying to board on the Kuwait Airlines flight to Bangkok with 104 passports. The man, now under investigation was also carrying... more

IndustryBombardier Aerospace delivers its first Global Express in ASTOR program
Montréal, Canada – Bombardier Aerospace has delivered the first of five Global Express ® aircraft in the ASTOR (Airborne Stand-Off Radar) program to Raytheon Systems Limited. This latest addition to the... more

IndustryRaytheon awarded a near 30 USDm contract
Raytheon Systems Co., Tucson, Ariz., is being awarded a $29,731,108 contract for the remanufacture of 22 Tomahawk missiles to the Block IIIC configuration for the government of the United Kingdom under... more

Civil aviationAlarm at Baltimore airport
Baltimore, Usa - Terminal B evacuated
1.500 passengers evacuated Terminal B after a terrorist attack alarm has been given. Emergency, from 11.40am to 01.16pm, caused delays to planes at departing gates, while no troubles affected aircraft... more

IndustryBombardier, the first Astor program aircraft delivered
Montreal, Canada - Fully operational only in 2004
Bombardier Aerospace has delivered the first of 5 Global Express twin-jets, destined to Astor Program (Airborne Stand-off Radar). Astor is the UK ministry of Defence's new and highly sophisticated, long... more

IndustryWho is Paolo Scaroni, the President and CEO of Finmeccanica
It's a AVIONEWS exclusive news
THe President and CEO of Finmeccanica Italian Group, who succeed to Alberto Lina, is Paolo Scaroni, 56, married, three sons. He has a university degree in business administration taken at Bocconi Milan... more

Airlines"Sn Brussels Airlines" will be the name of the new Belgian airline
Brussels, Belgium - "De Morgen" confirms
According to what stated by the Dutch speaking belgian daily newspaper "De Morgen", "Sn Brussels Airlines" will be the name of the new Belgian air carrier born from the Dat, once Sabena regional division. Final... more

Civil aviationUnited, security measures are inadequate
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Hijacking or a fool attempt?
An uruguayan bank employee named Paolo Moreira tried to enter into the cockpit of an United Airlines plane (flight UA855 from Miami to Buenos Aires). The man, probably suffering for some mental disease,... more

AirlinesRyanair financing its fleet
London, UK - 26 millions of shares, EUR 6,25 each
The low-cost carrier Ryanair has increased its capital by 3,6%, issuing 26 millions of shares worth EUR 6,25 each. The new shareholders gave a total of EURm 162,5, that will be used to finance the purchase... more

HelicoptersBoeing expects major Apache sales
Seattle, Usa - New market targets for the american firm
Boeing is expecting major sales success for its AH-64 Apache helicopter, both in Asia both in Middle East. Among the new customers there will be firstly Kuwait, discussing about 16 helicopters, then Arab... more

HelicoptersBoeing and Sikosrky to carry on with Rah-66 Comanche project
Usa - Next generation of light attack helicopter despite all goes on
Despite all possible difficulties encountered in the past, Boeing-Sikorsky co-developed an co-produced Rah-66 will be built. "Dean (i.e. Borgman, president of Sikorsky Aircraft)and I talk almost daily... more

AirlinesQantas cancels african, far eastern flights but adds new US destinations
Sydney, Australia - New code-sharing services
Australian carrier Qantas is re-shaping its network, cutting some lines but adding new destinations. The agreement with American Eagle will add new destinations as Phoenix and Oakland, while the British... more

AirlinesGo increase January passengers number by 74,2% respect January 2001
United Kingdom low-cost airline Go says January passenger numbers increased 74.2 per cent compared to same month of last year. Go, which is based at London's Stansted airport, said January passengers... more

AirlinesDelta reduces pilot's lay offs
Since last November airline furlough near 500 pilot
After to laid off 400 pilots in November and 60 in January, and planning to furlough another 105 in March, Delta Air Lines decided to reduce the pilot's dismission by the 1,700 announced about two weeks... more

HelicoptersNine casualties in helicopter crash
Nazran, Tcechenia - Accident happened near Grozni
A russian helicopter type Mil MI-8 crashed immediately after take-off from Jankala air base, near Grozni. It is the fourth loss involving such type of helicopter, but the figure is comprising also the... more

Defense"Dogfish"2002 ready to start
Rome, Italy - One of the World largest military exercise will begin next S.Valentine day
From February 14th to February 27th, Ionian sea will host "Dogfish 2002", the huge Nato military exercise which will see participation of 9 submarines, 19 maritime aircraft and 11 fighting ships. The... more

AirlinesKlm-Volare Group (2)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands - After "Il Sole 24 Ore" rumours official confirmation comes straight from the Dutch Airline spokesman
As Bart Koster, Klm spokesman, officially confirmed just few minutes ago, negotiations with Volare Group have been started, previous information disseminated by "Il Sole 24 Ore" become true. Italian 100%... more

AirlinesAlso Air Canada in difficulty
Montreal, Canada - A net loss of 790 USD millions
Air Canada admitted today a loss equivalent to USDm 790 for the fiscal year 2001, corresponding to a loss per share of USD 6,57. The carrier has been compelled to reduce by 13% its manpower, that is 5000... more

AccidentsUkrainian cargo plane crashed in Morocco
Agadir, Morocco - Nine casualties reported
This night an ukrainian freighter crashed against a mountain in the moroccan region around Taroudant, causing 9 casualties. At the moment other particulars are unknown, as the aircraft type and the mission. The... more

DefenseA Us C-17 took off from Kandahar with prisoners aboard
Kandahar, Afghanistan - 158 terrorists on the way to Guantanamo
The night before yesterday a Usaf C-17 departed from Kandahar to Guantanamo, Cuba, with 158 prisoners aboard. The flight, the first in about three weeks, will bring talibans and Al Quaida activists to... more