AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency
101,158 news found

IndustryLockheed Martin awarded a 15,6 USDm contract
Lockheed Martin Corp., Dallas, is being awarded of a $15,600,000 contract for Tactical Missile System Penetrator Demonstration (TPD) Missile System Integration. Work will be performed in Dallas, and is... more

HelicoptersMexican Navy will use six MD Explorers against drug smugglers
Santiago, Cile - THe helicopters are heavily armed with machine-gun and rockets
Six armed MD Explorers and their trained crews are fully prepared to wreak havoc on drug traffickers operating in Mexican waters. The twin-engine MD Explorers are manufactured and supported by MD Helicopters,... more

Latest newsIsraeli fighters flew over Bethlehem skies
Bethlehem, Palestina - Tel Aviv to occupy the Palestinian city
In the night between Monday and Tuesday, Bethlehem has been flew over by Israeli fighters. This air operation, which started from midnight and went on for 45 minutes, is probably a signal of the next... more

HelicoptersDutch police on board of MD Explorer helicopters
Arizona, Usa - First test flights
Last March 26th the first MD Explorer aircraft destined to the Dutch National Police, took-off from Mesa MD Helicopters Inc. facilities, in Arizona. These tests will culminate in May with the final delivery... more

AirlinesAir New Zealand to increase its New Zealand-Singapore links
Rome, Italy - Starting from next May 5th
From May 5th Air New Zealand will strengthen its activity towards Singapore. In fact Auckland-Singapore flights will change from a three times a week link to a daily one, while daily Christchurch-Singapore... more

Civil aviationCanada creates a new agency for air transport security
Ottawa, Canada - Its name is Catsa
Canadian Transports ministry announced last Tuesday the creation of the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (Catsa) the new agency for air transport security in Canada. According to David Collenette,... more

Civil aviationBoeing 737 violated White House fly zone
Washington, Usa - Due to a pilot mistake
Because of a course mistake, last night a Frontier Airlines Boeing 737 violated the White House fly zone. After being promptly contacted by the air traffic control authorities, the pilot of the flight... more

AirlinesVirgin Express landed in Athens
Athens, Greece - With daily flights
Virgin Express, Richard Branson owned-by Virgin group airline, inaugurated its new daily link Athens-Brussels. The British air carrier foresees to double its flights to the Greek capital by the end of... more

Science and technologyOn the third airport of Paris
Saint Quentin, France - Chirac comes back on the matter
French president Jacques Chirac announced today his decision to open a "talk-session" on the future of Chaulnes-Bassin, the third airport of Paris. According to Chirac, "government organized-by talks... more

AirlinesRyanair: passengers of flight Frankfurt-Pescara protest
Pescara, Italy - 80 people wait 5 hours for the Irish airline aircraft
One more time bad news for Ryanair as now in fact the Irish airline has to face the anger of the 80 passengers of its Frankfurt-Pescara flight forced to wait 5 hours for an aircraft coming from Germany,... more

AirlinesKenya Airlines to buy 3 Boeing 777-200ER
Seattle, Usa - Delivery starts next May 2004
Kenya Airlines signed an agreemnet with Us constructor Boeing for the acquisition of three 777-200ER. "It was a very long and hard negotiation, but at the end our committment has been awarded", stated... more

AirlinesDelta Airlines to cut, maybe, 12.000 jobs
New York, Usa - It also foresees losses ranging from USDm 375 to USDm 405
Gloomy times for Delta Airlines since September 11th attacks. In January Us air carrier general turnover registered a 23% fall while air traffic decreased of about 10% in comparison with the same month... more

Sport aviationApex to forget September 11th crisis
Darois, Ivory Coast - It aims to triple its Us turnover in the next 3 years
Despite post September 11th attacks deep recession, Apex International, European leader in sport aviation sector, in the next three years aims to triple its general turnover generated on the Us market,... more

AirlinesSn Brussels Airlines reached all of its targets
Brussels, Belgium - In the first quarter of 2002
During first quarter of 2002, Belgian air carrier Sn Brussels Airlines reached all of the targets pre-fixed. Since last November 10th (day of the re-start for flights operated by Dat), Sn Brussels Airlines... more

AirlinesAir Dolomiti inaugurates its new links
Gorizia, Italy - Flights to Amsterdam and Brussels
Thanks to an agreement with Seap, the handling agent of Puglia region (southern Italy) airports, Air Dolomiti will operate new international routes. A part from the already existing links Verona-Barcelona,... more

IndustryOver four USDbn in orders for Boeing and Airbus
Rome, Italy - KLM and Indian Airlines give a oxygen breath to the two industries
Seems that Airbus and Boeing, always competitors, have make an agreement in giving the news. Two airlines, KLM and Indian Airlines, made a cumulative order for 4 USDbn at the two aeronautical industries. KLM... more

AirlinesBuzz optimistic forecasts
Bordeaux, France - Zero deficit balance "within March 2003"
According to Tony Camacho, general manager at Buzz, Klm Uk owned-by low-cost airline, the carrier will reach a zero deficit balance "within March 2003". Intervened at a conference on low-cost airlines... more

AirlinesBritish Airways: passports check at first glance
London, Uk - First tests in Heathrow
British Airways launched in Heathrow its revolutionary and futuristic system for passports check. Thanks to Eye Ticket's JetStream technology in fact, the air carrier would be able to identify a flyer... more

IndustryData Link Solutions awarded today of an additional 5 USDm contract
USA - Contract refers to digital data processors
Data Link Solutions Limited Liability Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is being awarded a $5,057,826 firm-fixed-price contract to provide for eight spare antennae interface and 14 spare digital data processors... more

IndustryData Link Solutions awarded of a over 6 USDm contract
USA - Contract refers to spare digital receivers
Data Link Solutions Limited Liability Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is being awarded a $6,093,846 firm-fixed-price contract to provide for 33 spare receiver assemblies applicable to the AN and URC-107 Joint... more

IndustryLockheed Martin awarded of a over 10 USDm RWR contract
Lockheed Martin Corp., Ft Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $10,879,743 firm-fixed-price contract modification to provide for 329 optimization kits (277 for Air National Guard; 52 for the Air Force Reserve)... more

AerospaceAriane-4 launched this morning
Paris, France - Mission completed
In less than 30 minutes from its launch from the Kourou aerospace center (French Guyane) at 1.29am(Gmt), the rocket-propeller Ariane-4 escorted two communication satellites on orbit. Both the satellites,... more

Civil aviationTerrorism: panic at Boston Logan airport
Boston, Usa - Aircraft evacuated
A Delta Airlines flight on its way to take-off from the Logan International airport in Boston, has been forced to ground by the dangerous behaviour of one of its passengers. The man in fact stood up from... more

IndustryMcDonnell Douglas awarded of a over 12 USDm contract
McDonnell Douglas Corp., Berkeley, Mo., is being awarded a $12,413,685 firm-fixed-price contract modification to provide for initial acceleration of Lot V production of 12,204 joint direct attack munitions... more

IndustryRockwell Collins awarded of a over 5 USDm contract
Rockwell Collins, Inc., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, is being awarded a $5,500,000 time-and-material contract modification to provide for development and production of a prototype upgrade kit for the message processing... more

AccidentsUs Navy helicopter crashed yesterday
Lake Isabel, Usa - 2 deads and 4 injured
A Us Navy helicopter with six people aboard plummetted yesterday in the Sierra Nevada region, 160 km far from Los Angeles. According to a Us Navy spokesman, in the crash two people died while the remaining... more

IndustryMcDonnell Douglas awarded of a over 6 USDm contract
McDonnell Douglas Corp., St. Louis, Mo., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Boeing Co., is being awarded a $6,250,000 delivery order under a basic ordering agreement for continuing on-site support of repair... more

IndustryRaytheon awarded a over 10 USDm contract
Raytheon Missile Systems, Advanced Programs, Tucson, Ariz., is being awarded a $10,259,952 contract for design, fabrication, and ground testing of an all weather active Ka-band radar seeker in support... more

AerospaceSPOrt presented in Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia - To measure radiations coming from the "Big Bang"
Last March 26th, SPOrt, the Sky Polarization Observatory project destined to Iss, International Space Station, has been presented at the Iatice (Italian Australian Technological Innovation Conference &... more

IndustryNorthrop Grumman awarded a over 52 USDm contract
Northrop Grumman Marine Systems, Sunnyvale, Calif., is being awarded a $52,480,187 contract to exercise option items 0022-0025, 0032 and 0039 for U.S. Trident II (D5) tactical backfit hardware for SSBN... more

AccidentsDod Announces name of SEAL military dead
Washington, USA - Accident occurred during a training action in Afghanistan
The Department of Defense announced today that Navy SEAL Chief Petty Officer Matthew J. Bourgeois, 35, of Tallahassee, Fla., was killed Wednesday, approximately 11 p.m. EST while conducting small unit... more

Weather forecastsAirshow and exhibitions in April 2002
FIDAE INTERNATIONAL AIR AND SPACE FAIR April 1-7 Los Cerillos Air Base, Santiago, Chile. Info: (201) 251-2600; (56 2) 530 5759 Web site: www.fidae.cl . HUMAN FACTORS IN AVIATION MAINTENANCE SYMPOSIUM April... more

AerospaceAriane-4 to take-off tonight
Paris, France - It will take two communication satellites on orbit
For the fourth time this year, the 149th ever, an Ariane rocket will take-off to space. With the launch from the aerospace base of Kourou, in French Guyane, Ariane-4 will deliver two satellites, the Japanese... more

AerospaceU.S. government, seriously concerned for Galileo
Washington, USA - USA opposed for years to this project
After a strong opposition to the European satellite position system Galileo, in order to maintain their monopoly in satellite navigation , U.S. have posted the problem of possibility of interference between... more

DefenseUs Pilot reported missing in Iraq since 1991
Baghdad, Iraq - Baghdad invited a Us delegation via Baghdad International Red Cross
Iraq International Affairs minister announced today to have formally invited via Baghdad International Red cross a Us delegation to solve the mystery about Michael Scott Speichner, the Us Air Force pilot... more

DefenseA-400M: agreement reached for project financement
Paris, France - The German order will cover eventual cancellations
According to a spokesman of Occar, the agency which will manage the Airbus A400-M project, the German order for the first part of aircraft ordered (about 40) will cover also eventual cancellation in the... more

AirlinesThe codeshare between America West and Continental will be canceled
New York, USA - The agreement last since 8 years
According to a America West airline spokesman, Continental will cancel the agreement of codeshare with it, as long as the frequent flyer program and lounge sharing. The cancellation will be effective April... more

Science and technologyOther criminals employed in U.S. airport security areas
San Francisco, USA - 25 arrested by FBI
In a crackdown at San Francisco airport 25 people have been arrested, charged of various criminal offences. All of them had clearance for security areas of the airport and were arrested for immigration... more

AirlinesAmerican Airlines pilot writes to NTSB and FAA to ground all Airbus A300-600
A large group of American Airlines pilots submitted a report to the two federal flight entities, National Transportation Safety Board and the Federal Aviation Administration, and to their own union, asking... more

AirlinesAir France named its new maintenance division director
Paris, France - His name is Philippe Wallet
52 years old engineer Philippe Wallet has been named new Air France maintenance division director. After the degree at the Ensica, the French aeronautical engineering school in 1973, Mr. Wallet entered... more

AirlinesInaugurated first China-India air link
Beijng, China - "Historic event"
With the take-off from Beijng of a China Eastern Airlines A340 heading to India the first ever link between China and India has been inaugurated. "That's an historic event for both our countries", stated... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Collins ATC trasponders
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2000-NM-284-AD; Amendment 39-12682; AD 2002-06-05] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on GE engines
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NE-05-AD; Amendment 39-12684; AD 2002-06-07] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus A300-600 and A310 aircraft
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-75-AD; Amendment 39-12686; AD 2002-06-09] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness Directives;... more

Weather forecastsAirshow and exhibitions in April 2002
FIDAE INTERNATIONAL AIR AND SPACE FAIR April 1-7 Los Cerillos Air Base, Santiago, Chile. Info: (201) 251-2600; (56 2) 530 5759 Web site: www.fidae.cl . HUMAN FACTORS IN AVIATION MAINTENANCE SYMPOSIUM April... more

AirlinesGreek government will fly aboard of a Gulfstream V
Athens, Greece - Signed a USDm 48 worth agreement
According to a Greek Defence ministry responsible, Athens government signed a USDm 48 worth agreement with the Us firm General Dynamics for the acquisition of a Gulfstream V. The jet business, which is... more

HelicoptersTurkey will lauch a new bid for helicopters
Ankara, Turkey - competition worth is 250 USDm
According to military sources, Turkey will launch, late this year or in early 2003, a new international tender worth nearly USD250m to buy eight heavy-lift helicopters to boost its Army's transport capabilities.... more

HelicoptersSikorsky: we don't had any competitor's information in the Irish competition
Dublin, Ireland - Declaration comes after Eurocopter's sue
In response to Eurocopter’s initiation of legal proceedings against it and the Irish government, Sikorsky has said it was "at no stage privy to any of our competitors' prices or any details o... more

AerospaceMars Odissey photographed the 'red planet'
Los Angeles, Usa - Once Mars climate was similar to ours
Nasa, for the first time spread out yesterday pictures taken by 'Mars Odissey', the Us space probe on Mars orbit since last October. By the analysis of these pictures, according to experts, Mars could... more

Science and technologyRyanair to land in Rome
Rome, Italy - First Ciampino-Stansted flight will take-off next April 4th
Next April 4th, Ryanair, the Irish low-cost airline, will inaugurate its first Rome-London flight from the Ciampino international airport in Rome. Air carrier press conference, which is going to precede... more