AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency
101,164 news found

AirlinesCourt upholds Air Lib's claim against Crossair
Paris, France - The French air carrier claims nearly EUR 61m
Air Lib announced that the Commercial Court of Paris has upheld its claim that Crossair - now part of swiss - which changes its name to Swiss International Air Lines on July 1, is obliged to pay debts... more

AirlinesTAP down but recovering after first quarter
Lisbo, Portugal - A net loss of EUR 45.5m
TAP Air Portugal reported a net loss of EUR 45.5m for the first quarter ended March 31 compared to a loss of EUR 63.3m last year. Operating revenues increased 1.2% to EUR 254.7m and operating expenses... more

AccidentsFirecrackers found in lavatory of United Airlines jet
Hong Kong, China - They were too small to cause any major damage
Seven firecrackers were discovered in the lavatory of a United Airlines jet that flew from Chicago to Hong Kong with 335 people aboard, but they were too small to have caused any major damage if they had... more

AccidentsNigeria's Airlines protest against BAC 1-11s stop
Dagos, Nigeria - Established after last May 4th 148-dead air tragedy
The stop to all BAC 1-11s aircraft, decided after last May 4th 148-dead air incident by Dagos government, is likely to be challenged by the country's air operators of the AON, Airline Operators of Nigeria.... more

IndustryRaytheon awarded of a near 6 USDm contract
Raytheon Technical Services Co., doing business as L3 Communications, Link Simulation and Training, Arlington, Texas, is being awarded a $5,964,687 firm-fixed-price task order against a previously awarded... more

IndustryBell Helicopter awarded of a 6 USDm contract
Bell Helicopter Textron, Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded a $6,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract to purchase 16 main rotor hubs used to support H-1 helicopters. Work will be performed in Fort Worth... more

IndustryLockheed Martin awarded of near 500 USDm contract
Lockheed Martin Corp., Sunnyvale, Calif., is being awarded a $498,000,000 firm-fixed-price contract modification. This is an amendment to the existing letter contract that was issued November 16, 2001.... more

PeopleSerious troubles for UK NATS
London, Great Britain
Difficulties in reading text on a computer screen of the NATS British air traffic control, led a controller to send a plane to Glasgow in Scotland instead of the Welsh capital, Cardiff Other errors include... more

AirlinesSobelair's pilots want to chose air carrier's new buyer
Brussels, Belgium - The Belgian charter carrier is involved in Sabena's bankruptcy
Sobelair's pilots have affirmed that they want to take part to the choice of the carter carrier's new buyer by a referendum. Sobelair is a Sabena's subsidiary, involved in the bankruptcy of its parent... more

Science and technologyGunman wounds 2 people at New Orleans airport
New Orleans, Usa - He opened fire because people made fun of his turban
A man fired a shotgun inside the New Orleans airport and wounded two people yesterday, telling investigators that he opened fire because people made fun of his turban. The shotgun blast wounded an airline... more

HelicoptersCHC Scotia will lease an S61 helicopter to Irish Air Corps
Irish Air Corps is to lease an S61 from CHC Scotia for SAR ops from its base at Finner, in the north-west of Ireland. The helicopter will serve as an interim SAR solution while the wrangle over the IAC's... more

AirlinesMore legroom on Klm business class
Amsterdam, Netherlands - New menu aboard
Dutch carrier Klm has 40% more legroom in its new business class seating and has improved its menus. (004) more

HelicoptersSlovakia will modernize its combat helicopters
Bratislava, Slovakia
The Slovak parliament approved yesterday a document draft intergovernmental agreement between Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland on cooperation in the modernization of Mi-24 helicopters... more

HelicoptersQuery on helicopter repair tender in Thailand
Bangkok, Thailand
First choice dumped after new bids called Wassana Nanuam and Wut Nontarit An opposition MP brandished confidential air force papers at yesterday's censure debate to support power abuse accusations against... more

PeopleMay 28th Nato summit: "air marshalls" on board airliners
Rome, Italy - Enac commanded "Notan"
In view of next May 28th Nato summit at Pratica di Mare (Rome), Enac, the Italian civil aviation administration, decided to command 'Notan' measure. "'Notan'", as explained by Enac director general Pierluigi... more

HelicoptersTroubles for UK Navy helicopters
London, Great Britain
Serious failings in the management of Britain's military helicopters are having a "severe" impact on their availability for operations, the National Audit Office (NAO) has revealed. During last... more

AccidentsSeptember 11th: the fourth plane, crashed in Pennsylvania, was heading against the White House
New York, Usa - According to Abu Zubaydahun
According to Abu Zubaydahun, a terrorist under interrogation, the fourth aircraft, which hijacked by Bin Laden supporters last September 11th crashed in Pennsylvania, was heading against the White House... more

PeopleBush in Berlin
Berlin, Germany - Where he is going to start his European tour
Us president George W.Bush's Air Force One landed yesterday at the Berlin airport. After Germany, Bush will visit Russia, Italy and France as well. (m/cesn) more

Latest newsIsraeli helicopter shot missiles on a refugee camp in Nablus
Nablus, Palestina - Three Palestinians killed
An Israeli Air Force helicopter launched missiles against a refugee camp in the surroundings of Nablus, Palestina. The attack, according to local sources a "targeted murder", killed three Palestinians.... more

AirlinesCSA Czech Airlines: first quarter 2002 "economic result" better than foreseen
Prague, Czech Republic - By USD 300.000
According to carrier itself, in the first quarter of 2002 the Eastern European-based Csa Czech Airlines posted an "economic result" USD 300.000 better than forecasts. Always in the quarter ended last March... more

AirlinesAir Mediterranee leased two Airbus A321-100s
Lourdes, France - From ILFC, for five years
The Lourdes-based air carrier Air Mediterranee leased from International Lease and Finance Corporation two Airbus A321-100s for next years. The CFM56-5B1/2 powered-by aircraft are supposed to delivered... more

AirlinesJAS-JAL to present board of directors and senior executives of Japan Airlines System
Tokyo, Japan - The new holding born to oversee the integration of the two carriers
The two "empire of the rising sun" air carriers Japan Airlines (JAL) and Japan Air System (JAS) presented the board of directors and senior executives of Japan Airlines System, the holding company created... more

CuriositiesElle MacPherson does not like blue
London, Uk - The Australian model and actress starring on a Qantas flight
The Australian model and actress, Elle MacPherson, acted like "a proper star" last week on the Qantas flight from London to Sydney. She was given a sort of pyjamas to face the long-time flight in a more... more

AirlinesLufthansa's new BBJ service between Duesseldorf-Newark will be given a year to prove itself
Frankfurt, Germany - Anyway the carrier "is pretty optimistic"
Frankfurt-based air carrier Lufthansa decided to give its new all-business-class service between Duesseldorf and Newark a year to prove itself. The service will be operated under a wet lease with PrivatAir,... more

HelicoptersTwo Us helicopters rescued two crew members on board a yacht
London, Uk - 400 miles far off Cornwall coasts
Yesterday two Us Jolly Green Giant helicopters of the Suffolk Air Force base rescued two injured crew members from a stricken British yacht in mountainous Atlantic seas, 400 miles far off Cornwall coasts.... more

IndustryBoeing expects a slow recover
New York, USA
According to Phil Condit, president and CEO of Boeing Aerospace, is expected a very slow recover of the industry, despite indications about an "encouraging" result on industrial production. Condit admitted... more

DefenseCanada recalls its troops from Afghanistan
Ottawa, Canada
According to the Canadian defense minister, Art Eggleton, Canada will recall its troops from Afghanistan, for a total of 850 men, in the month of August. Eggleton said that this decision is not linked... more

PeopleNo firearms to pilots (3): European pilots prefer to avoid to carry firearms on board
Rome, Italy
According to several European pilots association spokesman, interviewed by AVIONEWS, their associates prefer to avoid to carry firearms on board, on the contrary of what requested by many of their U.S.... more

AirlinesAustraliawide Airlines to purchase two ex Ansett regional carriers
Sydney, Australia - Kendell and Hazelton airlines
Australiawide, the consortium of aviation experts based in NSW, reached an agreement with the administrators of Kendell and Hazelton airlines to purchase the two ex Ansett regional carriers. "We intend... more

PeopleNo firearms to pilots (2): ALPA comments to Magaw diktat
Washington, USA
According to the statement of capt. Duane Woerth, president of the Air Line Pilots Association, ALPA, which represents 62,000 airline pilots at 42 airlines in the U.S. and Canada, the association is disappointed,... more

People"No firearms to pilots" ordered Magaw
Washington, USA
Despite the fact that handguns are the single most-effective means of self-defense commonly available; and despite the fact that the pilots' unions overwhelmingly support the idea that trained, qualified... more

IndustryBombardier: revenues raised by 37% in the first quarter of 2002
Montreal, Canada - Despite a three-week strike
The Canadian aeronautical manufacturer Bombardier, leader in the regional aicraft sector, despite a recent three-week labour stoppage, in the first quarter of this year, posted revenues of CAD$5.5 billion... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas aircraft
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-NM-197-AD; Amendment 39-12749; AD 2002-10-03] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing aircraft
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2000-NM-414-AD; Amendment 39-12748; AD 2002-10-02] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on General Electric turbofan engines
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NE-06-AD; Amendment 39-12750; AD 2002-10-04] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus aircraft
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2000-NM-372-AD; Amendment 39-12752; AD 2002-10-06] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing aircraft
Airworthiness Directives DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 99-NM-105-AD; Amendment 39-12703; AD 2002-07-09 COR] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness... more

AirlinesChina Southern Airlines "adopted" the right strategy
Beijing, China - Amazing increase in its transpacific routes number of passengers
China flag air carrier Chinese Southern Airlines registered a smashing increase in the number of the passengers traveling on its served-by transpacific routes, a number raised in fact by 50% in the first... more

Latest newsNear without defence the Canadian Sea King helicopters
Ottawa, Canada
Sea King crews returning from the Persian Gulf last summer warned the military that the ageing helicopter requires improved self-defence systems when operating in the troubled region, according a crew... more

HelicoptersTestore, Finmeccanica: nothing defined in Japan helicopters competition
Rome, Italy
According to Italian Group Finmeccanica's Roberto Testore, there is "nothing defined" in Japan competition for procurement of 13 military helicopters. However, after U.S. company Sikorsky Aircraft withdrawal... more

DefenseItaly and Argentina sign military cooperation agreement
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Yesterday in Buenos Aires
Italian chief of Defense Staff, general Rolando Mosca Moschini, signed a military cooperation agreement with Argentine Army yesterday in Buenos Aires. The agreement provides the two countries' armies... more

Military aviationInternational fire fighting exercise in the southern coasts of Croatia
Rome, Italy - It has been organized by the Stability Pact and Nato
Joint fire fighting exercise is been conducting along the southern coasts of Croatia. It started yesterday and will end next May 24. This exercise was proposed by Croatia as early as 2000 in the framework... more

IndustryContract Fabrication awarded of a over 7 USDm contract
Contract Fabrication and Design Inc., Princeton, Texas, is being awarded a $7,235,109 firm-fixed-price contract to provide for manufacture of one Trial Installation, one Kit Proof, and 19 production Gun... more

IndustrySmiths Aerospace awarded of a over 6 USDm contract
Smiths Aerospace, Clearwater, Fla., is being awarded a $6,093,671 ceiling-priced-order contract for 12 Stores Management System ship sets for the F/A-18A and U.S. Marine Corps avionic upgrade. Work will... more

IndustryLitton Systems awarded of a over 8 USDm contract
Litton Systems, Inc. Integrated Systems Division, San Diego is being awarded a $8,197,680 modification to previously awarded firm-fixed-price contract (N00019-01-C-0004) for the procurement of five Shipboard... more

Latest newsLockheed Martin awarded a contract for Hainan landed EP-3C repairs
Washington, USA
Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Co., Marietta, Ga., is being awarded a $5,820,613 modification to a previously awarded cost-plus-fixed-fee contract to provide additional funding for the repair of the EP-3C... more

HelicoptersSchweizer gains Lockheed Martin Star Supplier award
Elmira, New York
In a May 16th ceremony at its Elmira, New York facility, Schweizer Aircraft received Lockheed Martin Corporation’s STAR Supplier Award. This prestigious award is made only to a very limited number of L... more

PeopleTransportation Security Administration to look for new employees
Washington, Usa - 57.500 new workers will check Us air safety
The Us Transportation Security Administration (TSA), announced to be ready to employ 57.500 new workers, of whom, 30.000 employees will staff airport checkpoints and screen passengers, while the remaining... more

HelicoptersAustralia spending $920m on old helos
Sydney, Australia
The Australian Defence Department will pay $920 million for 11 second-hand helicopters, seven of which are up to 38 years old, and which are expected to complete service for the next 25 years. Defence... more

Science and technologyMeridiana "brings" Perugia (central Italy) to London
Perugia, Italy - By the launch of Florence-Perugia-Florence-London route
As of next June 2, the Italian airline Meridiana link Perugia airport (central Italy) with London twice a week (on Fridays and Sundays) thanks to its new route Florence-Perugia-Florence-London.... more