Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseEurocopter is France’s most attractive employer once again
Marignane, France - The industry has come out on top in the "Randstad Award" survey
Below, the press release EADS published today March 16, 2012. Eurocopter, the world leader in the civil and parapublic helicopter market, has been named once again France’s most attractive employer Eurocopter h... more

Press releaseThe Mep Marinescu visited ENAV area control centre in Rome
Rome, Italy - He has been welcomed by CEO of the Italian society, Massimo Garbini
Today the MEP and member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism of the European Parliament and rapporteur of the "Single European Sky II", Marian-Jean Marinescu, visited the ENAV Area Control Centre... more

Press releaseAeroporti di Roma: the main lines of the Development Plan of Fiumicino's airport
Rome, Italy - Described to the Mayor and to a delegation of the local Municipal Council
The Top Management of Aeroporti di Roma, represented by the Chairman Mr. Fabrizio Palenzona and by the CEO Mr. Lorenzo Lo Presti, described the main lines of the Development Plan to the Mayor Mr. Mario... more

Press releaseCathay Pacific announces 2011 annual results
Milan, Italy - Fuel is the Group’s biggest single cost
"The Cathay Pacific Group recorded an attributable profit of HK$5,501 million for 2011. This compares to the profit of HK$14,048 million for 2010, which was a record year for the airline. The 2010 results... more

Press releaseAirbus above first A-350 XWB aircraft aft fuselage built
Toulouse, France - The programme goes on
Structural assembly of the first A350 XWB aft fuselage destined for the first flying A350 XWB (MSN1) has been completed at Airbus’ manufacturing site in Hamburg (Germany). The fuselage section will now u... more

Press releaseAirbus speaks about WTO results, March 12, 2012
Toulouse, France - "Sweeping loss for Boeing in appeal"
Airbus immediately released declaration above the WTO investigation results on Boeing's illegal subsidies. • Appeal Report confirms and extends the WTO’s condemnation of massive illegal subsidies to... more

Press releaseATM: ENAV and ATNS sign a MoU to establish a formal framework for cooperation
Amsterdam, Holland - And joint commercial activities on foreign markets
Massimo Garbini and Patrick Dlamini, CEO respectively of ENAV, the Italian Company for Air Navigation Services, and ATNS, Air Traffic and Navigation Services South Africa, signed a Memorandum Of Understandings... more

Press releaseItalian ENAV: US and Europe commit to collaborate on future ATM systems
Amsterdam, Holland - Safety, capacity and environmental benefits
Yesterday, an alliance of some of the largest European Air Navigation Service Providers -the A6- and the United States’ Federal Aviation Administration have signed a Joint Statement of Purpose signalling t... more

Press releaseItalian ENAV: Richard Deakin appointed Chairman of A6 Steering Group
Amsterdam, Holland - It was formed in 2007 and composed of six members
The A6 –an alliance of some of the largest and most influential Air Navigation Service Providers in Europe- has yesterday announced that Richard Deakin, Chief Executive Officer NATS, is to become Chairman o... more

Press releaseItalian Antitrust on commissions of easyJet's credit card
Rome, Italy - Bulletin 7 of March 5, 2012 IP 131, procedure nr 23302
The Bulletin nr 7/2012 diffused yesterday, March 5, by Antitrust, reported that "The Authority of the competition and market in its meeting of February 14, 2012; listened the President Giovanni Pitruzzella; seen... more

Press releaseItalian Antitrust on Ryanair: deferred the deadline of procedure conclusion for bad marketing practise
Rome, Italy - Procedure nr 23299 IP117 on March 5, 2012
The Bulletin nr 7/2012 diffused yesterday, on March 5, by Antitrust, reported that "The Authority of competition and market in its meeting on February 14, 2012; listened the Prof. Piero Barucci; seen... more

Press releaseAir links from Lampedusa, Maraventano: the CNAC Group airlines come to operate from the Isle
Lampedusa, Italy - The senator and vice-Mayor of the island, Angela Maraventano (Lega Nord) said it
"I call for Air China, Shandong Airlines, Shenzen Airlines, Henan Airlines and Kunming Airlines, all belonging to the multinational CNAC Group, because they take into consideration the possibility to operate... more

Press releaseIAG reveals 2011 results: earnings for 485 million
London, United Kingdom - Analysis and comparison to 2010
International Airlines Group today (February 29, 2012) presented Group consolidated results for the year ended December 31, 2011. In addition, IAG presented combined results for the year ended December... more

Press releaseItalian Antitrust sanctions Air Berlin
Rome, Italy - To pay a fine of EUR 70,000 for bad marketing practices
"The Italian Antitrust Authority in its meeting of February 8, 2012, listened the speaker Prof. Carla Bedogni Rabitti; seen the part II, Title III of the decree nr 206 on September 6, 2005, with 'Codice... more

Press releaseAssologistica: the Italian logistic societies of the air cargo field at risk
Milan, Italy - The declaration by President Mearelli about it
"The costs of the airport spaces, with attenuating of traffics for recession, have become still more unbearable for logistic operators of cargo by airplane. The management societies of Italian airports... more

Press releaseSipri: business as usual for top armaments producers despite slowdown in sales
Stockholm, Sweden - And reached $ 411.1 billion in 2010
Sales of arms and military services by the largest arms-producing companies—the SIPRI Top 100—continued to increase in 2010 to reach $ 411.1 billion, according to new data on international arms production rel... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica statement: AW is not involved in any irregularity concerning the supply of helicopters in India
Rome, Italy - With reference to articles published today
"With reference to articles published today, Finmeccanica declares that AgustaWestland is not involved in any irregularity concerning the supply of helicopters in India. No notice related to the purported... more

Press releaseAlitalia's Board of Directors approves the Group financial statement for 2011
Rome, Italy - Andrea Ragnetti was appointed General Manager
The Board of Directors of Alitalia -Compagnia Aerea Italiana SpA- met last Friday in Rome, chaired by Roberto Colaninno, and approved the Group financial statement for 2011, presented by the CEO Rocco... more

Press releaseAlitalia: strike by some categories of air transport fixed for tomorrow, on Friday February 24
Rome, Italy - The airline has organized measures to reduce the hardships
Alitalia, in view of the strike by some categories of transport by airplane fixed for tomorrow on Friday February 24 from 10am to 6pm, has arranged measures in advance to limit the hardships, planning... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica will sell activities for about 1 billion Euro
Varese, Italy - It will enforce its patrimonial structure
"Finmeccanica specification: about what declared by union representative Giovanni Contento, Finmecanica states that the Group confirms the objective to sell activities for about 1 billion Euro to enforce... more

Press releaseItalian ENAV-SEA: signed agreement to optimize traffic flows of the Milan's airports
Milan, Italy - An operating procedure that allows the exchange of information among all operators
"SEA, Milan's airports management society, and ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance Society), have signed today a MoU to implement the A-CDM (Airport Collaborative Decision Making) program finalized to improve... more

Press releaseAlenia Aermacchi: Israel selects the Italian M-346 trainer aircraft (VIDEO)
Varese, Italy - Selected by Israel’s Ministry of Defence to train its Air Force pilots
Giuseppe Giordo, Alenia Aermacchi’s Chief Executive Officer and Responsible for Finmeccanica’s Aeronautics Sector, has commented: “We would like to thank the Israeli Ministry of Defence for their trust... more

Press releaseCoup d'etat: Italian Farnesina issued a particular advice about Maldive
Rome, Italy - Potential difficulties for flight directed to Malé, which could be subjected to delays or cancellations
"Since Monday February 6, during night, disorders in Malé raised up and extended with heavy fights between demonstrators and army using force and tear gases. It's recommended to avoid tours in Malé d... more

Press releaseItalian ADUC about Maldive coup d'etat. It is possible to cancel flights reservation (VIDEO)
Florence, Italy - The association suggests to check for another destination
"With current coup d'etat, instead our Foreign Affairs Minister communications above the size of the problems in Malè, for us it's better don't risk. The ones already there will be surely helped by our... more

Press releaseSyria: Italian ambassador in Damascus withdrew for consultations (VIDEO)
Rome, Italy - The Italian Foreign Affair Ministry unveiled it
The Italian Foreign Affair Minister, Giulio Terzi, has decided to recall in Rome the national ambassador in Damascus, Achille Amerio, for consultations. The Farnesina (Italian Ministry) unveiled it... more

Press releaseItalian Transports: labor unions declared strike at work on 1Th March in all the sector, flights included
Rome, Italy - The strike at work will be 4 hours long
"Thursday 1Th March general strike at work for 4 hours, all the transport sector" had been declared by FILT CGIL, FIT CISL e UILTRASPORTI on a letter sent to Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti and to... more

Press releaseSingapore Airlines: group financial performance
Milan, Italy - Profit to 135 Singapore million, a drop of 153 million or 53%
The persistently high jet fuel prices had adversely affected the Group’s performance. In the third quarter of the 2011-12 financial year, the Group turned in a net profit of $135 Singapore million, a d... more

Press releaseAirplanes and snow of yesterday: all right in Fiumicino and bigger airports, closed Ancona, Rimini and Forlì
Rome, Italia - Italian ENAC guarantee help-points tomorrow too
As days before, ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Administration) continue to inform passengers about airport situation, and yesterday in Rome-Fiumicino the situation was normally. Ancona, Rimini and Forlì... more

Press releaseAirplanes and snow: Bologna airport opened all day long
Bologna, Italy - 26 flights had been erased overall
"Instead of new hard snow storms today, Bologna airport worked all time long without too much flight disruptions. Thanks to unceasing work of "Snow-Team", composed about 200 men and 100 vehicles, most... more

Press releaseAirplanes and snow. ENAC updates about airports suffering bad weather
Rome, Italy - The Administration invites passengers to contact airlines for flight situation news.
ENAC (National Administration of Civili Aviation) released news about flights situation, saying now, general situation is going to run normally. Critic situations involved passengers in Rome-Fiumicino... more

Press releaseAirplanes and snow. Alitalia: less flights tomorrow from Fiumicino Airport
Rome, Italy - Today no flight heavy delays
Today, instead the bad weather wave which came down the Country, Alitalia's airplanes operated with good accuracy (78% without any delay) and regularity (99% flew). With night lower temperature, high... more

Press releaseBad weather over Fiumicino airport tomorrow: passengers must contact airlines
Rome, Italy - Better check flights by phone before get to the airport: recommended by ENAC
"Consequently to actual adverse weather conditions, ENAC (National Authority of Civil Aviation) communicate there are some physiologic delays due to weather deterioration which is compromising the airport... more

Press releaseMalaysia Airlines links up to Global Explorer
Milan, Italy - It's round-the-world fare program by oneworld
"oneworld member elect Malaysia Airlines starts participating in Global Explorer (GE) from yesterday, adding one of the most attractive networks in South East Asia to the round-the-world fare offered by... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC supervises bad weather situation: snow plans in all interested airports started
Rome, Italy - Currently and overall the air and airport system is reacting in an appropriate manner
"ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority), regarding the adverse weather conditions on the Peninsula, unveils that in all interested airports have been activated the snow plans, approved by the Authority,... more

Press releaseItaly. Bologna's airport: details about the closure yesterday due to the snow
Bologna, Italy - Confirmed the reopening for this morning at 9:00
"The intense snowy precipitation, began last Tuesday has activated, at the Bologna's airport, all activities for clearing out of the flight infrastructures and for de-icing operations of aircraft. In... more

Press releaseItalian Assaeroporti: balance 2011 for airport traffic data
Rome, Italy - Passengers increasing into the national air stations: +6,4% compared to 2010; near 149 million passengers
The Italian airport system closed 2011 with a growth of passenger traffic equal to 6,4% corresponding to over 9 million passengers more than 2010. In particular, the passengers transited have been 148,781,361... more

Press releaseAirlines. "Help Consumatori" about Spanair's failure
Rome, Italy - Pending on about refunds
It's known the failure of the Spanair airline that has suddenly ended the activity last Saturday for its insustainable financial situation, with over EUR 300 million of debts. The airline, that last Saturday... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC's Board of Directors of yesterday: definitions and decisions adopted
Rome, Italy - The extraordinary verification on economic-financial capacities of the airlines
ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) unveiled that among the points on agenda the following definitions and decisions have been adopted during the Board of Directors of yesterday. • Extraordinary v... more

Press releaseSpanair airline's failure: the manner to obtain air tickets refund
Madrid, Spain - Firstly, to make a request by email to [email protected]
The passengers interested from the cessation of the operations by Spanair airline that had to to purchase a new ticket using the "Ransom tariffs" can ask the refund of "Taxes" paid and PMR. As announced... more

Press releaseItalian UP and APM confirm 24 hour strike for tomorrow by Meridiana Fly
Rome, Italy - Strong worry for manner in which CEO continues in his management policy
"Unione Piloti and APM, Associations of category representing majority of pilots in Meridiana Fly, express strong worry for the manner by Group's CEO, Capt. Giuseppe Gentile, continues in his 'Familiar'... more

Press releaseAirlines: Blue Panorama Airlines starts integration procedure with Alitalia
Rome, Italy - The MoU signed yesterday
Blue Panorama Airlines has launched an integration project with Alitalia-Compagnia aerea italiana, coherent to the contents of the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) underwritten by two industries yesterday. "As... more

Press releaseAirlines. Alitalia's BoD: green light to the integration with Wind Jet
Rome, Italy - Main opportunities for customers and for Country
The Board of Directors (BoD) of Alitalia-Compagnia aerea italiana has started a procedure finalized to achieve an integration with Wind Jet, on the basis of the contains of the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding)... more

Press releaseItalian ADUC. Ryanair condemned by Italian judge for the first time
Florence, Italy - With decision immediately workable in Ireland
We receive and publish, giving the same space to eventual replies: "For the first time Ryanair has been condemned by an Italian judge with a decision immediately executable in Ireland. This has been possible... more

Press releaseItalian Aduc on Fiumicino-Rome by taxi: same ride, but different tariffs of more 50%
Rome, Italy - It's necessary to liberalize. Today the strike by taxi drivers
"A ride by taxi from Rome-Fiumicino to Rome (within the Mura Aureliane) costs EUR 60 or 40? It's depends on. From which? From the taxi drivers licenses. If they are issued by Rome Municipality the price... more

Press releaseDRS Defense Solutions awarded a contract for the upgrade of USAF's HH-60G Pave Hawk helicopter fleet
Maryland, USA - For a value of 12 million dollars
DRS Defense Solutions announced this week that its Intelligence, Communications and Avionics Solutions (ICAS) business unit was awarded a 12 million dollar contract by the US Air Force for the "Improved... more

Press releaseAssologistica: Fiumicino's air cargo at risk
Milan, Italy - Alarm triggered by the new President Carlo Mearelli
We receive and publish the following declarations, and reserve the same space for any replies: According to the new president of Assologistica Carlo Mearelli, "Fiumicino is at a high risk', and alerted... more

Press releaseEutelsat: SIS Live selects two satellites to boost resources for outside broadcasting
Paris, France - Including key 2012 events
SIS LIVE, operator of the largest satellite uplink fleet in Europe and the leading outside broadcast provider in the UK, is ramping up its access to permanent capacity on satellites operated by Eutelsat... more

Press releaseItalian IPA: new EU regulations on operational fatigue of pilots
Rome, Italy - Small paces towards security, a lot of work to do
"The European Agency for Aviation Safety (EASA), has today released a document containing the new rules to prevent security risks associated with the level of operational fatigue of flight crew. The agency... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: contract signed between the Authority and Gesap, management company of the airport of Palermo
Rome, Italy - Will be developed in a four year period, a series of infrastructure investments valued nearly EUR 62 million
"The National Civil Aviation Authority informs that today, at its head office, a contract was signed with Gesap, the management company of Palermo. The program contract, at the time approved by the... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC thanks Aeroporti di Roma for the sense of responsibility shown in continuing to offer the "Net 6000" service
Rome, Italy - Awaiting the decision of the State Attorney requested by the Authrority
"The Italian Civil Aviation Authority thanks the company Aeroporti di Roma (AdR) for the high sense of responsibility shown in the management of problems relating to the baggage handling service provided... more