1,934 news found

Miscellaneous10 kilos of cocaine seized at Malpensa airport
Milan, Italy - A 54-years-old Brazilian man arrested
New cocaine maxi-seizure at Malpensa airport: the men of Italian "Guardia di Finanza" have blocked a 54-years-old Brazilian unemployed man, landed with a flight from Caracas, Venezuela, and headed to Geneva.... more

MiscellaneousTuninter: victims' relatives of the disaster happened on last August 6 said no to the carrier's come-back on Italian skies
Rome, Italy - Alert because of presumed agreement between Italian Minister of Transports and Tunisian one
The "Associazione disastro aereo Capo Gallo 6 agosto 2005", the association in which victims’relatives of the disaster happened on last August 6, in which 16 people died and 23 were injured when a Tuninter p... more

MiscellaneousTourism: hundred escapes for Mauritius Island
Rome, Italy - Travels cancelled for an epidemic
Because of an epidemic, caused by a little insect, raging for about a month, Mauritius Island is turning into a risky place to stay clear of from a privileged tourist destination. Hundred travellers who... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11 attempts trial's hearings re-started
Alexandria, USA - Yesterday the defence attorney's cross-examination
Yesterday in Alexandria, Virginia (USA) the hearings September 11 attempts trial, in which there is as only respondent the French citizen, with Moroccan origin, Zacarias Moussaoui, re-started. On last... more

MiscellaneousEmergency landing at Athens airport
Athens, Greece - The airplane perhaps carried the President of Botswana
The Greek private TV "Atler" reported yesterday an airplane, whose type is unknown, coming from Egypt and headed to London had to make an emergency landing at Athens-Elefterios Venizelos International... more

MiscellaneousFlights prohibited for the new carrier Ajet
Nicosia, Cyprus - Mystery about a flight already scheduled without the licence
Cypriot government made known to have frozen the release of the flight licence of the new carrier Ajact which replaced the carrier Helios after the air disgrace in which on last August 14 people, who were... more

MiscellaneousLawyer Carla Martin suspended by Moussaoui trial
Alexandria, USA - Prosecution of debate is at sea
Lawyer Carla Martin, who last days was accused to have given informations to the officials of the Federal Aviation Administration who had to witness at the trial for September 11 attacks which has as respondent... more

MiscellaneousSecond-degree trial for Milan's absenteeists suspended
Milan, Italy - Acts will pass to Italian Constitutional Court's examination
The 39 defendants, air-traffic controllers and other employees of Milano-Linate Airport, charged of absenteeism for shopping and playing football during service, were first-degree acquited and Milan Public... more

MiscellaneousGreek Foreign Minister is meeting American Secretary of State
Athens, Greece - Ministry spokesman announced that
It’s been officially announced a March 23 visit of the new Greek Foreign Minister, Dora Bakoyannis, to the American Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice. Further details haven’t been given, neither the... more

MiscellaneousMilosevic's corpse translated to Belgrade
Belgrade, Serbia-Montenegro - It has arrived by a Jat airplane
The corpse of Jugoslavian ex-President, Slobodan Milosevic, died by heart attack in Scheveningen prison in Holland, has been transfered to Belgrade, Serbia, on board of a Jat plane which has taken off... more

MiscellaneousJapanese state planes' communication systems will be upgraded
Tokyo, Japan - It is scheduled a cost of yen 5 billion
The two Boeing 747-400 currently in service for the travel necessities of Japanese authorities will be provided of new sophisticated tools. In future the Prime Minister, the members of the Government and... more

MiscellaneousJudge Brinkema interrogated the "Trained" witnesses to decide whether to nullify the trial for September 11
Alexandria, USA - Hearings' reports send means e-mail by a persecution lawyer
After the suspension of the hearings on last Monday (see for details AVIONEWS) judge Leonie Brinkema, who at Alexandria, Virginia, is chairmaning the trial against Zacarias Moussaoui, who is the only respondent... more

MiscellaneousTomorrow general strike in Greece
Athens, Greece - Transports and public work sectors will be blocked
Flights, trains, ferries, city transports and the whole Greek public work sector will be blocked tomorrow because of a general strike called by the two main unions of the Country, the Greek Workers General... more

MiscellaneousHearings for September 11 attacks suspended
Washington, USA - A Government lawyer patchiness discovered
The difficulties of the trial that, in USA, sees as respondent for September 11 attacks Zacarias Moussaoui, continue. Judge Leonie Brinkema suspended the hearings because she discovered that one of the... more

MiscellaneousThe corpse of an Italian man found at Madrid airport
Madrid, Spain - It's apparently a suicide
An Italian citizen was found dead in one of Madrid-Barajas Airport’s terminals: sources of the Spanish capital’s air station have made it known. His name was Ciro Tino and he was born 51 years ago in... more

MiscellaneousHH-3F of Italian Air Force rescued an officer of a Turkish ship
Trapani, Italy - The operation made despite the prohibitive weather
Yesterday an HH-3F SAR (Search and Rescue) helicopter of Italian Air Force, rescued the first officer of Turkish cargo ship Duden, hit by air embolism and with a fractured long bone, about three miles... more

MiscellaneousJapanese citizens in revolt against American base
Tokyo, Japan - Referendum against the strengthening of US presence
Citizens of Japanese town of Zama, about 25 miles South Wast from Tokyo, voted yesterday in a referendum against the strengthening of the near American base of Astuqi. The inhabitants of this city, pestered... more

MiscellaneousReport about air incidents in Russia
Moscow, Russia - 56 people dead in 2005
Last year Russian civil aviation counted 12 incidents that provoked the death of 56 people. It is possible to know it by a report showed today by Russian Federal Transport Control Service’s Chief, Valeri S... more

MiscellaneousMubarak in Rome
Rome, Italy - Interviews with Ciampi, Berlusconi and Prodi
Yesterday Egyptian President Mubarak arrived in Rome at Ciampino airport for a visit with the President of the Republic Ciampi and the head of the Government Berlusconi. In the afternoon he met the leader... more

MiscellaneousMcLaren-Mercedes: Emirates Airlines will be the main sponsor of the 2006 F1 championship
Berlin, Germany - The announcement has been given by carriers' CEO
According with all that sheik Ahmed bin Saeed Al-Maktoum, Emirates Airlines Group’s CEO, and Ron Dennis, Chief of McLaren, said the Arab carrier will be the main sponsor of Formula 1 team for the next w... more

MiscellaneousIndian carriers will re-introduce poultry in their menu
New Delhi, India - Also other airlines in the world took the same decision
Since today many Indian carriers decided to re-introduce poultry in their menu, after to have banned it because of bird flu. "Many carriers asked to us to give back poultry among the meals served on board",... more

MiscellaneousChirac bolsters Hamas
Riad, Saudi Arabia - French President is adverse any sanctions against PNA
French President, Jacques Chirac, during his visit in Saudi Arabia, said to be adverse to any sanctions against Palestinian National Authority, now in Hamas men’s hands, whether it will not recognize I... more

MiscellaneousUN: Israel closed down the violations of Lebanese air space
Beirut, Lebanon - Warning also for Hezbollah against any reprisals
Yesterday Geir Pedersen, representing UN General Secretary Kofi Annan in Lebanon, asked again to Israeli Government to close down the continuous violations of Lebanese air space. Only yesterday there were... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli raid at Gaza: two Islamic Jihad activists and three children dead
Gaza, Palestine - Other 13 people injured
An Israeli raid hit yesterday a car killing both the two Palestinian Islamic Jihad activists. However in the attack also two children were killed, and other 13 people remained injured. In the car there... more

MiscellaneousDelta Airlines' flight attendant sentenced for sexual assault
Rome, Italy - Charged to have doped and raped three hostesses
Michael Young, an American Delta Airline’s steward, has been sentenced yesterday to six years imprisonment by Rome’s Criminal Court chaired by Giancarlo Millo. The charges are sexual assault and defamation. Fro... more

MiscellaneousInquest opened once again into tourist's death for burns caused by fuel
Canberra, Australia - A helicopter pilot formerly discharged will give testimony
An inquest was opened one again by Alice Springs’ power of attorney, Australia (Northern Territory), into the case of Canadian Cynthia Ching, died in April 2004 after suffering horrific burns while working a... more

MiscellaneousChirac in Saudi Arabia
Paris, France - Negotiations to sell aircraft
French President Jacques Chirac will leave tomorrow to Saudi Arabia where he will meet king Abdallah. French Head of the State will try to convince Saudi Government to purchase combat aircraft Rafale and... more

MiscellaneousTax of solidarity: Italian Government's "no" to Chirac proposal contested
Paris, France - Italy will not increase plane ticket price to help poor country to fight AIDS
Italian Undersecretary Mantica’s speech at the inter-governmental conference convoked by French President Jacques Chirac to talk about the better way to help the develop of poor country, was hardly contested b... more

MiscellaneousSingapore Court's sentence on China Aviation Oil scandal
Singapore, Republic of Singapore - Three company's Beijing managers fined
Singapore Court fined yesterday three Beijing manager of China Aviation Oil (CAO), controlled by the Chinese state-owned CAO Holding, for offences related to the jet fuel trade linked to the scandal that... more

MiscellaneousPlane with 280 Italians on board obliged to an emergency landing in Kenya
Rome, Italy - No tourist injured
Yesterday evening a Neos plane, which had on board 280 Italian passengers coming back from Zanzibar, flying to Rome-Fiumicino airport, has been obliged to an emergency landing at Mombasa airport, Kenya,... more

MiscellaneousTurkish small private jet forced to land in Israel
Jerusalem, Israel - The aircraft was intercepted by Israeli Air Force
A trouble in Israeli fraught skies happened yesterday. A small private plane coming from Turkey was intercepted by Israeli Air Force and it was forced to land in a civil airport near Haifa, North of the... more

MiscellaneousTwo 14-years-old boys run away from home with a plane
Los Angeles, USA - Unharmed after an emergency landing in a park
Instead of getting on a train, or maybe stealing car keys to their parents, two 14-years-old Californian boys ran away from home in a very original way: one of the two detracted his father of the keys... more

MiscellaneousTax on plane tickets to help poor countries
Paris, France - Protests by carriers
Yesterday 13 countries (France, UK, Brazil, Ivory Cost, Chile, Cyprus, Madagascar, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Norway, Congo, Nicaragua and Jordan), achieved an agreement to adopt a levy on plane tickets to... more

MiscellaneousThe American convoy in flight to India
Washington, USA - Departure reportage by Italian newspaper "Il Sole 24 ore"'s correspondent
Today Italian economic newspaper "Il Sole 24 Ore"’s site has published the reportage of its correspondent Mario Platero, one of the press corps who are going to India and Pakistan with President George B... more

MiscellaneousGreece: general strike cancelled 12 Olympic Airways' flights
Athens, Greece - None problem for Aegean Airlines
Not only the capital city, but all the Ellenic country has been paralized today by the general strike of four hours (11am to 3pm local hour) supported by ADEDY union and fixed by the greatest Greek union... more

MiscellaneousDepleted uranium: the investigation Commission's final report is expected today
Rome, Italy - This morning sit-in in front of Palazzo Chigi to ask for clearness
The depleted uranium case is at its final act: the voting on investigation Senate Commission’s final report, started six months ago, is expected this afternoon (see for details AVIONEWS). At 9:30 this m... more

MiscellaneousAir transport strikes in March (2)
Rome, Italy - Authority recommends least services to be granted
As for disorders proclaimed next March 4 in air and railway transports, the strike Authority commission intervened remembering that least services must be granted. Flight departures scheduled in 7-10 am... more

MiscellaneousAir transport strikes in March
Rome, Italy - The unrest starts again on the 4th, 24th and 25th of next month
With Olympic Games over, transport break ends and strikes start again by railwaymen and air compartment. Next Saturday March 4 flight attendants of Alitalia Group are abstaining from working for 24 hours,... more

MiscellaneousLinate incident's case on appeal recommitted on April 7
Milan, Italy - Three of the four condamned in first degree trial plea bargain
It was a short hearing that one that took place to the Appeal Court of Milan last February 24 in the trial about the air incident October 8, 2001, because of the collision of two planes that were taking... more

MiscellaneousInvestigations on Tuninter's incident continue
Bari, Italy - Tunisian air carrier's certification will be controlled
Investigations to throw light on the air incident that last August caused the death of 16 people who were flying on a Tuninter’s plane from Bari to Djerba (for details see AVIONEWS). Lawyers Nicola Persico a... more

MiscellaneousPower of attorney of Palermo will investigate on the incident of Tuninter's ATR-72
Bari, Italy - Court of Cassation solves in this way the conflict with the Power of attorney of Bari
Court of Cassation decided that Power of attorney of Palermo is competent to investigate on the tragic incident of Tuninter’s ATR-72 that last August 6, during the flight from Bari to Djerba, was obliged t... more

MiscellaneousMan jailed for two months because pretended to have a bomb
London, UK - English businessman dearly pays the joke to an hostess
Yesterday an English businessman was jailed for two months after that, last December 12, when he was on board of an easyJet’s plane that was waiting to take off from Inverness, Scotland, to London, he t... more

MiscellaneousRefugees obliged to sleep at Milan-Malpensa Airport
Milan, Italy - The Prefecture of Varese is looking for a solution
Since two weeks about 40 refugees are encamped at Milan-Malpensa Airport. This situation, that is becoming day after day more and more intolerable, has been created by the lack of lodges for these people... more

MiscellaneousCocaine at Brussels airport
Brussels, Belgium - 21 kilos seized during the last 4 days
Belgian police has seized over 21 kilos of cocaine in the last four days in Brussels airport. The federal police itself made it know yesterday. Coming from Mexico, Guinea and Dominican Republic, but also... more

MiscellaneousNew diplomatic incident between India and Pakistan
Islamabad, Pakistan - The tension between the two Asian countries rises again
Pakistan Government lodged a formal protest to the Indian ambassador for the violation of its air space and of its territorial waters. Last Monday in fact while a Pakistan Maritime Security Agency vessel... more

MiscellaneousCounterfeit Olympic caps seized
Milan, Italy - Forged good arrived from China
Yesterday at Milan-Malpensa Airport more than 1,800 Counterfeit Olympic caps have been seized by Financial Police. The good arrived from China and its value on market should have been of about EUR 20,000.... more

MiscellaneousBritish Airways' manager found dead in Amman
Amman, Jordan - Police is investigating, no comment of the carrier
Yesterday a British Airways’ manager was found dead in Amman. Raji Shaaban’s body was discovered in his Jaguar in the district of Abdoun in the Jordan capital. The corpse had a bullet hole near the ear... more

MiscellaneousBush: in 2002 Al Qaeda wanted to hit Los Angeles
Washington, USA - In terrorists' viewfinder the Liberty Tower of the "City of angels"
Yesterday US President George W. Bush said that in 2002 a terroristic attempt to the Liberty Tower of Los Angeles was circumvented. Creator of the action should have been Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the mind... more

MiscellaneousPresident Bush's air space violated
Washington, USA - Two people on board stopped
Yesterday a little tourism plane, a Beechraft Skipper, with two people on board, accidentally violated the air space of the US President. Bush was having a speech at Manchester in New Hampshire, and obviously... more

MiscellaneousUS First Lady will be today in Aviano
Trieste, Italy - She is the second First Lady to visit the base that hosts USA in Northern Italy
This evening US First Lady Laura Bush will be in US militar base of Aviano, accompanied by her daughter Barbara. Also when she came for the first time in Italy she arrived at Aviano. Just in occasion of... more