2,003 news found

CuriositiesLess than 15 days remaining to enter the competition "Let’s name the M-346"
Venegono, Italy - Launched on 20th October, more than 2300 entries are arrived from all over the world
"Alenia Aermacchi, a Finmeccanica company, has already received more than 2.300 entries from all over the world in the competition to name its new M-346 aircraft. The winner will be able to savour the... more

CuriositiesWeekly's Photo: is it an UFO?
Rome, Italy - Misleading eyes
At first glance it seems an UFO, but a watchful eye would see that this incredible effect is given by a UK Armed Forces Boeing AH-MK1 Longbow helicopter during an attack operation. more

CuriositiesUS elections (2): voting papers from the space
Washington, USA - Greg Chamitoff and Michael Fincke's votes
For US elections, voting papers arrived also from the space. Greg Chamitoff and Michael Fincke, two US astronauts, "Into orbit at 354 Km from the Earth" voted their candidate to the White House: Barack... more

CuriositiesItalian Sky-TG24 survey on the latest CAI's move
Rome, Italy - Some figures
Favourable to Alitalia rescue: this is the result of a survey carried out by "Sky TG24" on the entrepreneurs' decision of "Put forward an offer to buy the assets of the old Alitalia also without unions... more

CuriositiesThe Monthly Photo: the space's eyes see our future
Rome, Italy - A necessary acknowledgement to few men whose work for all the World
In a time in which the scientific research, in all its shades, risks to lose something, the only month of October with all its events is the symbol of a priceless treasure. The celebration of 50th anniversary... more

CuriositiesThe Weekly Photo: trick or treat of bad weather?
Rome, Italy - Traces of its passage also in Rome-Urbe Airport
Bad weather is raging throughout Italy, from Northern to Southern. With unashamed arrogance it loves to show itself in all its intensity, and on the eve of Halloween's night, leaves its memory in the most... more

CuriositiesUS Air Force launches 'BlueTube' site for online videos
Washington, USA - Dedicated to the Air Force
When you get an interesting or funny Air Force video in your e-mail, do you ever send it out to family, friends and co-workers? Now the Air Force has its own channel, called AirForceBlueTube, for those... more

CuriositiesNo smoking on airplanes and public spaces? Dont' worry: there is the "Liquid cigarette"
London, UK - By United Drink and Beauty Corporation. On sale within a few weeks
Stop to the long and exhausting hours of nicotine abstinence on airplanes and trains. Stop to the habit of going out to smoke a cigarette quickly. For all cigarette-addicted people there is "Liquid smoking",... more

CuriositiesUS presidential elections: scandal for Sarah Palin
Washington , USA - Air tickets and luxury hotels for a total of USD 20.000
Scandal for Sarah Palin. The reason? Air tickets and luxury hotels for her and her daughters, for a total of USD 20.000, paid by US administration. According to what reported by "CNN", from December... more

Curiosities"Buckypaper" was born
Florida, USA - For cars, aircraft and aerospace...
“Buckypaper”: this is the name of a sheet of paper having extraordinary properties, developed by Florida State University scientists and other US researchers. Composed of carbon molecules, it is 500... more

Curiosities"Eurochocolate 2008": ribbon cut by balloon
Perugia, Italy - Quintals of chocolate from October 18th to 26th
Organizers and patroness of "Eurochocolate 2008" will give the go-ahead to the show with the ribbon cut by balloon. This chocolate's exhibition will be held in Perugia (Umbria Region - Center Italy) from... more

Curiosities1930: the first Italian helicopter accomplishes the altitude record
Rome, Italy - The mean hoisted from ground for 18 m, extraordinary fact for that period
It happened today, on October 13, but in 1930. Three exceptional days finished for the Italian rotorwing aviation, and perhaps also international: the third prototype of the first Italian helicopter, the... more

CuriositiesModena: Starfighter for Engineering faculty
Modena, Italy - "Symbol of the importance of investigation in aviation and aerospace"
Over the last few days, Italian Military Aviation gave Engineering faculty of Modena University an airplane F-104S ASA-M Starfighter, disused at the moment. The aircraft, built by Fiat-Aeritalia and belonged... more

CuriositiesESA competition: fly your picture on the ISS
Rome, Italy - The drawing has to reach us the latest on October 22, 2008.
School children aged 6-12 are invited to take part in a competition to design a t-shirt for ESA cosmonaut Frank De Winne to wear during his mission to the International Space Station next year. The winner,... more

Curiosities"The Little Prince": in a short time in TV
Paris, France - The initiative is by "France 3"
"The Little Prince", the novel by the French writer and pilot Antoine de Saint-Exupery will be broadcast in TV, thanks to an initiative by the French Channel "France 3". The television adaptation in cartoon... more

Curiosities"Fusion man" will fly today
Rome, Italy - Postponed to today his undertaking
Yves Rossy, also known as "Fusion man", is a Swiss pilot who, today, equipped with carbon composite wings, will cross the Channel, from Calais (France) to Dover (UK). The undertaking, postponed to today... more

CuriositiesTour in France by Vip Nomads leaves from Turin
Turin, Italy - On board of a B-727/211 airplane
VIP Nomads arrived last Tuesday in Turin-Caselle on board of a B-727/211/ADV (RE) Super 27 airplane of Nomads Air Travel Club in All Business class for an eating-and-drinking tour in France of the most... more

CuriositiesAlitalia (2): what will happen to "Millemiglia" points?
Rome, Italy - Passengers points will not be touched
During these hours, while Alitalia Board of Directors is deciding the company's future, one the questions passengers are asking themselves is if "Millemiglia" points will be still valid ("Millemiglia"... more

CuriositiesAir Canada Jazz cuts on life-jackets
Rome, Italy - Also seat cushions stay afloat...
According to Canadian press, low-cost company Air Canada Jazz has declared it will eliminate life-jackets from its airplanes, sure that they can be replaced by seat cushions. Only children will be allowed... more

CuriositiesFrom now on Alitalia will be called CAI
Rome, Italy - Hereafter the story of an evocative name
CAI is the acronym of "Compagnia aerea italiana" (Italian air company) and from now on it will be the name of the Italian air company Alitalia. But this new name is really evocative. It reminds us "Corpo... more

CuriositiesFear of flying
Rome, Italy - A psychologist explains the causes of aerophobia
Even though statistics confirm that aircraft is the most secure means of conveyance, passengers suffering from aerophobia don't seem reassured. But why people is frightened of flying? Psychologist Luca... more

CuriositiesFlying high wedding
London, UK - On the wings of biplanes...
Yesterday a British couple, Darren and Katie McWalters, aged 24 and 23, married in Cirencester skies (90 miles West of London), tied and standing on the wings of two biplanes while the priest, aged 67,... more

CuriositiesLuxury flight takes off
New York, USA - First flight on Friday for EK-3801 owned by Emirates Airlines
On August 1st EK-3801, owned by Emirates Airlines, took off. Airbus A-380, the poshest airplane in the world, can carry more than 800 passengers and its a luxury hotel more than an airplane. Luxury... more

Curiosities"Discovery" tells Leonardo
Rome , Italy - A trip on the great scientist's inventions
"Doing Leonardo" is the provisional title of a new tv program "Discovery Channel" and producer Craig Piligian are working on. It will be composed of six episodes, lasting one hour everyone, food for... more

CuriositiesUSA, man flies on a 150 helium balloons lawn chair
Bend, USA - It's happened in Oregon
Kent Couch, 48, from Oregon (USA), had an exceptional performance last Saturday, nearby Bend, Oregon, his hometown. Sitting on a lawn chair, he's caught flight thanks to 150 balloons full of helium... more

CuriositiesRoyal Navy saves a poor cow
Cornwall, Great Britain - It has been recovered with use of a large helicopter
Goodness knows as it has made a poor cow of 14 months to come down for steep reefs of the Cornwall coasts, certainly is that its owner, Andrew Flower, has found it on a point 46 meters under the top, and... more

CuriositiesChina-Taiwan (2), behaviour's suggests for tourists
Beijing, China - Beijing' government has informed tourists about Taiwanese people's habits
On the occasion of the restart of direct flights between China and Taiwan scheduled on tomorrow, July, 4th (see for details AVIONEWS), Chinese government has informed citizens which are going to visit... more

CuriositiesSting moves on ambientalist's anger
London, Great Britain - He flew on a business jet as the sole passenger on board
The famous singer leader of the Police, famous also for his activities in defense of the planet Earth, has triggered the anger of the enviromentalists because he flew between Leipzig (Germany) and London... more

CuriositiesAisle seats are the safest on the case of air crash
London, United Kingdom - Greenwich University's study has reported it
Let's choose aisle's seats if you want to survive an air-crash; at least, if you want the best chances to get safe. A research by Greenwich London University has revealed it, after analyzing 105 disasters... more

CuriositiesOther UFOs spotted on Wales
Cardiff, Great Britain - This time the spotters are a doctor and his son
It will be suggestion, but the sights on the Scotland of UFOs on South of Scotland continue. After the helicopter of the Police and the soldiers of barracks, also a medical psychologist of University... more

Curiosities500 golf balls dropped by an helicopter for charity
Lakewood, USA - The curious operation to raise funds for an hospital
A curious and intelligent operation to raise funds for the St. Joseph Foundation which manages the St. Clare's new hospital has been carried out with the aid of an helicopter. From the aircraft have... more

CuriositiesA Scottish Police helicopter sees an Ufo
Cardiff , Great Britain - The aircraft was flying over the St.Athan Raf airbase
A singular sight, furthermore from police officers, has happened days ago, the last June 7, in skies over Vale of Glamorgan, in Scotland, but only today the police department has given news about it.... more

CuriositiesAn Unmanned Aerial Vehicle will keep whales under surveillance
Turin, Italy - It's an Italian project to to safeguard the large mammals in North Mediterranean area
As a result of a series of collisions recorded in the north of Mediterranean Sea, the so-called Sanctuary of whales, an 87,000 square km area in which the whales pass, and that have provoked the death... more

Curiosities"Plane-phobia", 2 Italians on 3 afraid to fly
Rome, Italy - That's came to light during an Eurodap research
"Plane-phobia" is the name, but people commonly calls it "Fear to fly". A research by Eurodap (Panic attacks and disturbs European association), made through a questionnaire on 600 people, has came... more

CuriositiesUSA, "Body scanner" controls in the airports
Washington, USA - Machines will look under passengers' clothes
New sophisticated and technological control systems have came into effect last days into some of the main American airports. Los Angeles, Baltimora, Denver, Albuquerque and New York, in addition to... more

CuriositiesAnti aircraft arrows in Amazzonia
Sao Paulo, Brazil - A surveying aircraft under aborigine arrow shooting
A civilian reconnaissance aircraft that flew at a low altitude in order to take photographs in a zone of the Amazonian forest has been made target, without to receive damages, of shooting of arrows launched... more

CuriositiesAlitalia could give up flight's entertainment
Rome, Italy - IMAIE blames it for missing payments of performing rights
Chaired by Italian famous singer Edoardo Vianello IMAIE (Institute fo the care of executor artists) company, has sent a letter to Alitalia to ask for the payment of performing rights fee for the songs... more

CuriositiesFlight in the past: the L-59 helicopter
Rome , Italy - The project had great productive potentials, strangely forgot
Carlo Leopoldo Lualdi, in 1953, in collaboration with aeronautical surveyor Sergio Tassotti has started the building of ES-53 helicopter. Three years later, he created Aer Lualdi & C. SpA. Company's business... more

CuriositiesMichel Fournier misses the free-fall record
Saskatchewan , Canada - The forth attempt has failed
The 4th attempt of Michel Fournier to set a new free-fall record has ended today at North Battleford airport, in Canadian region of Saskatchewan. The 64 ex-military pilot, aimed to reach stratosphere... more

Curiosities16 hours on an empty stomach to beat the "Jet lag"
Boston, USA - Result of "Harvard" University research
A team at "Harvard" University (Boston, USA) has said that unpleasant consequences caused by the "Jet lag" could be avoided just without eating anything for 16 hours before the flight. This time-lapse,... more

CuriositiesAeronautical terminology in dribs and drabs... D as "Dogfight"
Rome, Italy - Close encounters of a certain kind
A Dogfight is aerial combat between fighter aircraft. The term originated during World War I. Aircraft were initially used as mobile observation vehicles and early pilots gave little thought to aerial... more

CuriositiesOman's sultan at Bari's airport
Bari, Italy - Two cruises preceded him, remaining into Bari's dock until June
Oman's sultan Qaboos bin Said al Said has arrived in Bari on last Sunday: preceded by two yatchs, parked in the dock since 2 days, he's landed at Bari's airport on board of his B-747 airplane, escorted... more

Curiosities"Fusion man" flies over Alps on two wings
Bex, Switzerland - Flight made over Bex skies, in Switzerland
Yves Rossy, 49, ex-Swiss air force pilot, is the first man who's flown with one wing, supplied with 4 jet engines, over the Alps nearby Vaud canton, in the south-west of the country. He launched himself... more

CuriositiesOman sultan will spend holidays in Bari
Bari, Italy - His two own ships are expected to come
Bari is in a state of agitation for the arrival of 2 ships belonging to Oman's sultan, Qaboos bin Said al Said, who's with his 6 wives and mothers-in-law. The rich sultan, who loves horses, cars, music... more

CuriositiesMan drops himself from helicopter with parachute designed by Leonardo
Payerne, Switzerland - The project goes back to more than 5 centuries ago
It surely cannot be compared with the modern parachutes' ergonomics, but it didn't work: it was created by Leonardo more than 5 centuries ago, just as it was for its famous propeller, one of his main projects... more

CuriositiesBA. Terminal 5 and baggages loss, now with Kate Moss
Los Angeles, Usa - But the conduct of this last one has been civil of that one by Campbell
Apparently the behaviour of the top model Kate Moss against the baggages' loss has to be more civil of that by her colleagues Campbell, if BA - that has moved it recently in the new T5 of the London-Heathrow... more

CuriositiesToday ranks of pilot to William England's marshal
Cranwell, United Kingdom - During an official ceremony
Today, at Cranwell air base, Lincolnshire, during an official ceremony in front of prince Charles and his wife, prince William, Royal Air Force's marshal, receives ranks of pilot in the military command,... more

CuriositiesNaomi Campbell banned from British Airways flights
London, United Kingdom - After the embarrassing episode happened last week at Heathrow
"Naomi uses to fly with British Airways since 30 years and she's a good customer", has said last week her secretary, when she's been arrested after an embarrassing episode at London's Heathrow airport:... more

CuriositiesSweden: a Boeing 747 airplane will be transformed in a "Jumbo-hostel"
Stockholm, Sweden - At ground since 2002
A Boeing 747 which has been parked at Stockholm's Arlanda airport since 2002 will be transformed in a youth hostel. The plane was grounded when airline Transjet went bankrupt and now an Uppsala company... more

CuriositiesMysteries in the skies: the D.B. Cooper's case
Washington , USA - The hijacker, disappeared 37 years ago on a parachute with a USD 200.000 ransom
Dan Cooper is on the top of the wanted men's list of the FBI, he's one of the few men who mocked the American investigatory systems. Cooper, if that's his real name, got onboard of a B-727 airplane on... more