AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency
101,193 news found

Latest newsUS Congress approves Awacs sale to Turkey
Washington, Usa - A USD 1.1m deal
The US Congress approved yesterday the sale of six Awacs (Airborne Warning and Control System) to Turkey. Under the terms of the contract signed last June, Turkey will buy 4 Awacs from Boeing in a USD... more

Fair and showsKravchenko appointed president of Boeing - Russia
Chicago, Usa - Large investments of Boeing in the Russian aerospace industry
Boeing Company recently named Mr. Sergey Kravchenco president of Boeing - Russia/Cis. Mr. Kravchenco, whose appointment follows a 10-year career with Boeing Commercial Airplanes, will be responsible for... more

AccidentsA 747 risked to be shot down for a misunderstanding on September 11
New York, Usa - A dramatic incomprehension between pilots and air trafic controllers revealed
It has been revealed only after one year. On September 11, a dangerous series of misunderstanding led a Korean Jumbo to become the target for two American fighter aircraft. Soon after the impact of the... more

IndustryMore hand baggage on 757-300
Seattle, Usa – The new Boeing BigBins will allow to store up to 60% more hand baggage
The new version of Boeing 757-300 named BigBins went into production this week and will increase the stowage capacity up to 60%. In this way it will be eliminated the competition for free space in the... more

IndustryMB-XX preliminary tests successfully completed
Tokyo, Japan – The new combustion chamber tested in Japan
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (Mhi) and Rocket Propulsion & Power unit of Boeing Company have successfully completed preliminary tests for the MB-XX full-scale combustion chamber prototype. Tests have been... more

AccidentsUS military helicopter crashes in Germany
Berlin, Germany - One of the two pilots got slightly injured
A US military helicopter "Apache" crashed during an emergency landing in southern Germany. One of the two pilots onboard got slightly injured, while the aircraft completely broke up. The cause of the... more

AirlinesAmerican Airlines to cut 7,000 jobs by March 2003
Forth Worth, Usa - Capacity to be reduced by 9%
American Airlines announced a massive restructuring that will cut its work force by 7,000 jobs in an effort to make the world's biggest carrier competitive with lower-cost rivals. American, which has... more

AerospaceCracks delay Atlantis launch
New York, USA – Microscopic cracks shift next mission
Microscopic cracks, being observed on crawlers needed to move the shuttle from the hangar to the pad, have forced Nasa engineers to shift to September 28 next launch. This mission aims to add new components... more

DefenseRumsfeld to propose extension for U.S. special forces' operations
Washington, Usa - U.S. Defense Secretary backs covered clandestine missions
The U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld proposed the use of special forces abroad, also without informing the local government, in order to obtain a major effectiveness for the struggle against terrorism.... more

DefenseIraq cooked in the microwave
London, UK – Microwave weapons might be used to annihilate electronic components and to destroy computer memories
High power microwave weapons might be used to defeat Iraq. Next attack to Iraq may be conducted combining microwaves and unmanned aircraft, which represent the ideal vehicles to employ microwave in military... more

Science and technologyCairo airport: woman had 60,000 Viagra pills in her case
Cairo, Egypt - The woman had just landed from Damascus
Egyptian customs officers have seized 60,000 Viagra pills at Cairo airport found in a woman's suitcase. The woman working for the Burundi embassy had just arrived in Cairo from Damascus. (004) more

IndustryV-22 on tests to evaluate rotors vulnerability
Washington, USA – The STOL aircraft will have to prove its reliability to remain in service
V-22 project, the revolutionary aircraft which blends qualities of a helicopter and a plane, risks to stall. It is able to take off as a helicopter and fly as an airplane by tilting the two wingtip rotors,... more

IndustryBoeing will develop the new X-45B
Washington, USA – It awarded the contract to produce the new unmanned stealth bomber
The U.S. aerospace giant Boeing will study and produce the new unmanned X-45B aircraft, Pentagon spokesmen announced. The prototype represents the answer to the need of unmanned bombers in order to reduce... more

Science and technologyLondon airports: slots on sale
London, UK – The expansion strategy proposed by the government has been attacked by an influential research group
The expansion strategy for London's two main airports, Heathrow and Gatwick, has been hardly contested by a famous research group, Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), which proposed the sale of... more

AccidentsHelicopter crashes at airport in England
London, UK - It carried a trainee pilot and instructor
A helicopter, carrying a trainee pilot and instructor, has crashed at an airport in Bedfordshire. The female passenger in the two-seater helicopter was not injured. The female pilot escaped serious... more

AirlinesAir New Zealand to double child fares
Wellington, New Zealand - For the amount of work involved in supervising unaccompanied children
Air New Zealand is to charge full adult fares for children who travel on their own from November. The company says it is doing so because it has not been getting a suitable return for the amount of work... more

AirlinesQantas orders four Boeing 737 jets
Seattle, Usa - Delivery between May and July 2003
Australian carrier Qantas Airways has ordered four Boeing 737-800 jets for delivery between May and July 2003, the companies announced Monday. The four jets, listed for USD 240m, will join another 15... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 737-600, -700, -700C, - 800, and -900 series airplanes (2002-16-03)
Washington, Usa - To prevent corrosion of the electrical connectors and contacts in the wheel well of the main landing gear (MLG)
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-148-AD; Amendment 39-12842; AD 2002-16-03] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Bombardier model CL-600-2B19 series airplanes (2002-16-02)
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of key components of the horizontal stabilizer trim actuators (HSTAs)
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-135-AD; Amendment 39-12841; AD 2002-16-02] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 767 series airplanes (2002-16-05)
Washington, Usa - To detect missing, loose, or cracked bolts on the outboard support of the inboard main flap and prevent loss of the inboard main flap
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-141-AD; Amendment 39-12844; AD 2002-16-05] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Univair Aircraft models (ERCO) 415-C, (ERCO) 415-CD, (ERCO) 415-D, (ERCO) 415-E, (ERCO) 415-G, (Forney) F-1, and (Forney) F-1A airplanes (2002-16-04)
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the fuel line fittings or the gascolator
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2000-CE-79-AD; Amendment 39-12843; AD 2002-16-04] RIN 2120-AA64 Airworthiness... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica model EMB-135 and -145 series airplanes (2002-16-06)
Washington, Usa - To prevent separation of the aft baffle assembly from the APU exhaust silencer and consequent separation of the assembly from the airplane
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-166-AD; Amendment 39-12845; AD 2002-16-06] RIN... more

AirlinesQantas disappointed with Cabinet's decision
Sydney, Australia - Foreign investment limits were not lifted
Qantas Chairman Margaret Jackson said today the company was extremely disappointed with today's decision by Cabinet to leave in place the foreign investment limits imposed by the Qantas Sale Act. "We... more

AirlinesDelta pilot refused to fly Israeli official
Cincinnati, Usa - His presence aboard posed "a security risk"
A pilot for a Delta Air Lines subsidiary would not fly Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Melchior from Cincinnati to Toronto because the pilot thought Melchior posed a security risk. Melchior, who... more

AirlinesNouvelles Frontieres "ready to threat"
Paris, France – The chairman affirmed he will negotiate on anything to regain profitability
Ralf Corsten, Nouvelles Frontieres chairman, has shown the intention of starting a plan of re-organization after the company acquisition by the German company Tui. Corsten has affirmed to be "ready to... more

AirlinesEl Al accused of discrimination
Tel Aviv, Israel - After 17 Arab Israeli passengers were grounded for "security reasons"
Members of Egypt's parliament demanded the immediate closure of Israel's airline offices, El Al, in Cairo, following the Israeli airline's mistreatment of Arab Israeli passengers. A brawl broke out between... more

AirlinesAeroflot increases profits
Moscow, Russia - Russian airline has supported the September 11consequences better than others
Aeroflot re-organization and its wisely re-distribution of flights on more profitable routes have led the Russian airline to reach USD 20.1m record profits. By decreasing the presence over transatlantic... more

Civil aviationTecnhology vs. Terrorism
New York, Usa - New technologies are being studied to avoid the use of planes for terroristic attacks
Nasa is developing a new technology which would permit the remote control of airplanes showing dangerous behaviours. If a plane goes off course it will be possible to drive the flight computer to avoid... more

AccidentsFire on board, emergency landing
Flames on a British Airways 747-400 flying from Sidney to London
Sidney – Fire on board, probably caused by an electrical failure, has forced flight BA 16 to an emergency landing. Few minutes after take off, the captain has detected the presence of flames on board i... more

PeopleAnother September 11?
Many cases of stolen liners crew member’s uniforms have been revealed by the Washington Post.
New York – Different cases of stolen pilot’s and crew member’s uniforms have been revealed by the Washington Post. Authorities are worried for a posssible misuse of these clothes, in relation with an at... more

AccidentsIberia plane returns to JFK after engine fire
New York, Usa - It was carrying 386 people
An engine fire forced an Iberia Airlines 747 jet to return to John F. Kennedy Airport on Sunday shortly after takeoff. Pilots turned the plane around when a fire warning light came on. All 386 passengers... more

AccidentsAir France plane suffers engine failure on take-off
Paris, France - It was carrying 80 passengers
An Air France aircraft suffered an engine failure on take-off at "Charles de Gaulle" airport in Paris. The pilot had to brake the plane rolling at high speed after he had realized one of the two engines... more

AirlinesUS Airways files for bankruptcy protection
Alexandria, Usa - It will continue flights, for the moment
The seventh largest American air carrier, U.S. Airways, has filed for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 11. It the first major carrier to declare bankruptcy since the September 11th attacks jolted the... more

AccidentsWoman beheaded by a plane in Brazil
Belem, Brazil - She was jogging along a highway
A woman has been beheaded by the wing of a Cessna which was landing in emergency on a highway near Belem, in northern Brazil. The victim, Maria dos Santos Rodriguez, 42, was jogging along the road. Turist... more

AirlinesEasyJet set to cancel more flights
London, UK - Due to problems with a new roster system
EasyJet is to cancel more flights next week after problems with a new roster system. The problem caused the carrier to scrap 19 flights last Sunday. EasyJet says this weekend's services are expected... more

AirlinesKLM to raise cargo rates by 5-10%
Amsterdam, Netherlands - Starting from November 1
KLM said it will raise its air freight rates by 5-10% from Nov 1 due to the current adjustment of air cargo capacity. In response to the consistently high market demand and load factors of flights from... more

HelicoptersRussia upgrades Mi-8 MTKO Hip helicopters
Ekaterinburg, Russia - They were fitted out with advanced optical system
Some 20 Mi-8 MTKO Hip helicopters fitted with optical systems made by the Ural optical-mechanical plant are now in use by army aviation units. "The tests of the upgraded helicopters proved advanced specifications... more

HelicoptersFinmeccanica seeks market leadership in helicopters
Milan, Italy - The plan of CEO Guarguaglini
Finmeccanica chairman Pier Francesco Guarguaglini said he is seeking leadership in sectors of the defence market, including in helicopters. "We are working on a strategic plan with the aim of strengthening... more

Fair and showsNew Security manager for Thales group
Paris, France - Pierre Pasinetti take over from Pierre Martinez
Pierre Pasinetti has been appointed Security manager for the Thales group as of 1st August 2002. He will take over from Pierre Martinez, 60, who has decided to continue his career outside of the Group.... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on MD Helicopters model MD900 helicopters (2002-15-07)
Washington, Usa - To prevent fatigue failure of the bellcrank
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2001-SW-25-AD; Amendment 39-12837; AD 2002-15-07] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Bell Helicopter Textron Canada model 222, 222B, 222U, and 230 helicopters (2002-08-54)
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the grip or pitch horn
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-SW-22-AD; Amendment 39-12835; AD 2002-08-54] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Honeywell International T5313B, T5317 series, and T53 series turboshaft engines (2002-15-04)
Washington, Usa - To prevent premature failure of the impellers from being operated beyond their design service life
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2000-NE-32-AD; Amendment 39-12832; AD 2002-15-04] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas model DC-8-21, -31, - 32, -33, -41, -42, and -43 airplanes; and model DC-8-50, -60, and -70 series airplanes (2002-16-01)
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the floor beam attachments to the lower door jamb of the main cargo door due to cracking or damage during ground or flight operations
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-NM-130-AD; Amendment 39-12840; AD 2002-16-01] RIN... more

Civil aviationFAA AD on Bell Helicopter Textron model 204B, 205A, A-1, and B helicopters (2002-09-51)
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the T/R grip
Airworthiness Directives Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 39 [Docket No. 2002-SW-24-AD; Amendment 39-12839; AD 2002-09-51] RIN... more

Latest newsTurkish soldiers take control of Iraqi airport
Ankara, Turkey - To insure themselves in case of US attack against Saddam
Turkish soldiers took control of Bamerna airport in northern Irak to insure themselves in case of US attack against Saddam. Turkey fears the area to fall under control of Kurdish rebels. For this reason... more

AccidentsC130 crashes in Puerto Rico
Washington, Usa - The ten people aboard died
A C130 military aircraft of the US Army Special Forces Command crashed in Puerto Rico. The ten people aboard died. The military plane crashed into a mountain top, approximately 10 miles south of the capital... more

HelicoptersHelicopters to cut rail vandalism in UK
London, UK - A GBP 250,000 worth plan launched by Railtrack
Railtrack is taking its GBP 250,000 (about EUR 400,000) battle to beat vandalism and deaths on the railway lines to the skies. The British rail operator launched helicopter patrols across the west region... more

HelicoptersThree new Russian helicopters delivered to Nigeria
Moscow, Russia - Second delivery of this year
Russia has delivered three more Mi-34C light helicopters to Nigeria. It was the second delivery of Russian helicopters to the West African nation this year. In January, the Nigerian Air Force received... more

Press releaseBoeing, DARPA Extend Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle Contract
Chicago, Usa - A USD 460m worth contract
"Boeing [NYSE: BA] and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, have agreed to terms of a contract extension for the Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle, or UCAV, initiating work on advanced versions... more

AirlinesDelta in talks with Continental and Northwest on a code-share agreement
Washington, Usa - According to the Wall Street Journal
America's third largest air carrier, Delta Air Lines, according to a "Wall Street Journal" report, could be in talks with two of its compatriot carriers, Northwest and Continental, over the possibility... more