Civil aviation
11,229 news found
Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 727 airplanes (2005-16-07)
Washington, Usa - To prevent such contamination and chafing, which could present an ignition source inside the fuel tank that could cause a fire or explosion
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 9, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 152)] [Page 46074-46076] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 747-400 and 747-400D series airplanes (2005-16-10)
Washington, Usa - To detect and correct such corrosion, which could result in a cracked or broken floor beam, extensive damage to adjacent structure, and possible rapid decompression of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 9, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 152)] [Page 46072-46074] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Learjet model 23, 24, 25, 35, and 36 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent significant reduction in the lateral control of the airplane due to imbalance of the fuel loads in the wings of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 9, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 152)] [Page 46069-46072] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 747 airplanes (2005-16-06)
Washington, Usa - To prevent actuation delays in the inflation systems of the escape slides/rafts, which could result in delayed or failed deployment of escape slides/rafts during emergency evacuation of an airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 9, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 152)] [Page 46067-46069] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationEU: an anti-terrorism programme under banner of technological progress
Brussels, Belgium - New solutions for defence against attempts in particular for the air and railway transport to be shown by February 2006
The European Union’s anti-terrorism programme which will be officially shown in February 2006 will be developed by the following main guiding lines: railway and underground surveillance systems, borders a... more
Civil aviationIndia-Pakistan: agreement on the notification of missile tests
New Dheli, India - Practice used during the last years to ensure higher security in relations between the two states has been formalized
While the United States appear willing to provide nuclear technology for energy procurement for both countries, India and Pakistan have performed an important leap forward towards deténte by signing an... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Bell Helicopter Textron model 206A and 206B Helicopters
Washington, Usa - To detect a crack in the crosstube which could lead to failure of the crosstube, collapse of the landing gear, and subsequent loss of control of the helicopter
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 8, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 151)] [Page 45526-45527] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationIran: IAEA's cameras aimed to the the uranium enrichment resume
Isfahan, Iran - EU and the USA proved worried while international inspectors monitor the carrying on of the Iranian nuclear programme
International community appears now just having the possibility to rely upon IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)constantly monitoring the Iranian Isfahan plant to contain the effects of the Islamic... more
Civil aviationF/A-18 Hornet: brake system under investigation in the USA
Washington, USA – Technical problems which would have been making it unreliable since 1990 would exist
There is debate in the United States about the F/A-18 Hornet multirole medium-light fighter’s brake plant safety. Following some difficulties occurred both in the homeland and during missions in Iraq a... more
Civil aviationFiumicino: false bomb alarm for 15 minutes
Fiumicino, Italy - It occurred yesterday due to a bag left unattended by a tourist
Fifteen minutes fear at "Leonardo Da Vinci" Fiumicino Airport yesterday. One of the Roman air station’s employees noticed an unattended bag nearby check in desks of British Airways and of some American a... more
Civil aviationHelsinki's airspace closed due to the world athletics championships
Helsinki, Finland - A security machinery without precedent in Finland
Special security measures with an economic effort equal to EUR 6.5m for the world athletics championships that will be held in an armoured Helsinki starting from next Saturday and up to August 14. "Such... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 747-200B, 747-300, 747- 400, and 747-400D series airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent the structural support for the Door 5 crew rest and Zone E stowbins from failing, which could result in the crew rest or stowbins falling during an emergency and consequent injury to crew and passengers
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 2, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 147)] [Page 44276-44278] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Bombardier model DHC-7-100, DHC-7-101, DHC-7-102, and DHC-7-103 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent fatigue cracks from developing at the score marks in the lower wing skins, which could result in the structural failure of the wing
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 2, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 147)] [Page 44274-44276] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Raytheon model HS.125 series 700A airplanes, model BAe.125 series 800A airplanes, and model Hawker 800 and Hawker 800XP airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent smoke and fumes in the cockpit in the event that a blower motor seizes and overheats due to excessive current draw
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 2, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 147)] [Page 44273-44274] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on AvCraft Dornier model 328-300 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To reduce the potential of ignition sources inside fuel tanks, which, in combination with flammable fuel vapors, could result in fuel tank explosions and consequent loss of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 1, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 146)] [Page 44046-44048] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationAdria Airways flight for Dublin carried out an emergency landing
Rome, Italy - Engine failed forcing passengers from Naples at the ground
An Airbus A-320 from Slovenian Adria Airways, has been forced to an emergency landing on the runway 3 at Rome-Fiumicino Airport last Saturday around 1:00pm: the aircraft carrying 162 people on board took... more
Civil aviationAnti-terrorism package: Italian Senate approved it
Rome, Italy - Restricted additional monitoring power for the armed forces and harsher sanctions for those who are in public sites covering their faces
Italian Senate decided to approve the anti-terrorism package shown by Italian Minister of Interior Giuseppe Pisanu. Main newness opted late by changes regard harsher sanctions for those who are in public... more
Civil aviationItaly-Switzerland agreement on sky security
Geneva, Switzerland - A strict cooperation between the two air forces against terrorism
Government of Italy and Switzerland reached an agreement yesterday that is expected to be ratified on the next Autumn at Berna: it aims to prevent terrorist attempts through air controls over the respective... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 757-200, -200PF, and - 200CB series airplanes equipped with Pratt & Whitney or Rolls-Royce engines
Washington, Usa - To prevent a ruptured wing box, due to the engine not separating safely during certain emergency landing conditions, which could lead to a fuel spill and consequent fire
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 28, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 144)] [Page 43631-43633] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas model DC-8-11, DC-8- 12, DC-8-21, DC-8-31, DC-8-32, DC-8-33, DC-8-41, DC-8-42, DC-8-43, DC- 8F-54, DC-8F-55; DC-8-50, DC-8-60, DC-8-60F, DC-8-70, and DC-8-70F series airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent stress corrosion cracking in the forward tang of the upper inboard spar cap of the wing, which could result in structural damage to adjacent components of the wing and consequent reduced structural integrity of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 28, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 144)] [Page 43628-43631] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationItaly at risk for possible attempts: a real and long-term threat
Rome, Italy - Italian Minister of Interior Pisanu warned in front of Senate
A real, terrible, unpredictable as well as constant and long-term threat. Terrorism is likely to hit Italy suddenly and Italian Minister of Interior, Giuseppe Pisanu, clearly underlined, in front of Senate,... more
Civil aviationAMI: Italian armed forces do not deploy depleted uranium munitions
Salto di Quirra, Italy - It is so hard to perform checks at the shooting ranges just because of the lack of DU bullets
Italian Air Force underlined recently that analysis and appraisal activities about the danger represented by the deployment of depleted uranium munitions in Italy and, in particular, at the Sardinia’s S... more
Civil aviationGermany is ready to restrict air space for the World Cup
Berlin, Germany - Sky could be banned to light aircraft
German Minister of Interior, Otto Schily, in the light of the latest dramatic terroristic actions at London as well as Sharm el Sheikh, is planning to close air space over the stadiums destined to host... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 747-100B SUD, -200B, -300, -400, and -400D series airplanes
Usa - To detect and correct fatigue cracking in certain fuselage stringers, which, if left undetected, could result in fuselage skin cracking that reduces the structural integrity of the skin panel, and consequent rapid depressurization of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 26, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 142)] [Page 43020-43022] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Bombardier model CL-600-1A1, model CL-600-2A12, and model CL-600-2B16 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent life-limited landing gear parts from being used beyond their safe-life limits, which could lead to collapse of the landing gear
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 26, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 142)] [Page 43032-43036] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-300 B2 and B4; A-300 B4-600, B4-600R, F4-600R, A-300 C4-605R Variant F airplanes; A-310/200 and -300 series airplanes (2005-15-09)
Washington, Usa - To prevent accumulation of condensation in the insulation blankets of certain fuselage frames, which could cause corrosion that could result in reduced structural integrity of the fuselage and consequent rapid decompression of the plane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 26, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 142)] [Page 43017-43020] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-320/111 airplanes and model A-320/200 series airplanes (2005-15-07)
Washington, Usa - To prevent injection of high voltage current into the low voltage wiring that passes through the fuel tanks, which could result in a possible fuel tank explosion
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 26, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 142)] [Page 43024-43025] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Rolls-Royce plc RB211-524 series turbofan engines
Washington, Usa - To prevent IP (Intermediate pressure) compressor stage 5 disk failure, which could result in uncontained engine failure and possible damage to the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 26, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 142)] [Page 43036-43039] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on The New Piper Aircraft, Inc. models PA- 34-200T, PA-34-220T, PA-44-180, and PA-44-180T airplanes
Washington, Usa - To correct quality control problems with the heater fuel pump, which could result in failure of the heater fuel pump
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 26, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 142)] [Page 43029-43032] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas model DC-10-10, DC-10-10F, DC-10-15, DC-10-30, DC-10-30F, DC-10-40, DC-10-40F, MD-10-10F, MD-10-30F, MD-11, and MD-11F airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the forward passenger doors to operate properly in an emergency condition, which could delay an emergency evacuation and possibly result in injury to passengers and flightcrew
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 26, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 142)] [Page 43022-43024] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationAirplane crashed in Berlin: is air defence inadequate?
Berlin, Germany - Debates regarding risks of terroristic attacks from above and the real capability in preventing and facing them
Debates rose in Germany about the national security system concerning prevention against terroristic attacks. After the disaster occurred in Berlin on last Friday July 22, when a man decided to kill himself... more
Civil aviationCriminal Police powers to the Italian armed forces against terrorism
Rome, Italy - A step voted in the Italian Senate schedules searches, persons identifications and prevention of acts against security
Additional reinforcement measures for the anti-terrorism ruling in Italy: Senate approved a regulation related to the public administration decree which schedules the assignment of Criminal Police powers... more
Civil aviationHelicopters over the White Mount for GDF's drill
Aosta, Italy - Foreign delegations are attending it
An exercise of Italian Financial Police over the White Mount started last July 25 and it is scheduled to be completed next Saturday July 30 when the 40th anniversary of Guardia di Finanza’s Alpine Rescue i... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on BAE Systems (Operations) Limited (Jetstream) model 4101 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To detect and correct fatigue damage of the fuselage, door, engine nacelle, empennage, and wing structures, which could result in reduced structural integrity of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 26, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 142)] [Page 43025-43029] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationSuspect car alarmed the "Leonardo da Vinci"
Rome, Italy - A groundless bomb alert has compelled to evacuate the Roman air station
It happened around 12:30am yesterday when Fiumicino Airport has been evacuated for over 30 minutes due to the presence of a volume car considered suspect which started the bomb alarm. Car was parked in... more
Civil aviationWinter Olympic Games 2006: Turin-Caselle Airport super-protected
Turin, Italy - Air space to be closed in February during sport event opening and closing days and checks and law enforcement units to be increased
Winter Olympic Games 2006 to prove armoured concerning traffic and transport systems. Turin-Caselle Airport is setting the infrastructural plan with the building of new gates and the extension of departure... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 747-200C and 747-200F series airplanes
Washington, Usa - To detect and correct cracks or material loss in the fuselage skin, and consequent reduced structural integrity of the skin panel, which could result in rapid depressurization of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 22, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 140)] [Page 42269-42271] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-300 B4-600, B4-600R, and F4-600R series airplanes, and model A-300 C4-605R Variant F airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent a hole in the RAT hub cover
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 22, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 140)] [Page 42267-42269] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationAl Masri: additional threats against Rome
Rome, Italy - Israeli secret services warned about risks for the Vatican while Colonia sets its defensive system on the occasion of Benedict XVI's visit in August
Al Masri Brigades threatened Italy and its capital on the internet again: "We will turn Rome in a cemetery!" (see also for details AVIONEWS). The terroristic movement related to Al Qaeda thinks it can... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Lockheed model L-1011-385 series airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent corrosion or fatigue cracking of certain structural elements, which could result in reduced structural integrity of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 22, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 140)] [Page 42262-42267] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFiumicino and Urbe airports in the sights of Al Qaeda
Rome, Italy - US forces arrested and questioned an Al Zarqawi's follower in Iraq who revealed some sensitive targets for prospective attempts in the Italian territory
Italy as the primary "Christian" target after the United States, Spain and the UK. It would have been revealed by a US authorities’ report which would have been notified to Italian intelligence services r... more
Civil aviationFalse bomb alarm: Italian Air Force's F-16 intercepted and escorted a civil plane to Ciampino
Ciampino, Italy - The air station was closed for about 2 hours and a half but no bomb was found aboard the BAe-146
A BAe 146 with 54 persons on board bound from Ibiza for Rome-Ciampino was involved by a false bomb alarm yesterday, due to an anonymous phone call to French air traffic control authority. After notifying... more
Civil aviationAttempts in London: a prospective attempter killed by British Police
London, UK - New threats by Al Masri Brigades against Italy, Holland and Denmark
Al Masri Brigades would have claimed back attempts occurred in London yesterday by another on-line message though experts prove in a certain way doubtful about the text reliability, and in the meantime... more
Civil aviationFAA (Correction) AD on Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (Embraer) model EMB-145 and EMB-135 series airplanes (2005-14-03)
Washington, Usa - To prevent engine oil leakage at the coupling seal between the hydraulic pump and the engine gearbox from causing low engine oil levels
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 21, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 139)] [Page 42148] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation... more
Civil aviationFAA (Correction) AD on Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica S.A. (Embraer) model EMB-135 airplanes and model EMB-145, -145ER, -145MR, - 145LR, -145XR, -145MP, and -145EP airplanes (2005-13-22)
Washington, Usa - To prevent an ignition source in the fuel tank or adjacent dry bay, which could result in fire or explosion
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 21, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 139)] [Page 41948] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-320/111 Airplanes and model A-320/200 series airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the RAT during an in-flight emergency, which could lead to loss of hydraulic and electrical power and reduced controllability of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 21, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 139)] [Page 41946-41948] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas model DC-10-10, DC- 10-10F, DC-10-15, DC-10-30, DC-10-30F, DC-10-40, DC-10-40F, MD-10-10F, MD-10-30F, MD-11, and MD-11F airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the passenger doors to operate properly in an emergency condition, which could delay an emergency evacuation and possibly result in injury to passengers and flightcrew
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: July 21, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 139)] [Page 41944-41946] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationItalian Minister of Interior Pisanu's antiterrorism package under Italian Government's analysis
Rome, Italy - Steps explained by Minister could also include a DNA analysis as requested by Lega while an antiterrorism Super Attorney will be appraised
The main means to reinforce prevention and fight against terrorism in Italy set by Italian Minister of Interior Giuseppe Pisanu are under Italian Government’s analysis (see for details AVIONEWS). A 24 h... more
Civil aviationUSA: doubts about the effectiveness of anti-missile electronic countermeasures for civil aviation
Washington, USA - Huge costs and incapability of facing all the guided rockets, according to some representatives from the institutional and commercial environment
Some air transport and institutional representatives in the United States do not trust in the programme aimed to increase the security degree in the sector by installing anti-missile electronic countermeasures... more
Civil aviationItalian Minister of Interior Pisanu's antiterrorism package integrated by Lega Party
Rome, Italy - Additional measures have been suggested and they should be shown in Italian Government meeting tomorrow
Italian Government meeting should approve the Italian Minister of Interior Pisanu’s antiterrorism package, integrated by some Lega Party’s proposals. In addition to solutions put forward by Pisanu suc... more