Civil aviation
11,229 news found
Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-300 B2 and B4; A-300 B4-600, B4-600R, and F4-600R, A-300 C4-605R Variant F; A-310/200 and -300 series airplanes (2005-17-14)
Washington, Usa-To prevent desynchronization of one of the three rudder servo actuators, which, if combined with an engine failure, could result in the loss of the related hydraulic system and could cause the loss of one of the two synchronized actuators
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 26, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 165)] [Page 50157-50160] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-330/200, A-330/300, A-340/200, and A-340/300 series airplanes; and model A-340/541 and -642 airplanes (2005-17-18)
Washington, Usa - To prevent automatic reset of the DUs for the EIS during flight and consequent loss of data from the DUs, which could reduce the ability of the flightcrew to control the airplane during adverse flight conditions
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 26, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 165)] [Page 50166-50168] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Pratt & Whitney JT8D-1, -1A, -1B, -7, - 7A, -7B, -9, -9A, -11, -15, -15A, -17, -17A, -17R, -17AR, -209, -217, - 217A, -217C, and -219 Turbofan Engines
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of critical life-limited rotating engine parts which could result in an uncontained engine failure and damage to the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 26, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 165)] [Page 50170-50180] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationBlack List (7): AVIONEWS interviewed Captain Renzo Dentesano
Rome, Italy - "A black list makes sense only on the basis of careful inspections such as by the Quick Access Recorder, while the white list do not represent the general condition of the carriers"
AVIONEWS interviewed Captain Renzo Dentesano regarding the creation of white and black lists on airlines. Cap. Dentesano is an authoritative expert on air transport safety. One should first of all verify... more
Civil aviationCodacons (2): Italian Customer Association released a list of airlines at risk
Rome, Italy - It includes foreign carriers violating ICAO's rules of national accordance
CODACONS, Italian Consumers Association, while is waiting that Italian Minister of Transport Lunardi and ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Board) draw up an official black list, has released a list of airlines... more
Civil aviationCodacons warns Minister Lunardi and ENAC: 15 days to release the black list
Rome, Italy - "It is ridiculous that Italy refuses to draw up a black list"
Codacons, Italian Consumer Association, warned Italian Minister of Transport Lunardi and ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Board): such measure aims to remove Minister and ENAC’s hesitation to release the b... more
Civil aviationBlack list (6). Air Memphis, authorized in Italy but banned in Belgium, to enter the "Grey list" of carriers at risk
Rome, Italy - The Egyptian carrier was involved in three accidents, one of them was fatal
The fact that Egyptian Air Memphis airline was included both in the most recent Italian list of foreign airlines whose aircraft have been inspected by ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Board) with favorable... more
Civil aviationBlack list (4). From SAFA checks to the white list: common procedures, different results
Rome, Italy - Checks on aircraft coming from non-ECAC members are performed on the basis of common rules but actually the white lists appear different in the single states
ENAC (Italian National Civil Aviation Authority) released a white list of carriers operating in Italy, actually indicating which airlines prove capable of honouring a series of standards concerning safety... more
Civil aviationBlack list (5): only one among the five airlines banned in France involved in accident in the past
Paris, France - Air Saint Thomas had a crash without serious after-effects in Virginia
French Civil Aviation Board has released on its Internet web site the black list of airlines banned from flying over French homeland it had longed for (see for details AVIONEWS). But AVIONEWS through a... more
Civil aviationBlack list (3): Belgium outlaws 9 airlines
Brussels, Belgium - Most of them were African carriers
Belgium released the black list of carriers that have been suspended or not allowed to operate by air transport authorities. The nine airlines present on the Internet web site of Belgium’s Transport M... more
Civil aviationMyair grounded passengers to fly to Bergamo
Bari, Italy - Turkish World Focus Airlines mandate has been overruled
132 passengers departing from Bari bound for Bergamo by flight 8I 1061 of scheduled for 9:50pm on last Thursday operated by Turkish World Focus Airlines which found technical problems causing... more
Civil aviationFly Air's Airbus grounded at Roissy
Paris, France - Civil Aviation Body's inspectors discovered some irregularities before the aircraft's departure
A Fly Air’s Airbus A-300 plane has been temporarily grounded last Saturday at Paris International "Charles de Gaulle" Airport, after French Civil Aviation Authority’s inspectors found in their check a c... more
Civil aviationBlack list (2): Italy denied such possibility
Rome, Italy - However, European Union is likely to order to carry it out and release on a national basis
Italy does not intend to release a black list of airlines to be considered at risk. Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport, Pietro Lunardi, and ENAC (Italian National Civil Aviation Agency)... more
Civil aviationBlack list: five carriers banned in France
Paris, France - And EU thinks about a European list
France released the black list of carriers banned from flying over French homeland (see for details AVIONEWS). It deals with five airlines: Air Koryo (North Korea), Phuket Airlines (Thailand), Air Saint-Thomas... more
Civil aviationAVIONEWS interviewed Assaeroporti President, Giovanni Maniscalco, on air transport safety
Rome, Italy - "Safety and checks harmonization at a European level is necessary as we have to operate within the European Single Sky"
AVIONEWS interviewed Assaeroporti President, Giovanni Maniscalco, on air transport safety with reference in particular to the meeting set by ENAC (Italian National Civil Aviation Agency) on last August... more
Civil aviationRussia grounded the IL-96/300s: Ilyushin Corporation must remove the aircraft's defects
Moscow, Russia - Aeroflot forced to change completely its operational activities
As Aeroflot looks at West to replace its airplanes after Russian Transport Ministry’s decision to ground the country’s fleet of Ilyushin 96-300s as a precautionary measure, the Ilyushin Corporation, the... more
Civil aviationFrance: the first black list of carriers in a EU's country
Paris, France - They will be clearly indicated together with the ones allowed to fly and the ones which can be leased
France became te first country in Europe to provide itself with an airlines’ black list in the near term, that is to say by indicating those carriers which do not meet requirements set by civil aviation a... more
Civil aviationForced return for an American West Express jet too
Washington, USA - As a precautionary measure due to a smoke alarm
A Mesa Airlines plane operating a flight of the American West Express with 24 passengers direct to Las Vegas, returned back to Oakland International Airport where it landed, because of a smoke-alarm coming... more
Civil aviationEU: three "lists" for air transport safety
Brussels, Belgium - A black one for carrier unable to meet requirements, a blue one for the certified ones and a wite one for the worthier, the safer and moer efficient
A meeting among Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport Lunardi, ENAC (Italian National Civil Aviaton Agency) and ENAV (Italian National Air Traffic Control Agency) is expected to be held today,... more
Civil aviationAirbus returned back shortly after takeoff. The plane was ok but passengers refused to leave again
Paris, France - New case of "Mutiny" among travellers who fear for their safety more and more
235 passengers bound for Djerba with an Airbus A-300 belonging to Tunisia’s Cartago charter carrier, rented by Turkish Fly Air, refused to leave again from the Paris-Orly Airport after that the airplane, t... more
Civil aviationTechnical problem forced Olympic Airways plane to return back
Athens, Greece - A failure to undercarriage alarmed pilot
An airplane of the Olympic Airways carrier with 124 persons on board landed without problems yesterday at Athens International Airport after having been forced to return back two hours later the takeoff.... more
Civil aviationAVIONEWS Specials: ENAC's white list including foreign carriers matching SAFA safety requirements
Rome, Italy - One can access the latest useful list on foreign carriers on the AVIONEWS' official web site
After the reunion called by ENAC in the light of the tragic accident occurred last August 6 (see for details AVIONEWS 1 and 2), to illustrate the state of assessments and measures undertaken by Italian... more
Civil aviationeasyJet: pressurization indicator forced the Luton-Turin flight to re-entry
Turin, Italy - According to "La Stampa" newspaper's sources, though the failure regarded the indicator itself and not the pressurization system
The English carrier’s easyJet airplane which went back to London-Luton Airport yesterday due to an indicator start-up immediately after takeoff, was a Boeing 737 (see for details AVIONEWS). The indicator, a... more
Civil aviationSafety: Italian taxpayers associations ask for more transparency for passengers
Rome, Italy - More information on aircraft and carriers has been requested for customers
During a meeting held today with ENAC (Italian National Civil Aviation Authority) on safety (see for details AVIONEWS 1 and 2), the main Italian taxpayers associations among which ADUSBEF and CODACONS... more
Civil aviationRussia grounded the IL-96/300s
Moscow, Russia - Problems with braking system not in line with aircraft's design
All the flights operated with Ilyushin 96-300 commercial jets have been suspended by the Federal Service for Transport Supervision Rostransnadzor due to safety problems beginning from yesterday: Russian... more
Civil aviation"Mutiny" of 150 French passengers who refused to leave with an Alexandair flight
Heraklion, Crete - "We do not want to be embarked on this plane that was forced to make an emergency landing at Milan"
They should be embarked on the same McDonnell Douglas MD-82 of Greek airline Alexandair that has been forced to an emergency landing at Milan-Malpensa air station last August 11 due to an engine failure... more
Civil aviationQantas flight made a force-land
Osaka, Japan - A failure sensor induced pilot to error
An Airbus A-330 of Qantas airline direct to Perth with 178 passengers on board, made an emergency landing on runway at Japanese "Kansai" Airport at Osaka last morning. Nine people emerged injured during... more
Civil aviationEmergency landing for easyJet in London
London, UK - The airplane bound for Turin was forced to go back to Luton air station, where it had taken off, for a technical failure
An English low-cost carrier easyJet’s airplane leaving from London-Luton Airport this morning and bound for Turin-Caselle would have been forced to an emergency landing due to a failure. Captain would h... more
Civil aviationHelios airline's plane diverted due to problems with flaps
London, United Kingdom - Jet landed safely at Luton instead of at Stansted
A Boeing 737 of the Cypriot Helios carrier, the same one operating the flight crashed at Athens last Sunday, has been forced this morning to land at London-Luton Airport instead of at Stansted according... more
Civil aviationItalian Anti-terrorism package: measures on flight and explosive material ownership restrictions
Rome, Italy - Police's authorization to be necessary till December 2006 in the first case and reduction of explosive material trading and use
Subjects involved by reinforced checks on flight training activities and depending on Italian Police’s authorization in the related province territorial competence will have to honour it till December 3... more
Civil aviationIranian nuclear programme: Russia criticized the hypothesis of an armed intervention
Moscow, Russia - But it admonished Teheran to restart dialogue with Europe and avoid te resume of uranium enrichment
Russia is trying to find a solution to problems occurred following the resume of uranium enrichment activities within the Iranian nuclear programme. On the one hand, Moscow thinks that Teheran did not... more
Civil aviationFear of flying (2): EU thinks about new steps to increase safety standards
Brussels, Belgium - Besides an EU' black list, it will be necessary to harmonize members' rules and ensure technical assistance to third countries
European Union proves ready to resort to new ruling measures to increase the safety degree in the air transport. Among the main initiatives currently analysed by European Commissioner for Transport Jacques... more
Civil aviationFear of flying: proposals from trade unions ad taxpayers for higher safety
Rome, Italy - Carriers black list, more information for passengers and a copy of maintenance document provided to each customer while boarding
Italian trade unions such as FIT-CISL and taxpayers associations such as CODACONS and ADUSBEF prove more and more convinced that the recent disasters which involved the air transport sector at an international... more
Civil aviationItalian Air Force's F-16 took off to intercept an EgyptAir's plane
Brindisi, Italy - The commercial aircraft was flying from Paris to Italian Puglia region yesterday but communication problems warned Italian Air Force and ENAV
An Italian Air Force’s F-16A Adf Block 15 Fighting Falcon took off from Cervia Air Base yesterday to intercept a commercial aircraft belonging to Egyptian carrier EgyptAir while flying over Italy. Swiss t... more
Civil aviationAVIONEWS, survey's results: "Which reasons could have contributed to determine the recent which involved both Italian corps and armed forces’ aircraft?
Rome, Italy - Absolutely accidental coincidences according to the largest part of respondents
Absolutely accidental coincidences. The largest part of those who answered the AVIONEWS’ survey related to the various accidents which involved Italian armed forces’ ad corps’ aerial vehicles during the l... more
Civil aviationAVIONEWS' surveys: "Will the future of air transport competitiveness depend on the safety factor when considering the recent accidents?
Rome, Italy - Considering the need for more transparency and information for customers in the sector
AVIONEWS is focusing on the recent accidents which affected the air transport sector leading hundreds people to death in several parts of the world. It is being asked so if safety can become the most important... more
Civil aviationAlert degree against terrorism is still high in Italy
Rome, Italy - Sensitive areas monitoring goes on while it is being scheduled exercises in various sites in the country
The risk of Islamic terrorism’s attempts is still high in the Italian homeland. Italian Minister of Interior, law enforcement units and intelligence services prove more than convinced of it and keep t... more
Civil aviationIndia: a new ruling against air hijackings
Nuova Dheli, India - Shooting down becomes quite likely to occur in case of an attempt risk
India would be about to enforce a new ruling on security, scheduling the shooting down of any civil airplane which can turn into a threat following a possible hijacking by terrorists. The new Act should... more
Civil aviationIran: "IAEA's Resolution proves unacceptable and politically biased"
Teheran, Iran - The firm Iranian Islamic Republic's reaction after the International Atomic Energy Agency's request to stop the nuclear programme again
Iranian Islamic Republic firmly reacted against the Resolution voted by the International Atomic Energy Agency on the Teheran’s nuclear programme (see for details AVIONEWS). Iranian Minister of Foreign A... more
Civil aviationRoad tankers against fuel stations: the USA fear about a new September 11
Washington, USA – This hypothesis would have been described by the American intelligence services and considered as plausible by US Administration
Road tankers to be used as bombs to make fuel stations explode in the major US cities: this would be the horrific scenario described by the US law enforcement and national security units which would appear... more
Civil aviationUSA: man arrested for trying to get on board a plane carrying explosive material
Washington, USA – No apparent relation with terrorism would have been found but meanwhile worry for the quality of checks grows most of all in the cargo sector
A young 24 years old man was arrested in the United States yesterday while trying to get on board a plane bound from Oklahoma City for Philadelphia. Security services’ devices would have detected the p... more
Civil aviationFAA (Correction) AD on Rolls-Royce Corporation models 250-C28, -C28B, and -C28C turboshaft engines
Washington, Usa - To prevent loss of power and uncommanded engine shutdown due to failure of third-stage turbine blades and shrouds
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 11, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 154)] [Page 46754] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA (Revision) AD on Boeing model 757-200, 757-200CB, and 757-200PF series airplanes equipped with Rolls Royce model RB211 engines
Washington, Usa - To detect and correct migration of shims at the joint of the mid-bulkhead and the upper link fittings and cracking of the mid-bulkhead, which could result in cracking of the strut and consequent loss of the strut and engine
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 11, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 154)] [Page 46747-46752] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Robinson Helicopter Company model R-22 series helicopters
Washington, Usa - To prevent separation of a door window or door assembly from the helicopter, which could damage the tail rotor during flight and result in loss of control of the helicopter
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 11, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 154)] [Page 46743-46747] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG model BR700-715A1-30, BR700-715B1-30, and BR700-715C1-30 turbofan engines
Washington, Usa - To prevent inadvertent dual-engine in-flight shutdown
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 11, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 154)] [Page 46752-46753] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationIran: IAEA asked for closing Isfahan atomic plant
Vienna, Austria - Unanimously, while it is being waited for seeing how the Islamic Republic reacts to such a decision
The International Atomic Energy Agency had proved uncertain during the last days about the restart of uranium enrichment activities at Isfahan atomic plant in Iran. Teheran’s Government had pointed out t... more
Civil aviationEgypt: four emergency landings at Cairo
Cairo, Egypt - All occurred at the Egyptian capital air station within 48 h without negative effects for passengers and crews
Two days (August 9 and 10) proved delicate for Cairo Airport emergency services. Technicians, medical personnel and firemen at the Egyptian air station were forced to work hard for 48 hours, fortunately... more
Civil aviationUSA: shoes anti-explosive scanner in the airports
Washington, USA – Measures to be adopted all over the US territory starting next year
FBI arrested a person liable for a false bomb alarm aboard a Southwest Airlines’ airplane, after that a couple of papers indicating the danger had been found by passengers before the takeoff at Houston a... more
Civil aviationSN Brussels Airlines' plane forced to emergency landing due to bird strike
Brussels, Belgium - The Avro RJ-85, bound for Venice from the Belgian capital, went back to the departure air station for safety reasons
A SN Brussels Airlines’ Avro RJ-85 airplane was forced to an emergency landing at its departure airport yesterday, just in the Belgian capital. The reason must be put down to the ingestion of a bird b... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas model 717-200 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the relay, which could result in the oxygen masks failing to deploy and deliver oxygen to the passengers in the event of a rapid decompression or cabin depressurization
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: August 9, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 152)] [Page 46076-46078] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more