Civil aviation
11,229 news found
Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-330/322, -341, and -342 airplanes; and Airbus model A-340/200 and -300 series airplanes (2005-19-22)
Washington, Usa - To prevent fatigue cracks in the duct structure of the ram air outlet, which could lead to hot air damage and consequent loss of function of the hydraulics systems
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 22, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 183)] [Page 55529-55531] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationGulf Air's flight made an emergency landing ta Larnaca
Larnaca, Cyprus - A problem with engine on the route Abu Dhabi-Paris
It occurred last Saturday when an Airbus A-330 of Bahrain-base airline en route from Abu Dhabi to Paris carrying 198 passengers, including 14 crew members, was due to resort to the emergency operation... more
Civil aviationFrance: nuclear plant appears vulnerable to kamikaze aircraft attacks
Paris, France - A warning signal called by green movements which decided to write a letter to President Chirac
French green movements prove really worried about nuclear sector. Several organizations have in fact decided to send French President Jacques Chirac a letter in which he is clearly asked for carefully... more
Civil aviationBird flu: Australia to control flights from Asia
Sydney, Australia - Careful inspections at passenger's landing
To avoid a potential outbreak of avian flu, Australian authorities have decided to watch airplanes arriving from the affected zones. Stringent checks will be in fact carried out on all flights arriving... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on The New Piper Aircraft, Inc., models PA-28-160, PA-28-161, PA-28-180, and PA-28-181 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent fuel fittings used in STC SA2660CE from leaking fuel in the engine compartment, which could result in an engine fire
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 21, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 182)] [Page 55245-55248] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on British Aerospace model HS-748 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent jamming or collapse of the NLG, which could result in damage to the airplane structure or injury to passengers or crew
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 21, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 182)] [Page 55234-55236] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-320/111 airplanes and model A-320/200 series airplanes (2005-19-16)
Washington, Usa - To prevent an ignition source for fuel vapor in the wing, which could result in fire or explosion in the center wing fuel tank
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 21, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 182)] [Page 55233-55234] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Short Brothers model SD3 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent fire extinguishant blowback, which could result in injury to a person using the fire extinguisher in the event of a fire
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 21, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 182)] [Page 55242-55245] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on BAE Systems (Operations) Limited (Jetstream) model 4101 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of certain structurally significant items, including the MLG and the NLG, which could result in reduced structural integrity of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 21, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 182)] [Page 55230-55233] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-318/100, A-319/100, A-320/200, A-321/100, and A-321/200 series airplanes; and model A-320/111 airplanes (2005-19-14)
Washington, Usa - To prevent electrical arcing in the center fuel tank due to inadequate bonding, which could result in an explosion of the center fuel tank and consequent loss of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 21, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 182)] [Page 55228-55230] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-330/301, -321, -322, - 341, and -342 airplanes; and model A-340/200 and A-340/300 series airplanes (2005-19-12)
Washington, Usa - To detect and correct such cracking, which could propagate and result in reduced structural integrity of the fuselage
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 21, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 182)] [Page 55236-55239] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 737-300, -400, -500, -600, -700, -700C, -800 and -900 series airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent the FMC from displaying the incorrect actual navigation performance value to the flightcrew, which could prevent adequate alerting of a potential navigation error
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 21, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 182)] [Page 55239-55242] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on PZL-Swidnik S.A. models PW-5 ''Smyk" and PW-6U gliders
Washington, Usa - To detect and replace any push-rod end that does not meet the minimum dimension, which could result in failure of the control system
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 21, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 182)] [Page 55248-55250] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationIranian nuclear programme: no resort to UN Security Council
Teheran, Iran - It has been decided by China, Russia and EU and the Islamic Republic admonished from prospectively using force to stop its nuclear programme
China and Russia disagree with the resort to the UN Security Council to solve the Iranian nuclear matter and European Union announced that it will not opt for relying on such United Nations’ body. On i... more
Civil aviationAn accident database: that is the Japanese answer to the airline black list
Tokyo, Japan - It will be available in 2007 with data provided from all over the world
Japanese civil aviation authorities and Ministry of Transport do not seem willing to restrict to carry out a black list of airlines to increase the flight safety degree. Tokyo’s Administration has in f... more
Civil aviationNew model for funding air safety in Switzerland
Zurich, Switzerland - To be completed in Autumn 2006
The FOCA, Federal Office for Civil Aviation, will regulate a new model for funding air safety in Switzerland and it is expected to be completed in Autumn 2006. The FOCA had sent a report to the CTT, Transport... more
Civil aviationIsrael: North Korean nuclear programme agreement is only a partial one
Tel Aviv, Israel - Fear about North Korean missile technology provided to countries such as Iran and Egypt remains
Despite the agreement achieved on the North Korean nuclear programme (see for details AVIONEWS) and in spite of doubts and following confirmation about the concrete go-ahead by Pyongyang of the related... more
Civil aviationCongo-Brazzaville prohibited Antonov 24 to fly its air space
Brazzaville, Republic of Congo - Ban is not valid for the AN-26 cargo planes
Misna News Agency reported that the Government of Brazzaville (Republic of Congo) would have prohibited its air space to Antonov 24 passenger planes, that in recent times have been involved in several... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on General Electric Company CT7-5, -7, and -9 series turboprop engines
Washington, Usa - To prevent stage 2 aft cooling plate separation, resulting in uncontained engine failure and damage to the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 19, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 180)] [Page 54835-54837] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Lycoming Engines AEIO-360, IO-360, O-360, LIO-360, LO-360, AEIO-540, IO-540, O-540, and TIO-540 Series Reciprocating Engines
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the crankshaft, which could result in total engine power loss, in-flight engine failure, and possible loss of the aircraft
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 16, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 179)] [Page 54618-54622] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 747 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent the loss of a DSB or underwing midspar fitting load path, which could result in the transfer of loads and motion to other areas of a strut, and possible separation of a strut and engine from the airplane during flight
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 16, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 179)] [Page 54612-54616] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Turbomeca Arrius 2 F turboshaft engines
Washington, Usa - To prevent an uncommanded engine in-flight shutdown on a single-engine helicopter, resulting in a forced autorotation landing or an accident
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 16, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 179)] [Page 54622-54624] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on McDonnell Douglas model DC-9-14, DC-9- 15, and DC-9-15F airplanes; DC-9-20, DC-9- 30, DC-9-40, and DC-9-50 series airplanes
Washington, Usa - To detect and correct fatigue cracks in the shock strut cylinder of the MLG, which could result in a collapsed MLG during takeoff or landing, and possible reduced structural integrity of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 16, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 179)] [Page 54616-54618] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationNorth Korea: nuclear military programme cancelled
Pyongyang, North Korea - The USA, Russia, China, Japan and South Korea promised economic and oil support in exchange
Some two years with hard and intense talks proves necessary to achieve such a result, but finally the six-nations negotiations involving the United States, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea and North Korea... more
Civil aviationCameroon Airlines: France-African state routes restored by Air Italy
Paris, France - Passengers diverted on the basis of a temporary agreement and following the French DGCA's go-ahead
Cameroon Airlines was allowed by French authorities to resume its operational activities yesterday, at least by the resort to an Air Italy airline’s aircraft. This decision was considered following talks b... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 747-100, 747-100B, 747- 100B SUD, 747-200B, 747-200C, 747-200F, 747-300, 747SR, and 747SP series airplanes
Washington, Usa - To detect and correct cracked or fractured thrust links that could lead to the loss of the load path for the rear engine mount bulkhead and damage to other primary engine mount structure, which could result in the in-flight separation
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 15, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 178)] [Page 54474-54477] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Raytheon Aircraft Company model 390 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent failure of the rudder pedal arm assemblies caused by fatigue cracks
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 15, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 178)] [Page 54472-54474] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationTurkey: Onur Air's airplane went out of the the runway in Istanbul
Istanbul, Turkey - No damage for the vehicle and all passengers on board proved safe
A Turkish airline Onur Air’s MD-88 airplane went out of the runway immediately after its landing at Istanbul Airport today. The civil aircraft arrived from Turkish Kayseri city. Pilot would not have s... more
Civil aviationUnited Airlines (2): landing carried out safely
Tokyo, Japan - No passengers were reported injured
United Airlines plane forced to return back because of smoke in the cabin, has landed without problems at Tokyo’s Narita Airport at 2:20am local time. No passengers, but how many they were is still uncertain, w... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 737-600, -700, -700C, - 800, and -900 series airplanes (2005-18-23)
Washington, Usa - To prevent corrosion and subsequent moisture ingress into the electrical connectors, which could result in an electrical short and consequent incorrect functioning of critical airplane systems essential to safe flight and landing plane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 14, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 177)] [Page 54253-54258] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Airbus model A-340/200 and -300 series airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent this miscalculation, which, if combined with high takeoff weight, too-short runway length, and high altitude and temperature of the airport, could result in inability of the flightcrew to abort the takeoff in a safe manner
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 14, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 177)] [Page 54251-54253] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Aerospatiale model ATR-42/500 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent discrepancies between the elevator trim tab control rod and the forward edge of the lower skin of the elevator, which could result in reduced control of the elevator and consequent reduced controllability of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 14, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 177)] [Page 54249-54251] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA (EMBRAER) model EMB-110P1 and EMB-110P2 airplanes (2005-19-02)
Washington, Usa - To prevent cracks from emanating from corrosion pits in the NLG rotating cylinder assembly, which could result in failure of the NLG
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 14, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 177)] [Page 54244-54247] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA (EMBRAER) model ERJ-170 airplanes (2005-19-01)
Washington, Usa - To prevent cracking of the hydraulic pressure pipes, which could result in failure of hydraulic system 1 or 2 or both, and consequent reduced controllability of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 14, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 177)] [Page 54247-54248] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 777-200 and -300 series airplanes (2005-18-10)
Washington, Usa - To prevent loss of the capability of the cabin floor and seat track structure to support the airplane interior inertia loads under emergency landing conditions
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 14, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 177)] [Page 54242-54244] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica SA (EMBRAER) model ERJ-170 airplanes (2005-19-01)
Washington, Usa - To prevent cracking of the hydraulic pressure pipes, which could result in failure of hydraulic system 1 or 2 or both, and consequent reduced controllability of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 14, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 177)] [Page 54247-54248] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on BAe Systems (Operations) Limited model ATP airplanes
Washington, Usa - To detect and correct fatigue cracking of certain structural elements, which could adversely affect the structural integrity of these airplanes
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 13, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 176)] [Page 53915-53917] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Raytheon Aircraft Company models 1900, 1900C, 1900C (C-12J), and 1900D airplanes (2005-18-21)
Washington, Usa - To detect and correct any looseness in the elevator hinge support attachments, which could result in binding of the elevator control system. This elevator binding could lead to loss of control of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 13, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 176)] [Page 53910-53912] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Raytheon Aircraft Company model 390 Premier 1 airplanes (2005-18-22)
Washington, Usa - To detect and correct chafing conditions in the engine installation, which could result in leaking flammable fluids near an ignition source. This failure could lead to fire damage or loss of airplane control
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 13, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 176)] [Page 53912-53914] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationNATO: Defence Ministers' meeting in Berlin
Berlin, Germany - No analysis on weapons of mass destruction proliferation and disarmament despite the existance of the North Korean and Iranian nuclear matters
A meeting gathering Defence Ministers from the various NATO state members is being held in Berlin today. The Atlantic Alliance intends analyse the situation concerning its world role and managing particularly... more
Civil aviationThailand: five Phuket Air YS-11 grounded for safety reasons
Bangkok, Thailand - Airline's fleet is made up of secondhand planes
Thailand’s Transport Minister, Pongsak Raktapongpaisal, ordered to ground five NAMC YS-11 planes belonging to Phuket Air carrier. Two days before, one of them skidded off a runway in a Northern airport w... more
Civil aviationFAA (Revision) AD on Rolls-Royce plc RB211 Trent 875, 877, 884, 884B, 892, 892B, and 895 series turbofan engines
Washington, Usa - To prevent multiple LPC fan blade failures due to cracks, which could result in uncontained engine failure and possible damage to the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 12, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 175)] [Page 53725-53728] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Bombardier model DHC-8-400 series airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent chafing of the fuel and hydraulic tubes, which could lead to fuel and/or hydraulic fluid leakage in the engine nacelle area and consequent fire or explosion
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 9, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 174)] [Page 53558-53560] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Fokker model F27 Mark 200, 400, 500, and 600 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To ensure that the rotary knobs are not inadvertently moved to the shut position, which could result in fuel starvation to both engines and consequent inability to maintain controlled flight and landing
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 9, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 174)] [Page 53556-53558] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Hartzell Propeller Inc. propellers (2005-18-12)
Washington, Usa - To detect corrosion and mechanical damage that can cause failure of a propeller, which could result in loss of control of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 9, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 174)] [Page 53543-53547] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Goodrich De-icing and Specialty Systems "FASTprop" Propeller De-icers (2005-18-20)
Washington, Usa - To prevent Goodrich "FASTprop" propeller de-icers from detaching from the propeller blade, resulting in damage to the airplane, and possible injury to passengers and crewmembers
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 9, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 174)] [Page 53550-53554] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 777 airplanes (2005-18-51)
Washington, Usa - To prevent the OPS from using data from faulted (failed) sensors, which could result in anomalies of the fly-by-wire primary flight control, autopilot, auto-throttle, pilot display, and auto-brake systems
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 9, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 174)] [Page 53547-53550] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Boeing model 757 airplanes (2005-18-18)
Washington, Usa - To prevent chafing between the wire bundle and the structure of the aft fairing, which could result in electrical arcing and subsequent ignition of flammable vapors and possible uncontrollable fire
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 9, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 174)] [Page 53554-53556] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationFAA AD on Avions Marcel Dassault-Breguet model Falcon 10 airplanes
Washington, Usa - To prevent collapse of the flexible hoses in the slat anti-icing system, which could lead to insufficient anti-icing capability and, if icing is encountered in this situation, could result in reduced controllability of the airplane
Airworthiness Directive Federal Register Information [Federal Register: September 9, 2005 (Volume 70, Number 174)] [Page 53540-53543] Header Information DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal... more
Civil aviationIndonesia grounded 4 B-737 planes
Medan, Indonesia - The Government has intensified safety checks after Mandala plane crash
Indonesian air transport authorities have decided to ground 4 Boeing 737-200 aircraft belonging to four unnamed airlines after the accident involving the Mandala Airlines B-737 occurred last September... more