1,934 news found

MiscellaneousMexico: 5 tons and a half of cocaine on a plane
Cuidad del Carmen, Mexico - Found by Mexican Army
Mexican Army averted a cocaine maxi-traffic coming from Venezuela at the airport of Cuidad del Carmen, after receiving information from Venezuelan authorities. A commercial airplane with no passengers... more

MiscellaneousDramatic hearings at the trial for September 11 attempts
Alexandria, USA - Victims' relatives are testifying
From days at the trial for September 11 attempts, which has a sole respondent the French citizen with Moroccan origin Zacarias Moussaoui, the jury is listening the depositions of the relatives of the victims... more

MiscellaneousInformation about Air Force One removed from the web
Washington, USA - The warning arrived from the "San Francisco Chronicle"
The Pentagon announced to have removed from the web the pages containing secret documents about the Air Force One, the US presidential aircraft. The decision arrived after that from days the "San Francisco... more

MiscellaneousIndia: high alcohol level found in an airline pilot
Mumbai, India - The man was about to guide a plane with 100 passengers on board
A surprise check of Indian civil aviation authority verified several violations at Mumbai airport yesterday. A pilot of a not-well identified low-cost airline was found in the cockpit, ready to take off,... more

MiscellaneousProvenzano arrested
Palermo, Italy - The boss transported in helicopter from Corleone to Palermo
After more than 40 years on the run at long last, this morning, Bernardo Provenzano, boss of the mafia’s bosses, was arrested by the Police. The boss was in manor farm near Corleone, his birth town. A... more

MiscellaneousThe Pope holidays in Castelgandolfo in helicopter
Vatican City - Stay from April 16 to 22 expected
After next Sunday benediction "Urbi et orbi" in Saint Peter Square, Pope Ratzinger will be carried in helicopter to his summer residence in Castelgandolfo, where he will spend Easter holidays. Though next... more

MiscellaneousA cocaine courier goes into a coma because of an intoxication
Milan, Italy - A swallowed ovule broke
A thirty-year-old Lithuanian is currently accepted at Gallarate’s Hospital (Italy) because one of the 50 cocaine ovules, which he had swallowed in order to pass controls at Malpensa air station, opened c... more

MiscellaneousA serious sick Iraqi child will be cured in Italy
Bagdad, Iraq - He will travel on board of a C-130J of Italian Air Force
Alì Abid, a two year old Iraqi child suffered from myelomeningocele, a serious backbone diseases, will be transported today to "Agostino Gemelli" hospital of Rome where he will be undergo to specific... more

Miscellaneous160 aircraft carried back the votes of Italian people resident in foreign countries
Rome, Italy - Satisfaction expressed by Italian Minister Tremaglia
160 aircraft in two days, since April 7 to April 9, carried back in Italy the votes of Italian people resident in foreign countries. The first flight arrived to Rome-Fiumicino airport coming from Kuala... more

MiscellaneousA passenger threatens to blow an airplane off
Amsterdam, Holland - The man was arrested
A passenger of an Iberia flight headed from Amsterdam to Madrid threatened last Friday to blast the airplane after the landing from the Dutch capital, with an explosive device which the man would have... more

MiscellaneousSpying remote-controlled US aircraft destroyed by Iranian Army
Teheran, Iran - It was retailed by "Jomhuri Eslami" newspaper
According to Iranian newspaper "Jomhuri Eslami" the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran should have shot down a Drone spying remote-controlled US aircraft, which, took off from Iraq, was shooting... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11 trial. Giuliani: it is a memory which every days come back to my mind
Alexandria, USA - Moussaoui's taunts
Yesterday during the September 11 trial, which has a sole respondent the French citizen with Moroccan origin Zacarias Moussaoui, the prosecutor called to witness the New York’s ex-Major Rudolph Giuliani, w... more

MiscellaneousItalian Minister Scajola's comment after the visit to the Alenia Aeronautica's facility
Taranto, Italy - Industy's consideration in the world is increased
The Italian Minister of the Productive Activities, Claudio Scajola, that yesterday went to visit Alenia Aeronautica’s facility under construction near Grottaglie (Taranto), said to be nicely surprised a... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli raid against Gaza Strip
Tel Aviv, Israel - Some Fatah's structures hit
Yesterday night some Israeli Army’s helicopter made three different raids against some palestinian goals in Gaza Strip. The rotorcraft blasted with air-ground missiles Fatah’s offices, which is the Pal... more

MiscellaneousUstica DC-9 goes back to Boulogne
Boulogne, Italy - It will be carried along the "Autostrada del Sole"
After 26 years, the Itavia DC-9 wreck exploded and sunk near Ustica is going back home, into the "Memory Museum" in Boulogne. The aircraft was reassembled in years of work in a Pratica di Mare’s hangar (... more

MiscellaneousItalian political voting: 96.8% poll in Nassiriya
Nassiriya, Iraq - Ballot boxes closed for military men of Italian contingent
For the first time, this year Italian soldiers of offset missions have had the chance to vote for Political Elections. Yesterday at 4 pm ballot boxes were closed for military men in Nassiriya, where a... more

MiscellaneousMore than 8 kilos of cocaine at Malpensa airport
Milan, Italy - They were hidden in the false bottom of an African's luggage
8 kilos and 380 grams of cocaine hidden in the false bottom of a passenger’s trolley and hand luggage: this is the assessment of stupefacient quantity found by customs guards in the luggage of a 36-year-old w... more

MiscellaneousMaoist attack in Nepal. Military helicopter crashed
Kathmandu, Nepal - At least ten people dead among rebels and law enforcement
At the eve of the strike, proclaimed by the seven most important paries of Nepal against the monarchy, which for the next 4 days will paralyse the country, a group of Maoist rebels attacked some Governmental... more

MiscellaneousProtesters against the CPE block in France the access to the Paris-Orly's airport
Paris, France - Only delays in consequence of the demonstration
Against the contract of the young first employment, desired by the Prime Minister, Dominique de Villepin, some hundred of young people have demonstrated also today, that have blocked the entry at the Paris-Orly’s a... more

MiscellaneousWho does pay the cost for the release of hostages in foreign countries?
Berlin, Germany - Concerning a sentence by the Court of Berlin
Last Tuesday the Court of Berlin, which takes care about the disputes involving German consulates, decided that a German citizen, who has been hostages in foreign country, and released thanks to diplomatic... more

MiscellaneousPan Am flight 73's passengers, hijacked in 1986, asked a big-compensation to Libya
New York, USA - The Government of Tripoli summoned for USD 10 billion
Today a big-compensation request was presented, to a US Court, by the survivor, and the victims’ relatives, of the Pan Am flight 73 that on September 5, 1986 was hijacked by 5 men belonging to Palestinian t... more

MiscellaneousEmergency practise provokes panic in Nairobi
Nairobi, Kenya - False alarm about an air incident
On last Tuesday there was the panic in Nairobi, Kenya’s capital, when aviation authorities gave the news that an aircraft coming form Democratic Republic of Congo, with 80 people on board, crashed in t... more

MiscellaneousItalian Minister of Transports Lunardi: we take note of Tuninter's willingness of cooperation
Rome, Italy - It is possible to read it in a Ministry's statement
Italian Minister of Transport and Infrastructures, Pietro Lunardi, made known, through an official statement of his Ministry, to have taken note of the precise assurances that Tunisian carrier Tuninter... more

MiscellaneousLarge willingness of Tuninter to cooperate to throw light on Capo Gallo's incident
Bari, Italy - Victims' relatives will consider only the fact
Tunisian air carrier Tuninter, protagonist of the air incident on last August 6, when one of its ATR-72, flying from Bari to Djerba, landed on the water offing Palermo provoking the death of 16 people... more

MiscellaneousRudolph Giuliani will witness at the trial of September 11
Alexandria, USA - It was retailed by CNN
CNN, the famous US network, announced that today at the September 11 trial, in which has a sole respondent the French citizen with Moroccan origin Zacarias Moussaoui, one of the first people who will be... more

MiscellaneousNo stretchers on ATR
Trapani, Italy - An old woman cannot come back home on board of the aircraft
A 82 years old woman discharged from Trapani’s Sant’Antonio Abate Hospital (Sicily) cannot come back home to Pantelleria Island because the ATR-42 making the line service is not used as stretcher transport. Hos... more

MiscellaneousVietnamese Transport Minister resigns
Hanoi, Vietnam - Several corruption crimes in the financial scandal
Vietnam’s Transport Minister, Dao Dinh Binh, presented his resign after his involvement in the financial scandal regarding the Ministry Department number 18 for project management. Gambles on foreign f... more

MiscellaneousTension between USA and Venezuela
Caracas, Venezuela - President Chavez will buy military aircraft by Russia
Yesterday the President of the Venezuelan Republic, Hugo Chavez, during a ceremony for the delivery of 33 MI-17-V5 and MI-26 helicopter made in Russia, said clearly that whether USA will not deliver as... more

MiscellaneousCapo Gallo air disaster: Meeting between Tuninter officials and victims lawyer
Bari, Italy - Speeches to set the compensation's amount
Yesterday took place a meeting between some officials of Tunisian carrier Tuninter, protagonist on last August 6 of an air disaster in which 16 people died and 23 were injured while they were travelling... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11 trial: the second phase will start since tomorrow
Alexandria, USA - Death penalty only whether the jury will be unanimous
The hearings of the second phase of September 11 trial, which has a sole respondent the French citizen with Moroccan origin Zacaria Moussaoui, will start tomorrow (see for details AVIONEWS). The jury,... more

MiscellaneousTension between Cyprus and Turkey
Nicosia, Cyprus - The Cypriot President, Papadopulos, threaten a crisis against Ankara
The President of the Republic of Cyprus, Tassos Papadopulos, declared today that if the Turkish Government will continue to negate the entry of the Cypriot companies in Turkish harbours and airports, which... more

MiscellaneousFrance strikes again against CPE
Paris, France - Airplanes and trains blocked
After the mobilization that paralized France last Tuesday, students and unions have organized a new general strike to protest against the law, wanted by Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, on CPE, the... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11 trial: Moussaoui is able for the death penalty
Alexandria, USA - Now victims' relatives will be heard
The popular jury in the trial against Zacarias Moussaoui, sole respondent for September 11 attempts, decided that the man is able for death penalty because after the arrest, in the August of 2001, with... more

MiscellaneousThe bodies of the two US soldiers shot down last Saturday have been found
Baghdad, Iraq - A movie claims the shot down of the military helicopter
Yesterday Qatar’s satellite TV, Al Jazeera broadcast a film segment of the Rashadin Army, which claimed the shot down of the Apache helicopter last Saturday. In the movie it is possible to see the ruins o... more

MiscellaneousEmergency landing because of a passenger's heart attack
Pisa, Italy - It happened in an Alitalia Milan-Rome flight
AZ-2045 Alitalia flight, left from Milan-Linate at 11:05 am last Friday and headed to Rome, was forced to an emergency landing at Pisa’s airport because of a sudden illness of a passenger who suffered a... more

MiscellaneousUS helicopter shot down in Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq - The action has been claimed by Islamic guerrilla
On last Saturday an US helicopter was shot down in Iraq, in the southern district of Yusufiya where Sunnite guerrilla is still very strong. The action has been claimed by "The lions of Islam of Rashedin’s A... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli Armed Forces negate their involvement in the dispatch of Abu Yussef Al Quqa
Tel Aviv, Israel - The news had been popularized by Radio Jerusalem
Israeli military radio made known that Tel Aviv’s Armed forces negate the news, popularized by Radio Jerusalem, about their involvement in the killing of Abu Yussef Al Quqa, commandant of the Sallah-a-din B... more

MiscellaneousMoussaoui trial for September 11 attempts is the turn of the jury
Alexandria, USA - The respondent wants to become an Islam's martyr
After days of hearings, coup de théâtre, polemics and risk of disruption, in the trial for September 11 attempts, which has as only respondent the French citizen with Moroccan origins Zacarias Moussaoui, n... more

MiscellaneousHistorical meeting between the Russian and the US fleets at Guam island
Washington, USA – All the people dead in WW II have been remembered
Yesterday at Pacific National Historical Parc in Asan Bay, Guam island, US and Russian military fleets gathered to remember all the people who died during WW II. Both the leaders of the fleets underlined... more

MiscellaneousTrial in Canada for the slaughter of Air India flight 182 of the 1985
Vancouver, Canada - 329 people died in the tragedy
On June 23, 1985 Air India flight 182 from Toronto to London exploded in Ireland’s skies causing the death of 329 people. One hour earlier a bomb in baggage intended to an other Air India flight exploded i... more

MiscellaneousMeeting in Berlin about iranian nuclear
Berlin, Germany - There are the representatives of USA, UK, Russia, Germany, China and France
Today in Berlin took place the meeting of the representatives of the diplomacies of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council (USA, UK, Russia, China and France) plus Germany, to examinate... more

MiscellaneousAngelo D'Arrigo's burial ceremony has been celebrated yesterday in Catania: a patched eagle at the top of the funeral procession
Catania, Italy - "He was a simple, kind and free man"
Yesterday in Catania’s cathedral took place the burial cerimony of Angelo D’Arrigo the hang glider recordman who died last Sunday in an air incident near Ragusa (see for details AVIONEWS). At the top of... more

MiscellaneousFrance paralized by protests against CPE
Paris, France - Railwaymen and flight attendants on strike
Fifth consecutive agitations day in France against the First Employment Contract (CPE) wanted by premier Dominique de Villepin: according to it, less than 26-years-old young workers can be fired without... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11: a fifth airplane against the White House
Washington, USA - Moussaoui reveals that during the trial
Zacarias Moussaoui, the only one put on trial for September 11 2001 terrorism attempts, admitted for the first time, during his deposition before Virginia’s judges, that a fifth hijacked airplane should h... more

MiscellaneousCodacons asked the black list of the aircraft and of the airports
Rome, Italy - Customers have the right to be informed
CODACONS, the Association of Italian Customers, asked today that after the filling of the EU’s air carrier black list, there were also the black lists of the aircraft and of the airports. The black list o... more

MiscellaneousIsrael violated Lebanon's air space
Beirut, Lebanon - Official Lebanese agency NNA said it
Lebanese press made known, on the informations given by Beirut’s Armed forces, that in the last days there were 16 violations of the air space of the Middle-Eastern country, and precisely 6 fighters f... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11: at Moussaoui trial, now it is the defence turn
Alexandria, USA - Carla Martin will have not to explain her behaviour to Judge Brinkema
Carla Martin, the lawyer who with her behavior risked to wreck the trial against Zacarias Moussaoui only respondent for September 11 attempts, will be not obliged to justify her conduct in front of the... more

Miscellaneous20 kilos of cocaine in condoms swallowed by 22 passengers
Paris, France - Maxi-drugs bust on a Caracas-Amsterdam flight
22 Venezuelan embarked on the same airplane from Caracas to Amsterdam were arrested at Paris-Roissy airport because they were carrying about total 20 kilos of cocaine, housed inside condoms previously... more

MiscellaneousWas it possible to avoid September 11 attempts?
Alexandria, USA - The depositions at the trial against Zacarias Moussaoui
The trial, in USA, against Zacarias Moussaoui, the sole respondent of September 11 attempts continues (see for details AVIONEWS 1, 2 e 3). Yesterday Aaron Zembley, US intelligence’s ex-agent, declared, d... more

MiscellaneousTwo Palestinian men killed at Kissufim
Tel Aviv, Israel - Also two Israeli soldiers injured
The bloodshed in Middle East has not end. Today two Palestinian men have been killed by Israeli soldiers near Kissufim check-point, at the borderline with Gaza Strip, after that they were seen by Israel’s g... more