1,934 news found

MiscellaneousAmerican rapper arrested at Heathrow airport
London, United Kingdom - The charge is disturb of the peace
The American rapper Snoop Dogg -whose real name is Calvin Broadus- was arrested with other five persons with a charge of disturb of the pease and tussle after a struggle which saw protagonists seven policemen... more

MiscellaneousExplosion of a missile in a Russian air base
Moscow, Russia - Two dead. Still unknown causes
In an air base in Serghei Posad, 70 km from Moscow, this morning an air-air missile accidentally blew up causing death to a Russian officer and a soldier. Air Force Commander, Vladimir Mikhailov, made... more

MiscellaneousGerman denounced at Fiumicino Airport for hiding a Corinthian capital in the suitcase
Rome, Italy - The young person says it was sold by a street vendor at the Roman Forum
To betray the young German gay was his flapping behaviour which made the customs guards suspicious, who engaged in controls to repress tributary and extra-tributary crimes, decided to inspect the luggage... more

MiscellaneousOn May strikes in Italian air transports
Rome, Italy - Three agitations days expected
Agitations in Italian air division go on in May. A strike day was announced for May 5, when flight controllers in Milan airports will manage a 4-hour stop, from 12 am to 4 pm. On May 12 Rome’s radar m... more

MiscellaneousGunfight at Cleveland airport
Cleveland, USA - Policeman killed
Yesterday, during a gunfight at Cleveland airport (USA), a policeman was killed. The strife happened at the ticket counter of United Airlines, near the area of the security check point. Fred Szabo, air... more

MiscellaneousThe corpses of the three Italian soldiers killed in Nassiriya in Italy tomorrow
Rome, Italy - Funerals on Tuesday morning
A C-130 of the Italian Air Force, carrying the coffins for the three Italian victims in yesterday attempt in Nassiriya, should take off today from Pisa, make a stopover at Rome-Ciampino airport at 4 pm... more

MiscellaneousAn Algerian terrorist arrested at Milan airport
Milan, Italy - The man had already dodged capture
Mahmoud Gabel, Algerian citizen who had previously avoided his capture during "Bon Voyage" anti-terrorism international operation, was arrested yesterday evening at Milan-Malpensa Airport, where he had... more

MiscellaneousTwo drunk policemen place at risk the safety of a Russian flight
Moscow, Russia - A ferocious argument among the two has erupted and one of the two drunk has menaced to explode the aircraft
Two policemen in civilian clothes have known themselves and have familiarized on a flight served by Sibir carrier, took off from Moscow this morning to Barnaul, in Siberia. The two, exchanging a few words,... more

MiscellaneousPalermo's Power of Attorney delays in the investigations about Capo Gallo air disaster
Bari, Italy - Davide Romano, lawyer of the some victims' relatives, blamed it
Davide Romano, lawyer of the relatives of some tragedy’s victims of the Tuninter flight on last August 6 (see for details AVIONEWS 1 and 2), blamed the technical investigations on the incident. It didn’t sti... more

MiscellaneousItalian Defence General Staff made known the names of the Nassiriya attempt's victims
Rome, Italy - The soldiers died after the explosion of a bomb this morning in the Iraqi city
Italian Defence General Staff made known the names of the Italian soldiers died this morning at Nassiriya because of the explosion of a bomb placed along a road of the Iraqi city (see for details AVIONEWS).... more

MiscellaneousEuropean association "La Fenice" for the victims of the air disaster established at Bari
Bari, Italy - It will supply a technical, judicial and psychological support
Yesterday in Bari it was established the European Association "La Fenice" to safeguard the victims of the air disaster and of the transport in general. Puglia’s capital was chosen because of this city w... more

MiscellaneousBomb at nassiriya: three Italian soldiers and a Romanian one death
Nassiriya, Iraq - An other soldier of our contingent is seriously injured
This morning at 8:50 am Iraqi hours, 6:50 Italian one, a bomb exploded along a street in the south-west part of nassiriya (Iraq), provoking the death of a Romanian soldiers and of three Italian ones, while... more

MiscellaneousTop model May Andersen expelled from USA
Miami, USA - She top hit an hostess of the aircraft on which she was travelling
USA expelled May Andersen, the 23 year old Danish model arrested in Miami with the charge to have hit an hostess of the aircraft on which she was travelling from Amsterdam to the city of Florida. After... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11 trial: the jury is deciding about Moussaoui's destiny
Alexandria, USA - The respondent's mother will be present in the chamber during the sentence's reading
The popular jury which will have to decide about the destiny of Zacarias Moussaoui, the French citizen with Moroccan origin who is the sole respondent for September 11 attempt, clubbed yesterday (see for... more

MiscellaneousIraq: four American military men killed South of Falluja
Falluja, Iraq - Two more soldiers injured trying to drive out three armed guerrillas
The news was reported yesterday by "Nina", Iraqui press agency, according to which four US military men were killed Monday during the night in Amiriah, South of Falluja (40 km West of Baghdad). This is... more

MiscellaneousDahab attempt: Switzerland sent an helicopter. Egypt closed the Israeli borderline. The three injured Italians landed in Rome
Dahab, Egypt - Already three weeks ago Israeli authorities was afraid by the possibility of a terroristic attempt in Sinai's peninsula
12 Egyptian citizens and 6 foreign people killed (among whom a 5 years old German child, a Swiss man, a Lebanese man and a Russian one): this is the result of the triple attempt happened last Monday at... more

MiscellaneousAntonov plane crash in the southern of Russia
Moscow, Russia - Four persons die
Emergency Situation Ministry of Russia announced that on April 23rd at 9.00 pm, local time, at least four persons have died on board of An-2, precipitated in Stavropol in the southern region of Russia,... more

MiscellaneousRepeated violations of Japanese air space by Chinese aircraft
Tokyo, Japan - Japanese Self-Defence Agency made known it
Japanese Self-Defence Agency made known the annual statement about air interception. The figures in the document are the umpteenth confirmation of the tension state existing between the Rising Sun Empire... more

MiscellaneousCritical week at the trial for September 11's attempts
Alexandria, USA - Moussaoui responsible for the death of 3000 people
Today started the critical week of September 11 trial, in which there is a sole respondent the French citizen with Moroccan origin Zacarias Moussaoui (see for details AVIONEWS). The defence office asked... more

MiscellaneousUnited Airlines: a passenger announces a bomb on board
Denver, USA - The flight landed in Denver but it was a false alarm
José Manuel Pelayo-Ortega is appearing today in court because he caused emergency landing of a United Airlines’ Airbus A-320 in Denver, Colorado. The flight left Friday evening from Chicago, Illinois, an... more

MiscellaneousFour Canadian soldiers died in Afghanistan
Ottawa, Canada - Bomb explosion against the tank
Last Saturday, three Canadian soldiers were killed, while the fourth died at the Kandahar hospital, after a bomb blow-off while the four soldiers were travelling on board of a tank towards the city of... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11 trial: the defence office ended its address by counsel
Alexandria, USA - The prosecutor has to demonstrate that Moussaoui is not mad
Yesterday at the September 11 trial, in which there is a sole respondent the French citizen with Moroccan Origin Zacarias Moussaoui, the defence office ended its address by counsel (see for details AVIONEWS... more

MiscellaneousEx-Yugoslavian retired pilot under arrest
Belgrad, Serbia - The charge is complicity with Ratko Mladic's ex-officials
The Serbian capital city newspaper Blick referred yesterday that ex-pilot of the old Yugoslavian aviation first, and of the Serbian then, Stanko Ristic, was arrested with one of his sons, Pedrag for helping... more

MiscellaneousBin Laden's close collaborator killed
London, UK - It was retailed by "Al-Hayat" newspaper
According to Arab newspaper published in London "Al-Hayat", one of the most close collaborator of Osama Bin Laden should be killed during an US air raid in Afghanistan. The man, Hassam Abdel Latif Abu... more

MiscellaneousHu Jintao meets George W. Bush
Washington, USA - Important political and economic themes have been talked about
In the field of his diplomatic visit in Unites States, yesterday Chinese President Hu Jintao met American President George W. Bush in order to talk about problems between the two Countries in political,... more

MiscellaneousIncreasing violence in disorders against the King of Nepal: internal flights suspended
Katmandu, Nepal - Three dead and 40 injured people in yesterday demonstrations
Nepal situation is getting worse and worse and the protest against King Gyanendra harder and harder. A coalition of seven parties, allied to Maoist rebels, asks for abdication of the king, who assumed... more

MiscellaneousAfghanistan: two Canadian miliary men were injured
Kandahar, Afghanistan - The two have been carried to Kandahar military hospital by helicopter
Their conditions are considered good -a spokesman of Canadian Army placed in Afghanistan said- and the two military men were carried to Kandahar’s coalition forces hospital by helicopter, only for precaution r... more

MiscellaneousProblems for President Bush's helicopter
Washington, USA - Rotorcraft's radio breakdown
The president of the United States was obliged yesterday to go by car to the Air Base of Andrews to board on the Air Force One which had to carry him in Alabama. Bush got out on White House’s lawn and b... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11 trial: Moussaoui's defence called to witness victims' relatives
Alexandria, USA - The respondent has not to become a martyr
At the September 11 trial, which has a sole respondent the French citizen with Moroccan origin Zacarias Moussaoui (see for details AVIONEWS), defence is completing its final address by counsel. Yesterday... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11 trial: Moussaoui "Beautiful terrorist mind"
Alexandria USA - Respondent's excited declarations in the chamber
Zacarias Moussaoui continues to show a really desacrating irony during the hearings of September 11 trial in which he is the sole respondent. After to have re-arranged Bruce Springsteen’s "Born in the U... more

MiscellaneousChinese President promotes China-USA cooperation
Seattle, USA - In a speech held at Seattle Airport
The President of Chinese Popular Republic, Hu Jintao, just disembarked in American territory together with his wife and other government delegates for a four-day diplomatic visit (see AVIONEWS for details),... more

MiscellaneousChinese President Hu Jintao visits USA (2): a delicate diplomatic matter
Seattle, USA - The leader will visit also Saudi Arabia, Marocco, Nigeria and Kenya
The visit of Chinese President in USA is very delicate from a diplomatic point of view, considering the old distrust between the two Countries. It is no mystery that Washington is worried about the Chinese... more

MiscellaneousA "Crowned Head" conquered North Pole
Moscow, Russia - Pince Albert of Monaco's warning against the risks of the greenhouse effect
Prince Albert II of Monaco arrived yesterday to the North Pole. The Sovereign of the little State conquered the aim after a 150 km march, on sled dragged by Husky dogs, in company with his personal doctor,... more

MiscellaneousIsrael for the moment will not react to Tel Aviv attempt
Tel Aviv, Israel - Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced it
Israeli Government announced that for the moment it will not react in reprisal for the attempt which caused the death of nine people in Tel Aviv yesterday (see for details AVIONEWS). Designated Prime Minister... more

MiscellaneousChinese President Hu Jintao visits USA
Seattle, USA - First visit at Boeing plant. Meeting with Bush on Thursday
The four-day visit in United States of Chinese President, Hu Jintao, has started today, with his departure together with Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing, Commerce Minister Bo Xilai and Development Minister... more

MiscellaneousIsrael is studing the countermeasures after Tel Aviv attempt
Tel Aviv, Israel - Israeli Air Force's night incursion on Gaza
After the terrible attempt that yesterday upset Tel Aviv, causing the death of nine people, Israeli Government is thinking about the countermeasures it has to adopt. The designated Prime Minister Ehud... more

MiscellaneousStrikes in the transport sector
Rome, Italy - After the Easter holidays the protests will re-start
After the long truce for the elections and Easter holiday, which will end next April 20, in Italy the strike of the transport sector will begin again. It has been avoided the strike of the radar men of... more

MiscellaneousCapogallo air disaster: Tuninter and ENAC' delays in the delivery of all the documents concerning the incident
Bari, Italy - A due act to the people tragically died
"Associazione disastro aereo Capogallo 6 agosto 2005", the association which represent victims’ relatives of the air incident of the last Summer happened in the sea offing Palermo (see for details AVIONEWS), a... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11 trial: is Moussaoui mad?
Alexandria, Virginia - The defence's strategy to save the man's life
Probably today the jurors of September 11 trial, which has a sole respondent the French citizen with Moroccan origin Zacarias Moussaoui (see for details AVIONEWS), should have to club in the jury room.... more

MiscellaneousMexico: another arrest for the cocaine maxi-load
Mexico City, Mexico - 5.2 tons of cocaine seized
Fourth arrest after the maxi-drug bust by Mexican Army who seized 5.2 tons of cocaine last week on board of a DC-9 coming from Venezuela and landed at Ciudad del Carmen, South-Eastern Mexico (see AVIONEWS... more

MiscellaneousThe responsible of the attacks against US goals in Kenya and Tanzania killed in Pakistan
Islamabad, Pakistan - It was announced by Pakistani Minister of Information
Pakistani Minister of Information, Sheikh Rashid Ahmed, announced yesterday the killing of Muhsin Matwalli Atwan, the Egyptian citizen responsible of the attacks in Kenya and Tanzania against US Embassies.... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11 trial. Moussaoui's declarations
Alexandria, USA - No remorse for the 3000 victims
Zacarias Moussaoui, the French citizen with Moroccan origin who is the sole respondent for September 11 attempts, was called yesterday to witness in the chamber of the Courthouse of Alexandria, Virginia,... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli Army occupied again Jenin
Tel Aviv, Israel - Violent battle in the city
According with Palestinian security sources last night Israeli Army should have occupied again the city of Jenin, in the north of West Bank, and its refugees camp. Violent battles exploded between Tel... more

MiscellaneousThe presumed attacker of the Amsterdam-Madrid flight released
Amsterdam, Netherlands - It was an equivocal
Dutch prosecution authorities released the Spanish citizen that last week seemed wanted to to set off the Iberia’s aircraft Amsterdam-Madrid on which he was. The alarm was raised by a woman who misunderstood s... more

MiscellaneousRevolt in Ciad. French fighters bombed the cities of the country
N'Djamena, Ciad - There are dead people among civil population
Yesterday terrible fights exploded in Ciad between the armed forces true to President Idriss Deby Itno and the rebels of the FUC, United Front for the Fight. Several cities in the north-eastern part of... more

MiscellaneousTony Blair on holiday with the Queen's planes
London, United Kingdom - According to the "Times" the Premier spent taxpayers' EUR 187,000
On the strenght of the law on Public Administration transparency, British press obtained some numbers spent by Prime Minister Tony Blair and his family for their holidays. Documents show that the Premier... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11 trial: United 93 flight's registrations listened in the chamber
Alexandria, USA - The prosecutor asked again the death penalty
Probably yesterday took place the most chilling hearing of the September 11 trial, which has a sole respondent the French citizen with Moroccan origin Zacarias Moussaoui (see for details AVIONEWS). United... more

MiscellaneousNobody touched Ground Zero cross
New York, USA - Protests against the temporary transfer of September 11 symbol
Sensation was provoked in USA by the decision of New York Port Authority, the agency which manages World Trade Center’s area, to remove the cross which overtop Ground Zero, formed by two steel crossties w... more

MiscellaneousJapanese protests against US military presence in the country
Tokyo, Japan - Disputes at Okinawa
Despite the fear for the raising economic and military Chinese power, and the frequent conjoined drill with USA, Japanese citizen don’t want to still host US base in their country (see for details AVIONEWS 1... more

MiscellaneousA woman arrested at Bari Airport for cocaine traffic
Bari, Italy - She carried more than a kilo of hidden drug
This morning a 29-year old Nigerian woman was arrested at Bari Airport as she hidded more than one kilo of cocaine in ovules in her bra and tights, for EUR 600 thousand total worth. The woman, who results... more