921 news found

UAS-DronesUAV helicopters. Camcopter S-100 UAS: a strong impact in the civil market
Vienna, Austria - Many its tasks
Schiebel, S-100 Camcopter helicopter manufacturer, understands that the unique capabilities of this UAS (Unmanned Aerial System at remote control) provide a wide range of civil applications, in a variety... more

UAS-DronesSpy UAV aircraft Phantom Eye HALE of Boeing is ready for the first flight scheduled for this summer
Seattle, USA - Following the completion of ground vibration tests
On Thursday Boeing unveiled that its unmanned airborne system Phantom Eye HALE, High Altitude Long Endurance, is ready for its first flight, scheduled for this summer. The UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,... more

UAS-DronesPakistan: CIA drones kill 16 Talibans
Islamabad, Pakistan - Three attacks yesterday
Continuing CIA's attacks by the employment of UAVs (Unmanned remote-controlled aerial vehicles, also called drones) in Pakistan: yesterday in fact the US spy agency has hit three times the tribal territories... more

UAS-DronesYemen: Cia could use drones to hit Al Qaeda militants
Sana'a , Yemen - It prepares the biggest anti-terrorist operation in Country
The US Central Intelligence Agency (Cia), foreign spy agency, is preparing a secret operation that involves the use of drones (UAV, remote-controlled unmanned aerial vehicles) to hit the militants of Al... more

UAS-DronesItaly, Milan's ATM proposes a UAV to monitor the 'Green line'
Milan, Italy - And preserve the subway from thefts of copper
ATM, Azienda Trasporti Milanesi (Milan's transportation company), is considering the possibility to use a UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, to monitor the open area of the green line of Milan's subway. It... more

UAS-DronesAeroVironment, 8.4 million dollar contract from US army
Monrovia, USA - For Suas Raven and initial spare packages
AeroVironment unveiled it has received a nearly 8.4 million dollar contract from US Army, providing for the supply of Raven digital systems and initial spare packages. Every Raven system, explains the... more

UAS-DronesIsraeli Aeronautics reveals the project work on on the UAS aircraft system
Jerusalem, Israel - It will be produced also new avionics equipment
Israeli manufacturer Aeronautics Defense Systems (ADS) is developing a jet-powered Unmanned Air System (UAS) aircraft at remote control with a maximum take-off weight of 5000kg (11.000lb). Aeronautics... more

UAS-DronesGeneral Atomics and CAE, partnership for Canada's bid for JUSTAS program
Montreal, Canada - The first will provide Predator Bs and control stations, the second integration systems and training consoles
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc., and Cae Inc. announced yesterday, 25 May 2011, their willingness to create a partnership to participate in the tender Canada for JUSTAS, Joint Unmanned Surveillance... more

UAS-DronesScavenger UAS could be the first system to use Selex sensor
Pratica di Mare, Italy - The system will be ready for deployment in 2012
The UK Ministry of Defence's requirement for an unmanned surveillance system (UAS), the Scavenger, could result in the first aircraft to carry the "Platform-agnostic integration system" sensor being developed... more

UAS-DronesUS Navy, RFP for small Unmanned Aerial System
Washington, USA - It will enter into service on an Arleigh A. Burke class destroyers
The US Navy issued a RFP, Request For Proposal, with deadline on July 6, 2011, for a small UAS, Unmanned Air System, and related maintenance and use in operating conditions, such to provide for one year... more

UAS-DronesThe plane UAV "Dominator 2" is ready to be put on the market (VIDEO)
Gerusalemme, Israel - It 's been developed taking into account the limitations imposed by MTCR
The unmanned aircraft (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - UAV) "Dominator 2" in the XP version is ready to be put on the market after that the manufacturer, the Israeli Aeronautics Defense Systems, has aligned... more

UAS-DronesSELEX Galileo acquires the Italian firm UTRI
Rome, Italy - Which operates in the field of mini-micro UAS
SELEX Galileo, a Finmeccanica company operating in the field of Unmanned Aerial Systems, UAS, announced the purchase of the Italian firm UTRI, Unmanned Technologies Research Institute, which has been operating,... more

UAS-DronesElbit and Embraer: joint-venture for development of UAVs
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - The agreement was signed on the occasion of "LAAD 2011"
On the occasion of "LAAD 2011", "Latin American Aerospace & Defense", the exhibition on Security and Defense taking place until tomorrow in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (see AVIONEWS), Brazilian subsidiary of... more

UAS-DronesFrench DGA orders to Cassidian further DRAC mini-UAVs for its Army
Paris, France - Deliveries will be between 2011 and early 2013
French General Directorate for armament (DGA) unveiled on Friday it has notified to the company Cassidian (EADS Group) an order for an unspecified number of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) DRAC (Drone de... more

UAS-DronesThe market of UAV aircraft is expanding
Amsterdam, Holland - In addition to military operations will be used for civil purposes
Recent military operations in the areas in revolt, confirmed the utility of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in which Market can be made forecasts of ??growth, as demonstrated by data showing that 5.8 million... more

UAS-DronesProposed seven day flight for RQ-4 Global Hawk UAV
Washington, USA - Of Northrop Grumman
"Flight Global" reports that Northrop Grumman would be pursuing the aim of performing a seven day nonstop flight by its R-Q4 Global Hawk UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, after the completion, in the second... more

UAS-DronesAzad Systems starts UAV production
Baku, Azerbaijan - Aerostar and Orbiter
As reported yesterday by "Flight Global" Azad Systems, a joint-venture formed by Azerbaijan's Ministry of Defence and the Israeli major manufacturer of Unmanned aircraft systems Aeronautics, have started... more

UAS-DronesUSAF launched 2nd prototype Orbital test vehicle of X-37B program
Washington, USA - Saturday from Cape Canaveral
USAF, United States Air Force, launched the second flight test of unmanned space vehicle X-37B. The lift-off of OTV-2, Orbital Test Vehicle, occurred at 5:46 pm EST on Saturday from Cape Canaveral,... more

UAS-DronesUSAF, 2nd flight test of Orbital Test Vehicle X-37B
Cape Canaveral, USA - Scheduled for March 4th
As reported by "Flight Global", USAF, US Air Force, has scheduled for March 4th, the second test flight of the unmanned spacecraft X-37B. This is a spaceplane that is able, once put in orbit, to make... more

UAS-DronesUS Navy satisfied with X-47B unmanned aircraft (VIDEO)
Washington, USA - Which made its maiden flight on February 4th
The US Navy is satisfied with the first flight of UCAS-D, Unmanned Combat Air System Demonstrator, X-47B of Northrop Grumman, which occurred on February 4, 2011, at the Edwards Air Force Base, California.... more

UAS-DronesNorthrop Grumman starts test flights of X-47B unmanned aircraft
Sacramento, USA - Tests will last three years
Started at 02:09 pm on Friday 4 February 2011, at Edwards Air Force Base, California, the first flight of the UCAV, Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle, X-47B of Northrop Grumman , for the US Navy. The demonstration,... more

UAS-DronesDebut of SHARK Unmanned Aircraft System (VIDEO)
Phoenix, USA - Produced by Brock Technologies
Brock Technologies Inc. has announced the debut, occurred yesterday, February 1st, 2011, of its newest UAS, Unmanned Aircraft System, SHARK. According to its manufacturer, SHARK is designed to fly silently... more

UAS-DronesSaab delivers nEUROn UCAV plane fuselage to Dassault Aviation
Linkoping, Sweden - The French industry is the Prime-contractor
Saab AB (Sweden) officially delivered the front and central fuselage sections of the nEUROn European UCAV technology demonstrator to the Prime contractor, Dassault Aviation (France). For both companies,... more

UAS-DronesBrazil signs order for Hermes 450 drone planes
Sao Paulo, Brazil - Still unknown the number of specimens required
Today AEL (Aeroelettronica), Brazilian subsidiary of the Israeli Elbit Systems, was awarded a contract with the Brazilian government for the provision of a still unknown number of UAV (Unmanned Aerial... more

UAS-DronesFirst hydrogen-powered flight by unmanned aircraft system Global Observer
Edwards, USA - Developed by AV and the US government
AeroVironment Inc, AV, a leading manufacturer of Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Efficient Electric Energy Technologies , announced that the UAS, Unmanned Aircraft System, Global Observer, has completed... more

UAS-DronesIran shoots down two Western reconnaissance drone airplanes
Tehran, Iran - It is unveiled for the first time by the Country
According to "FARS" news agency, Amir Ali Hajizadeh, a leader of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, announced that the Country has shot down two Western reconnaissance drone planes. It is not clear the... more

UAS-DronesAt least 18 people killed in two aerial attacks from a Us drone
Islamabad, Pakistan - In Pakistan
According to local media, a US drone could be responsible of the two air strikes which took place yesterday in Waziristan, a tribal area of Pakistan near the Afghanistan border where, according to USA,... more

UAS-DronesPakistan, two US aerial drone attacks
Islamabad, Pakistan - At least 21 victims among the militants
At least 21 men, believed to be militants of the fundamentalist movement Lshkar-e-Islam, died in the two strikes of a US aerial drone in the tribal area of Khyber, in the northern Pakistan, in the border... more

UAS-DronesChile interested in Israeli aerial drones
Santiago, Chile - Industries present the proposals aiming to meet the needs of Chilean government
The Israeli Aeronautics Defense Systems Ltd (more formally NETS, Integrated Avionics Systems, specialized in providing Defence systems), Elbit Systems and IAI (Israel Aerospace Industries) have already... more

UAS-DronesNew vertical unmanned system Fire-X
Fort Worth, USA - Tested successfully by Bell Helicopter and Northrop Grumman Corporation
Bell Helicopter and Northrop Grumman have successfully tested the unmanned aerial vertical system X-Fire. The first flight of the aircraft occurred in September, at the Xworx's Bell plant in Fort Worth,... more

UAS-DronesASDReports: international military and civil Uav aircraft survey
Amsterdam, The Netherlands - This 155 page independently produced report
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV, airplanes without pilot at remote control) technology has reached a level of maturity that has put these systems at the forefront of aerospace manufacturing and procurement... more

UAS-DronesDecember 2nd in Rome: focus on the dual use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Rome, Italy - In the context of "Italy Airspace Expo"
The last day of the "Italy Airspace Expo", the exhibition on airspace being held in these days (November 30-December 2) at the "Nuova fiera di Roma", Rome,(see AVIONEWS), the Center of aeronautical military... more

UAS-DronesHelicopter Uas Camcopter S-100 played a key-role for the security of G-20
Seoul, South Korea - The only UAS, Unmanned Air System, entrusted with such a duty
On the occasion of the 5th G-20, held in Seoul, South Korea, on 11 and 12 November, the UAS, Unmanned Air System, S-100 Camcopter of the Viennese company Schiebel has been called, sole among the means... more

UAS-DronesRaytheon doesn't stop: new "STM" arm for UAVs
Yuma, Arizona - Test made at "Yuma Proving Ground", Arizona
"Raytheon Company" goes on in its intention to arm the UAVs, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Recently, at "Yuma Proving Ground" in Arizona, on two "Cobra" produced by the company test of the new "Small Tactical... more

UAS-DronesAV’s Global Observer stratospheric Unmanned Aircraft System completes initial flight testing (Video)
Washington, Usa - Demonstration program proceeding toward hydrogen-fueled flight test phase
AeroVironment, Inc. (AV) yesterday announced that the first aircraft developed under the Global Observer™ Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) program has successfully completed initial flight t... more

UAS-DronesBritish Army is close to fielding its own UAV aircraft
Kabul, Afghanistan - The unit deployed in Afghanistan is in leasing
The British Army is to receive continued intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance services in Afghanistan using leased Hermes 450 unmanned air vehicles, while it moves closer to... more

UAS-DronesTaiwan releases its plans for indigenous UAV
Taipei, Taiwan - The goal is to build an "Home made" air vehicle for military purposes
Taiwan will not seek to acquire the Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk from the USA, but will instead develop its own indigenous unmanned air vehicle. "We have no plans to buy the Global Hawk right... more

UAS-DronesPredator airplane: 5,000 flight hours in Afghanistan
Herat, Afghanistan - In more than 600 missions from 2007 to now
In Herat, Afghanistan, on October 19, Predator aircraft of Italian air force exceeded the milestone of 5,000 flight hours in more than 600 missions conducted from 2007 to now in Afghanistan. The two planes... more

UAS-DronesRustom 1: Indian UAV airplane made a successful fly test (VIDEO)
Bangalore, India - It will be used by armed forces
Rustom 1, a medium-altitude and long-endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), developed by the Bangalore-based Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), was successfully test-flown here on Saturday.... more

UAS-DronesGlobal Observer Vs Phantom Eye: challenge of spy-drones aircraft on endurance
Washington (D.C.), USA - AeroViroment and Boeing's UAVs racing up to satellite heights
If an altitude of 60,000 feet and more than 20 hours of endurance are not sufficient, we must look at the next spy-drones aircraft, seeming to have every intention to steal the job (or at least space and... more

UAS-DronesEADS continues Barracuda drone aircraft testing
Goose Bay, Canada - UAV demonstrator completes 4 flights in Canada
EADS Defence & Security (DS) successfully tested the technology demonstrator "Barracuda" at Goose Bay Air Force Base, in Canada. In these trials, advanced technologies and new procedures were checked under... more

UAS-DronesSpy-aircraft RQ-4 arrives at Guam air base
Guam, USA - "Global Hawk" will operate on Pacific theater, in service of US and partners
RQ-4 Global Hawk intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) unmanned aircraft arrived to Andersen Air Force Base in Guam, during a ceremony at the base yesterday. The ceremony featured an RQ-4,... more

UAS-DronesRussia domestic UAV tests completed
Moscow, Russia - “Significant progress”, says special military commission
Russian domestically built unmanned aerial vehicles have completed a series of tests. At first sight, trials seem to show positive results, according to a Defense Ministry spokesman. Tests were carried... more

UAS-DronesUkraine to deliver engines for Russian Vega UAVs
Gelendkhik, Ukraine - By Motor Sich company
Russia's Vega and Ukraine's Motor Sich are discussing the possible delivery of Ukrainian-made engines for Russia's unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), Vega CEO, Vladimir Verba, said on Saturday. "We lagging... more

UAS-DronesRussian secret service satisfied with self-produced UAVs airplanes
Moscow, Russia - But still the Country aims at international partnership for unmanned aircraft
Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB, heir to infamous KGB) is satisfied with the domestically produced unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) it is using, according to Vladimir Verba, CEO of UAV manufacturer... more

UAS-DronesPatroller drone aircraft wins French Interior Ministry bidding
Paris, France - First contract for Sagem’s UAV, conducting operational trials on civil security
Sagem (Safran group) has been selected by the Civil Security Division of the French Ministry of the Interior to conduct operational trials with the Patroller surveillance drone system, after a bidding... more

UAS-DronesAuavt offers unmanned rotorcraft to global market (Video)
London, UK - A range of seven fully autonomous machines, covering payloads from 1.5kg to 350kg
British systems integrator, Advanced UAV Technology Ltd (“AUAVT”), announces the launch of commercial operations and one of the widest ranges of unmanned rotorcraft to the global aerospace market. AUAVT is... more

UAS-DronesEuro Hawk airplane for Germany made its first test flight
Edwards, Usa - It paves the way to six months of tests before the drone's delivery
The Euro Hawk unmanned aircraft system (UAS), built by Northrop Grumman Corporation and EADS Defence & Security, successfully completed its first flight last Tuesday. The high-flying aircraft took off... more

UAS-DronesTurkey employs Israeli made unmanned aircraft in Iraq
Ankara, Turkey - Media talk about even of sabotage, after the crisis between the two countries
The Turkish Army has begun using Israeli-made unmanned aircraft to monitor Kurdish rebel movements in neighboring Iraq, the Anatolia news agency reported June 21, quoting the army chief. "In the past... more

UAS-DronesGermany to decide EADS Talarion drone airplane Project Funding after budget OK
Berlin, Germany - Draft budget will be put to the cabinet July 7
The German government will make a decision about the funding for European Aeronautic Defence & Space Co. Talarion unmanned aerial vehicle project after its 2011 draft budget has been finalized, a defense... more