1,934 news found

MiscellaneousCapo Gallo air disaster: it was asked a meeting with ENAC General Director
Palermo, Italy - The request presented by Davide Romano, lawyer of some relatives of incident's victims
Davide Romano, lawyer of some relatives of the Tuninter Atr-72 incident’s victims (see for details AVIONEWS) of UIL transport (italian union), and of ANPAV (flight attendants’ association), presented to... more

MiscellaneousSix US soldiers killed yesterday in Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq - Two of them were on board of a shot-down helicopter
Yesterday six American military men died in Iraq, in addiction of the 2432 deaths since March 2003, when US Armed Forces got off Iraqi territory. Two soldiers were on board of a helicopter shot down in... more

MiscellaneousCIA flights: the first trial started
Alexandria, USA - Khaled el-Masri indicts CIA to have wrongfully seized him for 5 months
The first US trial against CIA secret flights, making "Extraordinary renditions" of suspicious terrorists world-wide, started last Friday at a federal Court in Alexandria, Virginia. The case is of Khaled... more

MiscellaneousThe nine Afghan hijackers of Stanstead airport will be not deported
London, UK - Critics by Prime Minister Tony Blair
The decision of a judge of the High Court of London, who blocked the transfer of the nine Afghan hijackers who in 2000 hijacked a plane at Londoners airport of Stanstead threatening to kill the 173 passengers... more

MiscellaneousIt is started the trial for the lake Constance air disaster
Constance, Germany - It was asked to the German Government a EUR 2.6 million compensation
Yesterday started in Germany at Constance the trial for the air incident happened in the night of July first 2002 which caused the death of 71 people. In that night of four years ago a Tupolev 154 of the... more

MiscellaneousUN's anxiety because of the violations of the Lebanese air space by Israeli fighters
Beirut, Lebanon - It was expressed by Kofi Annan's representative in Beirut
Also UN expressed its anxiety for the constant violation, by Israeli military aircraft, of the Lebanese air space. Geir Pedersen, representative of the UN General Secretary Kofi Annan in Beirut, said that... more

MiscellaneousUSAF General charged of power abuse
Washington, USA - He would have sent an e-mail to support a candidate for Congress
A US Air Force officer, General Jack J. Catton Jr., has been charged to have sent an e-mail to more than 200 fellow Air Force Academy graduates where he exhorted addressees to make campaign contributions... more

MiscellaneousTwo of the four Italian Alpine soldiers injured in Kabul got out from the Celio hospital
Rome, Italy - The conditions of the other Italian soldiers hit in the Afghan capital are getting better
Emanuele Rivano and Salvatore Giarracca, the two Italian Alpine Caporals injured in last May 5 attempt in Kabul, in which Captain Manuel Fiorito and warrant officer Luca Polsinelli died (see for details... more

MiscellaneousIcelandic First Lady blocked at Tel Aviv airport
Tel Aviv, Israel - Diplomatic incident because of the woman's British passport
Icelandic President’s wife, Dorit Moussaieff-Grimsson, was blocked for an hour and a half at Tel Aviv’s "Ben Gurion" Airport, Israel. The First Lady, on a private tour in the Country where she was bor... more

MiscellaneousNo risk of confusion between Galileo satellite navigation system and Galileo International Technology
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - A European court decided that
A Luxembourg court rejected the lawsuit sued by Galileo International Technology, airline reservation system company, against the European Commission on the right to use Galileo name in its satellite navigation... more

MiscellaneousProblems for White House security
Washington, Usa - The document of the presidential travel in Florida found in the garbage
Who knows what the President of the United States, George W. Bush, thought about his security services’ efficency when he knew the news that few hours before his departure to Florida the detailed plans o... more

MiscellaneousPresident Chavez on a State visit in Rome
Rome, Italy - He met Italian Parliament President and the Pope
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez arrived yesterday at 6 pm at Ciampino military airport, Rome, on a special flight from Caracas, in the field of a diplomatic tour in Europe. At 7 pm Chavez met the new... more

Miscellaneous10 kg of cocaine seized at Fiumicino airport
Rome, Italy - They had been hidden in taylor reels
An Uruguayan girl has been arrested at Rome-Fiumicino airport by the Financial Police and Anti-fraud Customs Service because she has been found carrying more then 10 kilos of cocaine. This time the hidding... more

MiscellaneousNapolitano is the new president of the Italian Republic
Rome, Italy - Applaud of al the Chamber of deputy
Today few minutes after 1:00 pm with 543 votes Giorgio Napolitano was elected President of the Italian Republic. As it was forecast the new head of the State obtained the votes of the center-left coalition,... more

MiscellaneousChirac accused to have obtained payoffs
Paris, France - It was retailed by "Canard Enchaine" magazine
The President of the French Republic, Jaques Chirac, was involved in Clearstream scandal, which concern the payment of payoff to several French politicians after the sale in 1991 of combat aircraft and... more

MiscellaneousThree clandestine Catholic radio networks closed
Dublin, Ireland - The broadcasts interfered with the frequencies of the intercontinental flights
Irish Aviation Authority and the ComReg, the Irish communication authority, closed three clandestine Catholic radio networks managed by the pastors of the counties of Kildare, Kilkenny and Meath. The broadcasts... more

Miscellaneous"Pilgrim day" in Rome: 20 thousand people by train and airplane
Rome, Italy - Saturday May 13 the event organized by "Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi"
The "Pilgrim day" will take place next Saturday in Rome in the anniversary of the first appearance of Madonna of Fatima and the assassination attempt to Pope John Paul II (May 13, 1981). More than 20,000... more

MiscellaneousCapo Gallo air disaster: meeting between the victim's families and the inquiring magistrates
Palermo, Italy - Confidence in the Public Prosecutors
Yesterday in Palermo a meeting took place between the association of the victims’ families of Capo Gallo air disaster, happened on last August 6 when an ATR-72 of the Tunisian carrier Tuninter flying f... more

MiscellaneousNew strike today in Greece
Athens, Greece - Olympic Airways flights stopped
After the April 4 agreement between Greek union (GSEE) and industrial association (SEV) for a EUR 658 minimum monthly wage, hundred of thousand people strike again today in Athens and main Country’s c... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11: Moussaoui's request for a new trial refused
Washington, USA - The terrorist wanted to retract his admission of guilt
Federal Judge Leonie Brinkema, who led the trial of Alexandria against Zacarias Moussaoui, the French citizen with Moroccan origin who is the sole condamned for September 11 attempts, rejected the respondant’s r... more

MiscellaneousTransported in Italy an Iraqi child seriously ill
Catania, Italy - The transfer was organized by the Italian soldiers in Iraq
Yesterday morning arrived to the military base of Sigonella, Sicily, with a C-130J of the Italian Air Force took of from the base of Tallil, Alì Hamid Mutlek, a 8 year old Iraqi child suffered of a serious... more

MiscellaneousCheney visits Eastern Europe
Dubrovnik, Croatia - Appeal for EU and NATO opening to new members
American vice-President Dick Cheney has just ended a trip in Eastern Europe which made him meet political leaders in Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Macedonia, Albania and finally Croatia. Cheney repeated the importance... more

MiscellaneousUS air attack against Talebans on the Pakistan borderline
Islamabad, Pakistan - 3 injured and 8 missing people
Yesterday a US military helicopter attacked South Wasiristan tribal area, on the borderline between Pakistan and Afghanistan, causing 3 injured and 8 missing people among miners living in Permel district,... more

MiscellaneousToday the funerals for Marshal Frassanito
Verona, Italy - Burial chamber set up in the morning
The burial chamber for Marshal Enrico Frassanito, who died Sunday after his displacement from Kuwait City (see AVIONEWS for details), has been set up today at Palazzo Barbieri, seat of Verona municipality,... more

MiscellaneousCheney criticizes Russian energy policy
Washington, USA - Referring to Russian economist Illarionov
US vice-President, Dick Cheney, praised the words of Andrei Illarionov, Russian economist and ex-adviser to Putin, who accused his Country’s government to erode civil and economic freedoms last week. R... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11: Moussaoui wants to retrac the admission of guilt
Washington, USA - Surprise move of the sole condamned for the terroristic attacks of 2001
Zacarias Moussaoui, the French citizen with Moroccan origin condamned last week by Alexandria, Virginia, Court to life sentence for September 11 attempts, decided to retract his admission of guilt (see... more

MiscellaneousToday the burial ceremony of the two Italian Alpine soldiers dead in Afghanistan
Rome, Italy - The condition of the other four Italian soldiers injured in Kabul attempt are good
Today in the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli, in Rome, the burial ceremony of the two Italian Alpine soldiers, dead last Friday in Kabul, Afghanistan, because of a Taliban guerrilla attack will took... more

MiscellaneousDiplomatic meetings of Lebanese leaders
Beirut, Lebanon - Travels to Syria, Egypt and United Kingdom
Bashar al Assad and Farouk al Sharaa, respectively the Syrian President and Vice-President, welcomed Sunday the President of Lebanese Parliament, Nabih Berri, in Damascus. In the meantime the leader of... more

MiscellaneousArrested and released in the week end 5 suspected attackers on an American Airlines' flight
New York, USA - They were four Angolan soldiers and an Israeli one
On last Saturday there were fear moment in US skies. After the woman who provoked an emergency landing because of the use of nail varnish remover (see for details AVIONEWS) the American authorities arrested... more

MiscellaneousAn Antonov AN-2 makes emergency landing in Turkey
Ankara, Turkey - Five passengers injured
Late Saturday a small Russian-made plane, an Antonov AN-2, left from the Republic of Moldova and made a stopover in the city of Izmir, Western Turkey, before taking off bound for Adana, South of the Country.... more

MiscellaneousMarshal Frassanito died
Verona, Italy - He had been injured in Nassiriya attack
Marshal Enrico Frassanito died yesterday at 5:35 pm in the resuscitation ward of borgo Trento (Verona) Hospital, after an irreversible septic shock. The number of Italian victims in Nassiriya attack on... more

MiscellaneousUS Chinook shot down in Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan - Ten soldiers died in the impact
It happened Friday in the Eastern Province Kunar, when a US CH-47 Chinook engaged in a combat against Taleban guerrillas was shot down by enemies. All the ten military men on board died, a spokesman of... more

MiscellaneousGB helicopter struck in Iraq
Bassora, Iraq - Four military men died
Saturday an helicopter crashed against a building without causing deaths or injured people on ground. Instead four military men died on board of the aircraft, a British helicopter fallen in Bassora -South... more

MiscellaneousUS Congress unblocked the funds for the construction of a monument for U-93 victims
Washington, USA - It was decided by Charles Taylor, president of the Budget Committee of the House of Representative
Good news for the victims’ families of the U-93, the aircraft which on September 11 had to crash against the Congress and that instead crashed in Pennsylvania’s landscape because of the rebellion of the... more

MiscellaneousMeeting between Benedict XVI and the president of the European Commission Barroso
Vatican City - Interview about the future prospectives of Europe
This morning José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, met His Sanctity Benedict XVI. In the interview several issues were faced, in particular the slowdown of the European integration... more

MiscellaneousAn American helicopter ex-pilot risks prison
Miami, USA - He is charged to have illegally carried granite on board of his vintage aircraft
Charles A. Riggs, a helicopter ex-pilot of US Armed Forces in Vietnam, crash-landed on board of his Second World War-era DC-3 on a residential Fort Lauderdale area, Florida, June 13, 2005, surprisingly... more

MiscellaneousEmergency landing at Olbia airport
Olbia, Italy - An English private airplane communicates hydraulic system trouble
Yesterday evening, shortly before 8 pm, the pilot of a private airplane with 5 people on board coming from England communicated hydraulic system trouble to the control tower of Olbia airport, asking for... more

MiscellaneousUS air raid kills 13 civil people in Iraq
Ramadi, Iraq - And two American military men die after an assassination attempt
"An air operation took place this morning in Ramadi", a spokesman of US Army said, partially confirming what Ramadi’s hospital sources and Police reported: at 11 am (local time) this morning USAF airplanes s... more

MiscellaneousCapo Gallo air disaster: The victims' relatives in Tunisia
Bari, Italy - A delegation of the families' association will be soon also in Palermo
A delegation of the association which clubs the families of the victims of the air incident happened on last August 6 to an ATR-72 of Tunisian carrier Tuninter flying from Bari to Djerba (see for details... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11 trial: Moussaoui condamned to life sentence
Alexandria, USA - The respondant will be not a martyr
Finally the trial against Zacarias Moussaoui, the French citizen with Moroccan origin who is the sole respondent for September 11 attacks (see for details AVIONEWS), ended at Alexandria, Virginia. The... more

MiscellaneousA member of the Thai Government condamned
Bangkok, Thailand - He harassed a female hostess during a flight to Dubai
A member of the Thai Government was condamned, by Bangkok Courthouse, to a 15-months suspended prison sentence and to the payment of EUR 300 because of groping a female hostess of Thai Airways International... more

MiscellaneousIt has started in France the trial for the January 1992 air incident
Colmar, France - Six people on the respondants' stand
The trial for the air incident that on January 20, 1992 caused the death of 87 people who were travelling on an Air Inter’s A-320 from Lyon to Strasbourg, started at Colmar, France. 96 people, among t... more

MiscellaneousAirbus never suggested to make travel the carriers' passengers standing
New York, USA - It was made known by the "New York Times"
Airbus denied categorically to have suggested to the airlines to adopt a plane configuration in which the passengers were obliged to fly standing (see for details AVIONEWS). The news was published by the... more

MiscellaneousUniversal Picture gave money to build a monument for the victims of U-93
Washington, USA - State funds for the project blocked
U-93 victims’ relatives association, the flight hijacked on September 11, 2001 to be crashed against Capitol Hill and instead crashed in the Pennsylvania’s countryside after the rebellion of the passengers, ann... more

MiscellaneousTwo emergency landings at Rome-Fiumicino Airport because of passenger's illness
Rome, Italy - They both happened in few minutes
Two airplanes made an emergency landing last Saturday at Rome-Fiumicino Airport, after a passenger on board had been taken ill. It all happened in few minutes: a KLM flight taken off from Amsterdam and... more

MiscellaneousA young man kills himself with parachute
London, United Kingdom - He cut ropes off after the launch
A London’s 27 year old man, David Crowcroft, took his life cutting off the strings of the parachutes which was carrying him to the ground during a launch, then crashing near the airfield North of Norfolk, G... more

MiscellaneousCapo Gallo air disaster: for Palermo's Power of Attorney there are hard responsabilities of the pilot and the co-pilot
Palermo, Italy - Command abandon crime presupposed
The investigations of the Palermo’s Power of Attorney, about the air disaster happened on last August 6 when a Tunisian air carrier Tuninter’s aircraft, which was travelling from Bari to Djerba, splashed dow... more

MiscellaneousSeptember 11 trial: jury in difficulties
Alexandria, USA - Incomprehensible questions in the questionnaire delivered by the Court to the jurors
It is on record that the juror’s work is not easy, but when also the Court creates difficulties it become almost impossible. It is happening at Alexandria in Virginia, USA, where from the last week the j... more

MiscellaneousFuneral of the three Italian soldiers killed in Nassiriya today
Rome, Italy - The ceremony at Santa Maria degli Angeli Church at 10:30 am
The funerals of the three victims of Nassiriya’s assassination attempt will start at 10:30 in Rome’s church Santa Maria degli Angeli, which is being already filled by people who want to salute Captain Nic... more

MiscellaneousThere is the risk of a civil war in Ceylon
Colombo, Ceylon - Nuncio's appeal to the international community
The Nuncio in Sri Lanka, Archbishop Mario Zenari, launched an appeal to the international community so that it didn’t abandon the country to itself after that, with the last tuesday attempt, it seems n... more