Government acts
1,424 news found
Government actsQuestion Time: rules for a proper presence of women in the armed forces
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Silvana Pisa (DS)
Italian Deputy Hon. Pisa asked Italian Minister of Defence for explaining if measures will be considered in order to favour a coherent and full participation by female personnel in the Italian arme... more
Government actsQuestion Time: Italian intelligence services' role about the existance of non-conventional weapons in Iraq
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Silvana Pisa (DS)
Italian Deputy Hon. Pisa asked Italian Premier for making clear about the role played by Italian intelligence services with reference to the supposed (and maybe false) provision of uranium from Niger to... more
Government actsQuestion Time: data on the provision of funds related to military research
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Roberta Pinotti (DS)
Italian Deputy Hon. Pinotti intended to understand, by asking Italian Defence Minister for deepening it, how funds destined to military research have been employed, for which kinds of programmes and with... more
Government actsQuestion Time: deployment of child-soldiers in Uganda
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Luana Zanella (Verdi)
Italian Deputy Hon. Zanella asked Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs for making clear about Italian Government’s attitude regarding the supposed deployment of child-soldiers in Uganda’s armed forces. more
Government actsQuestion Time: demonstrative tests on security limits at Venice Airport
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Luana Zanella (Verdi)
Italian Deputy Hon. Zanella asked Italian Minister of Interior which kind of steps are being implemented in order to prevent terroristic attacks at the Italian airports as a recent test at Venice air station... more
Government actsQuestion Time: supposed doubtful Italian Judge's action on Police activities against illegal immigration
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Filippo Ascierto (AN)
Italian Deputy Hon. Ascierto intended to understand Italian Minister of Interior intends to resort to proper measures against Judge Forleo who decided to stop Police activities against an Egyptian-native... more
Government actsQuestion Time: hardships for Alitalia Trieste-Milan flights by the ATR aircraft
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Ettore Rosato (Margherita)
Italian Deputy Hon. Rosato intended to understand if Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport can confirm that Alitalia intends to reinforce the activities on the Trieste-Milan routes with its... more
Government actsQuestion Time: supposed illegal search by US personnel and Carabinieri's role
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Mauro Bulgarelli (Verdi)
Italian Deputy Hon. Bulgarelli asked some Italian ministries for making clear if a supposed recent search performed by US security personnel on two young Italian persons in front of Carabinieri units can... more
Government actsQuestion Time: emergency plan in case of nuclear disaster
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Ettore Rosato (Margherita)
Italian Deputy Hon. Rosato intended to understand if Trieste can be included among the sites provided with a plan aimed to face prospective nuclear disasters when nuclear-powered submarines operate in... more
Government actsQuestion Time: percentage of answers by Italian Minister of Defence for Parliamentary Questions
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Aldo Perrotta (FI)
Italian Deputy Hon. Perrotta asked some Italian ministries for making clear which are time and personnel deployed for setting question time answers as Minister of Defence would have provided due information... more
Government actsQuestion Time: Alitalia flight cancelled due to technical reasons
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Giacomo Stucchi (Lega Nord)
Italian Deputy Hon. Stucchi intended to understand if Italian Government intends to resort to particular steps in order to avoid that technical problems denounced by Alitalia could affect the flights performed... more
Government actsQuestion Time: on a case of condemnation for a Palestinian immigrant accused to belong to an armed movement
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Elettra Deiana (Rifondazione Comunista)
Italian Deputy Hon. Deiana asked some Italian Ministers for making clear about the arrest and condemnation of a Palestinian immigrant accused to belong to an armed movement as such procedure would appear... more
Government actsQuestion Time: doubts on the accident of the Italian Forester Corps' S-64
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Sandro Delmastro Delle Vedove (AN)
Italian Deputy Hon. Delmastro Delle Vedove asked Italian Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forest Resources for making some aspects related to the Italian Forester Corps S-64 accident clearer. Problems... more
Government actsQuestion time on the role of Italian intelligence in Abu Omar's kidnapping
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Sandro Del Mastro Delle Vedove (AN)
Italian Hon. Delle Vedove asked Italian Minister of Interior for explaining if the statement released by CIA’s agent Robert Baer to the Italian daily paper "La Repubblica" were totally or partially t... more
Government actsQuestion Time: date of Italian contingent withdrawal from Iraq
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Sandro Delmastro Delle Vedove (AN)
Italian Deputy Hon. Delmastro Delle Vedove asked Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs for explaining if one can consider the previously announced Italian contingent withdrawal from Iraq in February 2006... more
Government actsQuestion time on MEP's visit at Lampedusa's reception centre
Rome, Italy - By senator Luigi Malabarba (Misto-Altre componenti del gruppo)
Italian senator Malabarba asked Italian Minister of Interior for making clear for which reasons the officers for Ministry of the Interior present at the visit of the MEP’s delegation at Lampedusa have n... more
Government actsQuestion Time: operational condition of Italian soldiers in Sudan
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Sandro Delmastro Delle Vedove (AN)
Italian Deputy Hon. Delmastro delle Vedove asked Italian Minister of Defence for making clear which is the real operational condition of Italian soldiers redeployed in Sudan as the Solidarietà Diritto... more
Government actsAlitalia: denationalization and alliances as essential measures for relaunch
Rome, Italy - Analysts in the related sector prove convinced of it and some would consider a partnership with Lufthansa as more likely to occur
Analysts in the air transport sector prove convinced about the fact that Alitalia can seriously think about its own relaunch only by denationalization and alliances, though it can be expected to happen... more
Government actsQuestion time on frequent cancellations of Ancona-Rome flights operated by Alitalia
Rome, Italy - By senator Marina Magistrelli (Margherita-Dl-L'Ulivo)
Italian senator mrs. Magistrelli asked Italian Minister of Transport for knowing how many air services from and to the airport of Ancona have been cancelled from the beginning of 2005. Italian Government... more
Government actsQuestion time on the transit of nuclear submarine in the port of Taranto
Rome, Italy - By senator Vittorio Giovanni Battafarano (Ds-L'Ulivo)
Italian senator Battafarano asked Italian Minister of Defence which it has been the latest nuclear submarine passed by the port of Taranto; Italian Government is also expected to answer if the plan for... more
Government actsQuestion Time: US raids effects in Afghanistan
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Laura Cima (Misto-Verdi-l'Unione)
Italian Deputy Hon. Cima asked Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs for making clear if Italian Government intends to invite the USA to avoid victims during attacks in Afghanistan, even in the area where... more
Government actsQuestion time: what will happen to the dependents when Nokia will sell off TETRA technology to EADS?
Rome, Italy - By senator Fiorello Cortiana (Verdi-L'Unione)
Italian senator Cortiana asked Italian Minister of Welfare for making clear the destiny of 12 workers of Nokia Corporation in sight of the selling of TETRA technology to the French multinational aerospace... more
Government actsQuestion Time: Italiatour SPA, former Alitalia group's company
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Riccardo Milana (Margherita)
Italian Deputy Hon. Milana intended to understand which steps Italian Government wants to perform in order to solve salaries problems related with employees belonging to a former Alitalia group’s company, I... more
Government actsInterpellation on forced and clandestine repatriation of the Egyptian Imam
Rome, Italy - By senator Francesco Cossiga (Per le autonomie)
Italian senator Cossiga asked Italian Prime Minister, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Italian Minister of Interior as well as Italian Minister of Defence for knowing if Italian State believes opportune... more
Government actsQuestion Time: former helicopter base transformed in non-EU immigrants temporary stay centre
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Pieralfonso Fratta Pasini (FI)
Italian Deputy Hon. Fratta Pasini asked Italian Minister of Interior for making clear which kind of measures Italian Government intends to resort to in order to avoid problems related to crime stemming... more
Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on grounding of "Flying Fortress" aircraft
Strasbourg, France - By Charles Tannock (PPE-DE)
"Written question E-1841/05 by Charles Tannock (PPE-DE) to the Commission Subject: Grounding of Flying Fortress aircraft There remains in service in the UK only one airworthy aircraft from the... more
Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on status of British military bases on the island of Cyprus
Strasbourg, France - By Tobias Pflüger
"Oral question H-0552/05 for Question Time at the part-session in July 2005 pursuant to Rule 109 of the Rules of Procedure by Tobias Pflüger to the Commission Subject: Status of British military... more
Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on Turkish military intervention and stability in the Middle East
Strasbourg, France - By Mogens Camre (UEN)
"Written question E-1672/05 by Mogens Camre (UEN) to the Commission Subject: Turkish military intervention and stability in the Middle East In my written question No. E-0841/05, I asked the Commission... more
Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on European cabin crew licence
Strasbourg, France - By Edite Estrela (PSE) and Emanuel Fernandes (PSE)
"Written question E-1776/05 by Edite Estrela (PSE) and Emanuel Fernandes (PSE) to the Commission Subject: European cabin crew licence 1) In view of the discussions on harmonising technical standards... more
Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on safe airlines
Strasbourg, France - By Eoin Ryan
"Oral question H-0509/05 for Question Time at the part-session in July 2005 pursuant to Rule 109 of the Rules of Procedure by Eoin Ryan to the Commission Subject: Safe airlines Does the Commission... more
Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on impairment of children's performance at school by aircraft noise, and scope for greatly increasing the distance between conurbations and airports
Strasbourg, France - By Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL)
"Written question E-2155/05 by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission Subject: Impairment of children’s performance at school by aircraft noise, and scope for greatly i... more
Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on vintage aircraft
Strasbourg, France - By Ashley Mote (NI)
"Written question E-2361/05 by Ashley Mote (NI) to the Commission Subject: Vintage aircraft What plans does the commission have to eliminate vintage aircraft from the effects of EU Regulation 785/2004... more
Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on effects on human health of cosmic radiation when flying
Strasbourg, France - By Michl Ebner (PPE-DE)
"Written question E-2237/05 by Michl Ebner (PPE-DE) to the Commission Subject: Effects on human health of cosmic radiation when flying It is widely known that exposure to radiation at normal cruising... more
Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on increased insurance requirements with respect to vintage aircraft arising from Regulation (EC) No 785/2004
Strasbourg, France - By Sir Robert Atkins (PPE-DE)
"Written question E-2010/05 by Sir Robert Atkins (PPE-DE) to the Commission Subject: Increased insurance requirements with respect to vintage aircraft arising from Regulation (EC) No 785/2004 What... more
Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on no-fly lists of US authorities/PNR
Strasbourg, France - By Alexander Alvaro and Sophia in 't Veld, on behalf of the ALDE Group
"Oral question with debate O-0075/05 pursuant to Rule 108 of the Rules of Procedure by Alexander Alvaro and Sophia in ’t Veld, on behalf of the ALDE Group to the Commission Subject: No-fly lists o... more
Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on rights of persons with reduced mobility as airline passengers
Strasbourg, France - By Proinsias De Rossa (PSE)
"Written question E-1716/05 by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission Subject: Rights of persons with reduced mobility as airline passengers The proposals adopted by the European Commission... more
Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on purchase by Poland of US aircraft
Strasbourg, France - By Christine De Veyrac (PPE-DE)
"Written question P-1747/05 by Christine De Veyrac (PPE-DE) to the Council Subject: Purchase by Poland of US aircraft Word has it - and this news has caused considerable uproar - that Poland is... more
Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on European Space Council
Strasbourg, France - By Gerard Batten (IND/DEM)
"Written question E-2229/05 by Gerard Batten (IND/DEM) to the Commission Subject: European Space Council Could the Commission please explain the precise legal base for the activities upon which... more
Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on Use of research findings concerning the construction of a hydrogen-powered aeroplane
Strasbourg, France - By Nikolaos Vakalis (PPE-DE)
"Written question E-1814/05 by Nikolaos Vakalis (PPE-DE) to the Commission Subject: Use of research findings concerning the construction of a hydrogen-powered aeroplane Further to my previous question... more
Government actsQuestion Time: supposed withdrawal strategy from Iraq by the US and British forces
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Sandro Delmastro Delle Vedove (AN)
Italian Deputy Hon. Delmastro Delle Vedove intended to understand if the current negotiating strategy carried on by the US and British governments in Iraq with Sunnah’s representatives is aimed to progressively l... more
Government actsQuestion Time: peacekeeping missions abroad performed by Italy and its aims within the UN
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Sandro Delmastro Delle Vedove (AN)
Italian Deputy Hon. Delmastro Delle Vedove asked Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs for making clear which goals Italy intends to achieve within a reformed Organization of United Nations with reference... more
Government actsQuestion Time: preservation of nuclear wastes in Italy and security against terrorism
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Gabriella Pistone (Misto-Comunisti Italiani)
Italian Deputy Hon. Pistone asked Italian Minister for Productive Activities for making clear where some nuclear wastes are going to be preserved in Italy and which warranties of security against terrorism... more
Government actsQuestion Time: start for the improvement of Florence Airport
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Riccardo Migliori (AN)
Italian Deputy Hon. Migliori intended to understand why Florence Airport operator (ADF) is delaying the start of works intended to improve the airport’s structures, also aiming to understand if similar c... more
Government actsQuestion time on welfare requirements for Italian returnees from Albania
Rome, Italy - By senator Giulio Camber (Forza Italia)
Italian senator Camber asked Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Italian Minister of Welfare, for knowing if they are planning initiatives against Albanian Government in order to reach a welfare convention... more
Government actsQuestion Time: cancer cases among Italian soldiers related to depleted uranium
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Sandro Delmastro Delle Vedove (AN)
Italian Deputy Hon. Delmastro Delle Vedove asked Italian Minister of Defence for explaining how many cancer cases among Italian soldiers have been accounted with reference to possible bad effects generated... more
Government actsInterpellation: on kidnapping of an Egyptian Imam by CIA in Milan
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Pier Paolo Cento (Misto-Verdi-l'Unione) and other Deputies
Italian Deputy Hon. Cento asked Italian Premier for making clearer the kidnapping of an Egyptian Imam by CIA in Milan in 2003, as Gulfstream airplanes would be used to carry persons considered as linked... more
Government actsInterrogation: on disease related to amianthus presence at the military base on Venda Mountain
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Andrea Gibelli (Lega Nord)
Italian Deputy Hon. Gibelli intended to understand if a direct relation exists between the cancer cases detected among military personnel operating at the military base on the Venda Mountain and the presence... more
Government actsQuestion time: order of arrest for 13 CIA's agents kidnapping Abu Omar
Rome, Italy - By senator Mrs Tana De Zulueta (Verdi-L'Unione)
Italian senator Mrs De Zulueta asked Italian Premier and Ministers of Foreign Affairs, of Interior and Justice as well, for making clear if Italian Government did know that US intelligence agents were... more
Government actsInterpellation: what did know Chief of Aviano base about Imam Abu Omar staying?
Rome, Italy - By senator Antonio Falomi (Misto-Il Cantiere)
Italian senator Falomi asked Italian Council of Ministers for knowing if the Chief of Aviano military base was informed about the staying of Egyptian Imam Abu Omar. Italian Government is also expected... more
Government actsQuestion time: children employed as soldiers in Uganda
Rome, Italy - By senator Stefano Boco (Verdi-L'Unione)
Italian senator Boco asked Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs for knowing if it is intention of the Italian Government to suspend the financings to the Uganda’s Government; if one agrees to qualified t... more