Government acts
1,438 news found

Government actsQuestion time: hypothesis of disengagement of all the Armed Forces of the coalition in Iraq
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Sandro Del Mastro Delle Vedove (AN)
Italian Honourable Del Mastro Delle Vedove asked Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs for knowing if there are informations declarations released by General John Abizaid and General George Casey before... more

Government actsQuestion time: postponement of Alitalia-Air France relations deepening and FREMM programme
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Roberta Pinotti (Ds)
Italian Deputy Hon. Pinotti asked Italian Minister of Defence which kind of "Technical problem" is affecting the FREMM naval programme. She also put into evidence the delay in deepening matters concerning... more

Government actsUrgent interpellation: FREMM naval programme delays
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Banti Egidio (Margherita)
Italian Deputy Hon. Banti intended to understand how Italian Government can solve the financial problems affecting the FREMM naval programme. more

Government actsQuestion time: ATR-72 spareparts origin
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Ignazio La Russa (AN)
Italian Deputy Hon. La Russa asked Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport for explaining if he knows about the fact that one of the two black boxes of the ATR-72 Tuninter fallen headlong last... more

Government actsQuestion time: supposed maltreatment of illegal immigrants by Italian security authorities
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Graziella Mascia (Rifondazione Comunista)
Italian Deputy Hon. Mascia intended to understand if Government knows that many illegal immigrant would seem to be maltreated in dedicated hosting centres by Italian security authorities. more

Government actsInterpellation: Chiapparo Naval Base at nuclear risk
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Elettra Deiana (Rifondazione Comunista)
Italian Deputy Hon. Deiana asked Italian Minister of Defence for making clear aspects concerning the possibility that nuclear submarines can stop at Chiapparo Naval Base with consequent risks for local... more

Government actsQuestion time: ambulance struck by Italian rocket at Nassirya
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Deiana Elettra (Rc)
Italian Deputy Hon. Deiana Elettra asked Italian Minister of Defence and Italian Minister of foreign Affairs for making clear about the ambulance struck by a rocket belonging to the Italian contingent... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on decision of the College of Commissioners of 14 September 2005 concerning Olympic Airways
Strasbourg, France - By Panagiotis Beglitis (PSE) and Nikolaos Sifunakis (PSE)
"Written question E-3409/05 by Panagiotis Beglitis (PSE) and Nikolaos Sifunakis (PSE) to the Commission Subject: Decision of the College of Commissioners of 14 September 2005 concerning Olympic Airways In... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on public service compensation granted to air or maritime links to islands
Strasbourg, France - By Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE)
"Written question E-3553/05 by Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE) to the Commission Subject: public service compensation granted to air or maritime links to islands In its ’Decision on the application of A... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on air passenger rights
Strasbourg, France - By Linda McAvan
"Oral question H-0786/05 for Question Time at the part-session in October 2005 pursuant to Rule 109 of the Rules of Procedure by Linda McAvan to the Commission Subject: air passenger rights Is... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on tax on air tickets - legality
Strasbourg, France - By Christine De Veyrac (PPE-DE)
"Written question P-3327/05 by Christine De Veyrac (PPE-DE) to the Commission Subject: tax on air tickets - legality Strong reservations must be expressed about the proposal to tax air tickets... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on conclusion of an agreement between the European Community and the Republic of Azerbaijan on certain aspects of air services
Strasbourg, France - By Kyriacos Triantaphyllides
"Oral question H-0774/05 for Question Time at the part-session in October 2005 pursuant to Rule 109 of the Rules of Procedure by Kyriacos Triantaphyllides to the Council Subject: conclusion of an... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on the need for large aircraft to discharge surplus kerosene in the air if their schedules are disrupted and the impact on the environment and public health
Strasbourg, France - By Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL)
"Written question E-3109/05 by Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL) and Kartika Liotard (GUE/NGL) to the Commission Subject: the need for large aircraft to discharge surplus kerosene in the air if their schedules... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on air passenger compensation
Strasbourg, France - By Catherine Stihler
"Oral question H-0705/05 for Question Time at the part-session in September II 2005 pursuant to Rule 109 of the Rules of Procedure by Catherine Stihler to the Commission Subject: air passenger compensation Some... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on air safety
Strasbourg, France - By Vincenzo Lavarra
"Oral question H-0689/05 for Question Time at the part-session in September II 2005 pursuant to Rule 109 of the Rules of Procedure by Vincenzo Lavarra to the Commission Subject: air safety On... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on air safety
Strasbourg, France - By Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL)
"Written question P-3097/05 by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission Subject: air safety The tragic plane crash near Athens involving a Boeing belonging to the Cypriot airline Helios... more

Government actsQuestion time on program FREMM for the production of new multimission frigates
Rome, Italy - By senator Giovanni Lorenzo Forcieri (DS-L'Ulivo)
Italian senator Forcieri asked Italian Minister of Defence and Italian Minister of Economy for knowing which kind of "Technical problem" forced them to delay the sign of the deal on the production of the... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on air safety in the EU and implementation of Community regulations
Strasbourg, France - By Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM)
"Written question E-3105/05 by Georgios Karatzaferis (IND/DEM) to the Commission Subject: air safety in the EU and implementation of Community regulations The tragic air crash near Athens which... more

Government actsQuestion time: Italian military missions abroad and personnel's payment
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Aldo Perrotta (FI)
Italian Deputy Hon. Perrotta asked Italian Minister of Defence and Minister of Foreign Affairs for making clear which is the cost of military missions abroad and remuneration for competent personnel. more

Government actsQuestion time: "Alitalia violated protected brotherhoods rules"
Rome, Italy - By Senator Luigi Malabarba (Misto-Altre componenti del gruppo)
Italian senator Malabarba asked Italian Minister of Transport and Italian Minister of Labour for knowing which kind of steps they intends to resort to reinstate five disabled workers dismissed by Alitalia.... more

Government actsQuestion time on inhibition of SULT strikes
Rome, Italy - By Senator Luigi Malabarba (Misto-Altre componenti del gruppo)
Italian senator Malabarba asked Italian Minister of Transport for making clear if the Italian watchdog commitee has violated the constitutional strike right. Italian watchdog committee had in fact inhibited... more

Government actsQuestion time: "Alitalia cannot take disciplinary actions against workers gone on strike last September 6 and 7"
Rome, Italy - By Senator Luigi Malabarba (Misto-Altre componenti del gruppo)
Italian Senator Malabarba asked Italian Minister of Transport for knowing if he intends to resort to immediate steps to admonish Alitalia airline that took illegal disciplinary actions against workers... more

Government actsQuestion time: on the hypothesis of a replacement of Cimoli to lead Alitalia
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Francesco Paolo Lucchese (UDC)
Italian Deputy Hon. Lucchese asked Italian Minister of Economy for making clear if he thinks that a replacement of Cimoli to lead Alitalia is the right choice to reorganize and relaunch the carrier. more

Government actsQuestion time: on Alitalia's efficiency and competitiveness
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Maurizio Enzo Lupi (FI)
Italian Deputy Hon. Lupi asked Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport for making clear which is the concrete performance of Alitalia in terms of efficiency and competitiveness as passengers... more

Government actsQuestion time about the UN use of the former USAF base at San Vito dei Normanni
Rome, Italy - By senator Giuseppe Specchia (An)
Italian senator Specchia asked Italian Minister of Defence, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Italian Minister of Environment for knowing which kind of urgent steps they intend to resort to resolve... more

Government actsQuestion time: on the selection of the Avio/GE powerplant for the FREMM frigates
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Roberta Pinotti (DS)
Italian Deputy Hon. Pinotti asked Italian Minister of Defence for confirming Italian Government’s commitment to buy the Avio/GE engine solution for the future Italian-French FREMM frigates as it seems t... more

Government actsQuestion time: Boulogne carnage and supposed presence of Strela missiles in Italy
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Vincenzo Fragalà (AN)
Italian Deputy Hon. Fragalà asked various representatives from Italian Government for providing concrete details concerning the supposed presence of Strela missiles in Italy during the period including... more

Government actsQuestion time: radon gas on the site of the former USAF base at Brindisi?
Rome, Italy - By senator Rosa Stanisci (Ds-L'Ulivo)
Mrs Stanisci asked Italian Defence Minister for making clear the news concerning the presence of radon gas on the site of the former USAF base at Brindisi (Puglia Region). Italian Government is also expected... more

Government actsQuestion time about the enforcement of anti-terrorism abilities
Rome, Italy - By senator Francesco Cossiga (Per le Autonomie)
Italian senator Cossiga asked Italian Prime Minister and Italian Minister of Interior for knowing their opinion about the enforcement of anti-terrorism abilities resultant from the appointment of the Admiral... more

Government actsQuestion time: supposed discrimination due to ideological reasons against a civilian employed at Sigonella Base
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Elettra Deiana (Rifondazione Comunista)
Italian Deputy Hon. Deiana intended to understand Italian Government’s view about the supposed discrimination due to ideological reasons against a civilian employed at Sigonella Base. more

Government actsQuestion time: hypothesis of transforming Lecce-Galatina military airport in a civil one
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Lorenzo Ria (Margherita)
Italian Deputy Hon. Ria asked Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport for making clear if Lecce-Galatina military airport is included in the Italian Government’s list of ten new civil air stations i... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on use of passengers' mother tongue in international air travel
Strasbourg, France - By Sebastiano Musumeci (UEN)
"Written question P-3140/05 by Sebastiano Musumeci (UEN) to the Commission Subject: use of passengers’ mother tongue in international air travel On 6 August an ATR-42 operated by the Tuninter a... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on findings of Community audit of Athens International Airport project co-financed by the Cohesion Fund
Strasbourg, France - By Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL)
"Written question E-3278/05 by Dimitrios Papadimoulis (GUE/NGL) to the Commission Subject: findings of Community audit of Athens International Airport project co-financed by the Cohesion Fund The... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on second terminal at Dublin Airport complaint
Strasbourg, France - By Proinsias De Rossa (PSE)
"Written question E-3009/05 by Proinsias De Rossa (PSE) to the Commission Subject: second terminal at Dublin Airport complaint In March 2002, the Commission announced (IP/02/440) that it was rejecting... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on air transport safety
Strasbourg, France - By Marie-Noëlle Lienemann (PSE)
"Written question E-3194/05 by Marie-Noëlle Lienemann (PSE) to the Commission Subject: Air transport safety What measures does the Commission intend to take to step up inspections on airplanes... more

Government actsEuropean Parliament: question on suspending Turkey's membership of the European Joint Aviation Authorities
Strasbourg, France - By Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM)
"Written question E-3124/05 by Mario Borghezio (IND/DEM) to the Commission Subject: suspending Turkey’s membership of the European Joint Aviation Authorities Since 2001 Turkey has been a full m... more

Government actsQuestion time: carriers banned from US skies and operating in Italy
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Aldo Perrotta (FI)
Italian Deputy Hon. Perrotta asked Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport for making clear why some foreign carriers can fly in Italy while FAA banned them from operating in the US territory.... more

Government actsQuestion time: compensations for Sardinia's fishermen regarding shooting range military exercises
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Francesco Onnis (AN)
Italian Deputy Hon. Onnis asked Italian Minister of Defence for explaining which measures Italian Government intends to resort to aiming to properly compensate all the Sardinia’s fishermen affected by b... more

Government actsQuestion time: Russian nuclear submarines dismantling by Italian firm Sogin
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Aldo Perrotta (FI)
Italian Deputy Hon. Perrotta intended to understand how money devoted to Russian nuclear submarines dismantling has been employed by Italian firm Sogin. more

Government actsQuestion time: Italian effort against the soldier children tragedy
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Aldo Perrotta (FI)
Italian Deputy Hon. Perrotta asked Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs for making clear which kind of efforts Italy intends to perform in order to fight against the worldwide tragedy represented by the... more

Government actsQuestion time: supposed Airbus A-321 comfort shortages
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Luigi Olivieri (DS)
Italian Deputy Hon. Olivieri asked Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport for making clear why the Airbus A-321 is allowed to fly despite the supposed shortages in terms of comfort when considering... more

Government actsQuestion time: about Yex currency exchange office at Fiumicino Airport
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Francesco Paolo Lucchese (UDC)
Italian Deputy Hon. Lucchese asked various Italian ministers for making clear if checks on Fiumicino Airport’s Yex currency exchange office activities can be performed as it seems that exchange of money i... more

Government actsQuestion time: overbooking practice in Italy
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Antonino Lo Presti (AN)
Italian Deputy Hon. Lo Presti asked Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport for explaining if he intends to enforce measures to stop the air transport ticket overbooking practice because it damages... more

Government actsQuestion time: Italy's view about the project for a single ISAF-Enduring Freedom Command
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Silvana Pisa (DS)
Italian Deputy Hon. Pisa asked Italian Minister of Defence for making clear which is the Italian Government’s view about the possibility of a single ISAF-Enduring Freedom Command under US lead for Afghanistan. S... more

Government actsQuestion time: doubts on security of Italian armed forces munition depots
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Elettra Deiana (Rifondazione Comunista)
Italian Deputy Hon. Deiana intended to understand if Italian Govenment wants to resort to special measures to improve checks about security of Italian armed forces’ munition depots as Deputy would have f... more

Government actsQuestion time: strenghtening of safety measures concerning air transport
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Maria Celeste Nardini (Rifondazione Comunista)
Italian Deputy Hon. Nardini asked Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport for increasing safety measures in the air transport sector as recent accidents would indicate such a need. A general... more

Government actsQuestion time: need of higher competition for some Italian national routes
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Gregorio Dell'Anna (FI)
Italian Deputy Hon. Dell’Anna asked Italian Minister of Infrastructures and Transport for explaining which kind of steps he intends to perform in order to ensure higher competition for some Italian domestic r... more

Government actsQuestion time: interventions for the extension of US naval activities at Maddalena
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Elettra Deiana (Rifondazione Comunista)
Italian Deputy Hon. Deiana intends to understand if an extension of US naval activities at Maddalena (Sardinia) is possible as it should be first of all subjected to Italian Parliament’s go-ahead. See a... more

Government actsUrgent Interpellation: hypothesis of ISAF-Enduring Freedom joint command
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Elettra Deiana (Rifondazione Comunista)
Italian Deputy Hon. Deiana asked Italian Minister of Defence for making clear if Italian Government intends to support the hypothesis of an ISAF-Enduring Freedom joint command under US lead because such... more

Government actsQuestion time: hypothesis of extension of Maddalena Base
Rome, Italy - By Hon. Mauro Bulgarelli (Misto-Verdi)
Italian Deputy Hon. Bulgarelli asked Italian Minister of Defence for making clear about the hypothesis of extension of Sardinia’s Maddalena Base concerning nuclear submarines and the role played by Italian N... more