6,287 news found

Airports1 passenger out of 100 runs the risk of thrombosis on long- haul flights
London, Great Britain - It's revelead in a New Zeland study
According to a study carried out in New Zealand and published by the British weekly magazine The Lancet, out of 878 passengers in the 18-70 age group, who fly averagely 39 hours in 6 weeks, with a minimum... more

AirportsUsa: celebrations for the centenarian of the motor flight at Kitty Hawk
Washington, Usa - Repeated the first flight of the Wright brothers
Many celebrations are scheduled today in the United States for the first centenarian of the flight of the Wright brothers. Today at Kitty Hawk, the locality that was theatre of the enterprise, happened... more

AirportsEconomic class syndrome: researchers from Milan unveil more risk factors
Chicago, Usa - Among which Dna and contraceptive pill
Some researchers of the Milan’s university published on the American magazine Archives of Internal Medicines a study entitled "Risk of Venous Thromboembolism After Air Travel - Interaction With Thrombophilia a... more

AirportsIraq: repatriated the bodies of the Spanish secret agents
Madrid, Spain - On board of the Airbus A-310 there was also the only survivor to the attack
Repatriated yesterday the bodies of the seven agents of the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia slaughtered Saturday in an ambush near Suwaira, 30 km south of Baghdad, while they were returning from a mission.... more

AirportsNew York: an exhibition with the 11 September relics
New York, Usa - In the museum of the New York Historical Society
An exposition to live again the terroristic attack against the Twin Towers of the September 11th, nearly two years ago. It has opened recently in Manhattan, in the museum of the New York Historical Society,... more

AirportsMartino meets Sharon
Rome, Italy - The Israeli premier is visiting Rome
The Italian minister of the Defense Antonio Martino has met today the Israeli premier Sharon, arrived yesterday in Rome for an official visit that will last three days. The encounter has took place, with... more

AirportsSingapore Airlines to train staff for Olympics
Qingdao, China - The service standards will be improved
Singapore Airlines' Service Quality Center was hired by the municipality of the Chinese city Qingdao to teach its waiters, taxi drivers and hotel concierges how to host the crowds arriving for the 2008... more

AirportsDrunk British Airways pilots arrested
London, Great Britain - It happened before take-off
The BA flight departing from Oslo was cancelled because its pilot and two crew member were stopped by the police as supposably drunk. The passengers on the cancelled flight have been transferred on other... more

AirportsPentagon travels in first class
Washigton, Usa - USD 60m "wasted" in plane tickets
Gao declared that about USD 60m could have been saved in 2001-02 if Pentagon's employees had chosen not to travel in first or business class during their business trips. The institution mentions as examples... more

AirportsThree explosions injure soldiers in Baghdad
Washington, Usa - It seems they are Americans
Four coalition soldiers were injured by three explosions on Tuesday at about 07:45 local time, close to the headquarters of the provisional coalition authority in Baghdad. Lieutenant Colonel Jim Cassella,... more

AirportsCaptain of Canadian Forces helicopter pilot rewarded
Toronto, Canada - The award recognize his work in Information Management
Captain Rob Mulholland, a Canadian Forces helicopter pilot was rewarded yesterday by Library and Archives Canada and the Council of Federal Libraries with 2003 Agatha Bystram Award for Leadership in Information... more

AirportsExperimental surgery on board of an Airbus A-300 "zero g"
Paris, France - A medical equipe operated a laboratory animal in gravity absence
The Airbus A300 "zero g" is an aircraft that can create, flying under particular conditions, short intervals of gravity absence. A medical equipe from Bordeaux has taken advantage of its ability in order... more

AirportsDiplomatic mission in trouble at Mexico City's airport
Mexico City, Mexico - Only the Ministers weren't checked
A Turkish diplomatic mission was in trouble at Mexico City's airport after they attended an opening ceremony of an Ataturk monument placed on a boulevard in Mexico City. They were thoroughly checked by... more

AirportsThe Eskimos in Greenland want their territory back
Copenhagen, Denmark - The Denmark's Supreme Court must decide on the Thule Airbase
The Eskimos in Greenland want to ask The Denmark's Supreme Court to close down one of America's most important military bases. The USA want to use Thule air base as a site for the controversial Star Wars... more

AirportsIrish citizen arrested in Cairo airport for carrying a pistol
Cairo, Egypt - He says it is a souvenir
An Irish citizen was arrested at Cairo airport after the security officers allegedly found in his hand luggage a pistol and 17 bullets. The Irish citizen is of Egyptian origin and he is 61. He was arrested... more

AirportsArgentinian President victim of a corruption attempt
Buenos Aires, Argentina – Altered invoices for "Tango 1"
The Argentinian President, Nestor Kirchner, ordered an investigation on the expenditures of "Tango 1", aircraft used for his trips, after he realised that for the journey he made to Europe last July,... more

AirportsColombia's air force commander determined to shoot down drug flights
Bogota, Colombia - The measure to be taken under extreme circumstances
Colombia's new air force commander, General Edgar Lesmez, announced to The Associated Press his determination to stop by shooting suspect drug flights tracked down by the US and Colombian authorities with... more

AirportsGeomagnetic storm hit the Earth
Washington, Usa - This affected the airline communications
A powerful geomagnetic storm hit the Earth yesterday, breaking down some airline communications. The storm seems to be the most powerful to hit the Earth since 1989, said Nasa. Though the storm did affect... more

AirportsTwa Flight 800 wreckage will be used to train air safety investigators
Washington, Usa – The aircraft exploded seven years ago
The George Washington University in Ashburn will use the TWA Flight 800 wreckage in order to train air safety investigators. The TWA Flight 800 exploded over the Atlantic Ocean off Long Island several... more

AirportsSuicide bombers kill at least 35 people and injure more than 200
Baghdad, Iraq - They bombed the Red Cross and 3 police stations
A real slaughter was launched yesterday in Baghdad suicide bombers strucking 4 times: the Red Cross headquarters and three police stations. Almost 40 people were killed and more than 200 were injured.... more

AirportsAround the world in 80 hours
London, Great Britain - Global Flyer: world record aircraft
Richard Branson, the British magnate owner of Virgin brand, is the sponsor of the project that will see its name in the world record book: the trip around the world in 80 hours by plane, with just one... more

AirportsLoral's North American satellites to be bought by Intelsat
New York,Usa -The price, USD 1.1bn
On Wednesday, October 22 the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York will consider Loral's motion to approve the sale to Intelsat, after this company won the auction held on October... more

AirportsCoventry Airport: air ambulance had 35 emergencies in the first week
London, UK - The service needs donations to continue activity
In its first week of activity, the new air ambulance service based at Coventry Airport had no less than 35 emergencies. The Diana Princess of Wales Air Ambulance (AVIONEWS) had to respond to about five... more

AirportsScotland: green light for air traffic control centre
Prestwick, Scotland - It is a GBP 50m work
National Air Traffic Services (Nats) will resume work on the Prestwick air traffic control in Scotland after an almost two-year break. The interruption was the result of the industry downswing following... more

AirportsSelecting the right airline by a few clicks
San Diego, USA - All you have to do is access Miller-Williams' web site
Using the data in the Miller-Williams ValueReport(TM) of Airline Market Leaders 2003, air travellers are now able to choose the carrier that best fits them. By just entering the characteristics expected... more

AirportsFire at La Carlota military base
Caracas, Venezuela – 2 tankers burst, no one dies
They feared an attack during the night between Sunday and Monday at La Carlota military base in Venezuela, where President Hugo Chavez is often to be seen. Two tankers of 10.000 litre capacity each took... more

AirportsIn-flight insurance policies
Glasgow, Great Britain - Primary1 has an agreement with Ryanair
The Primary1 insurance company announced it has made an agreement with low-cost carrier Ryanair for passengers to buy insurance policies during flights on all of its routes. Primary1's decision was prompted... more

AirportsASI's Data3mail extremely successful
Seattle, USA - E-mail is now a priority for most carriers
At the World Airline Entertainment Association Conference held in Seattle, many airlines developed an interest in ASI Entertainment's email solution, "Data3mail". Thanks to this service, passengers have... more

AirportsPentagon has "sales"
Washington, Usa - Potential material for biological weapons "sold off" on the Internet
Protective flying suits, incubators, centrifugals and laboratory materials would be put up for sale by the Pentagon as excess materials. All these materials which could be used to create biological weapons... more

AirportsAvis Autonoleggio and Air Alps signs deal
Rome, Italy - The agreement involves Italy, Austria, Germany, Netherlands and Switzerland
It's an agreement at international level that one which involves countries as Italy, Austria, Germany, Netherlands and Switzerland, stipulated today by Avis Autonoleggio (an Italian car rental company)... more

AirportsUs presidential fleet found shelter at the Air Force bases because of Isabel's fury
Washington, Usa - For one day the president was on foot
The Isabel hurricane, tha in these hours is turning its fury towards the Canadian coasts, has forced the American presidential fleet to find shelter at the Air Force base of Wright-Patterson. Inside... more

AirportsIgnazio hurricane arrives, the first of the season in the Ocean Pacific region
La Paz, Mexico - All the airports have been closed
With a speed of its winds of 150/170 km/h, Ignazio is considered a Category 1 hurricane, and the first of the season on the Pacific coast. Its more catastrophic effects are attended in these hours in... more

AirportsSeptember 11th report: Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister has asked to meet Bush
Washington, Usa – Official will seek release material kept out of congressional report
Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister has asked to meet with President Bush on Tuesday, and a diplomatic source said the Saudi official will seek the release of all, or at least part, of the material dealing w... more

AirportsSeptember 11th: FBI informers has been in touch with Al Qaida terrorists
San Diego - Usa - two terrorist not considered dangerous after investigation
An FBI informers has been in touch with 2 or 3 of the 19 terrorists taking part in the attack against the american targets on september 11th . These info has found its way out of the report of more than... more

AirportsArrested because it was impossible to find a seat on board
Rimini, Italy - Expelled from Italy, a Russian immigrant didn't make it in time for his home-coming
On July 12 German Pisarenko, a Russian immigrant, was arrested in Riccione for receiving stolen bikes. He was immediately arrested and compelled to leave the country within five days, according to law... more

AirportsBooking on the ground the meal to be eaten in flight
Washington, Usa - It's the first web site in the world, excited the air companies
As it's known the aviation field tries to find new cues to relaunch, in the passengers, the pleasure of flying, stimulating the traveller to take part to a experience that begins from the moment of the... more

AirportsNotice to the subscribers
Rome, Italy
Because of a reduced current supply, not imputable to our knowledge, AVIONEWS cannot assure the service as usual. The press agency apologizes with the subscribers for the short number of the news published... more

Airports3 persons seized for stealing Mirage-2000 spare parts
New Delhi, India - Only a parachute has been recovered
After 2 years of inquiry the Indian police has succeeded to arrest 3 persons suspected to have stolen spare parts of the equipment employed on the French-built jets, Mirage-2000. The spokesman of the... more

AirportsTo fly to Uk to be cured the child survived to the crash of a Sudanese B-737
London, UK - The costs will be covered by the royal family of the United Arab Emirates
"If you were to see the state of the bodies, and the death of those people, you would know it was a miracle dictated by God that this child has come out alive" ha declared State Minister for Aviation,... more

AirportsFive Japanese jailed to have sold military industrial material to Iran
Tokyo, Japan – It’s a grinder to make solid fuels for missiles
They have been arrested on last Thursday by the Tokyo police, the President of Seishin Enterprise and four employers, charged to have carried out some dirty deals with the Iranian regimen. More precisely... more

AirportsAir France donates its oldest Concorde to an Us museum
Washington, Usa - It will exposed to celebrate the first human powered flight
It landed yesterday at at Dulles International Airport of Washington the oldest Concorde of the Air France fleet, which has been donated to Smithsonian Institution to be exposed just at the hub of the... more

AirportsNew Zealander is assembling a missile in his house
Auckland, New Zealand - It is able to cover 100 km in 15 m and to transport a 10 kg head
His target is to demonstrate that anyone is able to assemble a missile and Bruce Simpson, an 49 years electronic engineer who lives in a Auckland's country, seems destined to reach it. The New Zealander... more

AirportsCessna Seneca-3 stolen in Brasil, maybe it will be used for drug smuggling
San Paolo, Brasil - The criminals didn't have any problems
It has been stolen on last night in the flying club of Vitoria, city in the Brazilian region of Saint Espirito, a twin-engine plane Cessna Seneca-3, which belonged to a rich tycoon arrested two months... more

AirportsInstanbul: outbreak in the building that accommodates Turkish Airlines and Lufthansa
Instanbul, Turkey - It could have been caused by liquid gas cylinder
Instanbul's offices of the Turkish Airlines and Lufthansa have been damaged this night for a strongly outbreak in a restaurant of the Turkish town, that has caused 7 wounded, of which 4 most serious.... more

AirportsKyrgyzstan is running to disinfect aircraft and trains
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyzstan's Minister of the Health asks the closing of China borderline
Kyrgyzstan has begun a sanitary control to the border with China and the disinfection of trains and aircraft that travel from and for China. Ludmila Shteinke, Kyrgyzstan's Minister of the Health, has declared... more

Airports"Sars Emergency ": urgent debate next Tuesday in the European Parliament
Brussels, Belgium - Decision has been communicated by an Assembly's spokesman
Sars emergency in Europe will be the topic of the urgent debate planned next Tuesday in Strasbourg, seat of European Parliament. Decision has been taken by the conference of the Presidents and communicated... more

Airports"Sars Emergency": WHO has annulled the suggest to not visit Toronto
Geneva, Switzerland - It is in force the suggest to not go to Beijing, in the Shanxi, to Hong Kong and in the Chinese province of Guangdong
Suggest to not visit Toronto, in order to avoid the risk of Sars virus contagion, has been annulled yesterday by World Health Organization. Last April 23, WHO recommended people who had planned not essential... more

Airports"Sars Emergency": Who asks to postpone travels to Beijing, in the Shanxi and Toronto
Geneva, Switzerland - In China others nine victims
"We recommend people who have in program not essential travels in the Shanxi, to Beijing and Toronto to postpone the flight", has declared today the World Health Organization (Who), by David Heymann, Who's... more

AirportsAVIONEWS wishes Happy Easter to everybody
Rome, Italy - The press agency will re-open next Tuesday
AVIONEWS editorial staff wishes Happy Easter to its readers and subscribers. The press agency will open again on next Tuesday, April 22, 2003. (006) more

Airports"Sars Emergency": it has been discovered the virus, it will be named Urbani
Atlanta, Usa - It is a coronavirus of animal origin
It will be named Urbani as the Italian doctor who has discovered the desease and died for it, the virus responsible of the atypical pneumonia. It has been discovered by two European and American equipe.... more