6,271 news found

AirportsAnnual Rally of European women-pilots recently occurred
Salisburg, Austria - From May 28 to 30
European women-pilots have gathered for their traditional annual rally this time in Salisburg, during the last week-end. Among the several attendees, one has to remember the one regarding eight Italian... more

AirportsAlarm in the area of London’s airport
London, UK - Exchange of shots at Heathrow
Alarm and fear for the security agents of Heathrow last Thursday. The BBC decided, without giving any notice to the agents, to film the scene of a movie nearby the airport; the disappoinment had been... more

AirportsD'Arrigo achieved the objective of flying over Everest
Rome, Italy - The flight lasted 4 hours and half gaining 9000 metres altitude
Angelo D'Arrigo, the hang-gliding multichampion, has achieved with his hang-glider to fly over Mount Everest. Departed from advanced base camp of Syangboche at nearly 4000 metres, and having been towed... more

AirportsVietnam: the last flight for the exserviceman Mechenbier
Washington, USA - The remains of the American soldiers come back home
The General Mechenbier will fly for the last time next week on board of a C-141, known as "Hanoi Taxi", to take back to Usa the remains of American soldiers recently found in Vietnam. The General was... more

AirportsThe flight bringing the Italian Red Cross mission with 14 ill Iraqi children
Rome, Italy - The children will be sorted out in different Italian hospitals
This evening will arrive in Rome, from da Baghdad, 14 ill Iraqi children to be cured in Italian hospital. The humanitarian operation has been organised by Italian Red Cross that in the Iraqi capital city... more

AirportsUSA President Bush bans most exports to Syria
Washington, USA - These sanctions will regard US overflying for Syrian aircraft
President Bush is tightening the US economic squeeze on Syria with a ban on all American exports to the Arab country except food and medicine. The sanctions regard Syrian air flight ban over US territories,... more

AirportsTwo S. Koreans charged with illegal supply export to China
Bridgeport, USA - They organised a supplies traffic using ghost companies
Kwonhwan Park and Sung-Ryul Chun, two Korean nationals, are accused, by Federal prosecutors in New Haven, of illegally shipped a pair of Sikorsky S-70 Black Hawk helicopter engines, using Malaysian and... more

AirportsFbi and British Intelligence didn't believe to the terrorist that predict 9/11
London, UK - Buck-passing between Fbi and British Intelligence
There is a confrontation between Fbi and British intelligence about former British waiter that was trained from al Qaeda for 9/11. In 2000 spring a 29 year old man, once arrived in the USA, went to the... more

AirportsAn Italian bought the Concorde nose for EUR 170,000
Rome, Italy - 6122 lots of the famous jet to auction
The auction for the sale of 6122 lots belonging to the Concorde, organized in the UK, last four days. Many bidders took part in the auction even via the internet. The typical cone-shaped nose of the famous... more

AirportsPolly, the female pilot flying around the world, arrived in Rome
Rome, Italy - Onboard a Piper, the 60-year-old English woman flies for charity
Polly Vacher, the 59-year-old English female pilot who has undertaken her second flight around the world, landed this morning in Rome. In 2001 the woman, a pilot since 1994, had already flown around the... more

AirportsConcorde left from London onboard a barge
London, UK - The aircraft, deprived of its wings and nose, will reach Edinburgh via sea
The G-boaa Concorde left yesterday from London onboard a purpose-made barge (worth about USD 14m), where it was placed, after being deprived of its wings and nose, in order to ship it via sea to Edinburgh,... more

AirportsPrince of Spain Felipe searched in Miami
Miami, USA - Spanish authorities irritated for the "unfair" treatment
He had only given six hour notice instead of the 72 required. In spite of that, Prince Felipe of Spain, with his girlfriend, Leitizia Ortiz, and four bodyguards, thought he would pass through checks without... more

AirportsLost baggage for the Afghan national team at Rome-Fiumicino
Rome, Italy - The players were also detained by authorities unsure about their visas
A long wait last Wednesday at Rome-Fiumicino for the players of the Afghan national football team, in Italy to play a match versus the Tuscany regional government team and another versus Verona. The footballers... more

AirportsAVIONEWS wishes everybody an Happy Easter
Rome, Italy - The press agency will open again next Tuesday
AVIONEWS' Director and its editorial staff wish everybody a Happy Easter. The press agency will reopen next Tuesday, April 13. more

AirportsLaunched College Italia, the national under 20 basketball team of the Italian Air Force
Rome, Italy - By joining the team, young athletes will be able to gain some precious experience
The Italian Air Force aids young basketball players, who often do not have the chance to gain experience, by establishing College Italia, based in Vigna di Valle, near Rome, which will invite the best... more

AirportsConcorde travel on barge delayed due to Thames tides
London, UK - The last British Airways Concorde to be transported to Edinburgh
The last British Air Concorde is about to be transported from London to Edinburgh onboard a huge purpose-built barge. The travel has been delayed to 12 April, though, due to high tides in the Thames. The... more

AirportsTwo 60-year-old female pilots fly from Chile to Switzerland via Africa
Geneva, Switzerland - The undertaking had never been achieved by any woman
Madeleine Dupont, 60, a civil pilot for 15 years and Maria Eliana Christen, 63, a pilot for 30 years, arrived in Geneva yesterday afternoon at 4.45pm onboard a single-engine plane after having flown over... more

AirportsLost baggage must be compensated for according to convention even though the contents are expensive
Milan, Italy - This was the decision of Milan's Civil Court
According to a decision pronounced by Milan's Civil Court, in case of lost air baggage, passengers will be compensated according to the limits established by the Warsaw convention even if the items it... more

Airports9/11: the Al Qaeda plans were known before attacks
Washington, USA - An Fbi former translator revealed it
The US government knew about Al Qaeda's plans before 11 September. Former Fbi translator, Sibel Edmonds, revealed it in an interview with British newspaper "The Indipendent". According to the ex-translator,... more

AirportsBrindisi to host United Nations humanitarian aid air service
Brindisi, Italia - It will operate towards the most needy areas in the world
A new airplane issued to Humanitarian Response Depot local unit operating on the behalf of United Nations' World Food Programme (WFP) will perform its tasks from Brindisi. A IL-76 will be employed by Brindisi... more

Airports68-year-old German man lands in US airbase by mistake
Bitburg, Germany - He risked to be shot down
A retired 68-year-old man took a big risk yesterday when, onboard a small tourism aircraft, he landed at the American military airbase in Spangdahlem, Germany, one of the largest in the Country. The amateur... more

AirportsStroke risk for long-range flights passengers
London, UK - The so-called economy class sindrome can lead to more serious malfunctions
It is known that spending many hours seated on uncomfortable airplane seats can cause the so-called economy class sindrome, also known as dtv or deep vein thrombosis. What most people did not suspect,... more

Airports4.4 pounds of drug in the stomach: saved and arrested by the "GdF" of Fiumicino
Rome, Italy - Finishes in this way his "business trip"
A distinguished Nigerian man has been today arrested by the "Guardia di Finanza" of the anti-drug Squad of Fiumicino, for possession of more than four pounds of heroin. The man, officially in business... more

AirportsA small UAV is being used by an American private company in order to face illegal immigration
Mexico City, Mexico - Harsh protest by Mexican population living nearby USA's bound
A small UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), with the size of a small airplane model replica, would be used by a US private company for monitoring illegal immigrants movements constantly trying to cross American... more

AirportsA new website for the Gripen International
Stockholm, Sweden - In the graphic, images and in an ease navigation
Gripen International is pleased to announce the launch of its new, re-designed, website The website, which features new design, graphic content and imagery driven by Gripen International's... more

AirportsAVIONEWS apologizes with its subscribers for the interruption of the news publication of yesterday afternoon
Rome, Italy - The causes, indipendent from its will
AVIONEWS apologizes with its subscribers and readers for the lacked news publication of yesterday afternoon, independent from its will. more

AirportsThe book 'Racconti in volo' published by Lake Garda airports
Trento, Italy - It already is a rarity because it is not on sale
Verona-Catullo and Brescia-D'Annunzio airports have published a rare collection of short stories written between 1999 and the end of 2003 for the magazine 'Catullo News', with the title 'Racconti in volo'... more

AirportsBlack-out stopped on Friday the AVIONEWS' activity
Rome, Italy - The agency apologizes with its subscribers
A black-out provoked from a violent downpour that it has interested the city of Rome, where there is the headquarters AVIONEWS, the press agency has not been able on Friday to diffuse, as usually, its... more

AirportsMexico: an airplane loaded with cocaine intercepted and blocked
Mexico City, Mexico - The King Air used a clandestine runway
A King Air from South America with a load of 1.3 tons of cocaine was intercepted yesterday by the Mexican air force while flying over Huimanguillo, in the state of Tabasco, and was forced to land. The... more

AirportsAmadeus company to sell on-line tickets even for Delta Airlines
Rome, Italy - It acts at present for 19 carriers
Amadeus company is going to provide e-ticketing services even for the American carrier Delta Airlines. It will be so possible to buy this American company's tickets through Amadeus' web site. It is important... more

AirportsMafia aims to Sigonella's contracts
Catania, Italy - Seven persons have been arrested by Catania's DIA
Anti-mafia investigative authority (DIA) of Catania has arrested seven persons as a consequence of an investigation on possible mafia-like infiltrations into contract procedures concerning Sigonella military... more

AirportsStolen three Cessna in Brazil, killed one of the owners
Corumbà, Brazil - The theft is increasing because of drug smugglers
Probably the three men who stole three single-engine Cessna planes, stored in a hangar in Corumbà airport in the Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, were drug smugglers. The theft, according to Cbn radio... more

AirportsAVIONEWS wishes everybody a Happy New Year
Rome, Italy - The press agency will open again next Friday, 2004 January 2
AVIONEWS' Director and its editorial staff wish everybody a Happy New Year. The press agency will reopen next Friday, 2004 January 2. more

AirportsAVIONEWS wishes everybody a Merry Christmas
Rome, Italy - The press agency will open again next Monday, December 29
AVIONEWS' Director and its editorial staff wish everybody a Merry Christmas. The press agency will reopen next Monday, 2003 December 29. more

Airports1 passenger out of 100 runs the risk of thrombosis on long- haul flights
London, Great Britain - It's revelead in a New Zeland study
According to a study carried out in New Zealand and published by the British weekly magazine The Lancet, out of 878 passengers in the 18-70 age group, who fly averagely 39 hours in 6 weeks, with a minimum... more

AirportsUsa: celebrations for the centenarian of the motor flight at Kitty Hawk
Washington, Usa - Repeated the first flight of the Wright brothers
Many celebrations are scheduled today in the United States for the first centenarian of the flight of the Wright brothers. Today at Kitty Hawk, the locality that was theatre of the enterprise, happened... more

AirportsEconomic class syndrome: researchers from Milan unveil more risk factors
Chicago, Usa - Among which Dna and contraceptive pill
Some researchers of the Milan’s university published on the American magazine Archives of Internal Medicines a study entitled "Risk of Venous Thromboembolism After Air Travel - Interaction With Thrombophilia a... more

AirportsIraq: repatriated the bodies of the Spanish secret agents
Madrid, Spain - On board of the Airbus A-310 there was also the only survivor to the attack
Repatriated yesterday the bodies of the seven agents of the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia slaughtered Saturday in an ambush near Suwaira, 30 km south of Baghdad, while they were returning from a mission.... more

AirportsNew York: an exhibition with the 11 September relics
New York, Usa - In the museum of the New York Historical Society
An exposition to live again the terroristic attack against the Twin Towers of the September 11th, nearly two years ago. It has opened recently in Manhattan, in the museum of the New York Historical Society,... more

AirportsMartino meets Sharon
Rome, Italy - The Israeli premier is visiting Rome
The Italian minister of the Defense Antonio Martino has met today the Israeli premier Sharon, arrived yesterday in Rome for an official visit that will last three days. The encounter has took place, with... more

AirportsSingapore Airlines to train staff for Olympics
Qingdao, China - The service standards will be improved
Singapore Airlines' Service Quality Center was hired by the municipality of the Chinese city Qingdao to teach its waiters, taxi drivers and hotel concierges how to host the crowds arriving for the 2008... more

AirportsDrunk British Airways pilots arrested
London, Great Britain - It happened before take-off
The BA flight departing from Oslo was cancelled because its pilot and two crew member were stopped by the police as supposably drunk. The passengers on the cancelled flight have been transferred on other... more

AirportsPentagon travels in first class
Washigton, Usa - USD 60m "wasted" in plane tickets
Gao declared that about USD 60m could have been saved in 2001-02 if Pentagon's employees had chosen not to travel in first or business class during their business trips. The institution mentions as examples... more

AirportsThree explosions injure soldiers in Baghdad
Washington, Usa - It seems they are Americans
Four coalition soldiers were injured by three explosions on Tuesday at about 07:45 local time, close to the headquarters of the provisional coalition authority in Baghdad. Lieutenant Colonel Jim Cassella,... more

AirportsCaptain of Canadian Forces helicopter pilot rewarded
Toronto, Canada - The award recognize his work in Information Management
Captain Rob Mulholland, a Canadian Forces helicopter pilot was rewarded yesterday by Library and Archives Canada and the Council of Federal Libraries with 2003 Agatha Bystram Award for Leadership in Information... more

AirportsExperimental surgery on board of an Airbus A-300 "zero g"
Paris, France - A medical equipe operated a laboratory animal in gravity absence
The Airbus A300 "zero g" is an aircraft that can create, flying under particular conditions, short intervals of gravity absence. A medical equipe from Bordeaux has taken advantage of its ability in order... more

AirportsDiplomatic mission in trouble at Mexico City's airport
Mexico City, Mexico - Only the Ministers weren't checked
A Turkish diplomatic mission was in trouble at Mexico City's airport after they attended an opening ceremony of an Ataturk monument placed on a boulevard in Mexico City. They were thoroughly checked by... more

AirportsThe Eskimos in Greenland want their territory back
Copenhagen, Denmark - The Denmark's Supreme Court must decide on the Thule Airbase
The Eskimos in Greenland want to ask The Denmark's Supreme Court to close down one of America's most important military bases. The USA want to use Thule air base as a site for the controversial Star Wars... more

AirportsIrish citizen arrested in Cairo airport for carrying a pistol
Cairo, Egypt - He says it is a souvenir
An Irish citizen was arrested at Cairo airport after the security officers allegedly found in his hand luggage a pistol and 17 bullets. The Irish citizen is of Egyptian origin and he is 61. He was arrested... more

AirportsArgentinian President victim of a corruption attempt
Buenos Aires, Argentina – Altered invoices for "Tango 1"
The Argentinian President, Nestor Kirchner, ordered an investigation on the expenditures of "Tango 1", aircraft used for his trips, after he realised that for the journey he made to Europe last July,... more