6,271 news found

AirportsMIlitary parade on the Champs-Elysées for Bastille Day
Paris, France -French and Brazilian acrobatic squad attended the manifestation
Under strict safety measures the traditional July 14 parade has been performed this morning on the Champs-Elysées: seven days after London’s facts, Paris did not have renounced to celebrate the storming of... more

AirportsTo be careful oxygen on long-haul flights
Belfast, Ireland - It can contribute to illness during travel
A study by Belfast University, recently released by journal "Anaesthesia", found that oxygen deficiency would cause health problems for air travellers. Belfast researchers examined the blood value of... more

AirportsGermany: cell phones aboard within 2005 even on Lufthansa flights
Berlin, Germany - Cell's radiations do not disturb onboard electronics
German Ministry of Transport could give the green light to use cell phones on plane within the end of the year. It seems the decision has been backed by German Aerospace Agency (DLR) which has recently... more

AirportsG5 nations gave green light to transfer clandestines by joint flights
Paris, France - The initiative will make the first move "In few days"
The meeting of Ministers of Interior from France, Germany, Great Britain, Spain and Italy opened yesterday at Evian (France) to discuss about security and fight against clandestine immigration. G5 Ministers... more

AirportsFear of flying? It’s CO2 fault
Rome, Italy - Italian Unit dealing with fit of panic has studied fear crises during their genesis
The new studies on the risks deriving from carbon dioxide excess aboard airplanes have been introduced last Tuesday in Rome by professor Rosario Sorrentino, neurologist for the Italian Unit dealing with... more

AirportsFear of flying (2): new remedies to arrive soon
Rome, Italy - Italian Transport Committee asks a survey on the air quality on board
After founding the cause, even the solution has been found: in the first place it will be necessary to monitor the level of change of the air in the airplanes, and then afraid passengers will be able also... more

AirportsAVIONEWS informs customers that the Agency will stay closed on 29 June on the occasion of Most Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, patrons of Rome
Rome, Italy - News release to regularly restart on June 30
AVIONEWS informs customers that the Agency will stay closed tomorrow on the occasion of Most Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, patrons of Rome. News release will be regularly resumed on Thursday, June 30.... more

AirportsA social support fund for personnel in the air transport
Rome, Italy - CDM asked ministers for arranging an interdepartmental decree
Italian Council of Ministers has gathered last Friday at Palazzo Chigi and entrusted Minister of Infrastructures and Transport, Minister of Welfare, Minister of Economy, with the arrangement of an interdepartmental... more free access to bases and airports
Rome, Italy - Detailed satellite images of structures and aircraft within a click by the new service offered by Google
The new Google Maps service offered by the most famous and used on-line search engine will prove quite impressive for those who decide to take a look to the satellite images related to airport areas. By... more

AirportsZeppelin NT: a dirigible at the service of security
Paris, France - The French Sofema's solution for territorial security against crime and environmental disasters
French company Sofema firmly believes in the dirigible’s capabilities to warrant territorial security by several operational implementations. This trust was even expressed during the Le Bourget Air S... more

AirportsAVIONEWS apologizes with customers for delay in releasing news
Rome, Italy - Delay caused by technical problems
News release is suffering for delay today due to technical problems. AVIONEWS apologizes with customers for hardship produced. Thank you more

AirportsA 10-year old clandestine fell from aircraft landing gear and died
Dunhuang, China - Child's identity will be not released
The "New China" press agency reported the fact: an only ten year old Chinese boy would have slipped on the landing gear of a China Eastern Airlines A-320, taking off at Dunhuang Airport, situated in a... more

AirportsThe 2005 Aerospace Journalist of the Year Awards
Parisi, France - The gala will be held during the Paris Air Show scheduled next June 12
The 2005 Aerospace Journalist of the Year Awards will be delivered next June 12, during the Paris Air Show. This prize was created in 1995 in order to grow the profile of aerospace journalism and stimulate... more

AirportsNetherlands: poppies dropped by chopper to celebrate the 60th anniversary of liberation
Amsterdam, Netherlands - The flowers failed on cemetery where are buried Canadian soldiers
Sixty years ago, it occurred the sacrifice of soldiers killed to free the country of tulips from Nazi troops: just flowers rendered homage to 1355 Canadian fallen in Holten’s fight to which the cemetery h... more

AirportsReviews: "Il Volo in Condizioni Favorevoli alla formazione di Ghiaccio"
Rome, Italy – A useful outline which can be added to the on board handbook to face the risks caused by the ice forming
"Il Volo in Condizioni Favorevoli alla formazione di Ghiaccio" (Flight with condition favourable to ice forming) IBN Editore, 2005, 231 pages, EUR 17.50 The text under analysis neither intend to replace... more

AirportsUSA say no cell-phone aboard because of disruption
Washington, USA - A survey unveiled that few people were concerned with safety consequences
American citizens are continuing to oppose the cell-phone use in one of the most crowded public place, the airplane: the Association of Flight Attendants, affiliated with the Communications Workers of... more

AirportsEurocontrol to engage air traffic controllers
Brussels, Belgium - It needs a certificate of secondary school and good command of English
Youngs between 18 and 25 years can take part to Eurocontrol (European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation) recruitment for its Maastricht control centre: the training lasts approximately 2 1/2... more

AirportsAVIONEWS wishes a Happy Easter to its subscribers
Rome, Italy - The press agency will open again next Tuesday
AVIONEWS’ management and the editorial office wish to its own readers a Happy Easter week-end. The release of the news will restart regularly next Tuesday, March 29. more

AirportsBusiness leads to Amadeus takeover pass EU control
Madrid, Spain - Wam Acquisition received the green light
European Commission cleared the business leads to Amadeus’ takeover, Spain-based global travel reservation. Wam Acquisition, born by the collaboration among the Amadeus’ three shareholders, Air France, Ibe... more

AirportsAMI organizes "40th edition of the Air Force world fencing tournament"
Grosseto, Italy - It would take place from April 2 until April 9, 2005
Italian Air Force organized the event related to "40th edition of the Air Force world fencing tournament" which would take place in the city of Grosseto from April, 2, until April, 9, 2005. The day before... more

AirportsShareholder carriers in Amadeus reach deal with Bc Partners and Cinven
Madrid, Spain - In order to form Wam Acquisition
Air France, one of the shareholders mixed with Iberia and Lufthansa of the Spanish reservation firm Amadeus, said the airlines had reached a deal with private equity funds Bc Partners and Cinven to form... more

AirportsAVIONEWS' services: change news letter size at your will
Rome, Italy - A service available for subscribers and free users
The AVIONEWS official web site ( or is now provided with a news text display mode which enables users (both subscribers and free users who intend to access the homepage... more

AirportsListen to music in-flight? Now you can
Las Vegas, USA - The AirTran Airways to be the first carrier to offer this service
The XM Satellite Radio has signed an agreement with AirTran Airways to provide its passengers for gaining the satellite radio programming managed by the company. The new service will be installed on more... more

AirportsItalian contingent in Kabul gives EUR 10.000
Kabul, Afghanistan - For beneficial purpose, the sum has been delivered at the religious group "Little sisters"
"It was effectuated yesterday a solidarity mission": this way the head of the Italian contingent in Afghanistan called it. He, behind the person representing the catholic church and behind the chaplain... more

AirportsCinven and Bc Partners ask EU's approval for the launch of a public offer for Amadeus
London, United Kingdom - The two private British firms have been in talks with Amadeus since time
Cinven and Bc Partners, two private British firms which since time have been in talks to buy out the Spanish company Amadeus, seem to have asked EU’s approval for a public bid aimed to buy out the company. A... more

AirportsAVIONEWS web site updated
Rome, Italy - New graphic look and new services in order to fully meet the users' needs
AVIONEWS has now a new graphic look and many additional services. First of all, it is possible to use the RSS, a simple, fast and automatic way to access the news, together with a notification system able... more

AirportsThe 118th flight of the Cuba-Venezuela health program
Havana, Cuba - Cuban doctors put at disposal of patient arriving at Havana their work experience
An air-bridge of 118 flights, 8,000 Venezuelans assisted, 3,100 operations including 147 transplants of corneas, kidneys, muscles, and bone marrow: these numbers of health program between Cuba nad Venezuela... more

AirportsItaly: Vulcanair P-68 Rain Maker for raining stimulation in Puglia Region
Bari, Italy - Technique used to provoke artificial showers in region which suffer from drought
It is the Italian "Rain Project" against drought and provides for artificial stimolation of precipitation using small aircraft which shoot in the air silver iodide condensing particles of overhead air... more

AirportsItaly: Vulcanair P-68 Rain Maker for raining stimulation in Puglia Region (2). AMI to collaborate too
Bari, Italy - Israel uses the same technique since 1961
The artificial stimolation was approved in Italy as essential technique to solve drought's problems in South-Italy by Galli law in 1996: but the rule has not been brought into force. The 3rd Air Region... more

AirportsTour operator Thomas Cook extends fuel surcharges
London, United Kingdom - Passengers will have to pay fuel surcharges even through summer period
Tour operator Thomas Cook decided to extend fuel surcharges through summer period in order to face up to high fuel costs: the announcement came today. Passengers will have to pay EUR 5,50 more in comparison... more

AirportsThe Southernmost world caves reached by helicopter
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Finding has been performed by Italian team
On January 12, speleological expedition Mitre 2005 carried out a mission to Tierra del Fuego (Argentina), finding the Southernmost world virgin caves. Expedition has been lasted for two weeks and was supported... more

AirportsTwo British private firms close to a deal to buy Amadeus
London, United Kingdom - Bc Partners and Cinven entered the final step of negotiation
Some sources close to one of the biggest European deal in cash of the last time disclosed that two British private firms are close to an EUR 4,3b deal to buy Amadeus, a Spanish firm which operate in the... more

AirportsAVIONEWS wishes a Happy New Year to everybody
Rome, Italy - The aeronautical press agency will open again in 2005
AVIONEWS wishes a Happy New Year to everybody. The aeronautical press agency will re-open, then, next Monday, January 3, 2005. more

AirportsAVIONEWS wishes a Merry Christmas to everybody
Rome, Italy - The press agency will open again regularly next Monday
AVIONEWS wishes a Merry Christmas to everybody. The aeronautical press agency will open again regularly next Monday, December 27. Here is a preview of AVIONEWS' logo. more

AirportsReviews: "Motori Aeronautici Vol. I, Motori a Carburazione (Motoelica)"
Rome, Italia - A general description of the aeronautical power-plant systems for the fix-winged aircraft with a reference in particular to helix propeller
"Motori Aeronautici Vol. I, Motori a Carburazione (Motoelica)" ("Aeronautical Engines Vol. I, Carburetion Engines (Helix Propeller)" M. Putzolu IBN Editore, 2004, 135 pages, EUR 12.90 The text under... more

AirportsThe merchandise-volume rises for Hactl
Hong Kong, China - According to the carrier results exports rose 8.3 per cent
Hactl (Hong Kong air cargo terminals), the Hong Kong's main cargo carrier, announced, last Wednesday, that merchandise volume in the first 11 months of the current year increased 13,2 per cent compared... more

AirportsReviews: "Elementi di Radionavigazione e Cenni sul volo Ifr"
Rome, Italy - The rudiments of air radio-navigation and instrumental flight with useful theoretical and practical advices
"Elementi di Radionavigazione e Cenni sul volo Ifr" ("Radio-navigation rudiments and an outline of the IFR flight") Pier Angelo Rosetti IBN Editore, 2004, 152 pages, EUR 13.50 The text carried out... more

AirportsLufthansa Technik would presumably return to record sell levels of 2001
Frankfurt, Germany - The company, a division of the German airline Lufthansa, operates in the oder of maintaining, repairing and overhauling aircraft
Lufthansa Technik, a company (a division of the German airline Lufthansa) which operates in the oder of maintaining, repairing and overhauling aircraft, declared it would presumably return to record sell... more

AirportsAmadeus is in talks with Air France
Barcelona, Spain - The negotiation concerns the fact to buy out a unit of the French flag carrier
Amadeus, the Spanish firm which operates in the order of booking flights, let know that it started talks with Air France about buying out a total control of a carrier jointly owned by Air France and Amadeus.... more

AirportsThree quintals of cocaine were discovered on board of a plane
Asuncion, Paraguay - The little aircraft was in Paraguay on boarders with Brazil
The Paraguayan Police, last Friday, discovered three quintals of cocaine on board of a little plane situated on boarders with Brazil. It is the major quantity of drug ever found in last 15 years in the... more

AirportsThe marshal-sculptor Moi, a pilot of helicopter of the Aviation Army is the author of the monument
Novara, Italy - It would take place in Novara (Italy) the celebration for the anniversary of the Nassirya's falls
The Novara authorities organized for the day of tomorrow the celebration in occasion of the first anniversary of Nassirya's falls: the value of it would be increased by the donation of the monument realized... more

AirportsFiumicino airport: Cri conducted in Italy six Iraqi children
Rome, Italy - It landed yesterday at the Romanian air station the special plane, a B-737 of the Skylink, which had on board the little patients and their parents
They are children between seven and fourteen years, including a 22 year old boy, the Iraqi who yesterday landed at Fiumicino airport, in order to be cured as they are suffering from many diseases. They... more

AirportsLast novelties from Usa about the enviromental pollution due to air sector
New York, Usa - It seems to be come to the end the five year talks between Usa's government and the local control officials about air pollution
Usa and local air pollution control officials seems to be come to the end of their five year talks aimed to develop a voluntary program concerning the reduction of pollution due to plane engines; though... more

AirportsAnniversary: 221 years ago human flight started
Paris, France - Thanks to Montgolfier brothers
At 1:54pm on November 21, 1783, at Muette Castle, in the Bois de Boulogne (France) started the first human flight by free hot-air balloon: for the first time a balloon with two persons on board - which... more

AirportsF1 staff: the best offerer would fly to Italy for a tour on the Santamonica's motor-racing track of Misano
Misano, Italy - This is the novelty of the directors of the biggest F1 moderne cars' staff
The owner of the Minardi's Team, Paul Stoddard, introduced a great novelty in the order of the staff of F1 moderne cars organized by the mentioned Team: the best offer would be awarded with the possibility... more

AirportsIt was inaugurated recently at Fiumicino the first hotel in Italy by Courtyard-Marrot
Fiumicino, Italy - It is destined to a clientele composed of business men and tourists who seek for a practical and high-quality accommodation with modest prizes
The new hotel structure, which has been recently inaugurated by Marriot Courtyard International, is the first in Italy by the largely famous firm "Courtyard", operating in tourism's sector, which has more... more

AirportsMany curiosities at the current exposition at the transport show at Lucerna
Lucerna, Switzerland - Piccard presents is exposition "The dream of flying"
Bertrand Piccard opened recently an exposition at the transport show at Lucerna: the main theme is "The dream of flying". Many initiatives will enable to take a closed look to everything which deals with... more

AirportsA chemical- bacteriological attack was simulated at Vicenza
Vicenza, Italy - It seems it was the first Italian experiment for civil defence made inside a military base
The simulation of the chemical-bacteriological attack, which took place yesterday, inside the Us' military base in Vicenza aimed to verify the American and Italian efficiency's help-squares. It seems it... more

AirportsIndiana State: 50 new jobs at the International Airport of the capital
Indianapolis, Usa - The company which would create new jobs was created of former United Airlines employees
A little company would bring to the International Airport of Indianapolis 50 new jobs in particular in the maintenance center: some local airport sources reported on Thursday. "Indianapolis Diversified... more

AirportsEuropean Constitution (6): security and fight against terrorism
Rome, Italy - A solidarity clause, intervention abroad and Police activities
The actions scheduled by the European constitutional text (always within the framework of the Part I prescriptions) and devoted to the deployment of armed forces abroad, forecast a European Union making... more