1,934 news found

MiscellaneousIt is necessary to analyze the fuel indicator of the ATR-72 of Tuninter
Bari, Italy - It was asked by "La Fenice" association
"La Fenice" association, which safeguard the vitims’ families and the survivors of the air disasters, asked that Palermo’s Power of Attorney analyzed the fuel indicator of the Tuninter’s ATR-72 splashed down... more

MiscellaneousVittorio Emanuele: money to pay the plane?
Rome, Italy - It should be emerged by some wiretap
A part of the presumed payoffs pocketed by prince Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy (see for details AVIONEWS), son of the last King of Italy, to ease the award of the no impedement to by the State Monopolies... more

MiscellaneousEx-dictator Charles Taylor went to Aja
Freetown, Sierra Leone - Where he will be processed for war crimes
Charles Taylor, ex-President of Sierra Leone, has been today carried on a UN helicopter to Freetown airport, where a plane headed to Holland was waiting for him. The ex-dictator will be processed in Aja... more

MiscellaneousUS air bombing in Iraq
Baquba, Iraq – 13 victims and 3 seriously injured people
Last night a US air raid killed 13 people and seriously injured three more in Baquba, Central Iraq, where al Zarkawi died two weeks ago. Direct witnesses report the news, bit American military command... more

MiscellaneousAustralia: first sentence for terroristic attempt
Sydney, Australia - An Australian man of Pakistan origin is the defendant
Faheem Khalid Lohdi, a 36-year-old Australian of Pakistan origin, is the first man to be judged guilty for planning a terroristic attack in Australia. He has been considered not guilty for downloading... more

MiscellaneousBosnian air space over 3000 m passes from EUFOR to Sarajevo
Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina - Negotiations with European Bank next week
From now on the management of Bosnian air space over 3000 meters (flight altitude 100) is given to Sarajevo authorities and no longer to EUFOR, EU multinational force, as it happened until now. The belt... more

MiscellaneousProdi on tour in Moscow
Moscow, Russia - He is meeting Italian enterprises representatives in Russia and the President Putin
Brief Moscow visit for the Italian Premier, Romano Prodi. In the early afternoon he is meeting representatives of Italian business community in Russia at Italy Embassy; among the enterprises, there are... more

MiscellaneousVittorio Emanuele asked books about history and aeronautic
Potenza, Italy - Very soon the judge's interviews will start
Aeronautical and history books. These are the reading started by Prince Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy, son of the last King of Italy, who is prisoner, from some days, of the Potenza’s jail, being accused o... more

MiscellaneousOn June 29 for the first time women will be able to vote in Kuwait
Kuwait City, Kuwait - Low-cost carrier Jazeera Airways offers free-tickets for the emigrated women that want to come back to vote
For the first time on next June 29 women will be able to vote in Kuwait. Among the 340 candidates for the 50 seats in Parliament 30 are women. Low-cost air carrier Jazeera Airways announced that the emigrated... more

MiscellaneousA 21-year-old student tried to hijack a South African Airways plane
Cape Town, South Africa - It happened Saturday morning on a plane headed to Johannesburg
The Zimbawe 21-year-old student, who Saturday morning tried to convince the captain of a South African Airways aircraft lifted off in Cape Town and headed to Johannesburg to change route and go to Maputo,... more

MiscellaneousA lot of strikes scheduled in the next weeks in the transport sector
Rome, Italy - Particularly involved the air sector
There will be a lot of problems next week for the transports in Italy. Since tomorrow in fact they will start a series of strikes that will cause discomforts as for the people who want to travel in train... more

Miscellaneous"Germany 2006": US team at Ramstein's air base
Ramstein, Germany - At least 15 thousand American supporters in the stadium
Maximum security retreat for US national soccer team, which spent the hours before the match against Italy last Saturday at the American air base in Ramstein, in the Renanian forest. According to European... more

Miscellaneous49 RAF airplanes for Queen Elisabeth
London, United Kingdom - They paraded in occasion of celebrations for her 80th birthday
The 80th birthday of Queen Elisabeth II of England was officially celebrated last Saturday, with the parade along the Mall in St. James’s Park, "Trooping the Colour" in Whitehall and the final greeting f... more

MiscellaneousIsraeli Military Aviation involved in a scandal
Tel Aviv, Israel - 30 soldiers accused to have had sexual affair with a 13 year old girl
An heavy scandal involved the Israeli Military Aviation. About 30 soldiers of a Neghev base were accused to have had sexual affair with a 13 year old girl. Also US soldiers, passing in the base, should... more

MiscellaneousYesterday the works to build a monument for the September 11 Pentagon victims started
Washington, USA - It took place a ceremony at the presence of Rumsfeld
US Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, gave the go-ahead in Washington to the construction works of the monument to remember the 184 victims of the attack against the Pentagon on September 11. On the lawn... more

MiscellaneousAir raid in Sri Lanka
Kilonochchi, Sri Lanka - The Air Force attacks Tamil headquarter
The day after a terroristic attempt against a civil bus by the rebel group called Tamil Tigers, where 64 people died, Sri Lanka aeronautic forces attacked the headquarter of the indipendentist militia... more

MiscellaneousD'Alema meets Rice
Washington, USA - They will talk about Italian contingent withdrawal from Iraq
Italian Foreign Minister, Massimo D’Alema, has flown to Washington this morning to meet US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, in the afternoon. The main theme of the meeting will be the decision of I... more

MiscellaneousProdi at European Council
Brussels, Belgium - He will meet Zapatero too
The diplomatic tour of Italian Premier, Romano Prodi, goes on with the participation at the European Council meeting second day in Brussels. Today the entry of Slovenia into Euro zone starting from January... more

MiscellaneousItalian Defense Minister in Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan - He will meet his Afghan counterpart and the ISAF Commander
Arturo Parisi, Italian Defense Minister, has arrived to Kabul this morning for a two-day visit to Italian military men in Afghanistan, who are engaged in ISAF (International Security Assistance Force)... more

MiscellaneousTurkey denied its involvment in CIA's flights
Ankara, Turkey - It was confirmed by Turkish Foreign Minister Gul to press agency "Anadolu"
Turkish Foreign Minister, Abadullah Gul, denied the involvment of his country in CIA’s flights. Last week European Consilium presented a report, written by Swiss deputy Dick Martin, in which Turkey, a... more

MiscellaneousItalian Transport Minister, Bianchi, will present within July a report about the Italian situation
Rome, Italy - The document will give also some solutions to the problem
Italian Minister of Transport, Alessandro Bianchi, participating yesterday to the III report about the sea’s economy of the Censis and of Federazione Mare, announced that within July he will present a... more

MiscellaneousA suspected Islamic terrorist was expelled from New Zealand
Wellington, New Zealand - He knew one of the September 11 terrorists
New Zealander Government made known to have expelled from the country a Yemeni citizen connected to one of the September 11 terrorists, Hani Hanjour, who piloted American Airlines 77 flight against the... more

MiscellaneousAmnesty International denounced Europe's responsabilities in CIA's flights
Rome, Italy - It was requested to the Italian Government to stop the cooperation with the US intelligence service
It was presented today the research of Amnesty International (AI) about the responsabilities of the European Governments for the help, active and passive, given to the CIA to transport in US jails people... more

Miscellaneous"Mountain Offensive" started in Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan - The international Armed Forces attacked Talibans' bases
It started today in Afghanistan a heavy offensive of the international Armed Forces, led by USA, against Talibans’ bases in the South and in the North of the country. General Freakley, who commands the A... more

MiscellaneousBonino: I am favorable to a large Italian effort in Afghanistan
Rome, Italy - The use of the military power is not at enmity with the 11st article of the Italian Constitution
In an interview released yesterday to the "Corriere della Sera", the Italian Minister for the Foreign trade, Emma Bonino, who last year led the EU mission which in Afghanistan supervised the elections,... more

MiscellaneousEl Baradei: Iran must cooperate on nuclear matter
Vienna, Austria - A new IAEA meeting
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) gathered yesterday in Vienna to talk about negotiations with Iran on nuclear matter once again. The Director General, Mohammed El Baradei, admitted that more... more

MiscellaneousBush in Iraq
Baghdad, Iraq - Meeting between the Head of the White House and the Iraqi authorities
US President George W. Bush is in Baghdad. The head of the White House went by surprise in Iraq to visit the US military contingent, and to meet the country’s authorities. Bush was received by Prime M... more

MiscellaneousItalian Foreign Minister D'Alema met USA Ambassador
Rome, Italy - Meeting at the Italian Foreign Office to prepare the visit in Washington
It took place today at the Farnesina, the Italian Foreign Office, a meeting between Italian Foreign Minister Massimo D’Alema and the US Ambassador in Italy, Ronald Spogli. During the summit they talked a... more

MiscellaneousAl Qaeda reveals the name of the September 11 20th hijacker
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - He is Turki bin Fheid al-Muteiri, who died in 2004
Saudi militant, Turki bin Fheid al-Muteiri, who was killed in 2004 in Raid bt Arab security forces, is the "20th man" of September 11 2001 terroristic attempts in New York and Washington. He actually should... more

MiscellaneousNew air raids on Gaza
Gaza, Palestinian National Authority - Nine Palestinians killed by Israeli aviation
At least nine people, among whom two babies, were killed during this morning’s Israeli raids on Gaza Strip, three in an hour. The first, the most bloody, happened in the centre of the city of Gaza, in S... more

MiscellaneousAbout 400 clandestines were transfered from Lampedusa
Lampedusa, Italy - To Pian Del Lago and Crotone
After last clandestine landings in Lampedusa island, Sicily, which lead to nearly 500 the number of hosts at the Welcome Center (see AVIONEWS for details), seventy immigrants were transfered yesterday... more

MiscellaneousA passenger announces a bomb in the airplane
Dallas, USA - But it is only a menace
During the down grade of a Southwest Airlines plane to Dallas airport, a passenger threatened to burst a bomb on board in front of 137 people. It happened yesterday in USA. After the regular landing, the... more

MiscellaneousEmergency landing in Athens
Athens, Greece - The pilot had an ictus
A British charter airplane by Monarch airline, which was flying from Luxor (Egypt) to Manchester (UK), made an emergency landing at Athens International Airport yesterday evening at 11 pm (local time),... more

MiscellaneousBlack-out in Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand - Blocked Transports but not at the airport
A sudden black-out paralized for many hours the New Zealand city of Auckland yesterday morning, with blocked public transport (trains and subway). No delays or other discomforts at the city’s international a... more

MiscellaneousThe Pope in Valencia for his third apostolic tour
Rome, Italy - July 8 and 9 at the Families World Meeting
The programme of the next Pope’s apostolic tour in Valencia, Spain, on July 8 and 9 in occasion of the 5th Families World Meeting, has been made known. Benedict XVI will leave from Rome-Fiumicino airport a... more

MiscellaneousMore clandestine landings in Lampedusa island
Lampedusa, Italy - An air lift to Crotone has been activated
Yesterday was another disembarking day for Lampedusa island, near Sicily. Hundreds of immigrants landed at 10 am on the shore, managing to elude aeronaval surveillance system. The clandestines, coming... more

MiscellaneousThe decision about the future of Afghanistan mission is a politic deliberation
Rome, Italy - The ex-Italian Defense Staff Chief said it
The decision to send new soldiers and aircraft in Afghanistan is a politic decision. The ex-Italian Defense Staff Chief, General Arpino said it, underlining that the Armed Forces are ready. But it is necessary... more

MiscellaneousUS air raid in Iraq: seven dead
Baghdad, Iraq - The Pentagon communicates that
Air raid at Baquba, in the same area where Al Zarqawi was killed last week (see AVIONEWS for details). American Forces communicated the murder of seven presumed Al Qaeda terrorists. Today there are 14... more

MiscellaneousA war criminal arrested in Bosnia-Erzegovina
Aja, Netherlands - The man will be processed by Aja International Court
Because of an Aja International Court’s order, on last Saturday the Serbian-Bosnian Dragan Zelenovic was arrested because of rapes, tortures and war crimes during the Balkan war, happened in the city o... more

MiscellaneousMonument for the firefighters dead on September 11
New York, USA - A bronze low relief to remember the 343 firefighters dead at the World Trade Center
On last Saturday at New York it was inaugurated the monument in honor of the 343 firefighters dead in the rescue operations on September 11. The work, a neoclassical bronze low relief, show the Twin Towers... more

MiscellaneousFour kilos of cocaine at Santo Domingo airport
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - An Italian woman wore them
A 58-year-old Italian woman was arrested yesterday at Santo Domingo International Airport after she had been found with four kilos of cocaine hidden on her back. The woman was about to embark on an Iberia... more

MiscellaneousAlarm at Tel Aviv airport: a taxi against Olmert's airplane
Tel Aviv, Israel - Four Arabians were blocked
Alert state in Israel after recent attack menaces by Palestinians. Yesterday afternoon at Tel Aviv "Ben Gurion" Airport, shortly before Premier Ehud Olmert took off headed to France and United Kingdom,... more

MiscellaneousEmergency landing at Milan-Malpensa
Milan, Italy - An Alitalia M-80 signalled right engine damage
The M-80 of Alitalia AZ 088 flight headed to Malaga was forced to turn back shortly after its departure at Milan-Malpensa airport yesterday. A warning light indicating fire in the right engine made the... more

MiscellaneousStrife in East Timor: UN launches an appeal for funding
Dili, East Timor - USD 4.8m to aid more than 65 thousand displaced people
UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) asks for USD 4.8m to finance rescue operations to more than 65 thousand displaced people in East Timor, where a violent strife has been occurring for about three... more

MiscellaneousMore Israeli air raids
Gaza, Palestinian National Authority - Seven Palestinian killed last night and today
Last night Israeli Air Force bombed a training camp of Popular Resistance Committees near Rafah, Southern Gaza Strip, killing the group leader, Jamal Abu Samhadana, who was recently nominated as Director... more

MiscellaneousBertinotti met workers' representatives of the transport sector
Rome, Italy - SULT and CNL representatives in Montecitorio
Yesterday the President of the Chamber of Deputy, Fausto Bertinotti, received the union representatives of the workers of the transport sector. At Montecitorio arrived Aurelio Speranza, national coordinator... more

MiscellaneousGermany 2006: large security measures
Berlin, Germany - Attention focalized on international terrorism and hooligans
They are very large the security measures that Germany established to guarantee a quiet carrying out of the World Football Championships 2006. 250,000 policemen were mobilized for the 64 matches of the... more

Miscellaneous17 young men arrested in Canada because of terrorism
Ottawa, Canada - One of them was enrolled in a flight school
Last week in Canada 17 young men were arrested because suspected to project terroristic attempt in the country. Five of them were underage, while an other one, Amin Mohamed Durani, was enrolled in a flight... more

MiscellaneousFour castaways among sharks
Wellington, New Zealand - Rescued by a Coastguard airplane
Four castaways in Pacific Ocean waters off the New Zealand coasts have been rescued today by a Coastguard airplane. The four, hung on to their boat wreckage without life vests and surrounded by several... more

MiscellaneousPibiri's funeral today
Rome, Italy - The corpse will be carried to Sardinia in the afternoon
The State funeral of Alessandro Pibiri, the Italian soldier who was killed in Nassiriya’s ambush Monday evening, are being celebrated today at 12 am in the Saint Paul Basilica, Rome. In the afternoon t... more