6,271 news found

AirportsAirport of Aviano: historical exhibition on World War II flight
Aviano, Italy - “1917-2007, 90 years through Comina and Aviano”
An exhibition on flight pioneers in Aviano and Comina, Italy, and a historical meeting on World War II: these are two out of the many initiatives promoted by Italian Air Force (AMI) at airport of Aviano,... more

AirportsSri Lanka airport shuts down for terrorism risk
Colombo, Sri Lanka - From Thursday the airstation doesn't allow flights in or out
The Bandaranaike airport is closed, passengers are struck in the lobbies waiting for a release on this security measure in order to leave. The risk is due by the Tamil tigers rebel activities that are... more

AirportsSEA: investment plan for Milan-Malpensa airport
Milan, Italy - € 3 billion to modernize the airstation
Giuseppe Bonomi, president of SEA, the managing company of the Milan-Malpensa airport, yesterday announced an investment plan of € 3 billion, according to the company business plan 2007-2012 and the a... more

AirportsEUROCONTROL starts wake vortex measurement at Paris "Charles De Gaulle" airport
Brétigny-sur-Orge, France - As part of a joint study
As part of a joint study of the wake turbulence dependence of closely spaced parallel runway operations, EUROCONTROL, Aéroport de Paris (ADP) and the French Direction des Services de la Navigation Aérienne (... more

AirportsAirport of Fiumicino: arrested a Polish man in possession of 2 kg of cocaine
Rome, Italy - The drug hidden in the shoes false bottom
This morning, a Polish man of 33 was stopped and arrested at the airport of Rome-Fiumicino, because found in possession of 2 kg of pure cocaine hidden in his shoes false bottom. The man, just landed... more

AirportsAirport of Vienna: in April more than 1,50 million of passengers
Vienna, Austria - An increase of 8,9% compared with 2006
The international airport of Vienna has recorded +8,9% of passengers in April 2007, equal to 1,53 million passengers. Always in April, the traffic from and to East Europe is increased of 27%, while... more

AirportsAn Italian citizen stopped at the airport of Manila
Manila, Philippines - The declared to have a bomb, just for fun
Yesterday, an Italian citizen ready to take a plane bound to Hong Kong was stopped at the international airport "Ninoy Aquino" of Manila, Philippines. The inconvenience, occurred at 05:55 p.m. local... more

AirportsOlbia Airport and the Maritime Port authority will team to develop the sea cruise traffic
Olbia, Italy - The two parts signed an agreement to increment the touristic offer
6,5 million of passengers used the Olbia airport in order to reach the Golfo Aranci Sea Port, a great resource for the region that recognize as useful the integration of the two structures. The Golfo... more

Airports"The role played by infrastructures like airports and harbours for touristic products internationalization: the Brindisi case"
Brindisi, Italy - To discuss the delicate case of the Puglia centre
The Italian city of Brindisi is today hosting "The role played by infrastructures like airports and harbours for touristic products internationalization: the Brindisi case" meeting, aimed to discuss the... more

AirportsAdR: a mediator for the solution
Rome, Italy - By May 14th the possibility to send a request to start the mediation's phase
Still no found solution for Aeroporti di Roma (AdR), Rome Airport Management Society (see AVIONEWS). "For the solution, the parties will avail themselves of the mediation's procedure trusted in a third-party". Macquarie... more

AirportsAirport of Grosseto: investments on the carriers that will operate the scheduled flights
Grosseto, Italy - Particular interest for North Europe
The city of Grosseto bets to development its airport activities. SEAM, Grosseto Airport Management Society, offers about EUR 927 thousand to the carriers that will want to invest on the scheduled flights... more

AirportsThe "Gino Allegri" airport: water penetration and lack of compliance with the fire-fighting regulations
Padua, Italy - A confirmation for the "Comitato contro l’aeroporto e per il parco"
An expert’s report conducted on the "Gino Allegri" airport of Padua (Italy) by engineer Pietro Miani evidenced the structural inadequacy of the complex, that revealed water penetrations and lack of compliance w... more

AirportsAdR: today the summit between Gemina and Macquarie
Rome, Italy - Communication of the business plan by May 15th
Today the last meeting between Gemina and Macquarie to find a solution for Aeroporti di Roma (AdR), Rome Airports Managment Society. In case of no agreement, the Australian bank will be able to request... more

AirportsAtlanta Airport: a new terminal for the international traffic ready by 2010
Atlanta, USA - Also the 5th runway has been concluded
The new terminal for the international traffic of "Hartsfield-Jackson"-Atlanta Airport will be operating by 2010. The project joins in the ten-year plan of airport structural growth. The Hartsfield-Jackson... more

AirportsNew opening for Lido air station
Venice, Italy - 72 years after the first inauguration
Next May 12th, at 11:30 a.m., Venice is hosting the celebration of the Lido air station new opening, following the completion of reconstruction works performed by Nicelli SpA company. The inauguration,... more

AirportsGesac: the intercontinental direct flight to New York restarts tomorrow and for the third year in a row
Naples, Italy - For the first time the check-in will be made at Terminal 2
"The intercontinental flight to New York by Eurofly (Italian private airline in leisure sector) restarts tomorrow, on May 8, and for the third year in a row. It will be operational for all Summer season,... more

AirportsClosed during night hours the only international airport in Sri Lanka
Colombo, Sri Lanka - To protect passengers from new air raids by Tamil Ealam Air Force (TEAF)
Today, Sri Lanka civil aviation authorities announced that the airport of Colombo, the only international airport of the country, will no more be open at night hours. The decision is due to new possible... more

AirportsGesap: Clickair links Palermo to Barcelona
Palermo, Italy - With two flights per week from last May 1st
"Clickair, the new born in Spanish airlines, has inaugurated last May 1st, a new connection between Barcelona and Palermo's international airport with two flights per week. The carrier offers, in addition,... more

AirportsCAA is going to approve the GPS Non Precision Approach
London, United Kingdom - For light General Aviation airplanes
The UK CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) is going to approve the use of GPS NPA (Non-Precision Approach) for light General Aviation (GA) planes landing in the properly authorized British airports. The... more

AirportsSab: the flight Boulogne-New York by Eurofly restarts next Sunday
Boulogne, Italy - Served by the airline with a bi-weekly frequency
"The direct flight Boulogne-New York by Eurofly, restarts next Sunday, on May 6. Reached its third year, the link with the JFK airport presents for 2007 two important newness: an operational superior... more

AirportsAlentejo will have its own civil airport
Beja, Portugal - It will be ready 2008
Adeb (Empresa de Desenvolvimento do Aereoporto de Beja) reached its aim to convert Beja military base to civil operations and the whole touristic region of the Alentejo will benefit soon of this new air... more

AirportsGesac: new direct connection to Barcelona by Clickair
Naples, Italy - With five weekly flights
"Clickair, the new Spanish airline, is inaugurating starting from May and until end October, a new connection between Barcelona and Naples, with five weekly flights. The two-way flight will be operative... more

AirportsIs Reggio Calabria Airport safe?
Reggio Calabria, Italy - The security is not in agreement with the preliminary contracts
If the news that AVIONEWS managed to pick up on the situation of Reggio Calabria Airport are true, can not be at peace. The available informative record on Aeroporto dello Stretto (Reggio Calabria)... more

AirportsSEA: the greatest parking in Milan has been built at Linate
Milan, Italy - The works will begin next May 4 in the P3 parking area that will be useless
"Important innovation at Linate's airport where, starting from May 4 the works for the realization of the greatest parking in Milan city will have the beginning. The facility, in fact, will arrange... more

AirportsThe airport of Detroit hosting a museum entirely dedicated to Tuskegee Airmen
Detroit, USA - The fund collection ongoing
Last week it was announced that the airport of Detroit is going to host a new museum entirely dedicated to Tuskegee Airmen, the Afro-American pilots servicing the 332d Fighter Group of the US Army Air... more

AirportsHeathrow airports wakes up earlier
London, UK - Flights brought forward at 05:00 a.m.
From last April 21th, BAA (British Airports Association) set some modifications on the schedule of flights to/from the airport of London-Heathrow. Temporarily, in fact, to prevent any discomforts due... more

AirportsHeathrow airports wakes up earlier
London, UK - Flights brought forward at 05:00 a.m.
From last April 21th, BAA (British Airports Association) set some modifications on the schedule of flights to/from the airport of London-Heathrow. Temporarily, in fact, to prevent any discomforts due... more

AirportsModernisation plans for Kolkata airport
Kolkata, India - By three years the completion
The modernisation plans of Kolkata airport (ex-Calcutta) are expected to be completed in three years. Indian Government has approved the first phase of modernisation. The Kolkata airport would have... more

AirportsNew international hub for UPS
Shangai, China - At the airport of Pudong
UPS, leading express carrier and package delivery company, has recently signed an agreement with the airport authority of Shangai in order to create an international hub hosted by the airport of Pudong... more

AirportsSOGAER: press conference on the new connections of Brussels Airlines
Cagliari, Italy - At Business Centre of Cagliari-Elmas Airport
SOGAER Spa, Cagliari Airport Management Society, and Brussels Airlines announce the press conference for the presentation of the new connections between Cagliari and Brussels at Business Centre of Cagliari-Elmas... more

AirportsAirport of Melbourne: good results for the first quarter
Melbourne, Australia - Increase by 7% compared with 2006
The first quarter 2007 has represented a very positive period for the airport of Melbourne in terms of passenger traffic, with an increase by 7% compared with the same period of last year. With regard... more

AirportsAirport of Comiso: invested € 36 mln
Palermo, Italy - It will be inaugurated by a Council chairmanship's plane
Next April 30th, the airport of Comiso, as recently announced, will be eventually inaugurated and entitled to Pio La Torre, the famous secretary of Communists party killed by mafia the same day of 1982. The... more

AirportsFree landing and take-off in the airport of Brussels
Brussels, Belgium - Probably to appease the many complaints due to several delays and cancellations
The airport of Brussels has announced that on next May, for every Friday, the airlines will be entitled to perform the landing and take-off operations completely for free. This measure will cost the... more

AirportsThe Madonna of Fatima takes off from Urbe airport
Rome, Italy - The hub a place of prayers before the departure
This morning, a financial police's helicopter took off from the Urbe airport, Rome, with a really exceptional passenger on board, the original Madonna of Fatima statue. The very worshipped statue, left... more

AirportsNext May the results of the International Airport of Seoul's tender
Rome, Italy - Autogrill entering the lists
Emma Bonino, the Italian Minister of Foreign Trade, has announced that, within next May, the results of the tender for the distribution rights in the Incheon international airport of Seoul will be finally... more

AirportsAprilia the new candidate for the third Lazio airport
Rome, Italy - A new summit next Thursday
Next Thursday, Rome will host another summit aimed to evaluate the probable third Lazio hub, during which Aprilia's representatives are expected to take a hard line in order to become the candidate chosen... more

Airports"Aeronautic industry, past present and future” in the Puglia airport "Pierozzi"
Brindisi, Italy - Expected the participation of top managers of the sector
Next April, 19th, by 10:30 a.m., the Brindisi airport "Pierozzi", Puglia region, will host the "Aeronautic industry, past present and future” meeting, accompanied by the presentation of the “Between sky... more

AirportsNuance and Net Holding managing the Antalya airport's duty-free
Antalya, Turkey - Expected a turnover for € 3,2 bn within 2024
Urart, joint-venture established by Nuance (group controlled by Stefanel and Bastianello) and Net Holding, has announced the signing of an agreement with Fraport and Ic Holding to manage the duty-free... more

AirportsAdR: approved the accounts 2006
Rome, Italy - Dropping profits
The shareholders’ meeting of Aeroporti di Roma (AdR), management society for the airports of Rome, has approved the assessments 2006 in which the profits were about EUR 60 million, dropping compared w... more

AirportsFraport announces the March 2007 data on Frankfurt airport
Frankfurt, Germany - A positive trend for passenger and freight transport sectors
Fraport, the managing company of the airport of Frankfurt, today reported the data concerning the traffic registered in the great German hub on March 2007. According to the data, the airport registered... more

AirportsThe Brindisi-Papola airport needs more investments
Brindisi, Italy - According to an analysis by regional councillor Giuseppe Taurino
Giuseppe Taurino, regional councillor of Democratici di Sinistra (Italian left party), has released important declarations about the condition of Brindisi-Papola airport, urging new and remarkable investments. With... more

AirportsAirSea Lines launches Brindisi-Corfù route
Brindisi, Italy - By next June
AirSea Lines/Pegasus Aviation will launch the Brindisi-Corfu route with daily frequency by June 1st, 2007. The connection will be operated by a seaplane, with departure from Brindisi airport and landing... more

AirportsAirport of Genoa in collaboration with MSC
Genoa, Italy - Charters for the cruisers
In March the airport of Genoa recorded an increase of passengers equal to 6% compared with the same period of 2006. Recently, the airport signed an agreement with MSC, the cruise company of Gianluigi Aponte. Genoa... more

AirportsAirport of Munich: passengers increase by 12% in the first four 2007 months
Munich, Germany - A record for the last eight years
During the first four 2007 months, the passenger traffic registered in the airport of Munich evidenced an increase by 12%: 7,229,000 passengers compared with the 6,482,644 of last year. This is a record... more

AirportsCroatia confirms as Western Balcans Hub
Zagreb, Croatia - The results have been made known by ICE of Zagreb
According to a report of European Commission, (results unveiled by ICE of Zagreb - Istituto italiano per il Commercio estero), the airports of Croatia cover most of air traffic in Western Balkans, while... more

Airports17 kg of cocaine seized in Verona
Verona, Italy - A clever solution: they was hidden among the spiny lobsters
A fifty-years-old man coming from Desenzano del Garda (Verona) has devised a system to import drug illegally in Italy. He made himself out to be an international Chef and in his baggage took numerous living... more

AirportsENAC announces a €500,000 grant for the airport of Foligno
Foligno , Italy - Funds available from 2008
ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) has announced a €500,000 grant for the renovation of Foligno airport. The funds, available from 2008, will allow a modernization of the airport complex, particularly w... more

AirportsAeradria. third flight to Vienna from Italy
Rimini, Italy - After Treviso and Pisa, SkyEurope takes off from "Federico Fellini"
"SkyEurope Airlines, Central Europe's low-cost low-fare airline, in coincidence with the Summer timetable, operates the third flight from Italy bound to Vienna: after Treviso and Pisa inaugurated on March... more

AirportsEaster in Capodichino airport: passenger increase by 11%
Naples, Italy - 10,000 passengers expected
During Easter holiday, the Naples-Capodichino airport, will register the transit of 80,000 passengers. The outlook evidences an increase by 11% compared with the same period of last year, in particular... more

AirportsAeradria: new flight Cologne/Bonn-Rimini by
Rimini, Italy - The route will be served by a Boeing 737 airplane
"The first flight Cologne/Bonn-Rimini, served by new low-cost, landed yesterday morning at 8:05. The connection, with a Boeing 737 aircraft, will have duration until next October 7; 137 the... more