6,271 news found

AirportsSITA proposes new technologies for the flight safety
Rome, Italy - The company makes known it during a conference
New technological solutions for the air transport safety have been proposed by SITA, a company for air transport communications and IT solutions, during a current conference. "miSense biometric devices,... more

AirportsAeroporti di Roma: Board of Directors to join for talking about the Macquarie's bid
Rome, Italy - In process the mediation of Karl Mackie
Gemina's Board of Directors will join next week to talk about the bid for Macquarie in order to buy out the Aeroporti di Roma (AdR) capital share. If approved, this proposal could be given to Macquarie... more

AirportsAdR: possible take-over bid on Gemina by Macquarie and Intesa-Sanpaolo
Rome, Italy - After the indiscretions the share is up in Piazza Affari
With a press indiscretion that supposes a take-over bid on Gemina by Australian fund Macquarie and Intesa-Sanpaolo, Gemina stake mark an increase in Piazza Affari. According to Italian press, Macquarie,... more

AirportsEurkenian interests to Genoa
Genoa, Italy - His holding wants to manage the airport
The Eduardo Eurkenian's Corporation America could be interested to manage the airport of Genoa. The holding operates air stations in Argentina, Ecuador and Armenia and has the majority of the stock... more

AirportsStrasbourg, two million passengers in 2006
Strasbourg, France - Increase for French airport
Airport of Strasbourg increases its traffic. About 2 million and 33 thousand passengers have been recorded in 2006, a clear increase (+4%) compared with last year. The best performance goes to European... more

AirportsSAB: balance sheet 2006 record
Boulogne, Italy - Turnover EUR 52,6 m, MOL 37%, revenue 2,7 million
"The Board of Directors of SAB (Boulogne's airport management society) approved yesterday the balance sheet regarding the financial period 2006 that, shortly, will be submitted to the shareholders' meeting. 2006... more

AirportsSAGAT: British Airways confers the "Most Improved Station" award
Turin, Italy - To SAGAT Handling
"Sagat Handling, SAGAT Group society, (Turin-Caselle's airport management) has been decorated by British Airways of the 'Most Improved Station' prize. The Turin's society has been evaluated by British... more

AirportsAirport Baneasa of Bucarest closed
Bucharest , Romania - It will open again on 31 July
The “Aurel Vlaicu” Airport in Baneasa near Bucharest has been closed for maintenance works on May 10. Romanian air station, where most low-cost companies are operating, will reopen on July 31. All fli... more

AirportsExplanatory meeting for the City of Derry Airport
Derry, Ireland - Set the remedial measures
Following the announced suspension of the license of aerodrome licence released to the City of Derry Airport (see AVIONEWS), the representatives of UK CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) last week announced... more

AirportsAirport of Dubai: restrictions on liquids from next June 17th
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - According to international standards
From next June 17th , as officially announced last week, the restrictions on liquids on board will take effect at the Dubai international airport, United Arab Emirates. The regulation application will... more

AirportsAeradria (2): double flight from Norway with SAS-Braathens
Rimini, Italy - Expecting for the next connection thorugh Ryanair
Yesterday May 27th, 2007, the first Norwegian guests of Riviera di Rimini 2007 arrived to "Federico Fellini" International Airport by SAS-Braathens Boeing 737 aircraft. Oslo and Bergen are the opened... more

AirportsAeradria: arrival of Lufthansa/Air Dolomiti ATR-42/500 aircraft
Rimini, Italy - Opening of new Summer connection
A German-Dutch Saturday for "Federico Fellini" International Airport of Rimini-San Marino. On May 26th, 2007, Lufthansa/Air Dolomiti, Air Berlin and Transavia started the first biweekly connections,... more

AirportsAirport of Lamezia Terme: the new president of SACAL
Catanzaro, Italy - Tomorrow the board of directors
Tomorrow, its is expected to take place the board of directors that should bring to the election of the successor of Giuseppe Vitale, the outgoing president of SACAL, the managing company of the airport... more

AirportsSardinia: a 2007 on travel
Cagliari, Italy - Air passengers increased by 3.15%
From January to April 2007, the passenger traffic reported on the Italian isle of Sardinia evidenced a remarkable increase, both in harbours and at airports. In the above mentioned four months, in fact,... more

AirportsThe Lazio regional court examined the appeal by AdR
Rome, Italy - Against the city plan approved in 1999
The recourse had in July 2006 by Aeroporti di Roma (AdR), the managing company of Rome airports, against the approved suitability for building of Alitalia territories located near the Rome-Fiumicino airport... more

AirportsAdR: Gemina and Macquarie reach the understanding on the mediator
Rome, Italy - Tha name is not made known yet
The name of the mediator is not made known yet, but today Gemina and Macquarie have reached an understanding on the mediator for Aeroporti di Roma. A no-go situation was determined because of the loss... more

AirportsBerlin-Tempelhof International Airport could live through the announced closing
Berlin, Germany - Ronald Lauder likely responsible for an important offer
The Berlin-Tempelhof International Airport, known as the hub selected by Hitler to become the symbol of the Nazi power in Germany, could live through the announced closing expected for October 2008. According... more

AirportsAeradria: first flight coming from Prague by SkyEurope
Rimini, Italy - After Austria and Poland
"The Federico Fellini, Rimini's airport, has inaugurated yesterday, on Thursday May 24, the first flight coming from Prague (Czech Republic). After Austria (Vienna, last April 5) and Poland (Krakow, April... more

AirportsSuspended the aerodrome licence of the City of Derry Airport
Derry, Ireland - Announcement by CAA
The UK CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) today announced that, following an inspection, the City of Derry Airport is subjected to a suspension of the aerodrome licence released for hubs meeting the security... more

AirportsSOGEAAL blaming the airport conditions and the lack of intervention by the Italian Minister of Transports
Alghero, Italy - The objective is to wholly control the hub
Franco Simula, a member of the board of directors of SOGEAAL, the managing society of the Alghero-Fertilia airport, Sardinia, released brief and effective declarations on the hub current conditions. Simula... more

AirportsEnvironmental air station for Emirate of Sharjah
Sharjah, United Arab Emirates - It will born on the Island of Abu Nu'air
The new air station of Emirate of Sharjah will born on the Island of Sir Abu Nu'air, a natural and archaeological paradise located about 60 kilometres from the coast. "It's an environmental project",... more

AirportsCancun airport, third terminal comes
Cancun, Mexico - It doubles air traffic
After an investment of about USD 100 million and works lasted 18 months Felipe Calderòn Hinojosa, President of Mexico, has inaugurated the third terminal of Cancun Airport. New structure of international... more

AirportsNaples-Capodichino Airport will remain closed from June 4th to 6th
Naples, Italy - Probably the 65% of GESAC could be assigned
Naples-Capodichino International airport will remain closed for 51 hours from June 4th to 6th for extraordinary runway repaving works. GESAC, Naples Airport Management Society, advises to the passengers... more

AirportsThe airport of Malpensa coloured in red-black
Milan, Italy - 20,000 supporters waiting for the arrival of the Milan football team
The airport of Malpensa is today coloured in red and black, taking into account the about 20,000 supporters arrived on site to wait for the landing of the plane carrying the Italian football team that... more

AirportsAirport of Brindisi: a new meeting set new routes
Brindisi, Italy - SEAP charged with properly sharing businesses with airport of Bari
During this week, the province of Brindisi organized a meeting to evaluate the situation of the city airport. Participants, besides the organizing body, the province of Lecce, the municipality of Brindisi,... more

AirportsThe Rome-Urbe's airport reopened this morning at air traffic
Rome, Italy - After the works regarding the reconstruction of runway
The Rome-Urbe's airport reopened to the traffic this morning at 8, after over a month of closure due to the works regarding the reconstruction of runway. Last March 8 have been also started the works... more

AirportsSEA: Malpensa, first airport in Europe and second in the world thanks to high-quality of cargo services
Milan, Italy - Ahead of Munich, Rome and Madrid
"Air Cargo Award of Excellence 2007" awarded to SEA, Milan Airports Management Society, considered by Air Cargo World - the influential newspaper of the sector - as the best airport in Europe for the quality... more

AirportsSAB: 55 flights cancelled because of the strike today
Boulogne, Italy - 26 arrivals and 29 departures
"The flights cancelled today at Marconi, (Boulogne's airport), are 55, 26 arrivals and 29 departures, due to the concomitant strikes from 10am to 6pm by radar men of ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance Authority)... more

AirportsFrosinone looks for an alliance with Latina for its air station
Latina, Italy - The province wants the assignment of Latian third airport
Frosinone launches an alliance with Latina to obtain Lazio's third air station assignment as alternative to Viterbo-proposal. Showing "Committee for Frosinone Airport" with a press conference in Latina's... more

AirportsPeru: assignment to manage six regional airports
Lima, Peru - It's waited for the end of july
A new regional airports' tender starts in Peru. According to promotional Agency of Peru for public and private investments, the assignment is waited for the end of July and includes the management of... more

AirportsSacbo: charter flights to Athens where the Champions League's final will take place next Wednesday
Bergamo, Italy - Over 1,000 supporters of Milan will depart from Orio al Serio's airport with several aircraft
"On the occasion of the Champions League's final, fixed for next Wednesday May 23 in Athens between Milan and Liverpool, seven charter flights departing from Bergamo-Orio al Serio's airport have been planned... more

AirportsAlitalia (2): delays and discomforts again in Fiumicino Airport
Rome, Italy - Delays of 30 minutes and 30 flights cancelled
Also today new strikes in Fiumicino Airport. Delays and discomforts for the Alitalia's customers. Delays of at least 30 minutes and 30 flights cancelled because of the agitation of the cabin crew. See... more

AirportsAirport of Fiumicino crowded by Roma supporters
Rome, Italy - To celebrate the "Coppa Italia" award
Great celebration yesterday at the airport of Rome-Fiumicino in honour of Roma, the Italian football team that yesterday, after the final match over Inter, won the "Coppa Italia" award, that is the national... more

AirportsAirport of Munich: at 2nd place in Germany, at 7th in Europe and 31st in the world
Munich, Germany - 56 million passengers predicted by 2020
Yesterday Munich Airport celebrated its 15th anniversary. Since the day it opened, Munich Airport has counted a total of approximately 316 million passengers and 4.6 million take-offs and landings.... more

AirportsA new runway at the airport of Cancun
Cancun, Mexico - For an investment of USD 56 million
Asur, the managing company of several Mexican airports, yesterday announced an investment for USD 56 million to build another runway, the second one, at the airport of Cancun. The runway will be ready... more

AirportsAeradria: other take offs for Germany this morning
Rimini, Italy - To Stuttgart and Munich
"It's still Germany on Rimini's international airport, 'Federico Fellini'. This morning inauguration of the Stuttgart and Munich destinations served by ( The Marketing responsible... more

AirportsSacbo: Ryanair reinforces its presence on Orio al Serio's airport
Bergamo, Italy - With new nine routes and two B-737/800 aircraft
"The opening of new nine routes, starting from next December, and the addition of two B-737/800 aircraft to four ones currently based, reinforces Ryanair's presence on Bergamo-Orio al Serio's airport confirming... more

AirportsAirport of Tarquinia: a memorial for the Brazilian airmen
Tarquinia, Italy - Put up again the plate evidencing the sacrifices and efforts made by Brazilian aviation during WWII
Recently, the airport of Tarquinia, Italy, hosted a memorial to celebrate the Brazilian Air Force's division operating there during WWII, with the replacement of a proper marble plate. The event counted... more

AirportsAdF: the Board of Directors starts the enlargement plan of Florence's airport
Florence, Italy - An international competition will begin about design for the new architectonic image of Terminal that will be realized in 2010
"AdF (Florence's airport management society) Board of Directors has decided in its session last May 11, 2007 the enlargement of passengers' air station; its conclusion is predicted for 2010. The decision... more

AirportsMosca: Domodedovo rises to 4,500 millions of passengers
Moscow, Russia - Air station increases its internation traffic
Domodedovo is the first airport of Moscow. During first four months of 2007, more than 4,500 millions of passengers have used the air station, one million headed only to 10 destinations: Ekaterinburg,... more

AirportsAeradria: four times Air Berlin
Rimini, Italy - Berlin, Munich, Duesseldorf and Amsterdam
"Air Berlin lands at the 'Federico Fellini', Rimini's international airport, four times: Berlin, Munich, Duesseldorf, Amsterdam, destinations from Germany and Holland served by German low-cost carrier. With... more

AirportsA new metal detector at Amsterdam-Schipol airport
Amsterdam, Netherlands - The system will watch under passengers' clothes
A new metal detector operates in Amsterdam-Schipol airport: the system is able to inspect with higher safety weapons, drug and excess money, looking through passengers' clothes. The "Stolen" pictures... more

AirportsThe Gold Coast airport subjected to upgrade
Brisbane, Australia - An investment for AUD 25 million
The Australian Minister of Transport, Mark Vaile, has recently participated to the inauguration of upgrading works involving the airport of Gold Coast, a town 70 km from Brisbane. The works, requiring... more

AirportsTomorrow a strike at the international airport of Athens
Athens, Greece - To protest about the pension fund scandal
Tomorrow, a 24-hour strike will disrupt all activities and services usually granted at the international airport of Athens, consequently causing the cancellation of 100 flights, 38 operated by Aegan Airlines... more

AirportsAirport of Rimini (2): Vilnius, the Latvia main economic centre
Rimini, Italy - The flights operated by Aurela carrier
On June 8th - September 14th (Friday), the Aurela carrier will operate the new route Rimini - Vilnius from the Italian city international airport “Federico Fellini”, using a 148-seat Boeing 737 plane.... more

AirportsAirport of Rimini: confirmed the routes from Central-North Europe
Rimini, Italy - No changes to reference markets
From the second half of May, the list of charter destinations reachable from the international airport “Federico Fellini” will be complete. The reference markets show no remarkable changes, but som... more

AirportsThe radar system newly installed at the airport of Louisville is not ready to use
Louisville, USA - Averted an air collision between two planes
Recently, at the international airport of Louisville an air collision caused by a malfunctioning of the newly installed radar system was averted just before a disaster occurring. A DC-9 plane of Northwest... more

AirportsThe Al Ain International Airport chosen by EMPOST
Abu Dhabi, Arab United Emirates - A new success for the second international airport
EMPOST (Emirates Corporation for Commercial Postal Services) recently announced to have chosen the Al Ain International Airport as main hub for its air cargo traffic. The Al Ain Airport, founded on... more

AirportsAirport of Frankfurt: April 2007 results
Frankfurt, Germany - Passengers decrease by 0.3%
Fraport, the management company of the Frankfurt airport, today announced data concerning last April traffic at the hub. According to released information, the passenger number reported a decrease by... more

AirportsSEA: Malpensa an example of success in Europe
Milan, Italy - Among 30 projects funded by EU for the Trans European Network is one of three completed
"The workshop 'Ten-T days' concluded today in Brussels, organized by European Union with the aim to explain updating and results regarding the project of the Trans European Network. The program has been... more