6,271 news found

AirportsNaples-Capodichino, four competitors for Gesac's control
Naples, Italy - Besides the Austrialian Macquarie there is Punzo's concert party, then Aeropuertos and Tecno Holding
Four candidates are in list to buy the 65% of Gesac, society that manages the international airport of Naples-Capodichino, put on sale for EUR 300 million by Spanish Grupo Ferrovial through BAA. At... more

AirportsRimini's airport, San Marino appropriates EUR 50,000 to Aeradria
Rimini, Italy - For promotional and marketing activities
During last May the State congress of Republic of San Marino has met to approve some funds toward several associations, commissions and societies. In the meeting of 21 May has been appropriate a sum... more

AirportsSogaer (Cagliari): press-conference by easyJet to present air routes
Cagliari, Italy - It will take place tomorrow morning at 10
The low-cost airline easyJet and Sogaer, managing society of Cagliari-Elmas airport, informs that tomorrow, on Wednesday 27th of June at 10 o'clock will take place in the Bussiness Centre of the Sardinian... more

AirportsViterbo as third airport of Lazio
Viterbo, Italy - Proposal for the new airport on the seaside
There is a possibility for the third civil airport of Lazio to be set in Viterbo, which might host the new air station within the "Fabbri" (Viterbo's airport) or on the seaside, in Tarquinia, which features... more

AirportsFrosinone as third airport of Lazio? Venditti's statements
Frosinone, Italy - The city seems the favourite by Veltroni, mayor of Rome
The spokesman of the pro-airport Committee Stefano Venditti was significantly satisfied regarding the indiscretion saying that the mayor of Rome, Walter Veltroni, sees Frosinone as the ideal location for... more

AirportsA low-cost air station for Sardinia
Rome, Italy - The project wanted by the Mayors of the region
The members of the council made up of 25 mayors, headed by the young Toni Stangoni mayor of Badesi, have signed an agreement protocol to realize a new airport in the same city of Badesi. The proposal... more

AirportsNew route Rimini-Tirana served by Albanian Airlines
Rimini, Italy - From July 15, four times per week
"Albanian Airlines, Albanian flag airline with the most direct flights from Italy to the Albania's capital, announced with the Rimini's airport management society, Aeradria SpA, and with Regione Emilia... more

AirportsAeradria: press conference in Rimini for Albanian Airlines flights
Rimini, Italy - It will take place tomorrow at 12:15pm
Aeradria, managing company of "Federico Fellini" air station of Rimini, announces that tomorrow, on Thursday 21st of June of 2007, at 12:15pm a press conference to present scheduled flights to and from... more

AirportsLess flights in Ciampino from next November
Rome, Italy - 1,500,000 passengers less per year
Chairman of the environment committee Antonio Malavolta states that from November 1st the number of passengers in the Roman airport of Ciampino will decrease by 30%, that is about one million and 500 thousand... more

AirportsSagat: Turin-Caselle's airport wins the "Best airport awards 2007"
Turin, Italy - ACI Europe has awarded the prize of airport sector in Europe
"Turin-Caselle's airport has been awarded of the prestigious 'Best Airport Awards' for year 2007 (in the category from 1 to 5 millions of passengers) during the ACI Europe's annual meeting, took place... more

AirportsMore passengers traffic in Rome's airports
Rome, Italy - Data presented by president Gasbarra
In Rome's airports of Fiumicino and Ciampino have featured and increasing passengers traffic during last May equal to +5,2% in reference to May 2006, for a total of 3,5 million people. President of... more

AirportsCIPE has approved new rating of airport services
Rome, Italy - During the meeting of 15 June. ENAC satisfied
During the meeting of 15 June the CIPE (Italian inter-ministerial board of economic programming), presided by premier Romano Prodi, has approved a resolution for the new rating of airport services. The... more

AirportsHigher risks of hypertension for people living nearby airports
Milan, Italy - European Community research
A research financed by the European Community has shown that the continuous roar of airplanes increases the risk of hypertension, which is proportional to the noise exposure. The risk of hypertension... more

AirportsViterbo's airport, a conference to discuss its impact
Viterbo, Italy - It will take place on June 25
A conference called "The impact of a middle-range air station on a region: cases in Italy and Europe" will take place on June 25at 10:00 am at Viterbo's the Chamber of Commerce; it is organized by Savit... more

AirportsBrussels-Charleroi Airport: suspended the strike of safety personnel
Brussels, Belgium - A dispute against the privatization of own activities
Brussels-Charleroi airport is back to normality after a strike that has blocked thousands of passengers last week-end. The airport safety personnel started the strike on Friday morning as dispute against... more

AirportsAdR: off the Australians of Macquarie
Rome, Italy - The deal worth EUR 1.24 billion
Go-ahead for Gemina to buy out 44.7% of Macquarie in AdR - Rome Airports Management Society. The deal worth EUR 1.24 billion with which Gemina will control 95.8% of AdR. Among the hypothesis on the... more

AirportsComiso's airport, Maravigna nominated Soaco's executive
Ragusa, Italy - The air station will be operative by 2008, Ryanair interested
Pietro Ivan Maravigna, 43 years-old, elected last June 12, is the new Soaco Spa's new executive, the society that manages Comiso's airport, near Ragusa, operative by 2008. Maravigna and the directorship... more

AirportsVicenza's base, the project can start
Vicenza, Italy - US ambassador Spogli said
After the Italian government validation US base of Vicenza project's implementation can start, US ambassador Spogli said yesterday in a note makes known after a press conference inside Ederle barracks... more

AirportsAdR: convoked Unions and Board of Directors
Rome, Italy - Next June 17th
Unions and Board of Directors will be convoked by Gemina on June 17th to talk about the formalization of bid advanced to Macquarie on 45% of AdR, Rome Airports Management Society. Gemina and Macquarie's... more

AirportsIncreasing presence by Autogrill in the airports of Copenhagen and Stockholm
Milan, Italy - The Group consolidates in Northern Europe's airport channel
"Autogrill Group has strengthened its position in the air stations of Copenhagen and Stockholm, by winning the management of four stores in the Danish airport and a new one in the Swedish air station.... more

AirportsFiumicino: change of Terminal for the Air France flights in code-share with Alitalia
Rome, Italy - By June 20th
Air France informs its customers that by June 20th the check-in operations for the flights in code-share with Alitalia in departure from Fiumicino Airport bound to Paris, Nice and Amsterdam will be carried... more

AirportsSkyEurope: a press conference to launch the flight Bergamo-Vienna
Bergamo, Italy - It's scheduled for next Tuesday, June 19
SkyEurope organizes a press conference to launch the new flight Orio al Serio-Vienna for Tuesday, June 19. The meeting is at 11:30 at the "Circolo della stampa" in corso Venezia 16. During the press... more

AirportsAlbanian airports development
Tirana, Albania - Tourism relaunch project
Albanian government is going to stimulate tourism in the South of the country by developing the airport of Gjirokastra and the towns of Sarand and Vlore, whose air station Bisht-Poro will be reconstructed... more

AirportsToo much traffic in New York's sky
New York, USA - FAA denounces five cases of unsuccessful collisions in May
FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) has stated the opening of an inquiry on too much cases of unsuccessful collisions between planes of New York airport: in May at Newark there could have been five,... more

AirportsCIA: transportation of terrorists, GB police denies use of English airports
London, United Kingdom - Closed the inquiry lasted 18 months
Came to nothing the English police inquiry on CIA's use of some England's airports to transport terrorists toward US prisons in foreign countries with the purpose of torture them to prize information. According... more

Airports"Gino Lisa", Foggia focuses on AP's contract
Foggia, Italy - But Region adverts: without traffic no funds, better to concentrate on Bari
Started in Foggia the provincial Council focused on local airport "Gino Lisa" without Domenico Di Paola, governing director of Aeroporti di Puglia (AP), because of a mourning. The assembly is trying to... more

Airports"Valerio Catullo": Clickair press conference next Wednesday
Verona, Italy - For the Verona's air station programmes presentation
Spanish air company Clickair and Verona airport "Valerio Catullo" inform that the press conference for the Veronese air station programmes presentation will be held next Wednesday, June 13 at 12:00am in... more

AirportsIt's Ripepe new Sacal president
Lamezia Terme, Italy - He succeed to magistrate Vitale
Eugenio Ripepe is the Sacal new president, society that manages Lamezia Terme's airport. Ripepe, member of the board designed by Regione Calabria, has been elected this morning from the board with 8... more

AirportsLatina's civil airport: the solutions are on the table
Latina, Italy - The technical projects are two
The Chamber of Commerce of Latina has commissioned to the Centre of research of Transport of University of Rome "La Sapienza"'s Engineer Faculty a technical feasibility study for the realization of Latina's... more

AirportsAdR: extraordinary Board of Directors today afternoon
Rome, Italy - The bid to take over the 45% of Gemina could be decided
An extraordinary Board of Directors of Gemina has been announced for today afternoon, during which could be decided the bid to take over the 45% of the Rome Airports Management Society by Macquarie. It... more

AirportsAeroporti di Puglia, go to the strengthening of regional air stations
Bari, Italy - The Region will invest EUR 63 m
Domenico Di Paola, Chief Executive of Aeroporti di Puglia, has dictated his plan on regional airports. Increase for Bari and Brindisi's air stations, with for the airport of Foggia "Gino Lisa" are foreseen... more

AirportsThe enlargement of the Cologne-Bonn airport will start next Autumn
Cologne, Germany - Goods flow 7,3% increase in 2006
Cologne-Bonn airport is a strategic arrival for those wishing to travel around the hearth of Europe and to easily reach different countries as Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands and obviously Germany.... more

AirportsRimini: the maiden flight by Ryanair
Rimini, Italy - To Stockholm
"Ryanair, the Irish low-cost carrier, inaugurates today a new route from Rimini to Stockholm. To welcome the 34 Swedish tourists, that will land at 'Federico Fellini' (Rimini's airport) with the maiden... more

AirportsPositive accounts for Lugano's airport
Lugano, Switzerland - +7% of passengers
During ordinary council of Lugano Airport Sa, society that manages the Swiss air station, have been approved yesterday the results of 2006 accounts, that closed with a loss of CHF 381,356 against 700,000. A... more

AirportsAirport of Linate blocked because of a damage to a Meridiana aircraft
Milan, Italy - Damage to the steering
Milan-Linate Airport has been recently reopened after a Meridiana aircraft, with onboard 160 passengers and bound to Catania, has blocked the runway because of a damage to the steering. This morning at... more

AirportsTAR of Lazio turns down the appeal for the "System Requirements"
Rome, Italy - This the verdict for Save, AdF, Sogeaal, Sac, Genoa airport management society, Sea, Sat, Sacbo and AdR
TAR of Lazio turns down the appeal by nine airport management societies that have contested the decree law on the "System requirements", so, the same landing and T/O fares will remain in effect for the... more

AirportsNaples: Capodichino's airport reopened this morning
Naples, Italy - The flights and ground assistance services restarted regularly
"From this morning at 6:00 (local hour) the Naples' international airport reopened to the traffic: the flights and ground assistance services restarted regularly. The extraordinary works on the runway... more

AirportsBoulogne: +9,5% passengers in May
Boulogne, Italy - Another month of growth for "Marconi" airport
"Another month of growth for 'Marconi' airport of Boulogne. In May 2007 the passengers have been 365,718 with an increase of 9,5% compared to May 2006, while the traffic has recorded 5,199 aircraft (+5,9%). The... more

AirportsGemina: a take-over bid of Intesa-Sanpaolo and Macquarie Banks
Rome, Italy - AdR 51% has been estimated around EUR 1,4-1,5% billion
Intesa-Sanpaolo and Macquarie constituted a newco that within this week could officialize its interest for Aeroporti di Roma (AdR), estimated in all EUR 2,8 billion, whose majority share (51%) is in Gemina's... more

AirportsArato's prescription: "Genoa must concentrare on low cost"
Genoa, Italy - In the plans the movement of airport to the sea
"For Genoa it is necessary to concentrate on low-cost and to collaborate with the institutions". "Cristoforo Colombo" airport's new president, Marco Arato, appointed yesterday, has showed its prescription... more

AirportsAdR: a penalty of EUR 25 thousand from anti-trust Authority
Rome, Italy - On the "Leonardo da Vinci" cargo's activity
A penalty of EUR 25 thousand was imposed to the operating society of the Roman air station, Aeroporti di Roma (AdR), from the anti-trust authority with the following motivation: "Not having complied the... more

AirportsA new destination for airplanes flying towards Calabrian coasts
Reggio Calabria, Italy - Since June the 13th Cala dei Saraceni will welcome an over 18 public
An unknown Calabrian touristic destination is going to be explored from the general public thanks to new air links. The low-cost flights will link Roseto Capo Spulico, Calabria, to Milan, Verona, Boulogne,... more

AirportsSEA: AEA's list first quarter 2007
Milan, Italy - Malpensa first in Europe for punctuality
"Malpensa is resulted the most punctual airport in Europe in AEA (Association of European Airlines) list, regarding the first quarter 2007, before of great hubs as Amsterdam, Paris, Frankfurt, Madrid and... more

AirportsAeradria: press-conference for flights presentation from/to Sweden
Rimini, Italy - It will take place next Thursday
Aeradria SpA, Rimini's airport management society ("Federico Fellini") communicates that next Thursday, June 7, 2007 at 11am will take place the press conference for the flights presentation from/t... more

AirportsAutogrill will launch a take-over bid on Alpha Airports
Milan, Italy - 110 pences per share
Italy's Autogrill , the world's biggest caterer for travellers, has agreed to buy Alpha Airports in a deal which values the British airline services firm at 193.6 million pounds. It would pay 110 pence... more

AirportsMalpensa: new investments to afford international competitiveness
Varese, Italy - Optimize the management helped by Alitalia and Enav
Last Friday morning Sea, the society that manages the airports of Milan, has showed a plan to trade unions to invest 1 billion Euro to build new infrastructures, key-instruments for an international policy... more

AirportsSAT: the first scheduled no-stop landed at "Galileo Galilei" from New York
Pisa, Italy - The connection by Delta, served with a Boeing 737/300ER aircraft
"Last May 31 has taken off the first no-stop flight between Tuscany and USA (DL-136 by Delta Airlines) from New York, with a Boeing 737/300ER (209 seats in Economy class and 35 ones in Business). So,... more

AirportsGESAC: the Capodichino's airport closed from today to June 6
Naples, Italy - For extraordinary maintenance works on the runway
"Naples' international airport is closed to the traffic from yesterday evening at 11pm to 6am (local hour) of next June 7, 2007 to allow the extraordinary works concerning the re-pavement of the runway.... more

AirportsAdR: take-over bid on Gemina denied by Macquarie
Rome, Italy - A company's press release reported it
Macquarie Airports, Australian company, denies the last week indiscretion on the intention to launch a take-over bid on Gemina, Rome Airports Management Society. "We have not taken a decision on the... more

AirportsAeroporti di Firenze, profits even if closing time
Florence, Italy - 2006 on the fall, but positive trend is started again
Even if its closing time (2 February-8 April) because of the works of remaking of its runway, Aeroporti di Firenze has recorded profits for EUR 1,2 m during year 2006. The data is on the fall if compared... more