6,271 news found

AirportsThe Ticino canton co-finances the Lugano-Malpensa railway
Lugano, Switzerland - Now signals from Italy are awaited
The Parliament of the Ticino canton, in Switzerland, has almost unanimously approved (76 yes, 2 abstained) a financing of CHF 72 millions for the realization of the rail connection from Lugano to Malpensa.... more

AirportsLazio's third airport: Anzio designates Latina
Rome, Italy - According to the mayors, the value of the neighbouring areas will be increased
After the meeting in which the Minister of Transport, Alessandro Bianchi, met the representatives of the three province capitals (Viterbo, Latina and Frosinone) candidated for the Lazio's third airport,... more

AirportsAt Frankfurt's airport the future is being built
Frankfurt, Germany - Investments for 660 million
660 meters long, 60 large, 45 high: these will be the measures of the new multi-functional centre currently under construction at Frankfurt's airport, in Germany. Cost: EUR 660 million, virtually one million... more

AirportsPrague international airport towards privatization
Prague, Czech Republic - Still to define the terms of the divestiture
A first O.K. to the divestment of the state-owned society "Letiste Praha", which manages Prague's international airport has come from the Czech government. By 2008 the investor that will enter the share-holding... more

AirportsCorridor 5 and a sole hub for Northern Italy
Milan, Italy - For the airport activity's relaunch
A sole and great hub with different services for the airports of Lombardia and "Valerio Catullo" of Verona, the opening of Malpensa to the investments by Ryanair for the relaunch of Northen Italy airport... more

AirportsContinental invests in Cleveland airport
Cleveland, USA - New flights and structural improvements
Continental Airlines, one of the major American air-companies, announced to aim at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport, in the state of Ohio, to expand flights and services. The news was given after... more

AirportsOristano: a development plan for the airport
Oristano, Italy - Soon to be a commercial air station
A new airport might be used for commercial traffic in Sardinia, the Italian island, after those of Cagliari, Olbia and Alghero: Oristano. The airport's management company, SOGEAOR, has a development plan. The... more

AirportsAirport of Fiumicino: slowdowns and queues
Rome, Italy - The new optical readers do not recognize apostrophes
Slowdowns in the main air station of Rome. Queues and long waits for documents control as well as embarking procedures and baggage claim. It seems one of the main causes is that the new optical reader... more

AirportsSEA: meeting with Ryanair positive
Milan, Italy - Only of exploratory kind though, others will follow in the coming weeks
"The meeting that has taken place last Friday in Dublin at the Ryanair headquarters between SEA (Milan's airport management society) delegation, led by Giulio De Metrio, Group Chief Operating Officer,... more

AirportsSAB: presentation of Iberia's flight to Valencia
Boulogne, Italy - Press-conference to be held next Thursday at 12:00
Iberia Regional Air Nostrum, Iberia Italy and Boulogne airport inform that the press-conference for the presentation of the new flight Boulogne-Valencia will be held next Thursday, September 20th, at 12:00... more

AirportsIn Latina Lazio's third airport?
Latina, Italy - Yesterday, during the press conference, the air station's optimization procedures were presented
Latina is officially candidate to become Lazio's (central Italy) third airport. The press conference, summoned by the Latina airport association and by president Dino Lucchetti, cleared the air. Latium's... more

AirportsVenice airport: SAVE personnel strike on Tuesday September 18
Venice, Italy - Hardships and slowdowns expected
SAVE SpA, which operates at Venice "Marco Polo" airport, has announced on Tuesday September 18 its personnel will be on strike for 24 hours. The same day, with the same procedures, also the staff of the... more

AirportsEuropean Commission starts inquiry into SOGEAAL, Alghero airport management company
Alghero, Italy - According to the Commission some airlines received illegal financial support
According to European Commission sources, SOGEAAL SpA, the Alghero-Fertilia airport management company, in under inquiry by the Commission itself which is investigating on financing and other economic... more

AirportsToxic liquid spill at Tel Aviv airport
Tel Aviv, Israel - No severe consequences
Firemen intervention yesterday at the Israeli international airport of Tel Aviv, Ben-Gurion. A toxic liquid material spilled during the loading procedures on an airplane, which according to media belongs... more

AirportsAutogrill: Board of Directors approved the results of the first six months and of the second quarter 2007
Milan, Italy - Revenues consolidated: EUR 2034,4 million (+15,1%), and of 1136,8 million (+20,2%), respectively
"The Board of Directors of Autogrill SpA, gathered today, has discussed and approved the consolidated results regarding the first six months and of the second quarter 2007. In the first half of year... more

AirportsSEA: inaugurated "Fast track" service in Malpensa
Milan, Italy - It allows fast access to security filters for business passengers
"The "Fast track" service, which allows business passengers a fast access to security filters through dedicated lanes, has been inaugurated in Malpensa. Already successfully operative at the Linate... more

AirportsAosta's "Gex" airport gets new Thales radio-assistance
Aosta, Italy - The company won a EUR 3,5 million tender
The "Corrado Gex" airport of Aosta, in northern Italy's region Valle D'Aosta, will soon dispose of a new radio-assistance system that will allow the new terminal to be operative 24/7, following the assignment... more

AirportsAt Bangkok airport the sleeping pill helps to live better
Bangkok , Thailand - Strange decision of a Thai medical board
From only one year by the opening of the Bangkok Suvarnabhumi airport the noise pollution made by the air traffic gains critical levels, considering the staggering number of 45 million of passengers have... more

AirportsEtna dies down: Catania's airport reopens
Catania, Italy - It was closed last night as a precaution by reason of intense activity of the volcano
Today at 4:40 a.m. Catania-Fontanarossa international airport was reopened regularly to the air traffic. The air station has been closed shortly after the mid-night, as a precaution, to guarantee the flying... more

AirportsFraport could appeal against World Bank arbitration decision
Frankfurt, Germany - Tribunal considers German company to be wrong on Manila airport case
Airport operator Fraport (Frankfurt Airport) is examining the possibility to appeal against the judgement delivered by a World Bank arbitration court that proved them to be wrong in the Manila airport... more

AirportsAlitalia. Alazraki admits his interest: no political influences
Rome, Italy - No dismissals forecasted
The business plan that the president of the Alazraki group has showed to "Save" Alitalia, both on the financial viewpoint and to avoid foreign interference, does not forecast dismissals in the airline... more

AirportsEuroplane workshop in Aosta
Aosta, Italy - Today 30th and tomorrow 31st August
Today 30th and tomorrow 31st August Aosta will host the workshop for the Europlane project. The main targets are on one hand the realization of a European network of minor airports with similar features... more

AirportsBAA could fire up to 2000 workers
London, Great Britain - BAA manage also the three London's airprots
According to declarations of a BAA officer, the company which is managing Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted London's airports and other British Edimburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Southampton airports, could... more

AirportsDrugs, goods and protected species among the seizings in Fiumicino
Rome, Italy - First 2007 airport controls account presented
Time for a balance for the second Customs Department at the international airport "Leonardo da Vinci" in Rome-Fiumicino. In the first seven months of 2007 the security forces (Customs officers, Financial... more

AirportsAeroporti di Roma (AdR): within month of September a new industrial plan will be ready
Telese Terme, Italy - AdR President, Palenzona announcements
According to declarations by Fabrizio Palenzona, president of Aeroporti di Roma, the management company of the Rome airports, "Soon we'll announce a new industrial plan, within next September, in order... more

AirportsSEA: AEA's list in the first half-year 2007
Milan, Italy - Malpensa first in Europe for punctuality
"Malpensa has resulted the most punctual airport in Europe in AEA (Association of European Airlines) list, also for the first period of six months 2007, arriving before the other great hubs. The success... more

AirportsHong Kong has the best airport in the world
London, United Kingdom - It was second in 2006
According to the annual survey carried out by Skytrax (British civil aviation research company), the international airport of Hong Kong is the best in the world for fast check-in and baggage claim operations,... more

AirportsSEA. Bonomi: "The market awards Malpensa"
Milan, Italy - "American Airlines back in Milan in 2008"
"Great satisfaction for the American Airlines return to Malpensa has been expressed by the president of Milan's airports, Giuseppe Bonomi. One of the largest airlines in the world after Delta, Continental... more

AirportsEnac: Sicilian airports will not streamline
Rome, Italy - There was only a misunderstanding
ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) chairman Vito Riggio answers the Sicily President Salvatore Cuffaro who had expressed strong worries in relation to the possible downgrading of the Sicilian airports... more

AirportsStrong protests against the Siena airport widening
Siena, Italy - Tuscan ecologists open a new battle front
The small Ampugnano airport, near Siena, comes to the fore. After the agreement signed last days by Monte dei Paschi Bank and Aeroporto di Siena SpA (the company managing the Siena airport with the... more

AirportsFiumicino airport: positive closing for the 2007 first six months
Rome, Italy - Passenger growth +7,1%
Aeroporti di Roma (AdR), Roman Airports Management Company, communicates the numbers of the passenger-traffic relating to the first six months of 2007. Compared with the same period of the last year,... more

AirportsAirOne: the case of discounted fares for the flight Villanova-Rome
Rome, Italy - Bad surprise for travellers visiting the company's website
All those who visited the AirOne website in order to book tickets at discounted fares for the flight Villanova-Roma for the month of September had a bad surprise: there are no discounted prices (96 Euro). An... more

AirportsMatera: EUR 8 million investments for the airport enlargement
Matera, Italy - The Region unlocks the funds after years of contrast
Basilicata Region has committed to the Matera Province Industrial Consortium an 8 million Euro fund to enlarge the runway up to 1,580 m of Pisticci airport. Another 2 million Euro fund will pay out... more

AirportsAdR: on September 1st the extraordinary assembly
Rome, Italy - On the agenda the amendament to seven articles of the Statute
The extraordinary assembly of Aeroporti di Roma (AdR) has been summoned on September 1st, while the second convocation has been scheduled on September 21st. According to latest news of the national... more

AirportsMistral Air and ORP draw up agreement
Rome, Italy - To be signed next Monday, 27 in Fiumicino
The meeting to sign the agreement between Mistral Air (an airline owned by the Poste Italiane Group) and ORP (Roman Pilgrimage Action) will take place in the morning of next Monday, August 27th in the... more

AirportsSEA: waiting for August 30 to the definitive investment plans
Milan, Italy - It all depends on the presence of Alitalia in Northern Italy
SEA, the management company for Milan airports, is elaborating for the next two years two great investment plans for the air station of Milan-Malpensa: the completion of the airport's third part, the enlargement... more

AirportsNew airport for Tripoli
Tripoli, Libya - To be ready in 24 months
The Libyan capital city Tripoli will have a new international airport which can host 20 million passengers in a year. The works, for a value of around one million Euro, have been assigned a consortium... more

AirportsSAVE: the shareholding within Treviso airport's capital increases up to 80%
Venice, Italy - Starting from next August 27th
The new course of Treviso airport will start next August 27th with the appointment of the Board. The renewal of the Board takes place after the transition of the SAVE shares' majority. SAVE (Venice... more

AirportsAutogrill announces the closing of its offer for Alpha Airports shares and takes steps to De-listing and Squeeze-out
Milan, Italy - It currently owns approximately 97,8% of Alpha Airports
Autogrill S.p.A. announces the closing of its Offer to acquire all of the Alpha Airports Group PLC (AAP LN) shares and that it will now take steps to procure the making of applications by Alpha Airports... more

AirportsLow voltage supply causes problems to baggages management system
Turin, Italy - Sagat denounces the problem at the system
According to Biagio Marinò, Turin-Caselle airport CEO, the problems in the baggage management system of the last days, (only on last Saturday 740 baggages was nor embarked for their destinations), was... more

AirportsAutogrill granted EU permission to achieve Alpha Airports control
Rome, Italy - It has yet the 96% quote
Eu competition Commission granted Autogrill group for acquisition of English group Alpha Airports, a specialized group operating in 47 airports of 13 Countries in the field of catering and fast food. Following... more

AirportsClimate alert: hard protests at Heathrow
London, England - In the sit-in are expected at least 1500 demonstrators. Possible hardships for the passengers
Police in alert today at Heathrow airport in London. Some ecologists have organized a protest next to the perimeter of the world's busiest international air transport hub. Demonstrators have planned... more

AirportsCagliari-Elmas Airport: boom of passengers in July
Cagliari, Italy - More than 300 thousand transits
Record passengers for the airport of Cagliari-Elmas in July: more than 300 thousand, an increase of 7.3% compared with the same period of 2006. Between arrivals and departures, in July, 300.463 voyagers... more

AirportsFiumicino Airport: yesterday 110 thousand transits
Rome, Italy - Decreased the luggage confusion
The forecast was right. A record week-end for the airport of Rome "Leonardo da Vinci" that in last three days has recorded about 335 thousand transits, only yesterday 110 thousand. In spite of the great... more

AirportsGreat rise for the Mexican airports
Mexico City, Mexico - ASUR, OMA and GAP announce a significant increase of traffic passenger
The management society of numerous Mexican airports are satisfied. The Mexican Asur (South-East Airport) has communicated that in July there was been an increase of the 16,9%, the OMA (Omaha Airport, Nebraska)... more

AirportsGesac: traffic numbers from 10th to 19th August 2007
Naples, Italy - 210 thousand passengers in transit in the Assumption week
The Gesac (Naples' airport management society) has communicated that: "From Friday 10th to Sunday 19th August, in the Assumption week, 210 thousand passengers in transit are expected: 85 thousand on... more

AirportsLost luggage at Fiumicino, "Cittadinanzattiva": "No tender"
Rome, Italy - "It's better to show the photos on-line"
"Cittadinanzattiva", the Italian citizen’s rights no-profit organization, has asked to the Ministry of Transport and ENAC (Italian civil aviation authority) to do not permit the tender of the 800 lost s... more

AirportsOristano airport, soon an ENAV test for radio assistance's devices
Oristano, Italy - Possible the opening to trade traffic
Important meeting for the Oristano's airport, located in Fenosu (Sardinia). It has been decided that an aircraft of ENAV (Italian company for air navigation services) will test two new devices, a beacon... more

AirportsThe City of Ciampino Vs the appeal of Ryanair
Rome, Italy - The statements of the Deputy Mayor, Sergio Pede
"We have challenged some statements of O'Leary, Ryanair CEO, because do not match the truth, like the occupational repercussion, the absence of the noise and the nightly flights. First of all the protection... more

AirportsAlso Ciampino at the collapse
Rome, Italy - The union UILT calls for an ENAC inspection as at Fiumicino
The hot Summer of the airports of Rome keeps on. After Fiumicino, overwhelmed by the high traffic of the last weeks, also at Ciampino the same discomforts would have been reported. Packed during last... more