Press release
3,391 news found

Press releaseECA: breakthrough for aviation safety
Brussels, Belgium - EU Parliament rejects flawed flight time rules
"European pilots and cabin crew welcome yesterday’s decision of the EU Parliament Transport Committee to reject the Commission proposal for new flight time rules in Europe. With a large majority of 21 t... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport: European Parliament vote puts at risk key measures to improve aviation safety
Brussels, Belgium - The motion for rejection will be considered by the EP plenary in October
Following the Transport Committee's vote this afternoon to reject proposals to improve crew protection against fatigue, Vice-President Kallas said: "This vote puts at risk key measures to improve aviation... more

Press releaseENAC and 38th ICAO assembly: Italy reconfirmed among the Nations leader of the world civil aviation
Rome, Italy - With 150 votes out of 173 voters
"The delegates of the 38th general assembly of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), the UN Board of the civil aviation authorities of 191 States, voted last Saturday, on September 28, to renew... more

Press releaseAutogrill: filing of the deed of its demerger in favour of WDF
Milan, Italy - It is going to become effective on Tuesday 1 October 2013
The deed of proportional partial demerger of Autogrill SpA in favour of World Duty Free SpA (WDF) was filed last Friday with the Novara Companies Registrar. Thus it is confirmed that the demerger is... more

Press releaseAlitalia Group. BoD: approved operating results for the first half of 2013
Rome, Italy - The next Board is planned for October 3 to update the members on developments
"The Board of Directors of Alitalia -Compagnia Aerea Italiana SpA, chaired by Roberto Colaninno, met yesterday in Rome. The Group’s industrial and economic performance in the first 6 months of 2013... more

Press releaseAutogrill: proportional partial demerger in favour of World Duty Free SpA
Milan, Italy - Demerger deed executed
Autogrill SpA and World Duty Free SpA (WDF) announce that they executed today the deed of proportional partial demerger of Autogrill that will be filed for registration with the Novara Companies Registrar. Following... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. EC urges Italy, Cyprus and Greece to implement EU rules to unblock congestion in Europe's airspace
Brussels, Belgium - Taken to establish Functional Airspace Blocks
Today the European Commission has requested Italy, Cyprus and Greece to urgently clarify the measures taken to establish Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs), required under the Single European Sky legislation... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Alitalia: unions communicate suspension of the protest of Friday
Rome, Italy - Following to a meeting between parts
"The Italian strike management Authority in the essential public services received the communication about the revocation of the protest of next September 27, from 10am to 2:00pm, by the Alitalia's crew... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Enav-Techno Sky: two strategic tenders in Libya
Rome, Italy - For air navigation services for the next 5 years
ENAV, the Italian company for air navigation services, together with its subsidiary Techno Sky, has awarded two tenders with the Libyan Civil Aviation Authority (LCAA). The Libyan Civil Aviation Authority... more

Press releaseAirplanes and safety. ECA: disruption in the European skies
Brussels, Belgium - EU Commission pushing for new flight rules
"The safety of millions of European air passengers will be subject to a decisive vote in the European Parliament (EP), in one week’s time (30 Sept.). At stake are new rules for EU-wide Flight Time Limitations (... more

Press releaseAlitalia: the Group announced the development plans on Venice's airport with the flight to Tokyo
Venice, Italy - The city confirmed base for two AirOne's A-320 airplanes
Alitalia and Save (Venice's airport management company) presented today in Venice the development plans of the Alitalia Group on the "Marco Polo" and that predict the starting of a new direct link from... more

Press releaseAirbus: Lufthansa commits to up to 55 A-350 airplanes
Toulouse, France - The aircraft key to modernising the carrier's long-haul fleet
"The Supervisory board of Lufthansa, Airbus’ biggest airline customer and operator, has decided to expand and modernise its long-haul fleet with a commitment for up to 55 A-350/900 aircraft (25 firm a... more

Press releaseItalian Minister Bonino about US-Russia agreement on chemical weapons ban in Syria
Rome, Italy - "A good first step"
The agreement reached last Saturday by the US and Russia is a good first step, not only as a ban on chemical weapons in Syria but also in the service of a negotiated solution to the bloody civil war in... more

Press releaseAnpac: SkyTeam Pilot Association biannual meeting ended in Moscow
Rome, Italy - Organized by SCPA, the Association of Russian pilots
The Italian commercial pilots association ANPAC communicated today that "The biannual meeting of SkyTeam Pilots Association (SPA), organized by Sheremetyevo Cockpit Personnel Association (SCPA), the association... more

Press releaseAlitalia: the appointments of Andrea Leistner and Massimo Marsili
Rome, Italy - Director of purchases and services of the airline, and Chief Commercial Officer, respectively
Gabriele Del Torchio, Alitalia's CEO, presented yesterday at the Board of Directors the designations of: - Andrea Leistner, manager of purchases and services of the airline; - Massimo Marsili, Chief... more

Press releaseLatam Airlines Group: passenger-traffic increased 2% in July 2013
Santiago, Chile - International passenger traffic increased 1.9%
LATAM Airlines Group and its subsidiaries, ("LATAM Airlines Group" or "the Company"), the airline group in Latin America, reported preliminary monthly traffic statistics for July 2013 compared to July... more

Press releaseEtihad Airwyas and Government of Serbia unveil strategic partnership
Abu Dhabi, UAE - The airline to acquire 49 per cent of JatAirways
Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has unveiled plans to acquire 49 per cent of JatAirways. The Abu Dhabi-based carrier has also been awarded a five year management... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Indra to implement the Romanian ATM system
Rome, Italy - In the Bucharest control centre, four approach facilities and 15 control towers
The Romanian provider of air navigation services, ROMATSA, has selected Indra to implement a latest-generation air traffic management system that will organise aircraft movements in the country's entire... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica: agreement with steel workers unions about supplemental health care services
Rome, Italy - Extended to all personnel of the Group, within the framework of the company's welfare initiatives
Within the framework of the Company’s welfare initiatives, an agreement was signed on 30 July between the Finmeccanica Group and the three National Secretaries of the FIM, FIOM and UILM Trade Union Confederations w... more

Press releaseeasyJet: quarter 3, 2013 interim management statement
Milan, Italy - The load factor of 88.2% was 0.9 percentage points lower than prior year
easyJet announced the Quarter 3, 2013 Interim Management Statement. The highlights are: - Total revenue for the third quarter grew by 10.5% to £1,142 million, driven by a 3.6% increase in capacity... more

Press releaseAircraft and airlines. Alitalia: marketing agreement with the Brazilian carrier GOL
Rome, Italy - First step of the Business Plan 2013-2016
Alitalia begins the implementation of the Business plan 2013-2016 thanks to the marketing agreement with the Brazilian airline GOL, signed today in San Paolo by Gabriele Del Torchio, Alitalia's CEO and... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: its general director, Quaranta, into the JAA-TO Board
Rome, Italy - The European organization for the aeronautical education
"Alessio Quaranta, general director of the Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC), has been appointed into the JAA-TO Board of Directors. It is the European organization of the education, in the aeronautical... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Blue Panorama: its flights fixed for today will be served as schedule
Rome, Italy - The airline specifies about the protest by its flight attendants
"Blue Panorama wants to confirm the punctual compliance necessary to the company's continuity and predicted from the agreement in which the airline is admitted, according to the news regarding the strike... more

Press releaseF-35 aircraft (2). Summary of the press release of today's session of the Italian Senate about the motion of approval
Rome, Italy - Regarding the Italian participation in the European project. Provisional draft
"On Tuesday July 16, 2013. 67th public session of the Italian Senate, started at 9:31 am. The assembly concluded the examination of the motions about the Italian participation in the F-35 aircraft... more

Press releaseAircraft and safety. EC: member States support the revision of aircrew fatigue rules
Brussels, Belgium - Commonly called "Flight and duty limitations and rest requirements" (or "Flying time limitations"- FTL)
The Member States voted on July 12 strongly in support of a draft proposal made by the Commission aimed at revising the current EU safety rules governing the fatigue of aircrew, commonly called "Flight... more

Press releaseAsiana aircraft. IFALPA: "We disagree with the NTSB decision to release the operational data"
Montreal, Canada - "The facts needed to draw an accurate analysis of events"
The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’ Associations has released the following statement regarding the Asiana Flight 214 airplane accident in San Francisco on 6 July, 2013: IFALPA would l... more

Press releaseFAA boosts aviation safety with new pilot qualification standards
Washington, Usa - Increased the qualification requirements for first aircraft officers who fly for US passenger and cargo airlines
In a final rule to be published soon, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced that it is increasing the qualification requirements for first aircraft officers who fly for US passenger and cargo... more

Press releaseAirplanes. Congestion in Europe's air space: EC announced funding in new research
Brussels, Belgium - Equal to EUR 600 million
The European Commission has today announced €600 million of new funding to unblock congestion in Europe's airspace. The Commission is looking to head off a capacity crunch as the number of flights is f... more

Press releaseAircraft and "Clean Sky 2". EU and industry join forces to invest in research and innovation
Brussels, Belgium - More than EUR 22 billion over the next seven years in five different sectors (aeronautics)
The European Commission, EU Member States and European industry will invest more than €22 billion over the next seven years in innovation for sectors that deliver high quality jobs. Most of the investment w... more

Press releaseAirplanes and safety. EC: European "Black-list" update. The list in the "Specials" by AVIONEWS
Brussels, Belgium - The 21st that replaces the previous one of last December 2012 about the airlines subject to a ban or operational restrictions
The European Commission has updated today for the 21st time the European list of airlines subject to an operating ban or operational restrictions within the European Union, better known as "The EU air... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. Italian ENAV and FEP: 4,200 tonnes of fuel were cut in 2012
Rome, Italy - And 13,500 tonnes of CO2
ENAV, the Italian company for air navigation services, in accordance with international directives from the main organisations of the sector such as CANSO, IATA (International Air Transport Association)... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica: integration of the Board of Directors and new designations De Gennaro and Minuto Rizzo
Rome, Italy - During the shareholders' meeting held today
"The Shareholders’ Meeting of Finmeccanica, held today to integrate the Board of Directors, upon the proposal of the shareholder Ministry of Economy and Finance, has appointed Giovanni De Gennaro and A... more

Press releaseFilt Cgil about easyJet: flight attendants' contract renewed
Rome, Italy - The strike fixed for next July 18 has been revoked
"The contract by easyJet's flight attendants, expired at the end of 2012, has been renewed". Filt Cgil said it in a note and underlines that "The agreement focuses mainly on improvement of the shifts,... more

Press releaseAlitalia presented the guidelines of the new industrial plan 2013-2016 with economic-financial objectives in four years
Rome, Italy - It will focus on three principal businesses and on four strategies
"Gabriele Del Torchio, new CEO of Alitalia, presented yesterday the strategic outline of the new Industrial Plan 2013-2016 for the airline and the new mission of the Company. With this Plan, the Group... more

Press releaseItalian Treasury Ministry designates De Gennaro and Minuto Rizzo as candidates for Finmeccanica board
Rome, Italy - As Chairman and councilor, respectively
The Italian Ministry for Finance and Economy designated prefect Giovanni De Gennaro and ambassador Alessandro Minuto Rizzo as candidates for the board of directors of Finmeccanica SpA. The designations,... more

Press releaseAirplanes and transport. EC: VP Kallas launches new passenger rights information of a two year campaign
Brussels, Belgium - It will take place next Friday at Warsaw airport
For the first time, millions of holiday-makers travelling in the EU this summer will be protected by comprehensive passenger rights – whether travelling by airplane or rail, and now also by ship, bus a... more

Press releaseAirplanes and safety. EU Parliament weighs in on Flight Time Limitations debate
Brussels, Belgium - The EASA proposal is not acceptable in terms of safety, according to the European cabin crew representatives
Members of the European Parliament (EP) have been warned that not enough has been done to keep Europe’s sky safe and to protect the travelling public from the risks associated with aircrew fatigue. At a... more

Press releaseFinmeccanica. Shareholders’ Meeting: proposed candidacy for the integration of the Board of Directors
Rome, Italy - Dario Frigerio to replace outgoing Board member Christian Streiff
Relatively to Point 1.3 on the agenda of Finmeccanica’s Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting convened on the 3rd and 4th of July 2013, on first and second call respectively, Finmeccanica hereby informs that it... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC: the runway nr 2 at Rome-Fiumicino airport opened again
Rome, Italy - Yesterday morning and in advance
The runway nr 2 (runway 07-25) of the Rome-Fiumicino airport reopened yesterday morning in advance. The normal operativeness of the airport is now re-established on this runway used for take-off operations... more

Press releaseAircraft and transport. SES: EC acts to unblock congestion in Europe's airspace
Brussels, Belgium - The Commission is looking to head off a capacity crunch as the number of flights is forecast to increase by 50% over the next 10-20 years
The European Commission has yesterday acted to speed up the reform of Europe's air traffic control system. The Commission is looking to head off a capacity crunch as the number of flights is forecast to... more

Press releaseAlitalia and unions sign solidarity agreement: job levels are guaranteed, turnaround plan launched
Rome, Italy - Cuts to the wages of Chairman, Vice-Presidents, board members, Chief Executive Officer and other executives
An important agreement between a delegation from Alitalia, lead by Chief Executive Officer Gabriele Del Torchio, and the unions Filt-Cgil, Fit-Cisl, Uil and Ugl Trasporti was signed in the evening of Thursday... more

Press releaseATR -600 aircraft receive by EASA "ETOPS 120 minutes" certification
Toulouse, France - It is very important for air networks, such as in French Polynesia or Siberia
"The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has just granted ATR, the European manufacturer of turboprop aircraft, “ETOPS 120 minutes” certification of its new ‘-600’ series ATR aircraft. This ETOPS (... more

Press releaseRimini Airport management firm, Aeradria, about the discover of a corpse in the landing gear compartment of an aircraft: official findings
Rimini, Italy - The man, of Georgian origin, died four days ago
"In connection with the news released today about the discover of a corpse of a man during the stop at Moscow-Vnukovo Airport of the Airbus A-330 aircraft of the company I Fly which arrived from Rimini... more

Press releaseAutogrill: approved the proportional partial demerger project for the Travel Retail & Duty Free business
Milan, Italy - During the shareholders' meeting today
The Shareholders of Autogrill SpA met today under the chairmanship of Gilberto Benetton in ordinary and extraordinary sessions and approved the project of proportional partial demerger of Autogrill SpA... more

Press releaseItaly. Milan airports: the BoD approves annual budget 2012
Milan, Italy - Passenger traffic: 27,5 million on the airports managed by the Group (-2,3%); goods 421,400 tons (-7,6%)
The Board of Directors of SEA (Milan airports management company) approved yesterday the annual budget 2012. Following, a summary of the highlights: - Revenues: EUR 721 million (+9,1%) - Ebitda:... more

Press releaseItalian ENAC and WEC inked a Memorandum of Understanding for establishment of ISAFF for a sustainable aviation
Rome, Italy - The signature paves the way for the constitution of a forum which will be open to all the stakeholders
ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) and WEC Italia (the Italian Committee of the World Energy Council) signed a MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) this morning at the ENAC's central offices, to establish... more

Press releaseSingle commercial brand for the Avianca Holdings SA
Bogota, Colombia - It includes Avianca, Taca Airlines, Aerogal e Tampa Cargo
As announced in late 2012 and after three years of intense work aimed at integration and reorganization of operations and processes, ground and air equipment modernization, and the adoption of industry... more

Press releaseESA: "Volare" mission began with astronaut Luca Parmitano who arrives at Space Station
Rome, Italy - The Soyuz spacecraft lifted off at 20:31:24 GMT on May 28 also with a Russian and an American
A Soyuz spacecraft launched from Kazakhstan last night safely docked with the International Space Station this morning, delivering ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano and his crewmates to the orbital outpost... more

Press releaseAirplanes and finance. Alitalia Group: 2013 first quarter results. Load factor increased
Rome, Italy - The elaboration of the 2013/2016 industrial plan is in progress, expected to be presented to the BoD at the end of June
The Board of Directors of Alitalia -Compagnia Aerea Italiana SpA-, chaired by Roberto Colaninno, met in Rome yesterday and approved the Group financial statement through March 31, 2013, presented by the... more

Press releaseAirplanes and service provider. Italian ENAV SpA: general assembly approved the 2012 budget
Rome, Italy - A EUR 46 million net profit
The ENAV SpA (Italian Flight Assistance Company) General Assembly was held today in Rome under the chairmanship of the CEO Massimo Garbini and approved the 2012 Budget which resulted in a € 46 million n... more