6,271 news found

AirportsSOGAER: press-conference for presentation low-cost flights by Ryanair
Cagliari, Italy - This morning at 10:30 at Elmas' airport
SOGAER, Cagliari-Elmas' airport management society, communicates that the press-conference for the presentation of direct low-cost flights that will link the Sardinian city to Madrid and Bergamo, took... more

AirportsBrussels against Berlin on the subventions to Munich's airport
Munich, Germany - EU Commission is examining the case
Around the mid-90's various air-companies threatened to leave the airport of Munich, in Germany, due to the jet fuel costs, higher than in other European airports because of the lack of proper links with... more

AirportsSOGAS, AN (Italian Party) councillor Cananzi annouces a press conference
Reggio Calabria , Italy - Stabilize the situation rapidly, then develop a business plan
Concerning the capital increase of the SOGAS (Management Company for the Air Strait), AVIONEWS has interwiewed Francesco Maria Cananzi, provincial councillor of Alleanza Nazionale (Italian party), who... more

AirportsMaxi-recapitalization for SOGAS, Reggio Calabria airport management company
Reggio Calabria, Italy - Over 6 million Euro to make up
All the knots come to the comb, and this time Senator Pietro Fuda, sole director of SOGAS (Reggio Calabria airport management company) has many knots to undo. The hole in the SOGAS accounts is of 6,018,000... more

AirportsSACBO: new routes from Orio al Serio's airport
Bergamo, Italy - From yesterday with Winter schedule
"In coincidence with the Winter times, some of the new routes introduced into the program of scheduled destinations from Bergamo-Orio al Serio's airport, have become operational starting from yesterday,... more

AirportsSAGAT: new flight to Moscow served by Wind Jet
Turin, Italy - It will be announced tomorrow in the morning during a press-conference
Wind Jet and SAGAT (Turin-Caselle's airport management society) communicate that the press conference for the presentation of the new Turin-Moscow will take place tomorrow, on Tuesday October 30, 2007... more

AirportsAirport of Preturo: vote in favour for the readjustment project
Rome, Italy - Abruzzo Region to pay out a 150 million Euro financing
ENAC, Italian Civil Aviation Authority, has approved the project of "Public Works" sector of the city of L'Aquila for the readjustment of Preturo airport. The news has been disclosed during a recent... more

AirportsSAB: no more queueing at the check-in
Bologna, Italy - On-line boarding card from today also at the "Marconi" airport, after Milan and Rome
"Starting from today British Airways provides al passengers departing from the 'Guglielmo Marconi' airport of Bologna with the service 'On-line boarding card', which allows to print one's boarding card... more

AirportsSACBO: ENAC order about air movements procedures
Bergamo, Italy - To be effective starting from Thursday, November 1st
"Starting from Thursday, November 1st will come into force the order no. 7/2007 of October 23, 2007, issued by ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) - Airport Direction of Bergamo and Brescia, relative... more

AirportsAdF: the seven finalists selected for the architectural concept of the "Amerigo Vespucci"
Florence, Italy - Concluded the first phase of the competition
"AdF, Aeroporto di Firenze SpA, announces the first phase's conclusion of the international competition regarding ideas for external architectural concept of the 'Amerigo Vespucci's airport. Five international... more

AirportsThe closure of the "Ciuffelli" airport in Rieti goes on until Monday
Rieti , Italy - Next week the check-up of the fire-fighting service
The "Ciuffelli" airport of Rieti, that in ten months will have to host the world gliding championships, is going to remain closed for 4 more days, until Monday, October 29th, when the stop decided by ENAC... more

AirportsChaos at "JFK", ready a plan to cut 40 flights every hour
New York, USA - From the present 120 to 80 every 60 minutes
The alarm was given last February when, on St. Valentine's day, the passengers of a JetBlue Airways flight were left on a runway of the "John Fitzgerald Kennedy" airport of New York for more than 10 hours... more

AirportsFrosinone, presented project "Icarus"
Frosinone, Italy - Waiting for the airport, a course for aerospace technicians
Regione Lazio has financed a project called "Icarus", appropriating 680,000 Euro for the first of the three years, to be used to train specialists in the construction and maintenance of the aerospace sector. The... more

AirportsCapital increase for the airport of Villanova d'Albenga
Albenga, Italy - And now towards the partial privatization
At the "Clemente Panero" airport of Villanova d'Albenga (Liguria region), in Northern Italy, there is satisfaction for the capital increase registered yesterday during the shareholders' assembly. The stockholders... more

AirportsNew airline operates on Birgi (Sicily): the Club Air
Trapani, Italy - Tirana. As from March Ryanair will link the "Vincenzo Florio" airport with Frankfurt. Air One defined the flights on Milan and Rome for 2008
The airport of Trapani-Birgi, in Sicily, receives four new routes and one new air-company. Club Air links the airport with Boulogne, Brussels, Stuttgart and Tirana. The flights are already operative and... more

AirportsPontecagnano: recognized the strategic role of the airport
Salerno, Italy - Confirmed structural funds worth 45 million Euro
Recognized the strategic function of the airport of Pontecagnano (Salerno). The chairman of the Transport committee of the Campania Region, Ennio Cascetta, has confirmed it, and he also declared that there... more

AirportsAlghero, bitter criticisms on the SOGEEAL recapitalization
Alghero , Italy - The infusion of capital is necessary to pay off
Yesterday in Alghero the town council of the Sardinian city voted an accounts change of EUR 60,000, of which 400,000 will be commit to the SOGEEAL (the company who manages the airport) recapitalization.... more

AirportsLombardia: over 80% the participation to the yesterday strike
Milan, Italy - 260 flights cancelled in the Milan airports
According to Lombardia Transport Unions the participation to the yesterday strike was 80%. The strike was against the Alitalia business plan. Unions demand a reorganization of the carrier so that it... more

AirportsSAB about the strikes of Alitalia and flight controllers
Bologna, Italy - Cancelled 23 connections, national and international
"After the national 4-hour strike of ENAV flight controllers belonging to the union UGL and the national 8-hour strike of Alitalia's crew belonging to CISAL-Assovolo, in the 'Marconi' airport of Bologna... more

AirportsSagat: two new direct flights to Bucharest and Bacau from October 28
Turin, Italy - The low-cost carrier, Blue Air, will serve four connections per week to Romania
"Blue Air, the main low-cost carrier in Romania, will inaugurate, from October 28, two new links: Turin-Bucharest and Turin-Bacau. The connection to Bucharest-B?neasa takes off from Turin on Tuesday... more

AirportsOfficial Gazette (2): government decree October 4, 2007, nr 172, the remaining three articles
Rome, Italy - Official Gazette of the October 19, 2007
"Article 4 Administrative violations and sanctions 1) Except that foreseen by the article 14, section 4, of the regulation, the ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority), verified the absence of the causes... more

AirportsOfficial Gazette: decree on sanctionative discipline about slots assignment in Italian airports as regards common rules defined by the regulation
Rome, Italy - Modifying regulation no. 95/93 about slots assignment in UE airports
"The President of the Italian Republic considering the articles 76 and 87 of the Constitution; considering the law 6 February 2007 no. 13 featuring dispositions for the execution of duties deriving... more

AirportsAdR: Board summoned for October 25th
Rome, Italy - To decide a capital share increase equal to EUR 1.25 billion for the management company
On October 25th, the Holding Gemina has summoned the Board of Directors to decide a capital share increase equal to EUR 1.25 billion for Aeroporti di Roma (AdR), the Rome Airports Management Company. Through... more

AirportsSEA: air transport general strike in Lombardia, next Monday
Milan, Italy - Four hours, from 10:00am to 2:00pm
"SEA - Milan airports management company informs that due to the general strike of air transport in Lombardia called by all the unions, on Monday, October 22nd from 10:00am to 2:00pm, scheduled flights... more

AirportsFirst visit to Linate of the mayors of Lombardy against the route change
Milan, Italy - Conflict in sight between cities for who will have to tolerate the air-traffic
After having announced their total opposition against the current experimentation, for which a part of the traffic starting from Milan-Linate was moved on the directrix that passes upon the area of the... more

AirportsThe ambitious projects of Tuscan airports
Florence, Italy - Grosseto, Siena and Pisa wait for substantial funds to increase their airports
Currently, Tuscany seems be one of the most active Region, concerning to the development and strengthening of the airports. Pisa "Galileo Galilei" airport, managed by SAT (Tuscan Airport Company) from... more

AirportsAlitalia: ticket office personnel on strike at the airport of Brussels
Brussels, Belgium - After the announcement of the office's closing
Today the Alitalia ticket office personnel go on strike at the airport of Brussels. Acconding to the press, the decision has been taken after the announcement of the office's closing planned within... more

AirportsSAB (2): new scheduled flight Boulogne-Moscow
Boulogne, Italy - Starting from next March 4 twice per week
"Eurofly and the 'Guglielmo Marconi' airport of Boulogne announce the new scheduled flight Boulogne-Moscow (Domodedovo airport), which will operate starting from March 4, 2008 twice per week, on Tuesdays... more

AirportsPeople of Cernusco united against Linate flights
Cernusco , Italy - "Discomforts to our quiet life"
They do not exclude to go "En masse" in front of the gates of the ariport of Milan-Linate, the political forces and the citizens of the town of Cernusco sul Naviglio, in Lombardy, if the authorities will... more

AirportsSEA: presentation of the "Environmental accounts 2007"
Milan, Italy - Today at 12:00
SEA, the Milan airports management company, informs that the presentation of the "Environmental accounts 2007" took place today, Thursday October 2007 at 12:00 in Malpensa's terminal 1 (Info Center, level... more

AirportsMalpensa: Lombardia Local Authorities appeal to the Government
Milan, Italy - Formigoni met Enrico Letta and ambassadors of USA and Germany
The initiatives of Lombardia Local Authorities continue with the purpose that the Government supports the airport of Milan-Malpensa. An appeal to have a support apart from the future of Alitalia. The... more

AirportsSAB: presentation of the flight to Moscow operated by Eurofly
Bologna, Italy - The press-conference took place today at 12:00
Eurofly and the airport "Guglielmo Marconi" of Bologna inform that the meeting for the presentation of the new flight Bologna-Moscow took place today, Thursday October 18, 2007 at 12:00 in the press hall... more

AirportsUK flights less punctual
London, Great Britain - New data for the second quarter of 2007
The last statistics presented by the British Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) on the punctuality of flights from and to Great Britain's airports tell straight out: on-time flights fell in the second quarter... more

AirportsAeroporto di Genova: AdR does not sell and raises a bid instead
Genoa, Italy - Palenzona and Basile participate to the capital increase
Aeroporti di Roma Spa (AdR) turns about on the intention to sell its 15-percent-share of participation to Aeroporto di Genova SpA, the management society of the “Cristoforo Colombo” airport in Genoa. Ins... more

AirportsGESAC: new services in airport with the new over-the-counter products inaugurated yesterday
Naples, Italy - The project of the areas in the airports has been completed, according to the exigencies of the customers
"The new over-the-counter products has been inaugurated yesterday in the Naples' international airport situated in the external area, near the Terminal entry between the bank and the post office. The... more

AirportsAutogrill: the Group reinforces in India
Milan, Italy - For the refreshment of the new hub in Hyderabad, second Indian Silicon Valley
"The Autogrill Group reinforces its presence in India obtaining, through the North American division, HMSHost Corp. the tender for the catering services' management in the new international Hyderabad 'Rajiv... more

AirportsFinint increases participation in Marco Polo Holding
Venice, Italy - Veneto Sviluppo cedes share
Regional financial society Veneto Sviluppo has ceded its participation share in Marco Polo Holding, which controls almost 40% of Società Aeroporto di Venezia SpA (Save), managing company of the "Marco... more

AirportsLamezia, invited tenders for the new air station contract
Lamezia Terme , Italy - The structure will have a capacity of 3.5 million passengers
S.A.CAL. SpA (Calabria airport management company) announced a competition for the construction of the new air station of Lamezia Terme airport. The current structure will stay operational until it want... more

AirportsThe Italian Air Force intends to leave off 15 air-stations
Florence, Italy - Statement of General Camporini
The Italian Air Force would like to withdraw from a list of 15 airports in Italy which they don't need anymore, in order to make space to civil aviation. This was declared by General Vincenzo Camporini,... more

AirportsStrike at Catania-Fontanarossa on October 20th
Catania , Italy - Air-traffic controllers mobilize
The air-traffic controllers of the Catania-Fontanarossa airport have summoned a strike for Saturday, October 20th. The exact times of the agitation are still unknown. The workers protest against the missing... more

AirportsCiampino Airport (3): a sentence that silences Ryanair
Rome, Italy - No one is legibus solutus
"Now it is necessary to leave again with new and drastic reduction of flights, because the order of ENAC, Italian Civil Aviation Authority, is only a first half-hearted step", stated the "Rete dei cittadini... more

AirportsComiso: the airport is ok; how about the streets?
Comiso, Italy - The contract for the road system has been already assigned, but the starting and closing dates of the works are not specified
The developmment of Comiso airport has one more problem. Vito Riggio, ENAC's (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) President, gives a warning relating to the perspectives of the new airport, checking the... more

AirportsCiampino airport (2): Ryanair believes ENAC made false complaints
Rome, Italy - Unfounded excuses to limit the airport's growth
"False complaints have been made by ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) concerning the noise in the nighttime, despite the fact that Ryanair operates with the youngest and most silent airplanes in... more

AirportsCiampino Airport: the TAR Lazio defeats the appeal of Ryanair
Rome, Italy - And Michael O'Leary threatens to lodge an appeal
Starting from November 1st, the cut of 38 flights from the airport of Rome-Ciampino will be effective. The grounds of the ENAC measure were due to the "Necessity to intervene for the reconstruction... more

AirportsAdF SpA: new flights from "Amerigo Vespucci" airport to Lyons, Zurich, Malmo and Stockholm
Florence, Italy - Served by Air France with Brit Air, Sterling and Swiss
"AdF (Aeroporto di Firenze SpA) announces the opening of four new links, for an overall of 21 new weekly connections. Air France with Brit Air will open the new route Florence-Lyons with two flights... more

AirportsThe Miro Radici Finance Holding purchases 46% of the Crotone airport
Crotone, Italy - After Trapani another strategic choice for new Ryanair routes
A few days ago a contract of purchase for 46% of the Crotone airport (Calabria region) has been signed by the Miro Radici Finance Holding, led by Bergamo businessman Nicola Radici. Another 4,2% that brings... more

AirportsAeradria: over 400 travel agents at the event organized by "I viaggi del turchese"
Rimini, Italy - Last Friday at the International airport "Federico Fellini"
"'I Viaggi del Turchese' confirms its leadership of Tour Operator at international level, organizing an event in coincidence with the starting last Friday, October 12, of TTG Incontri in Rimini Fiera that... more

AirportsGroup of banks grants financing to Aeroporto di Salerno SpA
Salerno , Italy - To allow the completing of the air-station of Pontecagnano
Last Friday a press conference was held at the Chamber of Commerce in Salerno, in which Augusto Strianese, President of the company Aeroporto di Salerno SpA, manager of the omonimous air-station, and Antonio... more

AirportsEU Parliament (4): the tenders for the ground assistance services have to be regulated
Strasbourg, France - The Commission is invited to publish clear stances or to make new proposals
The report about the air traffic, which has been illustrated in the EU Parliament in Strasbourg, concerned also the ground assistance services of the airports. The members of Parliament, who have presented... more

AirportsSAGAT: record passengers traffic at Caselle's airport, thanks also to the new connections
Turin, Italy - In September it recorded a +14,1%
"The trend of growth of passengers' traffic confirms still positive at the Turin-Caselle's airport. Last month, 308,790 transits, + 14,1% compared the figure recorded in the same month 2006 equal to... more