Civil aviation
11,306 news found

Civil aviationAEA about increase of the UK Air Passenger Duty on April 1
Brussels, Belgium - The Association strongly condemns it
On 1 April, the UK government will once again increase the amount of the so-called Air Passenger Duty (APD), a shockingly uncompetitive tax that jeopardises the travel plans of many families and companies.... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. Spokane Airport sues FAA to block control tower's shutdown
Spokane, USA - "The agency has entirely failed to apply its safety management system"
The decision of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to close 149 federal contract towers beginning April 7 as part of the agency’s sequestration implementation plan (AVIONEWS) is continuing to g... more

Civil aviationAirplanes and carriers. IACA: Greece recognizes the vital contribution of aviation to tourism
Brussels, Belgium - The assembly took place last week in Athens
IACA (International Air Carrier Association)'s Assembly took place last week in Athens, Greece - the perfect location to discuss the vital contribution of aviation to tourism since one in five jobs in... more

Civil aviationAircraft and airlines. AEA: its 32 members expand their long haul production by 4.7% in Summer
Brussels, Belgium - For a total choice of 561 destinations
The summer timetable season, which will start at the end of this week, will see the 32 members of the Association of European Airlines (AEA) expanding their long haul production by 4.7%, extending their... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. IATA: changes to improve Indian aviation
Delhi, India - The Association called for government to work together in particular areas
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called for government and industry to join forces on a series of projects to enhance safety, security and efficiency in India. These would align with... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. FAA releases list of the 149 towers which will have to close
Washington, USA - "Unfortunately we are faced with a series of difficult choices", Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood claims
The Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reached the decision that 149 federal contract towers will close beginning April 7 as part of the agency’s sequestration implementation pla... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. EC refers Portugal to the Court of Justice over ground-handling services
Brussels, Belgium - Lisbon, Porto and Faro airports are not complying with the EU rules
The European Commission referred Portugal to the Court of Justice of the European Union, since the rules regarding baggage handling, ramp handling and freight and mail handling are not being complied with... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. ECJ: environmental assessment is required if airport traffic is expected to raise
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - Austrian legislation is contrary to EU law
On Thursday 21 March 2013 the European Court of Justice stated that Austrian legislation is contrary to EU law in that, when an airport is modified, it provides for an environmental assessment only for... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. Iata: modest improvement in its outlook for the 2013 financial performance
Geneva, Switzerland - Confidence in the airline industry is rising around several factors
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced a modest improvement in its outlook for the 2013 financial performance of the global airline industry primarily based on stronger revenues.... more

Civil aviationIATA announced its 2013 worldwide best performing training partners
Montreal, Canada - During the "2013 Global Training Partner Congress" held in Abu Dhabi
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced its 2013 worldwide best performing training partners as part of its training partner recognition programs. The IATA Training and Development... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. FAA postpones decision on closure of control towers
Washington, USA - Democratic and Republican senators back legislation to limit budget cuts
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the United States communicated that it is putting off until Friday 22 March a decision on which air traffic control towers, among the 189 airports it listed,... more

Civil aviationAirplane and transport. IATA: New Distribution Capability filing with US Department of Transportation
Washington, Usa - The integral version of the document in the "Specials" section of AVIONEWS
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) filed an application with the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) for approval of Passenger Services Conference Resolution 787, which is... more

Civil aviationAircraft and budget cuts. A4A supports amendment aimed to protect air transport from the sequestration
Washington, USA - The measure means to provide federal agencies the flexibility to determine which employees are essential personnel
In the United States the cuts to the budget of federal agencies (the so-called "Sequestration") are impacting also the air transport industry, particularly with security checks in the airports (AVIONEWS)... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. ELFAA about passenger rights: air travel should be affordable to all
Brussels, Belgium - An important improvement is the further clarification of the concept of extraordinary circumstances
The European Low Fares Airline Association (ELFAA) has welcomed the European Commission’s decision to clarify the rules governing air passenger rights. Successive interpretations by the courts of the p... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. Airlines' associations disapprove delays in the Single European Sky programme
Brussels, Belgium - "We find it unacceptable that the European flagship programme for aviation appears to be rapidly falling apart"
The European airspace users’ community is facing another setback on the implementation of Single European Sky after the Single Sky Committee, consisting of representatives of the 27 Member States of t... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. Single European Sky: IATA criticizes downsizing of the targets
Geneva, Switzerland - "Member states which continue to protect inefficient air navigation service providers", Tyler claims
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) criticized the decision of the European Single Sky Committee to endorse weakened Performance and Charging Scheme regulations for air navigation services... more

Civil aviationGerman limitations for aircraft approaching Zurich Airport: ECJ definitively dismisses Swiss appeal
Luxembourg, Luxembourg - The measures do not infringe the Air Transport Agreement between Bern and the EU
On Thursday 7 March 2013 the European Court of Justice (ECJ) dismissed the appeal brought by Switzerland challenging the German measures of 2003 relating to the approaches to Zurich airport. The Swiss... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. European airlines associations discuss of a possible joint trade body
Rome, Italy - The idea is creating a unique interface to relate with institutions, but not everyone agrees
According to rumours, the most important airline associations in Europe are informally discussing of the possible creation of a joint trade body able to represent the interests of the carriers with the... more

Civil aviationACI Europe releases results for passenger traffic, freight and aircraft movements relative to January 2013
Brussels, Belgium - Figures decreasing for EU airports
European airport trade body, ACI EUROPE today, Wednesday 6 March 2013, released its traffic results for January, providing the first indication of traffic trends for the year ahead. The overall passenger... more

Civil aviationEurocontrol: the Pan European Network Service is now operational for the exchange of coordination messages
Brussels, Belgium - Between the ATC Centres of NATS in Swanwick (UK) and the MUAC in the Netherlands.
The Pan European Network Service (PENS) is now the operational network for the exchange of coordination messages between the Air Traffic Control (ATC) Centres of NATS in Swanwick (UK) and the Maastricht... more

Civil aviationIATA: passenger demand continues to improve this year
Geneva, Switzerland - Load factors stood at 77.1%
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released global air travel demand statistics for January showing a continuation of the uptick in passenger travel that began at the end of 2012. Overall,... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. IATA calls upon governments for a pragnatic approach to aviation security
New York, USA - "We need to make better use of the information that is available", Tyler claims
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called upon governments to work with industry to develop a pragmatic approach to keeping aviation secure by balancing risk and regulation. "We have... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. Problems in US airports because of the budget cuts
Washington, USA - Long lines at the checks, Secretary of Homeland Security urges passengers to get to the airport early
The budget cuts across US government agencies, the so-called "Sequestration", are already producing their effects in the airports of the United States. All the main hubs of the country are experiencing... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. Lacking of flights to fastest growing economies to cost UK billions per year
London, United Kingdom - As revealed by an analysis of the Confederation of British Industry
The UK risks missing out on billions of pounds in trade unless it boosts direct flights to the fastest growing world economies, according to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), the UK's leading... more

Civil aviationNASA begins flight test for alternate fuel and aircraft contrails
Washington, USA - The space agency's DC-8 will be followed by a Falcon HU-25
NASA has started a series of tests in the context of the Alternative Fuel Effects on Contrails and Cruise Emissions (ACCESS) research programme. The agency's DC-8 flying laboratory to study the effects... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. 168 control towers in the US to be closed because of budget cuts
Washington, USA - A further 21 might be shut down in September
The Federal Aviation Administration informed its contractors that, because of the budget cuts decided by the Federal Government (the so-called "Sequestration"), and lacking any last-minute agreement, the... more

Civil aviationIATA (3): accident analysis
Montreal, Canada - Runway excursions, loss of control in-flight, sharing information
Accident Analysis Runway excursions, in which an aircraft departs a runway during a landing or takeoff, were the most common type of accident in 2012 (28% of total accidents). Most (82%) of runway excursions... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. IATA: 2012 best in history of safety improvements
Montreal, Canada - Safety by the numbers
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that the 2012 global accident rate for Western-built aircraft was the lowest in aviation history. - The 2012 global Western-built jet accident... more

Civil aviationIATA (2). IOSA and regional highlights and safety in Africa
Montreal, Canada - African airlines on the IOSA registry had no accidents
IOSA Airlines on the IATA Operational Safety Audit Registry (IOSA) experienced no Western-built jet hull loss accidents. The total accident rate (all aircraft types) for IOSA registered carriers was... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. Syrian Air CEO asks foreign airlines to restart flights to Damascus
Damascus, Syria - Discounts offered to restore operations
Ghaida Abdullatif, Vice-Chairman, Director General and Chief Executive Officer of Syrian Air, released an interview to the agency "AFP", asking foreign airlines to take back their aircraft in Damascus,... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. IATA: global approach to MBM to help aviation manage the 2% of carbon emissions
Hong Kong, China - Four pillars of strategy on climate change: investment, efficient operations, better infrastructure and positive economic measure
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called for governments to agree on a global approach to market-based measures (MBMs) to help aviation manage the 2% of global manmade carbon emissions... more

Civil aviationAfter 22 years, aircraft will fly again between Iraq and Kuwait
Baghdad, Iraq - Flights scheduled to restart on Wednesday 27
On Monday 25 February 2013 the Iraqi Ministry for Transport communicated that on Wednesday 27 flights between the Middle-Eastern country and Kuwait are expected to restart, after a 22-year-long suspension. The... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. Boeing-COMAC agreement to improve air traffic management
Beijing, China - The two aerospace companies will focus on efficiency, capacity and safety
Boeing and Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) announced that the Boeing-COMAC Aviation Energy Conservation and Emissions Reductions Technology Center will conduct two new research projects... more

Civil aviationEASA about ICAO-CAEP agreement on aircraft noise standards
Cologne, Germany - The Agency welcomes progress made during the 9th meeting on 4-15 February in Montreal
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) welcomes progress made by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) at their 9th Meeting on 4-15... more

Civil aviationCuba: new aircraft arriving from Russia
Havana, Cuba - Agreement announced during the visit of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev
Speaking with journalists during the visit in Cuba of Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Moscow's Minister for Industry and Trade Denis Manturov announced the signature of an agreement... more

Civil aviationAircraft and airlines. Elfaa: carried more 200 million passengers in 2012
Brussels, Belgium - An increase of 7.2% on the previous year
2012 was a historic year for members of the European Low Fares Airline Association (ELFAA), as for the first time they carried more than 200 million passengers, thereby continuing their upward trend year-on-year... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. Eurocontrol: traffic figure in 2012
Brussels, Belgium - There was a total of 26,100 average daily flights in Europe
In 2012 there was a total of 26,100 average daily flights in Europe. This is a decline of 2.67% compared to 2011. The decrease was spread unevenly across countries and market segments, with low cost and... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. AEA on "REACH" legislation (use of chemicals): mainly the safety
Brussels, Belgium - The European Council for Competiveness alters its appoach
The European airline maintenance industry will be heavily affected unless the European Council for Competiveness, on its meeting today and tomorrow, instructs the European Commission to alter its approach... more

Civil aviationIATA applauds ICAO-CAEP agreement on more stringent noise standards for aircraft
Montreal, Canada - The recommendations agreed to by CAEP will be reported to the ICAO Council later in 2013 for further actions
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) welcomes the agreement on a new noise standard with more stringent requirements for future aircraft achieved by the International Civil Aviation Organization... more

Civil aviationThe "Single European Sky" programme is once again in jeopardy
Brussels, Belgium - The main European airline associations address a concerned appeal to the EC
The European Commission (EC) is currently developing one of the centrepieces of the "Single European Sky" (SES) legislation: the legal framework concerning the performance and charging scheme for air navigation... more

Civil aviationAircraft and safety. CANSO and ICAO signed an agreement
Madrid, Spain - It improves performance worldwide creating a framework for dialogue, cooperation and information exchange between the two organisations
Safety in air navigation services will take a major step forward with an agreement signed on February 12 between the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the Civil Air Navigation Services... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. IATA: ATM improvements
Madrid, Spain - "A Blueprint for the Single European Sky" is available on the "Specials" of AVIONEWS
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) called for action to improve air traffic management (ATM) efficiency and costs, put forward key objectives for a better-performing global ATM system,... more

Civil aviationDOT fines United for USD 130,000
Washington, Usa - The carrier violated federal rules last May
The US Department of Transportation (DOT) said on February 11 that United Air Lines violated federal rules last May by not informing passengers on an aircraft delayed at Chicago’s O’Hare International Air... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. Italian ENAV receives award in the "Best Validation Exercise 2013" category by SESAR-JU
Madrid, Spain - The national company is the team leader of the European project for ATM in airport approaching phases
During the International Meeting of SESAR ("Single European Sky ATM Research") which took place in Madrid, ENAV (Italian Flight Assistance Company) received the award for "Best Validation Exercise 2013". The... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. Analysis of the results of the Italian airports in 2012
Rome, Italy - Just four hubs are growing in the "Top Ten"
Thanks to the figures released by Assaeroporti, the trade association which represents the interests of the Italian airport operators, it is possible to analyze the results of the several hubs in the country,... more

Civil aviationAircraft grounded in Italy as weather conditions hamper air transport
Rome, Italy - Cancellations and delays at Rome-Fiumicino, Milan-Linate and Genoa
The very tough weather conditions which are affecting Italy in these hours (AVIONEWS) are severely hampering air traffic in Italy, with many aircraft which remained grounded in the country. On the Rome-Fiumicino/Milan-Linate... more

Civil aviationCompletion of the Concourse A, the home of the A-380 airplane at Dubai International
Dubai, UAE - All 20 gates are now fully operational after a five-week-long phase-in
Dubai Airports and Emirates announced on February 10the successful completion of the phased launch of Concourse A – the home of the A-380 and the world’s first purpose-built facility for the aircraft at... more

Civil aviationAircraft and transport. Tunis Airport closed for the funeral of Chokri Belaid
Tunis, Tunisia - The opposition leader was assassinated on February 6
All the flights, both domestic and international, which were expected to depart or to arrive today, Thursday 8 February 2013, because of the general strike called by the Union générale tunisienne du t... more

Civil aviationDOT fines Sky King for USD 500,000
Washington, Usa - For violating rules that protect passengers
The US Department of Transportation (DOT) on February 7 assessed the air carrier Sky King a $500,000 penalty for violating rules that protect passengers when their public charter flights are suddenly cancelled... more

Civil aviationIncoming storm, thousands of aircraft grounded in the US
Washington, USA - Already 3000 flights have been cancelled
The National Weather Service (NWS) of the United States released a warning regarding a major storm which, in the upcoming hours, will hit the North-Eastern part of the country. "A major winter storm... more