5,396 news found

ReportMission in Afghanistan: Forcieri in front of the Foreign and Defense commissions of Senate
Rome, Italy - Italian force participated to the fire only for autodefense's sake
Italian vice-minister of Defense Lorenzo Forcieri confirmed yesterday afternoon the event occurred to Italian force in Afghanistan, in front of the Foreign and Defense commissions of Senate: "Following... more

Report"Achilles" operation: baptism of fire for the Italian force
Kabul, Afghanistan - Also Spain involved
A few days ago, Italian force began the "Achilles"operation (see AVIONEWS), the great offensive against the Talibans that NATO troops (officially composed by British, American and Dutch divisions) are... more

ReportThe "Annunciazione" by Leonardo Da Vinci arrived in Japan
Tokyo, Japan - The masterpiece was transported by Alitalia, the airline always used for culture events
Yesterday afternoon at 2:00 pm, the Boeing 777 "Positano" (AZ784) took off from the Fiumicino airport and today is arrived in Japan with "Annunciazione"by Leonardo. The precious wooden painting made... more

ReportPutin lands on Bari in occasion of Italo-Russian bilateral meeting
Bari, Italy - Decisive day for the Alenia Aeronautica-Sukhoi governmental agreement
Tha luxury presidential plane leaving from Rome with Vladimir Putin and the Russian delegation on board has landed on the airport of Bari-Palese. After yesterday meeting, the Russian president is going... more

ReportDramatic live of a mortal crash
Buenos Aires, Argentina - Happened during the "26° Convencion de Vuelo"
The event took place yesterday in General Rodriguez, near Buenos Aires, during the "26° Convencion de Vuelo". The public was watching amazing the Argentinean champion of aerobatics, Julio Benvenuto,... more

ReportWall Street Journal answers D'Alema accusations and rebuts
Washington , USA - The Italian government is accused to encourage Islamic terrorists
Troubled days for the Minister of Foreign Affairs Massimo D'Alema, who, after having accused the US Government to have evaded responsibility for the tragical mistake that caused the death of Nicola Calipari... more

ReportItalian Navy exercises in the Persian Gulf
Dubai , United Arab Emirates - Weapons are not expected to be use
During these days, the Persian Gulf is the setting of exercises jointly performed by the Italian Navy and the forces belonging to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. The operations involve... more

ReportVenetian airports: "Stop sexual tourism"
Rovigo, Italy - Creating a favourable climate against sexual tourism
Italy has a tragic record, especially for Veneto, in the result of the number of residents who make sexual tourism. This bewildering fact has pushed the staff of Venetian Airports, in particular the... more

ReportAfghanistan matter: yesterday European Council was in meeting and in Rome the question is the refund
Rome, Italy - Blair: "I want that the other Nations of NATO make more"
"I want that the other Nations of NATO make more" is shouting from Brussels the British premier Tony Blair, who asks for less enlistment rules and more soldiers to the NATO allies; more troops to locate... more

ReportOutrages wave in Iraq: yesterday mortar shots towards Baghdad Airport
Baghdad, Iraq - At least 13 victims in a series of kamikaze attacks
The attacks of Iraqi Resistance are more and more closer, in every part of the Country: just yesterday a series of outrages have killed at least 13 persons. Against the Capital Airport two mortar shots... more

ReportCuba: positive results for the fight against drugs trafficking
Habana, Cuba - In 2006 seized in airport more than USD 600,000 from drugs trafficking
The Cuban government is satisfied about the results of the two operations promoted against drugs trafficking, "Aché III" and "Coraza popular", aimed to reduce this illegal act in the national and international... more

ReportItalian reporter kidnapped in Afghanistan
Kandahar, Afghanistan - Farnesina crisis unit activated
News would be confirmed about the presumed kidnapping of Daniele Mastrogiacomo, correspondent journalist in Afghanistan of the Italian daily newspaper "La Repubblica". He was disappeared last Sunday.... more

ReportEU-USA: new agreement attempt on the Passenger Name Record (PNR)
Brussels, Belgium - Solution expected within July
Jonathan Faull, Director General of the European Commission's Justice, Freedom and Security department, has announced a new round for the UE-USA negotiation about the electronic access to the personal... more

ReportFrench defense deploys new military forces in Central Africa
Paris, France - Confirmed the presence of C-135 and Mirage
The French army's Chief of staff has set yesterday the deployment of reinforcement troops in Bangui, Republic of Central Africa, separating them from Gabon, as a safety measure following the yesterday... more

ReportColombia: attacks against the planes responsible for the coca plantations destruction
Bogotà , Colombia - Local population against the government decision
Situation of guerrilla in Colombia following the government execution of measures for the extirpation of local coca plantations. The state intervention is aimed to deal a final blow to drugs trafficking,... more

ReportWings for a thalassaemic child's hope
Rome, Italy - Gesture of solidarity by the Operation Interforce Command of the Chief of Staff of Defense
The Interforce Operation Command of the Chief of Staff of Defense has promoted a charitable initiative, offering an air carrier to bring to Italy an Afghani child, Sumayya, affected by a serious form of... more

ReportBolivia: declaration of national disaster
La Paz , Bolivia - "El Niño" hits again
Following the two-month heavy rain flooding Bolivia, the President Morales has declared the national disaster. Morales' decision is due to the pressing impact of "El Niño", that has caused 39 deaths,... more

ReportAir Passenger Duty: Federation of Tour Operators brings an action against the Treasury Minister
London, Great Britain - Announced legal dispute for the Air Passenger Duty's abolition
The Federation of Tour Operators (FTO) has reiterated this week that it is going to bring an action for the abolition of the Air Passenger Duty (APD), asking for refunds equal to the amount governmentally... more

ReportImpregilo engineers kidnapped in Nigeria let off today in Ciampino airport
Rome, Italy - Two men suffered physical and psychological pressures
A Falcon 900 aircraft repatriated Luciano Passarin and Lucio Moro, two engineers of Impreglio kidnapped in Nigeria last Friday and then released the following Monday. Two men told to have suffered, in... more

ReportSuicide bomber in the US military base at Bagram
Bagram , Afghanistan - The US Vice-President inside the base
These are troubled days for Dick Cheney, US Vice-President. After the yesterday emergency landing in Singapore, while coming back from Sydney (see AVIONEWS), today he has hardly avoided the Taliban terroristic... more

ReportSri Lanka: Tigers of Tamil attack diplomats
Batticaloa , Sri Lanka - Ambassadors of Italy, Germany and USA slightly injured
Another mortar attack by LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) in Sri Lanka, at the airport of Batticaloa, in the Middle-East of the isle. The Tigers have damaged two helicopters while they were landing,... more

ReportSkyscraper burns in Dacca: military helicopters' intervention
Dacca, Bangladesh - Three deaths and about fifty injured people according to the current information
Dozen people have been rescued from the inside of an eleven-storey skyscraper in Dacca, Bangladesh' capital, while it was burning. The fire brigade's intervention has contained the victims' number: according... more

ReportChicago: bad weather stops air traffic
Chicago , USA - Week-end on the alert
During the last week-end, the airport of Chicago has been called to face the emergencies caused by the Midwest bad weather. The state of alert has spread like wildfire in all the regions, with many... more

ReportFiumicino: Alitalia passengers miss the airplane due to endless queues at check-in
Fiumicino , Italy - Petition threats against the Italian airline
Last February 24th, Fiumicino airport has been the setting of heated complaints by some Alitalia passengers who have missed their national flights. According to the witnesses declarations, the endless... more

ReportDied former GE Aviation's CEO
Philadelphia , USA - Brian Rowe dies at 75 after surgery
Brian Rowe, GE Aviation's CEO from 1979 to 1993, died on Thursday, February 22th at 75, following surgery at University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadelphia. The man, GE Aviation's Chairman... more

ReportIran: military helicopter shot down
Tehran, Iran - Kurdish separatists claim responsibility for the event
Last February 23th, an Iranian military helicopter was shot down at the boundary with Turkey causing 14 victims, among which the Commander Said Ghahari. The attempt's responsibility has been claimed... more

ReportBrussels: panic in the airport
Brussels, Belgium - Airport evacuated for bomb alarm
Last February 23rd the airport of Brussels fell victim to disorders due to a telephone call that announced the presence of a bomb ready to explode. The fear of a new terroristic attack has urged the... more

ReportIraq: crude chlorine bombs alarm
Baghdad, Iraq - Insurgents develop new military strategies
The day after the explosion of a car bomb in the popular market at Bayaa, in the southwestern area of Baghdad, last February 23rd, the US military division has warned against the intensive use of crude... more

ReportSAM-7 missiles dispute: Cold War again
Managua, Nicaragua - The local government says no to the US request for Russia-supplied missiles destruction
Daniel Ortega, former revolutionary and current President of the Republic of Nicaragua, opposes USA and refuses to destroy the SAM-7 missiles that were supplied by Russia at the height of the Cold War. Nicaragua... more

ReportUS Airways’ CEO arrested and sentenced for drunk driving
New York, USA - Doug Parker arrested for speed limit violation in Scottsdale and found positive to the alcohol test
US Airways’ Chief Executive Officer, Doug Parker, has been arrested for speed limit violation while driving his BMW. The policemen, according to their own declarations, noticing an undoubtful alcohol s... more

ReportPrivacy protection: USA-EU dispute
Brussels , Belgium - Agreement attempt on the Passenger Name Record (PNR)
An agreement between USA and UE about the Passenger Name Record could be finalised in the short term. The USA, following the terroristic attacks of September 11, 2001, have requested and obtained the... more

ReportA passenger lands in state of drunkenness and drive headlong a minivan
Washington, USA - New Mexico–US Airways dispute about the alcohol sale on board
Dana Papst, 44, after a flight on board of an US Airways airplane headed to Albuquerque, has taken the wheel in a clear state of drunkenness driving the wrong way headlong a minivan. The fatal crash has... more

ReportHorn of Africa: bombs hit Mogadishu airport
Mogadishu, Somalia - No victims
Several mortar bombs have hit the main airport in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, as anti-government rebels vowed to step up their attacks. The mortars struck the airport's runway and car park,... more

ReportATR-72 Tuninter: the ditching is occurred in international waters
Rome, Italy - The incident's jurisdiction is Bari Public Prosecutor's Office responsibility
Tuninter ATR-72 ditching, in flight from Bari to Djerba, occurred on August 6, 2005 off Palermo, in which 16 passengers dead, did not take place in territorial waters, but at 13 miles (about 24 km) from... more

ReportAbu Omar case: Niccolò Pollari will stand trial over the alleged abduction of an Egyptian Imam
Milan, Italy - With 26 US intelligence agents and six ex-official of SISMI
Niccolò Pollari, ex-head of the Italian military intelligence agency (SISMI) will stand trial over the alleged abduction of an Egyptian Imam occurred in Milan in 2003. Judge Caterina Interlandi ordered... more

ReportUSAF base in Vicenza (2): other cities of Veneto introduce their candidature
Vicenza, Italy - Today the extraordinary town council in Verona
In Veneto, other cities stood to hold USAF base. Massimo Mariotti and Slavatore Papadia, members of Casa delle libertà (Italian Right Party), proposed on January to request the displacement of 173^... more

ReportAbu Omar seizure: the liables broke into the Swiss air space
Berne, Switzerland - Helvetic government approves the opening of the inquiry
Also Switzerland falls into the intricate case of Abu Omar's seizure. It considers unacceptable the encroachment of own air space during the transfer of Omar with a secret CIA flight, from Italy to Germany.... more

ReportPutin in Jordan, commercial agreements and peace talks for Middle East
Amman, Jordan - He will talk about energy and policy
Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in Amman late on Monday on a two-day official visit to Jordan, during which he will hold talks with Jordanian King Abdullah II and Palestinian President Mahmoud... more

ReportUSA: unreal amount of snow in the East Coast
Oswego, USA - More than two metres of the white stuff have fallen on a couple of towns
After the heavy snow fallen in UK that provoked the closure of all five major airports (see AVIONEWS), the bad weather blew up also in USA. More than two metres of the white stuff have fallen on a couple... more

ReportPordenone groups to the battle of Vicenza against the American bases in Italy
Vicenza, Italy - On February 17 the march will take place
On February 17, 2007 the march against the new US base in Vicenza will take place and at the same time also in Pordenone it will demonstrate to continue the sensibilization's action. On Wednesday evening,... more

ReportIt happened today... on February 5
Rome, Italy - Voyage in the history
The events and anniversaries: Report: 1885 - Italian troops occupies Massaua, Eritrea. Science: 1924 - The Royal Greenwich Observatory begin broadcasting the hourly time signals known as the Greenwich... more

ReportEnnio Morricone, concert to the memory of the crash of ATR-72
Bari, Italy - The famous musician will donate part of his next work's takings to the "Chiara Aquaro" program
This evening Ennio Morricone will perform a charity show entitled "Messages of Peace" at the UN headquarter in honour of the new UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon. The musician decided to donate part of... more

ReportAmerican pilots will retire at the age of 65
Washington, USA - FAA announced the proposal to change retirement age limit
FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) last Tuesday confirmed the proposal to raise US commercial pilots retirement age limit from 60 to 65, changing the age rule in place since 1959. FAA Administrator,... more

ReportUS Base in Vicenza: today the vote in Senate
Vicenza, Italy - Only three motions of CDL
The motion of Unione (Italian Left-wing party) on the enlargement of the US Base "Dal Molin" in Vicenza lands in Senate. Majority decided to tack back the theme on the US Base in Vicenza from the agenda,... more

ReportYoung announces a bomb onboard because risks missing the airplane
Los Angeles, Usa - False terrorist alarm caused by a 21 year old boy
Yechezkel Wells, American 21 year old student, has been sentenced to house arrest for causing a false terrorist alarm last August 26, announcing that onboard of a JetBlue airplane there was a bomb. His... more

ReportCollision between two skiers on Tonale's ski run
Trento, Italy - Aid has been vain. The boys died instantly
Two young skiers, a 22 year old boy from San Marino Republic and a 27 year old Belgian, died this morning after a crash on the ski run Alpe Alta in Passo del Tonale (Trento). A police patrol and a helicopter... more

ReportA USD 50m airplane
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Objections against Malaysian Prime Minister for the acquisition of a new aircraft
Malaysian Prime Minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, caused confusion among parliamentary opposition politicians after ordering a new airplane worth USD 50m. He would have not respected the promise to rein... more

ReportBody found in aircraft wheel well at Los Angeles International Airport
Los Angeles, USA - A pilot discovered the body of the young man during a routine inspection
The body of a male stowaway was found last Sunday in the wheel well of a British Airways jet at Los Angeles International Airport, said officials. A pilot discovered the body of the young man in the... more

ReportTour operator of Parma denounced by Confconsumatori
Parma, Italy - Husband and wife from Parma completely reimbursed by the travel agency
Italian wife and non-UE citizen husband asked for help to Confconsumatori (association for consumers’ rights) to report the serious setback happened at the moment of the departure for a trip to Egypt. T... more

ReportA minute's silence at Fiumicino airport
Rome, Italy - People stood in silence to the memory of the Holocaust
Last Saturday January 27, at 12:00, a minute's silence has been observed at Fiumicino airport to commemorate the victims of Shoah. It has been disposed by the airport direction ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation... more