5,887 news found

PeopleEuropean Airlines: August traffic down, load factors up
Brussels, Belgium - As reported by AEA
August traffic and capacity figures for the Association of European Airlines maintained the trend which had prevailed throughout the Summer. Overall passenger traffic was down 8,8% compared to August 2001.... more

PeopleOCCC members call on Oneworld alliance to clean-up act on labor and safety
Hong Kong, Cina - To adopt the highest standard of fairness and safety
The Oneworld Cockpit Crew Coalition (OCCC), representing 28.000 cockpit crew worldwide, issued a stern call to action to the Oneworld alliance for some of its members and partner airlines to clean-up their... more

PeopleDisappointment for the decision about Linate came from Danmark
Copenaghen, Danmark- "Nothing changed" says a Denish journal
It's strong the dislike for the non-taken-interventions by the Italian authority after Linate's disaster and for the way the investigations are carried. "The security conditions in Linate airport didn't... more

PeopleEu okayed officially Alitalia' s recapitalization plan
Brussels, Belgium - By the publication of the decision on the official gazette
On last October 4, via the publication on the Eu's official gazette, Brussels formally ratified Alitalia's recapitalization plan. From that day on, other airlines have a two-month period to present any... more

PeopleThey were in a drink-driving: it's heavy the position of the two American West pilots
Washington, Usa - November fourth will be the day of their decree
It's getting worse day by day the position of the two American West pilots, Thomas Cloyd and Cristopher Hughes, accused to have flown in drunk conditions the last first July. They will have to be able... more

PeopleNamibia to shield its beleaguered flagship airline
Windhoek, Namibia - By preventing two South African airlines to fly to Windhoek
Two South African air carriers, SA Express and SA Airlink, have been banned by the Namibian government to operate flights to and from Windhoek. Even though, Namibian ministry of Defence said the move aims... more

PeopleEmbry-Riddle leader for its aeronautic activities of research
Daytona Beach, USA- An award of USD20m for the diligence of the consortium
U.S. Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta in person announced the award of USD 20m to the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University for its important contribution in the research and innovation fields;... more

PeopleAEA: aviation industry demands urgent government action on insurance crisis
Brussels, Belgium - To ensure the continuation of normal operations
According to AEA, Association of European Airlines, without the immediate support of European governments Europe's airlines and airports will soon be left with insufficient third-party war and terrorism... more

PeopleSms from aircraft: 1700 devices have been already installed
Washington, USA- It will be easier to communicate during flying
The necessity to communicate whatever comes, wherever we are, is a need very important for a lots of people, especially in the present society which has made the information its main feature; peculiarity... more

PeopleVirgin Blue makes few steps further in "airport battle"
Sydney, Australia - Australian budget carrier against the owners of Sydney Airport
Virgin Blue, an Australian budget carrier, has made another step forward in its never ending battle against the owners of Sydney Airport. The airline is seeking better access at Sydney by asking the country's... more

PeopleAir delays could cost USD 170bn
Washington, Usa - Without further investments the US air traffic will cost at the nation's economy billions of dollars
A new study into aviation economics has advised that unless more investment goes into the US air traffic control system it could cost the US economy USD 170bn over the next ten years. The study, sponsored... more

PeopleAirplane turns about due to suspicious passengers
Washington, USA - A stupid quarrel spreads panic on board
An airplane of Spirit Airlines, lifted off from Orlando, turned about due to a stupid quarrel between two passengers of Middle Eastern aspect and other travellers. Panic growed up when one of the two suspicious... more

PeopleSuspended the humanitarian flights from Kenya to Sudan
Nairobi, Kenya - Fighting has increased on southern Sudan
For nine days, from September 27, the flights from the Kenya to Sudan will be interrupted, reported the official spokeperson for the United Nations. The closing of the aerial space creates serious risks... more

PeopleNew FAA administrator and STARS program
Washington, Usa - A project running a 4-year delay and a USD 600m over budget
Ms Marion Blakey, recently appointed as new administrator at Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), will have to face one of the most controversial issues in US air transport. Miss Blakey in fact will... more

PeopleEurope's airports left facing insufficient insurance cover, volatile market conditions
Brussels, Belgium - ACI said
According to Airports Council International-Europe (ACI), European airports are now faced with insufficient third-party war and terrorism cover, great instability in the insurance market and the withdrawal... more

PeopleSoftware to control airplane route at distance
New York, USA - The technology is ready but has still to be perfected
Nasa, togheter with a special commission of emergency, is trying to improve a technology able to control the airplane at distance in case of hijacking or enemy attack. The software will have one map of... more

PeopleUs airlines ask Congress for additional financial support
Washington, Usa - Asking federal government to pay part of expensive security measures
Today major Us airlines'executives will ask Congress for additional financial support. Air carriers will not anyway appeal to receive cash support but to be granted Us government will pay at least part... more

PeopleDoT okayed Us Airways-United code-share agreement extension
Washington, Usa - For 30 days
Us Department of Transportation decided to okay the extension for 30 days of the code-share agreement between the American air carriers United Airlines and US Airways. US Airways and United announced their... more

PeopleEu has no more concerns about the new air alliances
Brussels, Belgium - Commissioner Monti said
The European Union, via its Tranpsort commissioner Mario Monti, has announced not to have any concern about the two air alliances currently ongoing between Lufthansa, SAS and United Airlines, on one side,... more

PeopleAlitalia and Alitalia Team's pilots strike: the airline forced to cancel 110 flights
Rome, Italy - And to reschedule 88 more
Because of today's 4-hour protest called off by the pilots belonging to Alitalia and Alitalia Team, the Rome-based airline announced to be forced to cancel 110 flights - 75 domestic and 35 international... more

PeopleSeptember 11: empty flights also for Spirit Airlines
Washington, Usa - The airline which offered free tickets
Nothing, neither the possibility of a free flight, has been able to defeat the fear of the American fliers who in fact deserted Us airports on the day of the first anniversary of the terror attacks in... more

PeopleItalian civil aviation authority to propose a "Balkan single sky"
Rome, Italy - A new agency for air traffic control in southern Europe and in the Balkans
Enac, Italian civil aviation authority, suggests the creation of an agency for air traffic control in southern Europe and in the Balkans region. This entity is to be seen as part of the "European single... more

PeopleOverbooking: higher compensations for grounded passengers
Brussels, Belgium - Transport Committee of the European parliament passed a proposal establishing compensations between EUR 200 and 600
The Transport Committee of the European Parliament approved the proposal submitted by Italian MEP Giorgio Lisi (PPE) which, amending an EU directive, introduces higher compensations to air passengers in... more

PeopleUs Department of Transportations said no to Uk open skies proposal
London, Uk - To break the protected status of the "Heathrow 4"
Once again Us-Uk talks over a larger air liberalization between the countries'airlines are at a stagnation point. Us Department of Transportation in fact this time rejected the "mini-deal" proposed by... more

People"Single European sky" takes off
Strasbourg, France - The European parliament approves the plan to improve air traffic coordination
Europe has taken a step towards tackling the chaos and congestion in the skies, with the European parliament endorsing EU Commission's proposals for a unified air traffic control system. It is hoped that... more

PeopleIata: number of passengers worst than expectations
Rome, Italy - But there should be a strong increase for 2003
According to the latest forecast in relation to 2001-2005 by International Air Transport Association (Iata), the annual average increase of the total number of passengers transported falls at 2,2%, compared... more

PeopleFrance: week-end protests may disrupt air traffic
Paris, France - Alitalia's personnel and Air France pilots to call off strike
As of next Friday 6 September, as both Alitalia's personnel in France and Air France's pilots may decide to protest, French air traffic may be affected by some disruption. Italian airline workers are set... more

PeopleBad news for Boeing
Washington, Usa - Faa warns about faulty wiring of fuel pumps in the planes of the Us giant
After the warning given last Friday by the Us Federal Aviation Administration, according to which some assembly errors affect the fuel pumps of 1800 Boeing aircraft, airlines all over the world are checking... more

PeopleSeptember 11: no ban to foreign airlines'flights over New York and Washington
Washington, Usa - Bush not to approve Faa's proposal
Bush administration eventually said no to the proposal by Faa to ban foreign airlines to operate flights on September 11 and 12 over New York and Washington skies. The proposal has in fact faced opposition... more

PeopleUs charter sector grew in 2002 2nd quarter
Washington, Usa – Driven by online booking and industry upheal
According to Air Charter Guide, publisher of the definitive print and online directory of licensed charter aircraft worldwide, the U.S. charter industry continues to grow steadily despite depressed travel... more

PeopleTurkish Aeronautical Association celebrated its 67th anniversary
Ankara, Turkey - It was established by Ataturk to bring Turkish aviation into the modern world
The Turkish Aeronautical Association celebrated its 67th anniversary of its foundation with an elaborate ceremony in Etimesgut, Ankara. Defense Minister Sabahattin Cakmakoglu, Foreign Minister Sukru Sina... more

PeopleFewer questions to Us flyers
Washington, Usa - They create a hassle and have never prevented a bombing or hijacking
Starting from today people boarding at Us airports will never more asked questions such as: "has anyone unknown to you asked you to carry an item on this flight?" and "have any of the items you are traveling... more

People"Victims of air racism association" founded in Belgium
Brussels, Belgium - Under the impulse of a Belgian originally from Tunisia
A Belgian citizen originally from Tunisia founded "Victims of air racism", an association to defend people discriminated in the airports. "I got the idea after I was denied to board an American Airlines... more

PeopleUsa: airfares at lowest level since 1988
Washington, Usa - -9,1 on domestic flights and -1,3% on international ones
The average airfares level in the Us has never been lower than today in last 14 years. According to ATA, Air Transport Association, in July 2002 American airlines cut airfares by a 9,1% on domestic flights... more

PeopleIncreased safety with Eurocontrol Link 2000+ program
Brussels, Belgium - Communications will no longer be a bottleneck in air traffic control
Eurocontrol, the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation, whose primary objective is to develop a seamless, pan-European air traffic management system that fully copes with the constant... more

PeopleAnother September 11?
Many cases of stolen liners crew member’s uniforms have been revealed by the Washington Post.
New York – Different cases of stolen pilot’s and crew member’s uniforms have been revealed by the Washington Post. Authorities are worried for a posssible misuse of these clothes, in relation with an at... more

PeopleHow much would you pay to save time on flight?
Washington, Usa - According to some studies USD 25 per hour
While Boeing is still struggling whether to go on or not with its "Sonic Cruiser", the new aircraft able to fly 20% faster than standard civil aircraft, some studies revealed what is the price a person... more

PeopleThousands of tourists grounded by the bad weather conditions in South Korea
Seoul, South Korea - About twenty flights canceled
Because of the bad weather conditions that since few days South Korea is facing, thousands of tourists could not take off for their holidays. Airports have been closed and at least twenty flights have... more

PeopleSixty-three Russian airlines have been closed in the last two years
Moscow, Russia - They used too old aircraft
Russian civil aviation chairman, Aleksandr Miradko, said Russian government has closed 63 air carriers in the last two years, due to their old fleet. Since Aeroflot's privatization started in 1992, hundreds... more

PeopleEU invites third parties to give their comments on the 2 new airline groupings waiting for Brussels'approval
Brussels, Belgium - Those interested have one month period
According to what stated by Michael Tscherny, spokesman at European Commission for competition affairs, Brussels invited all of the interested third parties to give a comment on the creation of the two... more

People5 European airlines against Alitalia's recapitalization
Brussels, Belgium - Sent a formal letter of protest to the European Commission
By sending a formal letter of protest, British Midlands, British Airways, KLM, Lufthansa and SAS, have clearly shown their disagreement with the European Commission's decision to approve Alitalia recapitalization... more

People"Aeriks 200" prototype flies in Switzerland
Manno, Switzerland - A self-built product by Aceair Sa
An "Aeriks 200" prototype has been showed yesterday at Lordino airport, in Switzerland. The aircraft is assembled by Aceair Sa for 49%, the rest is self-built. It has personal and fluid forms as well... more

PeopleFirst direct flight between the two Koreas
Beijing, China - A Tupolev TU-134 carried personnel and materials to the North
A Tupolev TU-134 flew a direct flight from North Korea to South and return for the first time. This inaugural flight between Sondok Airport in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and Yangyang A... more

PeopleNTSB: Marion C. Blakey statement
Washington, Usa - Regarding the president's intent to nominate Ms. Blakey as the next administrator of FAA
"This is a critical time for the aviation industry, and I am honored by the President's trust in his intent to nominate me as the next Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration". (007) more

PeopleFAA downgrades Argentina's safety rating
Washington, Usa - From category 1 to category 2
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) opted to downgrade Argentina's safety rating from category 1 to category 2. Airlines in category 2 are allowed to operate but only under a strict surveillance... more

PeopleMarch-June 2002: worst 2nd quarter ever for Us airlines
Washington, Usa - According to an analyst at UBS Warburg
According to a survey by Samuel Buttrick, an analyst at UBS Warburg, the quarter ended last June 30,2002, could be the worst ever for Us airlines, as in fact the industry should post a net loss of USD... more

PeopleWashington would better lift travel ban to Cuba
Washington, Usa - Thus generating USD 1,18bn to USD 1,61bn for U.S. Economy
According to a survey by the Center for International Policy (CIP), if Washington would decide to lift travel ban to Cuba it could benefit of a USD 1,18-1,61bn of U.S. economic output and almost a USD... more

PeopleIsraeli firm wants its employees to boycott Air France's flights
Jerusalem, Israel - After a pilot announced the final destination to be Israel-Palestina
Because a pilot of an Air France flight between Paris and Tel Aviv, by mistake, announced the plane was heading to Israel-Palestina, the Israeli communications firm, Bezek, asked its thousands employees... more

PeopleChina to toughen air safety measures
Beijing, China - By clamping down aircraft not equipped with collision avoidance systems
Chinese authorities, after recent air tragedies, decided to toughen air safety measures, by preventing aircraft not equipped with collision avoidance systems to fly in a certain time band. People's Republic... more

PeopleBAA says bye to its GBP 8,1bn investment blueprint
London, Uk - As it must continue to subsidise airline charges
British Competion Commission, in practice, obliged British Airport Authority (BAA), the handling agent of seven major Uk's airports, to say bye to its GBP 8,1bn investment plan as in fact, according to... more