5,887 news found

PeopleUSA: pressures of airlines on the conference in order to limit strikes
New York, USA - Ata asks the review of Railway Labor Act of 1926
To limit the possibility to call strikes of category from part of the employees and their labor organizations, is the object of the demand of the American airlines at the Conference of the United States.... more

PeopleChina authorizes 6 Taiwanese carriers to fly during the holidays of the Lunar Calendar
Taipei, Taiwan - New permissions after that given yesterday
After the authorization given yesterday (news published yesterday by AVIONEWS) to Far Eastern Air Transport, China has given the permission to fly on its own air space to 6 Taiwanese air carriers more.... more

PeopleNasa proposes a mini-jet taxi service
Washington, Usa - It could be tested in three years
While the greater part of the airlines tries to pull down the costs proposing alternative solutions such as larger aircraft, in terms of passengers, Nasa suggests a taxi-service operated by mini-jets that... more

PeopleA man hangs oneself in the bath of an airplane of the British Airways
London, England - After to have drunk champagne
After a supper made up of champagne, Daniel Rossel, a man of fifteen years, has take one's own life in the toilette of an airplane of the British Airways, left from London and directed to Los Angeles.... more

PeopleAfter 54 years are back the first flights by Taiwan to China
Taipei, Taiwan - Previewed charter flights for the beginning of the new lunar calendar
In the occasion of the beginning of the new lunar calendar, that corresponds to the western New Year's Day, for the first time since 1949, when it has been proclaimed the separation of Taiwan from China,... more

PeopleDenmark, a snow storm creates the chaos in airport
Copenaghen, Denmark - 2.500 Italian men have blocked for thirty hours
A snow storm has put down on knees Denmark and in special way the aerial connections. Yesterday, for the entire day, approximately 2.500 Italians they have been blocked from the bad weather,in the airport... more

PeopleAccidents: year 2002 positive for air transportation in the Usa
Washington, Usa - No deads on civil flights during the year
For the third time during the last decade no deads have been registered on civil flights in the United States, in spite of 13 millions of flghts made in the confederation. The news is announced by FAA... more

PeopleThreats on a Qantas plane: English citizen jailed for three months
Canberra, Australia - The threat in flight is considered a crime punishable by law
The new and strict Australian laws in anti-terrorism matter have found their full application when, yesterday, an English passenger was arrested to have made "threatening comments" while he was in flight... more

PeopleTsa: "It's growing too fast into a huge bureaucracy"
Washington, Usa - But the function is too important for the security of civil aviation
According to American government sources the composition of the organization chart of Tsa (Transport Security Administration) would exceed of 42% the limit proposed by the Congress: from 13 dependent it... more

PeopleCivil aviation crisis: is Faa up tp the task?
Washington, Usa - Doubts after that the two of the biggest carriers are in Chapter 11
The bad moment the field of the civil aviation is enjoying is sure son of the terrible economic conjuncture that is oppressing the economies of half world, but the question that many in the USA are placed... more

PeopleAirbus is studying a new system to treat flying
Paris, France - In collaboration with French Space Agency
Airbus is studying, with French Space Agency (Centre National D'Etudes Spatiales), a new system that can treat the passengers of flying aircraft, in case of illness. Many airplanes often have forced to... more

PeopleDelta pilot grounded because he drunk too much
Virginia, Usa - The cases of this kind are increasing
Once again the greater risk can come within, from the same persons in which we trust more, rendering therefore nearly irrelevant the emergency measures that are present in the airports. Unfortunately... more

PeopleEconomy-class syndrome: still doubts about the real responsabilities of the carriers
London, UK - International legislation is not yet homogeneous about the problem
A sentence of the English court has freed the carriers from whichever hypothesis of involvement about the cases of "economic class syndrome" or more technically known with the name of Dvt (Deep Vein Thrombosis).... more

PeopleIcao: "International air traffic is growing"
Montreal, Canada - It is said by official sources of the organization
Official sources of Icao (International Civil Aviation Organization) say that the international air traffic should be growing during 2002 with a percentage equal to 2-3% more than the last year. The growing... more

PeopleJet Aviation signs annual contracts for the supply of the charter services managing in the world
Zurich, Switzerland - Some contracts involved the fuel supply in some airports
Jet Aviation has signed some contracts for the supply of services in airports in several parts of the world, among them the Italian airport of Pescara. Some of these contracts regard also the fuel supply... more

PeopleIt extends the protest of the Russian air traffic controllers
Moscow, Russia - The protest is widening to several parts fo the federation
After the hunger strike put in action by the Siberian air traffic controllers in some parts of the endless region of Siberia, now the same type of protest is in action in several parts of the Russian... more

PeopleSlow air market recovery at world-wide level
Montreal, Canada - US market is still tottering
The data supplied by Icao (International Civil Aviation Organization), that is settled by 188 states members, in the yearly meeting on the world-wide air traffic situation, attest an increase of approximately... more

PeopleFaa reassures flight controllers about possible privatizations
Washington, Usa - But the involved workers don't trust government intentions
The classification with which it had been specified the function of the flight controllers had let rise doubts, misunderstandings and anger. Indeed also the shape has its importance and to assert that... more

PeopleEconomy-class Syndrome: landmark sentence of an Australia court
Melbourne, Australia - Quantas and BA charged as responsible for the symptomatology
The economic-class syndrome, whose scientific definition is Dvt (Deep Vein Thrombosis), is related to the possibility, for the passengers who are on a long-haul flights, to suffer of the formation of blood... more

PeopleBattle in the Usa for the air traffic
Washington, Usa - Air traffic controllers near to a strong action
Is going in the United States a big battle about the theme of air traffic security. In the front line are enlisted the employees that denounce a series of fundamental problems like as the excessive crowd... more

PeopleBombardier choosen as official supplier of business jets for the next World Economic Forum
London, Great Britain - The convention will be held in the next month of January
During the next World Economic Forum previewed in Davos, in Switzerland, from 23rd to 28th of January 2003, the delegates will travel on the business jets supplied by Bombardier Flexjet. The president... more

PeopleLow-cost carriers: an unprecedented success
Birmingham, Great Britain - There're 12 no-frills carrier in England, a record
Aimed strategies and quickness in the execution of the initiatives: these the two main ingredients of the prescription of the carriers that operate in the low-cost, that are experiencing, since some years,... more

PeopleUS air traffic controllers fear a possible privatization
Washington, Usa - The government's aim is to save about USD 50m
It begins to raise vigorously the protest of the flight-grounded operators who, with deep uncertainty, wait for a decision about the reform that would involve the sector. Indeed there's a lot of dispute... more

PeopleStrike blocks the air traffic in Germany
Frankfurt, Germany - Hundreds of flights cancelled
Yesterday German airports has been blocked by the strike of hundreds of employees in the whole country. Lufthansa, the national carrier, because of this strike has been obliged to cancel several domestic... more

PeopleToday will begin the celebrations for the centennial of the first motor flight
New York, Usa - Exactly within one year the real centennial
99 years ago Orville and Wilbur Wright realized the first motor flight of the history of the mankind. The realization of the first aircraft had nearly heroic borders considered the difficulties that... more

PeopleAircraft of Celtic fans has forced an emergency landing for intemperance of ultras
London, Great Britain - The fans came back after Uefa's match against Celta Vigo
Last Friday a charter, with 148 passengers, that it brought back to Glasgow a group of Celtic fans has forced an emergency landing in Cardiff, in Wales, for intemperance of some ultras. The pilot of Astraeus... more

PeopleFaa: soony a new solution to improve the safety of plane tanks
Washington, Usa - Nevermore incidents as the Twa one in 1996
According to the technicians of the Faa (Federal Aviation Administration) a solution would exist in order to avoid outbreaks in the aircraft tanks, like that happened on July 17 1996, when a Twa flight... more

PeopleAlternative links are possible in case of attack to Iraq
Il Cairo, Egypt - Intervention of Egyptair about the question
In the not so far eventuality of an allied attack to Iraq the carriers are studying possible alternative hauls with the permission of Iata (International Air Transport Association). About this we have... more

PeopleFaa revokes the license to charter carrier
Washington, Usa - The pilots didn't have received the basic training
To counterfeit the data regarding the pilots is considered as a serious violation of the aviation laws that in USA have carefully to be respected by the acts of the Faa (Federal Aviation Administration).... more

PeopleEuropean Union has started an investigation about funding to Ryanair
Brusselles, Belgium - Another two investigations about funding of Intermed and Olympic Airlines
The European Commission has started yesterday a procedure on Belgian region of Vallonia to investigate about concession of assistances of state (reduces on taxes, payment of hotel charges and engagement)... more

PeopleAustralian government to install X-ray at its airport
Canberra, Australia - A decision maybe too late
The Canberra government has taken in serious consideration the threats of the international terrorism that promises to hit Australia in the next few months. Also the Australian intelligence agencies... more

PeopleCalled off the strikes of English airport staff
London, UK - The decision after the agreement between Baa and the trader union
No strike will hit the seven greatest English airports after the agreement reached the last night between the Baa (British Airport Authority) and the trader union of the airport staff. The threat of... more

PeopleUal crisis could be a double-edged weapon for the small carriers
Washington, Usa - It's important which relation ties the air company to Ual
United Airlines bankruptcy has sure left many astonished while the most careful waited just for the moment of the formalization of the financial collapse: USD 4bn of losses in the last two years. It's... more

PeopleCondemned a Jal captain, protests from all the pilots association
Tokyo, Japan - A sentence without concreteness
He was tried and condemned the Jal pilot Koichi Takamoto, who on June 8th 1997 was in charge of the Jal flight 706 coming from Hong Hong and directed to Nagoya airport, on which a crew member lost his... more

PeopleEurocontrol gives its support to the project of the European "single sky"
Brussels, Belgium - "This contract can be fundamental for Europe"
Eurocontrol, the European society for the safety and for the Air Navigation gives officially its support to the project called "single sky". The General director Victor M. Aguado has said: "The initiative... more

PeopleIsrael tries to protect its planes from missiles attacks, Usa still unsettled
Washington, Usa - An unbearable cost for US carriers
The dramatic attacks that on November 28th have taken place in Kenya, involving the Paradise hotel and, above all, an Arkia B-757 aircraft, are pushing Israeli government of Tel Aviv to adopt proper measures... more

PeopleFaa suggests more inspections for the older aircraft
Washington, Usa - The project will cost around USD 175m
A deepen control of the federal authorities on the airplane with a long period of service could guarantee greater security and a consequent extension of the period of activity of such aircraft. The suggestion... more

PeopleUS government to re-takes in consideration some post September 11th dispositions
Washington, Usa - The decision comes after that the emergency level goes down to "code yellow"
The US government, under suggestion of the Tsa (Transport Security Administration) is estimating if to re-consider some dispositions that were adopted as emergency measures after the September 11th attacks.... more

PeopleGeneral strike of the civil servants blocks Greek airports
Athens, Greece - Solidarity of Athens' airport employees
Greek public transports and in particulary, the Hellenic airports, have been blocked from yesterday because of a protest of civil servants, that have decided a 24 hour general strike featured also by several... more

PeopleDeclaration of ICAO for the International Day of Civil Aviation
Montreal, Canada - "Our organization is the front line to develop the civil aviation"
The ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) for the International Day of Civil Aviation, previewed for tomorrow, said: "In the occasion of the day of tomorrow it starts a series of celebration... more

PeopleCancelled the subspension of the Israeli civil flights by and to Cyprus
Nicosia, Cyprus - Found the agreement between the two countries
Harris Loizides, director of the Cyprus Airways, air carrier of the Eastern Mediterranean island, has announced that has been found a temporary agreement to continue the civil flights by and to Israel. The... more

PeopleNo more boundaries in the European skies: ministers approve the "single sky" directive
Brussels, Belgium - Many benefits for both passengers and carriers
The common airspace, called "single sky" will be a reality from 2005 after that, yesterday, the transport ministers of the member countries have ratified the historical directive. From that date there... more

PeopleEthiopian Airlines order new six airplanes
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Leased also six additional aircraft
The Boeing Company has announced to have received an order from Ethiopian Airlines for new six airplanes: three Boeing 737-700s e three 767-300ER. In carrier's aggressive fleet renewal and expansion program,... more

PeopleBy the next Sunday Israel stops the flights by and to Cyprus
Jerusalem, Israel - The decision has been for security reasons
Israeli administration of the Civil Flights communicates in an its document that starting from next Sunday all flights coming from and directed to the island of Cyprus are suspended until a new order. The... more

PeopleAmerican Government has denied a loan at United Airlines that now risks the bankruptcy
New York, United States - The labor unions cancel votes about cut of wages
America Government denied a loan of USD 1,8bn at United Airlines. This loan would have avoided the bankruptcy for American airline. The Air Transport Stabilisation Board said United's business plan was... more

PeopleFlights coming from Taiwan will be land in Chinese territory
Taipei, Taiwan - A historic decision for a reapproaching
The provision with which charter flights coming from Taiwan will be able to land in Chinese territory is sure an important news for all those tens of thousand of people who, coming from the former rebel... more

PeopleAustralia votes a set of important measures for the airport security
Canberra, Australia - It's hoped to keep the situation under controll
All the pilots, including those who operate in international flight, will have to submit to the new normative that the Australian parliament has voted yesterday with immediate effect. First of all the... more

People"Basic the third runway in Heathrow"
Geneva, Switzerland - Bisignani underlines its importance for British aviation
In a declaration of his own, Giovanni Bisignani, General Director of Iata (International Air Transport Association) thinks that "The third runway in Heathrow is basic for British aviation because in the... more

PeopleSenator Clinton asks for a proper defense against the threat of shoulder-fired missiles
Washington, Usa - The proposal after the attack to an Israeli plane in Kenya
The spiral of fear at this point has influenced almost everybody and it seems Bin Laden's plan is working very good: to create generalized rising terror of which the civil society is paying the higher... more

PeopleEngland: still debate about the introduction of armed guards on the airliners
London, UK - A final decision in few days
They continue the consultations between government and carriers in order to estimate the possibility of armed guards on the airliners, the so-called "sky marshals". The impediments are justified because... more