570 news found

ConferencesEasa-Faa: "2011 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference"
Cologne, Germany - It will take place in Vienna on June 14-16, 2011
The 2011 Europe/US International Aviation Safety Conference organised by EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) in conjunction with the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration), will take in place Vienna,... more

ConferencesAVIONEWS at the SITA's conference (3): "Turning to grow, new strategies for the future of aviation"
Rome, Italy - The efforts of guests
In mid of meeting there was the intervention Schroeder, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility, Environment and Fuel Projects, Qatar Airways, that speaking about the new strategies of the airlines for... more

ConferencesAVIONEWS at the SITA's conference (2): "Turning to grow, new strategies for the future of aviation"
Rome, Italy - The efforts of guests
During the meeting organized by the SITA (Society International aeronautical telecommunications) in collaboration with the University of Bologna were analyzed economic trends in the sector and the new... more

ConferencesAVIONEWS at the SITA's conference: "Turning to grow, new strategies for the future of aviation"
Rome, Italy - It was held at Palazzo Rospigliosi at 2:00 pm
The International Society aeronautical telecommunications SITA in collaboration with the University of Bologna organized for yesterday a conference in which gathered key players in the airline industry... more

ConferencesThird aviation conference "North Hub Riga"
Riga, Latvia - One of the most important event in the North Europe
Air Baltic, Latvia's national airline, has announced the upcoming conference "North Hub Riga", the third edition of the northern Europe conference on air transport, to be held in the capital on May, 19. For... more

ConferencesRegional Airports’ Forum underlines competitive pressures and regulatory risks
Cagliari, Italy - Two days hosted by Cagliari Airport, in Sardinia in cooperation with Routes Europe
The 4th Annual ACI EUROPE Regional Airports conference & exhibition took place these past two days, hosted by Cagliari Airport, Sardinia and in cooperation with Routes Europe (it is an annual conference... more

ConferencesItalian Assaeroporti at "ACI Europe Regional Airports' Forum"
Cagliari, Italy - The 13th edition is now ongoing and will end tomorrow
It's currently ongoing the 13th edition of Regional Airports' forum, an event organized by ACI Europe, association of the airport management companies in Europe held at Cagliari's airport, Italy, until... more

Conferences"Aerospace and defence 2011" forum: the fifth edition in June in Rome
Milan, Italy - Next generation technologies for the vanguard markets
National Instruments is organizing the fifth edition of "Aerospace and Defence" forum, on June, 16, at "Hotel Selene" in Rome, under the patronage of Incose Italia (International Council on Systems Engineering),... more

ConferencesAVIONEWS at "The aerospace sector: national airport network and rights directive"
Rome, Italy - Conference organized by the Centro Studi "Demetera"
It was opened today at 9:00 am in the room of the Cloister of the Faculty of Engineering of the University "La Sapienza" the conference about "The aerospace sector: national airport network and rights... more

Conferences"Air Weapons Integration 2011 Conference"
London, United Kingdom - On May 25th and 26th
On 25 and 26 May 2011 at Le Meridien Piccadilly, London (United Kingdom), will take place "Air Weapons Integration 2011 Conference". The event, organized by "Defense IQ" to enable participants to optimize... more

Conferences"Air Surveillance and Reconnaissance 2011"
London, United Kingdom - From 21 to 23 March
From 21 to 23 March 2011 will be held at America Square Conference Centre in London, United Kingdom, a conference on aerial surveillance and reconnaissance, organized by Defence IQ. This is the eighth... more

Conferences"ATC Global 2011": the FAA and Sensis Corporation received the award for the safety of airport runways
Amsterdam, Holland - Awarded the ASDE-X surveillance system
In the context of the "Atc Global 2011", held in Amsterdam between 8 and 10 March, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Sensis Corporation yesterday received the award of the "Jane's Airport... more

ConferencesFlight Safety: conference on "Technical and legal profiles of the aircraft crash"
Rome, Italy - During all day at Palazzo Marini in Rome
"Technical and legal profiles of the aircraft crash" is the title of the conference ongoing for today, on Wednesday February 16, 2011 at Palazzo Marini in Rome, supported by Chamber of deputies, by ENAC... more

ConferencesAVIONEWS will attend the Eurocopter's press conference
Paris, France - To be held in Paris on Monday, January 24th
Eurocopter Group, the international helicopter manufacturer based in Marignane, France, announced that on Monday, January 24, from 10:30 am, at "Le 8 Valois", in the Rue de Valois, 75001, Paris, will be... more

ConferencesAVIONEWS interviews the mayor Letizia Moratti at the Flight Safety Foundation convention held in Milan
Milan, Italy - She talks about the problems of security of city's airports
The mayor of Milan intervenes on the air transport's security issues. In particular, on the security of Milan's airports. The exclusive interview in English language released to AVIONEWS, so to spread... more

ConferencesAir transport safety in on stage in Milan (2), live with AVIONEWS TV (
Milan, Italy - The second day of the seminar of Flight Safety Foundation started
During the second day of the "International seminar on air transportation safety", some aircraft pilots, members of US universities, consultants and authorities into the civil aviation field gave their... more

ConferencesAirplanes: "International Air Safety Seminar" is live on AVIONEWS TV visiting
Milan, Italy - The Agency follows the event with its videocameras, for first time at worldwide broadcasted
The 63rd annual "International Air Safety Seminar" is being broadcasted on Live stream. The event has begun yesterday at "Marriott" Hotel in Milan, attended also by AVIONEWS with its reporters and mainly,... more

Conferences"FLIP Final Conference": two generations discuss Finmeccanica's future face to face
Rome, Italy - It will take place tomorrow at 2:00pm at Luiss University
Almost 300 young Finmeccanica Group employees from all over the world will get the chance to talk to their Chairman and CEO, Pier Francesco Guarguaglini, as part of an event to be broadcast live on the... more

ConferencesMore than 600 professionals of air safety will meet in Milan from 2 to 5 November
Milan, Italy - It's the 63rd edition of the IASS
From 2 to 5 November, the city of Milan will host about 600 professionals skilled in air traffic safety. They will come from 52 countries, per the annual international convention organized by Flight safety... more

ConferencesItalian Navy: Mediterranean and Black Sea navies at "Regional Seapower Symposium 2010"
Rome, Italy - Next Wednesday, on October 20, in Venice
Next 20th October, in Venice, the chief of General staff of the Italian navy, the admiral Bruno Branciforte, will inaugurate the 8th edition of "Regional Seapower Symposium", at the Institute of maritime... more

ConferencesTomorrow will start in Atlanta the business aviation event "NBAA 2010"
Atlanta, USA - The 63rd edition of the "Annual Meeting & Convention" will be opened until October 21st
"National Business Aviation Association" (NBAA), the American association of aviation business created in 1947 in Washington, once again organizes its annual event "NBAA Meeting & Convention", arrived... more

ConferencesFinmeccanica and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore present the Sustainability Seminar
Rome, Italy - It will take place next Tuesday, on October 12, in Milan
A seminar organised by Finmeccanica and Università Cattolica entitled "The challenge of sustainability" will be held on Tuesday 12 October at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan (2 pm in the P... more

Conferences63rd "International Air Safety Seminar"
Milan , Italy - From 2nd to 5th November in Milan
From 2nd and 5th November 2010, 63rd "International Air Safety Seminar", IASS, will be held at Milan Marriott hotel. The event is presented by "Flight Safety Foundation", FSF, the important international... more

ConferencesIATA recommends to reduce polluting emissions by airplanes within 2050
Geneva, Switzerland - The target of the 37th International Civil Aviation Organization's Assembly
IATA, International Air Transport Association, today invited the world's governments to take part into the 37th International Civil Aviation Organization's Assembly, which opens on 28th September in Montreal.... more

ConferencesPalenzona (Italian Assaeroporti): landing fees, let an authority decide
Rome, Italy - Its chairman: "We are in confident expectation, now waiting a year since"
The crux of the - now - long-awaited airport charges increases (which had to start since January 1st 2010 and still not implemented) returns constantly to the fore. Yesterday, during a conference on air... more

ConferencesAci Europe: latest progress at "Aviation & Environment Summit"
Brussels, Belgium - The event takes place in Geneva today and tomorrow
At this year’s "Aviation and Environment Summit" taking place in Geneva today and tomorrow, assembled stakeholders in the air transport industry received an update on the collective efforts by European a... more

ConferencesAci Europe: saving fuel, cutting emissions, reducing noise
Geneva, Switzerland - A CDA action plan developped jointly with Eurocontrol, Canso, Era and Iata
Aviation organisations across Europe today announced further progress in reducing emissions and noise from aircraft, as part of the industry’s commitment to a sustainable future. The European Continuous D... more

Conferences21st-23rd October: 2nd SpaceLand Expo-Congress in the Island of Sardinia
Cagliari, Italy - Sardinia is becoming "the First Space Island" of the World
The second SpaceLand Expo-Congress will take place from October 21st through the 23rd, in the 20th Week of Science and Technology Culture of the Italian Government. The event will be held, as last year,... more

ConferencesConference "Single European Sky" for the Italian aerospace sector: potentiality, development, innovation
Rome, Italy - It will be held tomorrow morning at the Camera dei Deputati
Tomorrow, July 6th 2010, at 9:15 am at the "Camera dei Deputati" (Italian parliament) in the conference room of Palazzo Marini, the annual conference organized by the "Centro Study Demetra" will be held,... more

ConferencesLack of common direction affects development of airports in North-West Italy
Stresa, Italy - Paleari (Iccsai): "Without alliances, airports likely to become hostages of carriers"
Seven airports, concentrated within a few miles, used to be regarded more as competitors than recognized as potential partners by themselves, but concomitantly move almost 29% of the Italian and 3.1% of... more

ConferencesEcac: aviation training conference on June 24-25 in Istanbul
Paris, France - Turkey's key role in civil aviation training in Europe
The 44 Member States of the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) in March this year agreed that Turkey would have responsibility for coordinating ECAC’s civil aviation training policy. Dr Ali Ariduru, D... more

ConferencesOrsi of AgustaWestland confirms involvement in call for tenders fo "Marine One" helicopter
Rome, Italy - Talks in progress with several American giants; a first answer must arrive by the half of June
AgustaWestland, Finmeccanica's subsidiary, is at work to "Arrange the best team in order to run the call for tenders to provide presidential helicopter Usa Marine One". Giuseppe Orsi, AgustaWestland's... more

ConferencesAlenia Aeronautica-MSC.Software: third edition of the international conference
Naples, Italy - “Virtual Testing & Engineering Simulation in Aerospace & Defence”
Alenia Aeronautica, a Finmeccanica company, and MSC.Software, a world’s main supplier of engineering simulation solutions, present the third edition of the international conference “Virtual Testing & E... more

ConferencesIn UAE second International Cooperation Forum in civil aviation
Cologne, Germany - For the first time outside Europe with the participation of more than 50 countries
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) organises the second edition of its International Cooperation Forum from 27 to 29 April 2010. The Forum, hosted by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), is the first... more

ConferencesGermany hosts IATA AGM and World Air Transport Summit
Berlin, Germany - Berlin to be Global Aviation Capital from 6-8 June
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced today that Lufthansa will host the IATA Annual General Meeting (AGM) and World Air Transport Summit in Berlin from 6-8 June 2010. This will... more

ConferencesAirbus intervenes at Orlando's aerial refueling conference
Orlando, Usa - Today and tomorrow presents A-330 MRT e A-400 M tanker aircraft
At the Aerial refueling system advisory group (ARSAG) conference, representatives of U.S. military services and 14 other nations discuss, from 30th of April to 1st of March at Orlando, Florida. In these... more

ConferencesEurocontrol: annual air safety seminar promotes best practices and "Just Culture"
Brussels, Belgium - The 22nd edition was held in Lisbon from March 15-17
The 22nd annual European Aviation Safety Seminar was held in Lisbon from 15th to 17th March, with an audience of more than 200 participants. The joint annual conference, organised by the Flight Safety... more

ConferencesRegional airports: 3rd annual SMAG conference today and tomorrow in Croatia
Dubrovnik, Croatia - Aci Europe: with the crisis the European airport industry lost close to 100 million passengers
The 3rd Annual ACI EUROPE SMAG (Small and Medium Sized Airports Action Group) Conference takes place under the patronage of the Spanish Presidency of the EU, today and tomorrow in Dubrovnik, Croatia.... more

ConferencesEASA: international workshop on "Runway Safety"
Cologne, Germany - It will take place in Paris on March 11 and 12
The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is organising an international workshop on the multidisciplinary subject of runway friction and aircraft braking in Paris on 11-12 March 2010. The workshop will... more

ConferencesSuperJet International: success for its first "Customer Services Operators"
Venice, Italy - The three days conference focused on main topics
The first “Customer Services Operators Conference”, organised by SuperJet International at the Tessera premises from the 9th to 12th of February 2010 (but unveiled also yesterday), was a further step tow... more

ConferencesAyman El-Dessouki presents the Egyptian Space Program
Rome, Italy - During the conference on space geopolitics
Ayman El-Dessouki, president of the Egyptian NARSS (National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences) Wednesday presented projects and goals of Egypt's Space Program (ESP) during the conference... more

ConferencesSridhar Murthy's speech at "India Partner Country"
Rome, Italy - Preliminary conference to the opening of "Sat Expo Europe 2010"
Sridhar Murthy, managing director of Antrix Corporation, Wednesday spoke during the conference "India Partner Country", preliminary to the opening of the "Sat Expo Europe 2010" that will take place in... more

ConferencesRoscosmos administrator Anatoly Perminov's speech
Rome, Italy - At the conference on Great Nations' space agencies
Anatoly Perminov, Russian Roscosmos administrator, spoke Wednesday during the conference "Development and cooperation programmes of Great Nations and World space agencies", presenting Russia's aerospace... more

ConferencesRome at the middle of world center of space
Rome, Italy - Today in the Italian capital the "Conference about Mediterranean position in the geopolitics of the space" started
Today, on February 3 Rome is in the middle of the world aerospace community. The works of the conference on Mediterranean position into the geopolitics of the space have been opened by Foreign undersecretary,... more

Conferences"SAT Expo": "India Partner Country" presented today in Rome
Rome, Italy - Intervention by Indian Ambassador in Italy
The rooms in Campidoglio (Rome's Municipality headquarters) have hosted this morning the presentation's press-conference of "India Partner Country", in the ambit of the works opening of "Sat Expo 2010",... more

ConferencesVIDEO. Presentation of "Sat Expo Europe 2010"
Rome, Italy - This morning at "La Sapienza", University of Rome
This morning at Rome University "La Sapienza" has been held the presentation conference for the "Sat Expo Europe 2010" fair that will take place in Rome from February 4 to 6. The main topics of this edition... more

ConferencesSelex Sistemi Integrati: 3rd Homeland security workshop
Rome, Italy - It has taken place last Tuesday in Washington
"On 1st December the 3rd Homeland Security Workshop was held in Washington. The event was organized by SELEX Sistemi Integrati together with the George Washington University with the scope of sharing... more

ConferencesItalian air transport conference (2). Rossi: "Low-cost carriers are too strong in Italy"
Rome, Italy - "Compared to what happens in other European nations"
Speaking yesterday in Rome at the conference "The crisis of air transport: reprise or decline?", the national secretary of the FILT-CGIL trade union, Mauro Rossi, underlined the excessive importance of... more

ConferencesItalian air transport conference: Rossi: "The country needs an airport system"
Rome, Italy - The words of the national secretary of the FILT-CGIL trade union
Yesterday took place in Rome the conference "Air transport crisis: reprise or decline?", presented by an introduction from the national secretary of the FILT-CGIL trade union, Mauro Rossi, who suggested... more

Conferences"Routes Europe 2011" lands in Cagliari
Cagliari, Italy - The European event will take place on May 8-10
"'Routes Europe', the most important European route development networking event, will take place for the first time in Italy in 2011 and will be hosted by Cagliari airport. Routes, the leading networking... more