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Elt Group (2) signs a MoU with Shamal in Saudi Arabia

The industry established a strong relation with the Kingdom

As part of the Italy-Saudi Arabia institutional round table, in the presence of the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni and the Saudi Minister of Investment HE Khalid A. Al Falih, ELT Group signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Shamal, a Saudi-owned Limited Liability Company that provides services also in the defense domain. The agreement represents a concrete proof of the strong commitment of ELT Group towards KSA’s Vision 2030 strategic objectives, aiming at implementing solid and long lasting partnership in the aerospace and defence sectors.

Through this MOU, both industries will work together for providing training solutions in the crucial field of Defence Electronics and Cyber. The latter activity will see the involvement of Cy4gate the ELT group investee company specialized in Cyber Intelligence & Cyber Security. One of the ambitious goals of this collaboration is to support and expand the capacities already present in the Kingdom, thanks to the expertise developed by the ELT Group in all domains and thanks to its continuous research and development activities to cope with current and new threats.

ELT Group established a strong relation with the Kingdom, offering its 70 years of experience in managing the electromagnetic spectrum and developing electronic defence systems. Recently the Group established a Saudi-law company, Elettronica for Industry Saudi Arabia LLC, focused on localizing logistic support and, more extensively, the entire value chain.

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