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Ministers’ Meeting on Defence in Naples (October 18-20)

Per la prima volta nella storia del G7 una sessione dedicata al settore

The priorities indicated by the Italian Presidency of the G7 are characterized by deep defence and security implications, which are assuming ever-greater relevance at this especially sensitive time in history.

Considering appropriate to discuss themes of the utmost importance in this fast-changing world, Italy has therefore decided to add to the ministerial meetings’ programme, for the first time in the history of the Group of Seven (G7), a session dedicated to Defence, aimed to promote the role of the G7 as an effective consultation forum as well as identify a shared approach to political and economic themes. The meeting will be held in Naples on 18-19-20 October.

The agenda of the meeting provides for discussing the main global conflicts and areas of instability, in order to define common political objectives and share possible lines of action.

The meeting includes a session dedicated to Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine: an opportunity to reiterate and confirm the unity of the broad international support front for Kyiv, with the firm aim to achieve fair, long-lasting peace. The political weight of the G7 could, in fact, allow identifying initiatives to overcome the logic of bipolar confrontation and engage in a new peace conference also countries that are not members of our Alliances, including from the BRICS and Global South.

The concerning situation in the Middle East will also be discussed within the framework of our common commitment to promote de-escalation, achieve a ceasefire in Gaza and support a political process leading to a Two-States solution. Moreover, the whole regional security scenario will be discussed to identify possible lines of actions aimed to prevent and contain growing destabilization dynamics.

While recognizing that Africa offers great potential for establishing partnerships and shared objectives, we will discuss the complex continental balance which requires our constant focus on drafting a shared development agenda. The meeting will therefore confirm our commitment to support African countries along their path toward strengthening democratic and security governance by proposing concrete actions to counter the root causes of instability factors.

The Ministers will also focus on dynamics in the Indo-Pacific, an area that is assuming an increasingly decisive role for global political and economic equilibria, and toward which a large number of countries are directly projecting their interests, including in the security sector. In this regard, we can promote a cooperative approach, able to prevent contrasting logics and foster constructive interactions based on dialogue.

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AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency