Italy. Strike on 5 July at Bologna Airport
For four hours and airport entrance guard

A four-hour strike has been proclaimed in Italy at the "Guglielmo Marconi" airport in Bologna-Panigale. The mobilization, scheduled for Friday 5 July, from 1pm to 5pm, was called by the CGIL, CISL, UIL and UGL trade unions. The aim of the workers' representatives is to see an economic productivity bonus recognized for all the employees of the airport, which is experiencing a boom in flights.
"Traffic has grown faster than forecast" while "the airport structure has lagged behind the amount of passengers and flights" and "without the workers, both of the manager and the handlers, front-line and under the aircraft, the flights could not depart". The workers' commitment "must be recognized in a further way because it goes beyond the normal company relationship", the unions explain in a note.
The mobilization is the result of a tense negotiation between companies and unions, who are asking for a "site bonus" for 1400 people. Arms crossed for the workers of the airport management company Bologna Airport and other companies such as Gh handling, Aviation Services, Aviapartner, Ffm and Tag. A protest is also planned at the main entrance of the airport from 1.30pm to 2.30pm.
AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency