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Italian AMI. "Frecce Tricolori" planes landed in Canada

The "Nat 24" tour of North America is underway; return after over 30 years -PHOTO

Having left last June 10th from the Rivolto air base (Udine), after a transfer that lasted over four days and which included several technical stops in the Netherlands, Scotland, Iceland, Greenland and Canada, the Italian "Frecce Tricolori" are landed in the last few hours in Bagotville, Quebec (Canada), where on June 22nd they will take part in the celebrations for the hundredth anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force, an opportunity to renew the friendship between the two air forces that share a hundred-year history of common traditions and values.

A team of soldiers and transport aircraft from the Air Force also take part in the entire tour, which in addition to the necessary support provided to the MB-339 airplanes of the "Frecce Tricolori" during the long transfer flight from Italy, will guarantee logistical support and the transport of personnel and materials to the various event locations.

Bagotville is the first stage of the highly anticipated "North America Tour 2024" of the "National Acrobatic Team", which sees the ten "Pony" of the Air Force -as the pilots of the "Frecce Tricolori" are called- perform until the end of August in various cities in Canada and the United States, bringing the Tricolore and Italian excellence overseas through a busy program of overflights and performances during air shows. An overseas return, that of the "National Acrobatic Team", awaited for over thirty years: the last experience dates back to the "Columbus 92" tour, on the occasion of the celebrations for the 500 years of the discovery of America.

“With the arrival of the Frecce Tricolori in Canada, where in the next few days we will celebrate their 100th birthday with friends from the Royal Canadian Air Force, the 2024 North America Tour of the National Aerobatic Team opens. Bringing aircraft and crews so far from home, through a transfer flight that went as far as the Arctic Circle, is the demonstration of teamwork and the ability to project the aerospace instrument which has been part of the DNA of the company since its establishment. Air Force, Armed Force serving the country for over a hundred years and, through the Frecce Tricolori, Italian ambassadors of these values", declared the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Air Squadron General Luca Goretti.

"We are really excited to return after many years to these places where there is a large Italian community, which lives and feels the nostalgia of Italianness every day, and which the Frecce Tricolori will be able to excite with their evolutions and the longest Tricolor in the world on the most iconic places in North America. Through the Frecce Tricolori - concluded General Goretti - we want to bring the values and identity of an Armed Force of men and women who work every day, with cohesion, team spirit, professionalism, dedication and sacrifice, contribute to the security of the heavens".

The tour will be a unique opportunity for thousands of enthusiasts from the aeronautical world overseas to admire the capabilities of the "Frecce Tricolori", an excellence also sealed by the "Guinness World Record" as the military aerobatic team which performs with more aircraft (10 in total).

The tour will then continue with stops in New York, Washington, Chicago and Los Angeles, and other US and Canadian locations where the "Frecce Tricolori" will give the public present many more emotions, returning to hang out the longest Tricolor in the world as evidence of the professionalism and of the passion that has always characterized the Air Force and the "Frecce Tricolori". The North American tour will conclude at the end of August with one final exciting performance in Ocean City, Worcester County, Maryland.

In addition to the acrobatic performances, this tour will also be an important opportunity to promote Italy and its excellence. The Armed Force with the "Arrows", in fact, will be Italian ambassadors in the world for an iconic season, under the banner of "Made in Italy", a showcase where we can show our military, aeronautical and aerospace skills in a training activity that involves everyone the capabilities of the AMI.

Below, a photo gallery:

Photo gallery "Frecce Tricolori" "Frecce Tricolori" "Frecce Tricolori" "Frecce Tricolori" Logo "Nat 24" North America Tour "Frecce Tricolori"
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AVIONEWS - World Aeronautical Press Agency